NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#815: Inflation Su Qianyuan

Also in a flash, is several months time passes. 转瞬间,又是数月时间过去。 In this several months, Immortal World chaotic as always, Sage ignored to Immortal World, making the Immortal World confusion more fearful. 在这数月里面,仙界一如既往的乱,圣人都对仙界置之不理了,使得仙界的混乱更加可怕。 Original several overlord influences make a move, each other fought randomly. 原本的几个霸主势力纷纷出手,彼此乱斗了起来。 Tang immortal toward also combat. 就连大唐仙朝也参战其中。 Daoless Sect is actually good, shrinks in Hidden Heaven Island, avoided all confusions. 无道宗倒是还好,缩在隐天岛,避开了一切混乱。 However under Daoless Sect, the Li Chen big deity toward did not have good luck that was also affected by the Immortal World confusion, combat of having no recourse. 不过无道宗麾下,李城的大神仙朝就没那么好运了,也被仙界的混乱波及,迫不得已的参战。 However the influence awes Daoless Sect all around, are many and big deity toward the battle, therefore the big deity is actually not big toward the loss. 不过周遭势力敬畏无道宗,也不过多与大神仙朝交战,所以大神仙朝倒是损失不大。 ...... …… Hidden Heaven Island had not been affected by the Immortal World chaos caused by war. 隐天岛没有被仙界战乱波及其中。 However inside is not lonely. 但是里面也不冷清。 Over ten thousand disciples have been practicing, occasionally comes out to compare notes, causes in the island lively. 上万弟子一直都在修炼,偶尔出来切磋,使得岛内热闹不已。 But where Skymist Mountain of Hidden Heaven Island center does not have to go well. 隐天岛中心的天雾山也没好到哪里去。 On this day. 这一日。 Su Qianyuan that closes up walked, met with other Junior Sister Junior Brother, regarding his powerful cultivation base, these Junior Sister Junior Brother naturally felt intermittent surprised. 闭关的苏乾元走了出来,与其他师弟师妹们见了个面,对于他强大的修为,那些师弟师妹们自然是感到了一阵阵的惊讶。 Really is Su Qianyuan of this little while, an imposing manner makes people feel that shocked. 实在是这会儿的苏乾元,一身气势太让人感到震撼了。 The Su Qianyuan figure becomes extremely tall and strong, just like an iron tower, body portrays a dull purple trace, wild aura is surrounding him. 苏乾元的身形变得极为魁梧,犹如一座铁塔,身上刻画着一条暗紫色纹路,一股蛮荒气息环绕着他。 Even if he has no movement, stands there, made one feel the palpitation. 哪怕他没有什么动作,站在那里,都令人感到心悸。 Three Senior Brother, what realm were you?” “三师兄,你这是什么境界了?” Lying trough, does the body cultivate/repair can also be so strong? I also think that the body cultivates is weakest, is the clown unexpectedly I?” “卧槽,体修也能这么强?我还以为体修是最弱的,小丑竟是我自己?” Three Senior Brother this aura, feared that is a fist can hit 100 two Senior Brother?” “三师兄这股气息,怕是一拳能打一百个二师兄吧?” You are not right, we chatted to turn over to chat, this matter how and two did Senior Brother have the relations?” “你不对劲,咱们聊天归聊天,这事怎么又和二师兄扯上关系了?” Daoless Sect passes on the disciples to discuss. 无道宗的亲传弟子们都在谈论着。 And Tantai Luoxue and perilla are also involved, but their anything words had not said that peaceful standing in that. 其中就连澹台洛雪与紫苏也参与其中,只不过他们两人什么话也没说,就安安静静的站在那。 Perilla that pair of purple eye pupil is gazing at Su Qianyuan silently, in the heart is analyzing, if she and Su Qianyuan fights, can have the big odds of success. 紫苏那双紫色的眼眸在默默注视着苏乾元,心中分析着,要是她和苏乾元战斗,能有多大胜算。 Finally she felt, she does not have the odds of success. 最后她觉得,她毫无胜算可言。 Her dreamland as if faces Su Qianyuan, does not have the function. 她的梦境似乎面对苏乾元,根本毫无作用。 Its Su Qianyuan does not have the soul, the attacks in immunity all energetic aspects, even if entraining will enter the dreamland world forcefully, feared that will also be can run out of the dreamland world by oneself that strong brute force. 本身苏乾元就没有灵魂,免疫所有精神方面的攻击,哪怕是强行将之拽入梦境世界,怕是也能靠自身那强大的蛮力冲出梦境世界。 Lost the dreamland, this big boost, she at all possibly is not the Su Qianyuan opponent. 失去了梦境,这一大助力,她根本不可能是苏乾元的对手。 But nearby Tantai Luoxue is also estimating. 而一旁的澹台洛雪也在估算着。 She is also the same, thought that is completely not the Su Qianyuan opponent. 她也是一样的,觉得完全不是苏乾元的对手。 Junior Sister Junior Brother were exaggerating.” 师弟师妹们夸张了。” Su Qianyuan enjoys certainly very much, but his surface anything has not displayed. 苏乾元当然很是受用,只不过他表面什么也没表现出来。 Three Senior Brother, your present aura, was not probably weaker than Sage.” “三师兄,你现在的气息,好像不比圣人弱了。” magnificence highly skilled doctor walked, said. 华神医走了出来,说道。 Good, Immortal World Sage that goods, a fist I can hit to explode one.” “不错,仙界圣人那种货色,一拳我就能打爆一个。” Su Qianyuan is delighted, he to his strength, that called a self-confidence. 苏乾元眉飞色舞,他对自身的实力,那叫一个自信。 In his opinion, so-called Immortal World Sage, in his hand, is the goods that a move cannot support. 在他看来,所谓的仙界圣人,在他手上,就是一招都撑不过去的货色。 He who achievement Quasi Sage, realizes the ancestor witch true body, the strength may the non- past be able to compare. 成就准圣,练成祖巫真身的他,实力可非昔日能比的。 That three Senior Brother, do you possibly contend with Big Apprentice Brother?” “那三师兄,你可能和大师兄一较高下?” magnificence highly skilled doctor said this saying. 华神医又开口说了这话。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Also self-satisfied self-satisfied Su Qianyuan faded all of a sudden. 原本还沾沾得意的苏乾元一下子就蔫了。 Hits with Big Apprentice Brother? 大师兄打? Cracks a joke. 开玩笑吧。 Is Big Apprentice Brother that thing the person can hit? 大师兄那玩意是人能打的? Before he had not broken through Quasi Sage, by Daluo Golden Immortal realm, hard anti- Big Apprentice Brother seven swords. 之前他还没突破准圣时,以大罗金仙境界,硬抗大师兄七剑。 Now he breaks through Quasi Sage, properly speaking, if the same boundary, he not necessarily cannot fight with Big Apprentice Brother. 如今他突破准圣,按理来说,若是同境,他未必不能和大师兄争锋。 But now Big Apprentice Brother is Sage! 可是现在大师兄圣人啊! That is worthy of the reputation Sage, is not Immortal World that trash Sage can compare. 那可是名副其实的圣人,不是仙界那种垃圾圣人能比的。 To previous Big Apprentice Brother imposing manner that in the sea and Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) nihility fight, perhaps a Big Apprentice Brother sword can make him kneel on the ground begs for mercy. 就冲着上次大师兄在虚无之海和青天圣人一战的气势来说,大师兄恐怕一剑就能让他跪在地上求饶了。 A look perhaps was not enough. 哦不,一个眼神恐怕就足够了。 Under Sage all ants! 圣人之下皆蝼蚁! He cannot be victorious Big Apprentice Brother, that is a matter. 他打不过大师兄,那是一回事。 Is this sixth child a matter? Failed to study with two Senior Brother. 这个老六是怎么一回事?和二师兄学坏了是吧。 How to put in order these thing only. 怎么净整这些玩意。 I naturally cannot contend with Big Apprentice Brother, but......” “我自然不能和大师兄一较高下的,不过……” Su Qianyuan is saying, words. 苏乾元说着,话语一顿。 At once, he then said. 旋即,他接着道。 But, contend with fellow Junior Sister Junior Brother, we very long have not compared notes in any case, was inferior that fellow Junior Sister Junior Brother, how do we compare notes one?” “不过,和各位师弟师妹一较高下还是可以的,反正我们很久没有切磋过了,不如各位师弟师妹,我们来切磋一番如何?” Only listens to Su Qianyuan so to say. 只听苏乾元这般说道。 Un? Compares notes? Three Senior Brother, how do you want to compare notes? Golden Immortal to Golden Immortal, Taiyi Golden Immortal to Taiyi Golden Immortal?” “嗯?切磋?三师兄,你想要怎么切磋?金仙金仙,太乙金仙对太乙金仙么?” Tantai Luoxue frowns slightly, asks. 澹台洛雪微微蹙眉,问道。 „, All of you do not compare notes me.” “不是不是,你们所有人来切磋我一个人。” Su Qianyuan is inserting the waist, that called an inflation. 苏乾元插着腰,那叫一个膨胀。 He, Su Laosan, must select entire Daoless Sect only! 他,苏老三,要单挑整个无道宗 Yes, Su Laosan felt, so long as Master and Big Apprentice Brother sit down, he can say one, everyone present is the trash. 是的,苏老三觉得,只要师尊大师兄坐下,他就能说一句,在座的各位都是垃圾。 His Su Laosan stood finally! 他苏老三终于站起来了! Un???” “嗯???” Then all Daoless Sect passed on the disciples to look to Su Qianyuan. 这下所有无道宗亲传弟子都看向苏乾元了。 This three Senior Brother, rather also underestimated them. 这个三师兄,未免也太小看他们了。 Must select them to be complete only. 要单挑他们全部。 Did this also pull rank? 这也太托大了吧? Originally they also want to urge Su Qianyuan to give up this idea. 本来他们还想劝一下苏乾元放弃这个想法。 But the Su Qianyuan intention has decided that is to select only all passes on the background, restores strength and glory. 苏乾元心意已决,就是想要单挑所有亲传底子,重振雄风。 Daoless Sect passed on the disciples also to fight intent to surge, complied, they will show that to this three Senior Brother looked, they collaborated, was not this three Senior Brother can be a worthy opponent! 无道宗亲传弟子们也是战意涌动,答应了下来,他们会证明给这位三师兄看的,他们联手,绝非这个三师兄所能匹敌的! The group agree, then left Hidden Heaven Island. 一行人约定好,便离开了隐天岛 ...... …… Arrives at the overseas of nihility. 来到虚无之海外。 A Su Qianyuan person stands on one side. 苏乾元一人站在一边。 Another side is Daoless Sect more than ten disciples. 另一边是无道宗的十几名弟子。 both sides will soon erupt a war. 双方即将爆发一场大战。 Has saying that a Su Qianyuan imposing manner seriously is the terrifying, by person of air/Qi, suppressed collaborations of more than ten disciples completely. 不得不说,苏乾元一身气势当真是恐怖,以一人之气,完完全全压制了十几名弟子的联手。 Pitifully two Senior Brother are not, otherwise I assign to catch him to hit, but two Senior Brother are not, that catches the sixth child to hit.” “可惜二师兄不在,不然我指定得逮着他打,不过二师兄不在,那就逮着老六打吧。” Su Qianyuan double bracelet chest, in a low voice twittering. 苏乾元双臂环胸,低声呢喃。 As his voice falls. 随着他的话音落下。 His vision also locked Doctor magnificence rapidly body. 他的目光也迅速锁定到了华神医身上 These same side have divine ability respectively, wants to solve completely one time, is not a little realistic. 这些同门们各有神通,想要全部一次性解决,有点不现实。 Therefore he plans to stare at a person to hit, first hit to fall face down that person, then solved others. 所以他打算盯着一个人打,先把那人打趴下了,再去解决其他人。 The first candidate, is this Doctor magnificence. 第一个人选,就是这个华神医。 magnificence highly skilled doctor inherited the poisonous mouth of Zhang Hao, once for a while jumped to say two. 华神医继承了张寒的毒嘴,时不时跳出来说两句。 Su Qianyuan indicated, wants to hit Zhang Hao to be very long. 苏乾元表示,很想打张寒很久了。 Since cannot project on Zhang Hao, that first catches a sixth child to come oppressive. 既然打不到张寒,那就先抓个老六来虐一下。 Read hence. 一念至此。 Su Qianyuan acted, by own acted to announce that start of this war, his body changed several million zhang (3.33 m) instantaneously, was indomitable spirit, such a looked, as if he then supported heavenly pillar of entire world to be common, palatial. 苏乾元行动起了起来,以自身动作来宣告这场大战的开始,他的身躯瞬间变化成了数百万丈,顶天立地,这么一看,仿佛他便是支撑着整个天地的天柱一般,巍峨不已。 „The sixth child, comes!!!” “老六,过来!!!”
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