NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#814: The recovery of Immortal World Heavenly Dao

Some really people will not think that Master is the mortal ttp: 不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧ttp: Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In a Immortal World center different space. 仙界最中心的一片异空间之内。 Here everywhere is the black mist. 这里到处都是黑色雾气。 The black mist is representing, is the wickedness in world peak. 黑色的雾气代表着的,是世间极致的恶。 Here seems the places of suppression world all evil thoughts. 这里仿佛是镇压世间所有恶念的地方。 But place that this different space, previously Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) closed up impressively. 而这片异空间,赫然就是先前青天圣人闭关的地方。 This little while, Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) returned here. 这会儿,青天圣人重新回到了这里。 He pants. 他气喘吁吁。 Is covering the right shoulder. 捂着右肩。 On his shoulder, residual sword air/Qi also sends out to fill the air. 在他肩膀上,残留的剑气还在其中散发弥漫着。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) also wants to scatter this sword air/Qi. 青天圣人也想要将这股剑气驱散。 But the source of this sword air/Qi from Great Dao a swordsmanship. 但这股剑气的源头来自大道之一的剑道。 No small matter. 非同小可。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) could not scatter this sword air/Qi. 青天圣人根本驱散不了这股剑气。 He can only press with spiritual power, then returns to here, attempts with the place of this Immortal World suppression evil thought that scatters this sword air/Qi. 他只能用法力压着,然后回到这里,试图用这仙界镇压恶念的地方,去驱散这股剑气。 The evil thought that but this residual sword air/Qi actually incomparable tenacity, these try to exterminate not only has not succeeded, instead the sword air/Qi also instead exterminated these evil thoughts directly. 可这股残留的剑气却无比的坚韧,那些试图剿灭的恶念非但没有成功,反而剑气还直接将这些恶念给反剿灭了。 This residual sword air/Qi, may be called the terrifying. 这股残留的剑气,堪称恐怖。 The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) complexion was black, he does not know how should say. 青天圣人脸色都黑了,他不知道该怎么说。 This sword air/Qi also was too rather exaggerating. 这股剑气未免也太夸张了。 Hateful, this too Sage......” “可恶,这个太一圣人……” „Was this strength, really new promote Sage can have?” “这个实力,真的是新晋圣人能有的?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) clenches jaws. 青天圣人咬牙切齿。 Can new promote Sage sword air/Qi, be so terrifying? Cannot destroy completely completely. 新晋圣人的一道剑气,能这么恐怖?完全灭不掉。 This sword air/Qi was hit, attaches the deep-rooted ulcer of bone to be the same probably, definitely is unable to scatter. 这剑气被打中,就好像附骨之疽一样,完全无法驱散。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) heart one ruthless, transfers the black mist in entire space, all on that say/way residual sword air/Qi toward his right shoulder upwells. 青天圣人心头一狠,调动整个空间内的黑色雾气,全都往他右肩上的那道残留剑气上涌去。 Buzz!!! 嗡!!! That say/way residual sword air/Qi as if felt the threat, exuded buzz the whining noise, did not submit to the black mist. 那道残留剑气仿佛感受到了威胁,发出嗡鸣声,不屈服于黑色雾气。 The black mist may, no matter so many, under the reassignment of Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), charge into that say/way residual sword air/Qi. 黑色雾气可不管那么多,在青天圣人的调动之下,冲向那道残留的剑气。 ...... 滋滋…… The sword air/Qi and black fog counter-balance mutually. 剑气与黑雾互相抵消。 But during that sword air/Qi seems to be dark can obtain the strength to supplement, unexpectedly under the impact of black fog, indomitable. 但那剑气仿佛冥冥之中能得到力量补充,竟然在黑雾的冲击之下,不屈不挠。 The black fog not only has not twisted the sword air/Qi broken, on the contrary is still reducing fast. 黑雾非但没有把剑气绞碎,相反还在快速减少着。 Finally Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is also helpless. 最后青天圣人也是无奈了。 Only can give up with the idea of black mist counter-balance sword air/Qi. 只能放弃用黑色雾气抵消剑气的想法。 This sword air/Qi...... 这剑气…… Too strange. 太邪乎了。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) takes this seedling source not to have the means from the sword air/Qi of swordsmanship completely. 青天圣人完全拿这种源自剑道的剑气没办法。 The sword air/Qi from the swordsmanship, that was the attack of Great Dao rank, how Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) possibly counter-balances. 剑气来自剑道,那是大道级别的攻击,青天圣人又怎么可能抵消得了。 In Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is at a loss. 就在青天圣人束手无策时。 Golden brilliance emerge from the sky of this extremely wicked space, as if one ** the day arrived. 一道道金色光辉从这片极恶空间的上空涌现,仿佛一**日降临。 With falls brilliance, a boundless heavenly prestige arrives. 伴随着光辉落下,一股磅礴至极的天威降临。 This boundless heavenly prestige is more powerful than the Chu Yuan god brilliant number and Heavenly Dao large size. 这股磅礴天威比之楚缘的神光大号与天道大号都要强大。 Under heavenly prestige, as if world must submit. 天威之下,似乎世间之一切都要为之臣服。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) feels this heavenly prestige, kneels to bend down instantaneously in the place, looks respectfully. 青天圣人感受到这股天威,瞬间跪伏在地,面露恭敬。 He has known that was who comes. 他已经知道是谁来了。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao! 仙界天道! This recovery! 这一位复苏了! Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) lowers the head, anything does not dare to do. 青天圣人低着头,什么也不敢做。 With intermittent golden brilliant ray , the golden light form swiftly condenses together. 伴随着阵阵金色光辉照耀而下,一道金光身影迅速凝聚而成。 That golden light form looked at Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) lightly. 那道金光身影淡淡的看了一眼青天圣人 On the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) shoulder that residual sword air/Qi dissipates instantaneously. 青天圣人肩膀上那残留的剑气瞬间消散。 This sword air/Qi before him, just like the toy. 这道剑气在他面前,犹如玩具般。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) did not have the sword air/Qi to suffer, feels a relaxedness, he relaxes greatly. 青天圣人没了剑气折磨,感到一阵轻松,他大松了口气。 Regarding this has not felt surprised. 对此也并未感到惊讶。 On the contrary takes it for granted. 相反觉得理所当然。 The terrifying place of this Immortal World Heavenly Dao, he very clear. 这位仙界天道的恐怖之处,他非常的清楚。 Although he spokesman, but his strength compared with it Immortal World Heavenly Dao, is insignificant. 他虽说是代言人,但他的战力比之仙界天道,根本不足道哉。 Even can say, his strength, in the face of the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, including 1/100010000 does not have. 甚至可以说,他的战力,在仙界天道面前,连亿万分之一都没有。 Immortal World day true understanding wants to destroy completely him, only needs a thought. 仙界天道真想要灭掉他,只需要一个念头。 „Was Immortal World chaotic?” 仙界乱了?” Golden light form opens the mouth slowly. 金光身影缓缓的开口。 His language fast is extremely slow. 他语速极慢。 But can actually spread over the entire dark extremely wicked space instantaneously. 但却能在瞬间传遍整个黑暗极恶空间。 Yes, Venerable, the Immortal World inexorable fate arrived, and had/left two shift numbers, I am unable it eradication, this to want first to stand firm, when found the solution, then solution, but I do not process well, was injured on the contrary.” “是的,尊上,仙界劫数到了,并且出了两位变数,我无法将之铲除,本想要先稳住,待找到解决方法,再将之解决,但我处理不好,反倒被打伤了。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) reveals the awkward color, very ashamed saying. 青天圣人露出尴尬之色,很是羞愧的说道。 Variable? Inexorable fate? Land of Heaven should arrive, this generation of lives will destroy, changes one generation.” “变数?劫数?天土该降临了,这一代生灵将之重新毁灭了吧,换下一代。” The golden light form said such a superficially. 金光身影轻描淡写的说了这么一句。 A few words, broke the vitality of Immortal World all living things. 一句话,断了仙界众生的生机。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) has no accident/surprise. 青天圣人没有任何意外。 He knows, each this appearance, must update on behalf of Immortal World. 他知道,每一次这位出现,就代表仙界要换代了。 All present age Immortal World lives must perish, receive in exchange for one batch newly. 所有当代仙界生灵都要灭亡,换取一批新的。 Regarding this, all Immortal World lives are only some dispensable things, 对于这位而言,所有仙界生灵只是一些可有可无的东西, May create conveniently, may destroy conveniently. 随手可创造,随手可毁灭。 As if in this eye, Immortal World all living things wanted ‚is not clever, should trade one batch. 似乎在这位的眼中,仙界众生只要‘不乖’了,就该换一批。 Brutal. 无情至极。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) does not dare to say anything. 青天圣人也不敢说什么。 He may have long been used to this way. 他可早已经习惯这种方式。 His Heavenly Dao spokesman will not be traded in any case. 反正他这位天道代言人可不会被换了。 Yes, Venerable, my begins to arrange.” “是,尊上,我这就着手安排。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) said hastily. 青天圣人连忙说道。 That golden light form does not have first to answer, but walked one step, the vision looks toward under. 那金光身影没有第一时间回话,而是走了一步,目光朝着下方看去。 He as if can penetrate this darkness extremely wicked spaces, saw that entire Immortal World is ordinary. 他似乎能透过这片黑暗极恶空间,看到整个仙界一般。 He looked for a long time, opened the mouth. 他看了许久,才重新开口。 This time, makes the inexorable fate destroy entire Immortal World, the body of causes and effects? Let the inexorable fate shoulder the entire Immortal World causes and effects . Cleaning up all living things, other does not need to manage.” “这一次,就让劫数去摧毁整个仙界吧,因果之身?让劫数背负整个仙界因果,.清理众生,其他的不用管。” In the golden light form tone has the faint trace happy expression, as if regarding this time cleans up Immortal World all living things, had an interest of faint trace. 金光身影语气之中带着丝丝笑意,似乎对于这次清理仙界众生,感到了一丝丝的兴趣。 Yes, Venerable, is only Venerable, about that two variables, what to do should, I, my not his opponent.” “是,尊上,只是尊上,关于那两个变数的,该怎么办,我,我并不是其对手。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) kneels on the ground, the lowering the head opens the mouth. 青天圣人跪在地上,低头开口。 Unobstructive, I have regained consciousness, when Immortal World all living things cleaned up, cleans up that two variables again conveniently then.” “无碍,我已苏醒,等仙界众生清理了,再顺手清理掉那两个变数即可。” Golden light form Immortal World Heavenly Dao incomparably calm saying. 金光身影‘仙界天道’无比淡定的说道。 Thing that as if any all, in his eyes, may destroy conveniently. 似乎任何一切,在他眼中,都是随手可摧毁的东西。 Yes, Venerable, I begin to arrange, guiding that inexorable fate now to destroy all living things.” “是,尊上,那我现在就去着手安排,引导那劫数毁灭众生。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) wants to leave immediately. 青天圣人当即就想要离开。 He really does not want to treat here. 他实在是不想待在这里。 To him. 对他而言。 When here, has the tremendous pressure always. 待在这里,无时不刻都有着巨大的压力。 „It is not anxious, you first guide that inexorable fate to grow stronger a point, went to that Taoist trinity processing, wild does the extremely hand also dare to put in Immortal World?” “不急,你先去引导那劫数变强一点,去把那三清处理了吧,极荒的手也敢伸进仙界?” The golden light form looked at outside one, light opens the mouth. 金光身影看了一眼外边,平淡的开口。 Un? May I ask Venerable, what meaning is this......? What issue does the Taoist trinity have?” “嗯?敢问尊上,这是……什么意思?三清有什么问题么?” Some Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) faint trace puzzled asking. 青天圣人有些丝丝不解的问道。 „The Immortal World Taoist trinity is the law of extremely wild that side three person, really thinks that cut off all causes and effects, couldn't I detect? When my deep sleep may also, I regain consciousness, but also wants in the Immortal World layout? Laughable.” 仙界三清是极荒那边三个人的法相,真以为斩断了一切因果,我就察觉不到了?我沉睡时还可,我苏醒了,还想在仙界布局?可笑。” Does not dare to enter Immortal World on you, otherwise one is one, I make you change into the Immortal World nourishment.” “也就你们不敢进仙界,不然有一个算一个,我都让你们化为仙界养料。” Golden light form is replying Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), resembles was thinking aloud, in the tone filled disdained...... 金光身影似在回答青天圣人,又似在自言自语,语气之中充满了不屑…… Liking some really people will not think that Master is the mortal asks everyone to collect: Some really people will not think that Master is the mortal the refresh rate is quickest. 喜欢不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧请大家收藏:不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧更新速度最快。
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