NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#804: Hits crisply?

Beside Immortal World, when is the Hundun(Chaos) nihility, however beyond the Hundun(Chaos) nihility, is actually the inexhaustible darkness. 仙界之外,当属混沌虚无,但是在混沌虚无之外,却是无穷无尽的黑暗。 At this moment, in inexhaustible darkness, in some corner. 此时此刻,在无穷无尽的黑暗之中,某个角落里。 Three forms gather together. 三道身影聚在一起。 Past and Chu Yuan has fought young sage. 正是昔日与楚缘一战过的青年圣人 Two are middle-aged sage, with old man. 还有两位则是中年圣人,与老者。 Three people gather together, their vision closely are staring at a direction. 三人聚在一起,他们的目光紧紧盯着一个方向。 In that direction, the golden meteor flashed together. 在那个方向,一道金色的流星闪了过去。 That golden meteor speed is extremely fast. 那道金色的流星速度极快。 However, if can see clearly, can discover. 不过,如果能够看得清的话,就能够发现。 This golden meteor whole body is sending out the golden ray form together. 这道金色流星是一道浑身散发着金色光芒的身影。 Is one came from Immortal World, before some time, that side had/left three Daluo Golden Immortal continuously, then also has the life to challenge the demon of god sword, currently also has this to exist from Immortal World, previously Junior Brother met the variable, this......” “又是一个从仙界而来的,之前一段时间,那边连续出了三位大罗金仙,然后又有生灵去挑战剑之魔神,现在又有这等存在从仙界而出,先前师弟又遇到了变数,这……” That middle-aged sage wrinkled the brow, said. 中年圣人皱紧了眉头,说道。 This exists obviously is looks for the demon of god sword, this exists is not weaker than the demon of god sword, interesting, did that try a card person to swing the person? Later the demon of god sword also follows to swing the person, war that finally can evolve the Hundun(Chaos) demon god?” “这存在明显是去找剑之魔神的,这存在不比剑之魔神弱,有意思,那试图证道的人摇人了?待会剑之魔神也跟着摇人,最后会不会演变成混沌魔神的大战?” That young sage interested saying. 青年圣人饶有兴趣的说道。 Order does not allow to be broken, these two exist, if the war, the order will break, I and others cannot look on.” “秩序不容被打破,这两尊存在,若是大战,秩序将破,我等不可坐视。” The old men spoke such a few words lightly. 老者淡淡的说了这么一句话。 In his eye seems like does not have any sentiment, some are only faint. 他的眼中似乎没有任何感情,有的只是淡漠。 That Senior Brother, did we pass them give the suppression?” “那师兄,我们过去把他们都给镇压了?” Senior Brother, the Hundun(Chaos) demon god always refuses to accept to teach, in recent years has had the meaning of provocative order, not, if while this opportunity, the town/subdues kills the demon of god sword, punishes one as a warning to others.” 师兄,混沌魔神向来不服管教,近些年一直都有挑衅秩序的意思,不若趁此机会,镇杀剑之魔神,杀鸡儆猴。” middle-aged sage and young sage good a Old Gu ritual, immediately opened the mouth in abundance, expressed the own idea. 中年圣人青年圣人都行了一个古老道礼,随即纷纷开口,表达了自己的想法。 They expressed the opinion idea. 他们只是表达意见想法。 Finally decides actually to need the old man to make the decision. 最终决定却需要老者来做决定。 Walks, the town/subdues kills the demon of god sword.” “走吧,镇杀剑之魔神。” The old men do not hesitate excessively, spoke such a few words silently. 老者没有过多犹豫,默默说了这么一句话。 Three people each other looked at each other one, changes to the flowing light to go in that side toward the demon of god sword. 三人彼此对视了一眼,都化作流光往着剑之魔神所在那边而去。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Another side. 另一边。 The demon of god sword is chasing down Ye Luo. 剑之魔神正在追杀叶落 He with the Supreme swordsmanship, cutting of sword another sword to Ye Luo. 他以无上剑道,一剑又一剑的斩向叶落 Each sword cuts to kill Ye Luo sufficiently. 每一剑都足以将叶落斩杀。 But the demon of god sword does not seem to probably kill the meaning of Ye Luo, each sword cut leaning, seems frightening the latter. 但偏偏剑之魔神似乎没有要杀死叶落的意思,每一剑都斩偏了,似乎在吓唬后者。 Ye Luo also saw certainly this point, clenches jaws, but also has no alternative, can only avoid unceasingly. 叶落当然也看出了这一点,咬牙切齿,但也无可奈何,只能不断躲避。 The demon of god sword does not pay attention, continues a sword to meet a sword to cut, he looks to the eye of Ye Luo, has an anger. 剑之魔神也不理睬,继续一剑接一剑斩去,他看向叶落的眼中,有着一股怒火。 But his actions, are more like in venting some resentment in heart. 而他的所作所为,更像是在发泄心中的某股怨气。 This situation, continued for a long time for a long time. 这种情况,足足持续了许久许久。 The anger resentment of demon of god sword also dissipated slowly, he looks indifferently just like Ye Luo that the mouse is upon the jump, does not want to play again. 剑之魔神的怒气怨气也缓缓消散了,他冷眼看着犹如老鼠般跑来跑去的叶落,已经不想再玩了。 He prepared to understand this person. 他准备了解了这个人。 In he prepares to act, by the ear the ice-cold sound resounds through together. 就在他准备出手时,耳旁一道冰冷至极的声音响彻。 Hit enough?” “打够了没?” Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… Golden strong winds swept across to come, to break. on fight, regardless of demon of gods Ye Luo or the sword stopped, vision simultaneous/uniform Qiwang the distant place was looking at 一股金色狂风席卷而来,打破了场上的战斗,无论叶落还是剑之魔神都停了下来,目光齐齐往着远方看了过去。 In the distant place, the golden time flies flushed together, stopped in their not far away, reveals the figure. 在远方,一道金色流光迅速冲了过来,在他们不远处停了下来,显露身形。 That is the whole body covers the golden light together the form, the foot steps on a golden lotus throne, the back round of golden light wheel rotation, the dazzling brilliance scattered darkness in all directions. 那是一道浑身笼罩金光的身影,脚踩一座金色莲台,背后一轮金色光轮转动,耀眼的光辉驱散了四面八方的黑暗。 „The strength of Heavenly Dao? Are you Immortal World Heavenly Dao? It is not right, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao not possible to leave Immortal World.” “天道之力?你是仙界的天道?不对,仙界天道不可能能够离开仙界。” The demon of god sword stops the movement, looks always, asked making noise. 剑之魔神停下动作,看向来者,问了出声。 The future is opening Chu Yuan of Heavenly Dao large size. 来者正是开着天道大号的楚缘 But Chu Yuan this little while, simply does not have the thoughts and demon of god sword chitchats, he first sized up a Ye Luo state of mind up and down, after determining the latter to be all right, felt relieved. 只不过楚缘这会儿,根本没有心思和剑之魔神攀谈,他先是上下打量了一番叶落的神魂,确定后者没事后,才放心了。 „Did you just hit very crisply?” “你刚刚打得很爽吗?” Chu Yuan looks to the demon of god sword, the tone ice-cold. 楚缘看向剑之魔神,语气冰冷至极。 body the prestige of Heavenly Dao even more rich, in his back Heavenly Dao light wheel rapid rotation, release enormous and powerful heavenly prestige. 身上的天道之威越发的浓郁,在他背后的天道光轮快速旋转着,释放出了浩荡天威。 Who are you?” “你到底是谁?” The demon of god sword is very puzzled, looks at Chu Yuan, loud is scolding. 剑之魔神很是不解,看着楚缘,大声的呵斥着。 You hit crisply, but made me very uncomfortable, that present changes you to experience this feeling.” “你打得爽了,可是让我很不爽,那现在换你来体验一下这种感觉吧。” Chu Yuan does not have the demon of god reply sword. 楚缘没有回答剑之魔神。 He puts out a hand to wield, the golden ray packages the Ye Luo state of mind together, transferring to safety zone. 他伸手一挥,一道金色光芒包裹叶落的神魂,将之挪移到了安全地带。 Completes this, he backhanded to hit toward the demon of god sword. 做完这个,他反手就朝着剑之魔神打了过去。 The strength of terrifying Heavenly Dao condenses one greatly to be in charge, suppresses to go toward the opposite party ruthlessly. 恐怖的天道之力凝聚成一道巨大掌印,朝着对方狠狠镇压而去。 He acts on the full power. 他一出手就全力。 The strength of Heavenly Dao was performed to display by him. 天道之力被他尽皆施展而出。 Looks from afar, his was in charge just like for one round big day, crossed the darkness, along the way any all completely all destroyed. 远远看去,他的一道掌印犹如一轮大日般,横渡黑暗,将沿途所过的任何一切都尽皆摧毁。 This strikes, far ultra Sage! 这一击,远超圣人 The demon of god look big change sword, he also erupted whole body cultivation base immediately, wanted to prevent Chu Yuan this to strike. 剑之魔神神色大变,他当即也爆发出了浑身修为,想要阻挡楚缘这一击。 But Chu Yuan is offensive makes the attack. 楚缘是先手打出攻击的。 Even if the demon of god sword wants to prevent, still some without enough time, can only go all-out to resist this to strike. 剑之魔神就算想要阻止,也有些来不及,只能尽全力抵挡起了这一击。 Rumble!! 轰隆隆!! In charge pounding ruthlessly in demon of god body sword, drew back several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) the demon of god bang sword instantaneously, the golden mist dispersion, scatters the darkness. 掌印狠狠的砸在剑之魔神身上,瞬间将剑之魔神轰退了数万里,金色的雾气散布,驱散黑暗。 Under Chu Yuan shoots down, has not stopped, but continued to attack, a palm then palm hit. 楚缘一击落下,没有停止,而是继续攻击了起来,一掌接着一掌打了过去。 He knows that he is very difficult to strike to kill the opposite party. 他知道他很难击杀对方。 But he is to hit. 但他就是要打。 Must die the appearance that knocks. 一副要死磕的模样。 No matter what who looked must instigate. 任谁看了都要怂。 This Chu Yuan also is really not the death that installs knocks the attitude. 这次楚缘还真不是装出来的死磕态度。 He really prepares demon of god this sword dead to knock. 他是真的准备这个剑之魔神死磕。 His these disciples are his bottom line. 他的那些弟子就是他的底线。 Who bumps his bottom line, he dares with who dies to knock. 谁碰他的底线,他就敢和谁死磕。 Appearance that a Chu Yuan palm then palm, do not stop. 楚缘一掌接着一掌,没有要停下来的样子。 Demon of god opposite sword was hit stupidly. 对面的剑之魔神就被打傻了。 He was being struck against by continuous being in charge unceasingly, could not find the opportunity to counter-attack, can only be hit, a lot of aggrieved. 他被接连不断的掌印不断拍击着,根本找不到机会反攻,只能被打着,一肚子憋屈。 Fight of both sides continued to be very long. 双方的战斗持续了很久。 But has been maintaining this posture, the Chu Yuan attack, the demon of god sword defends, comes under attack passively. 但一直都保持着这个姿势,楚缘进攻,剑之魔神防守,被动挨打。 Only came from the distant place until three streams, diverted the Chu Yuan attention slightly, was seized the opportunity by the demon of god sword, the move back with the Chu Yuan distance, in order to avoid continues to come under attack. 直到三道流光从远处而来,稍微分散了楚缘的注意力,才被剑之魔神抓住机会,拉远了与楚缘的距离,以免持续挨打。 You court death!” “你找死!” Obtains reaction time the demon of god of sword to relax, at once looks the sinister aspect, is staring at Chu Yuan. 得到反应时间的剑之魔神松了口气,旋即面露凶相,盯着楚缘 His split vision is still looking is transferred to Ye Luo of distant place. 他余光还在看着被挪移到远方的叶落 Also knew somewhat. 多多少少也知道了。 This person, perhaps is this young junior back person. 这个人,恐怕就是这个年轻小辈背后的人。 The opposite party rather went too far! 只是,对方未免太过分了吧! This is the war of card say/way! 这是证道之战! How can also hit was small, came old! 怎么还能打了小的,来了老的! Did not speak Wu De! 不讲武德! Did not speak Wu De seriously! 当真是不讲武德! Demon of god that sword called air/Qi. 剑之魔神那叫一个气啊。 Chu Yuan simply has not actually gone to look at the demon of god sword, but looked to that three streams light/only. 楚缘却根本没有去看剑之魔神,而是看向了那三道流光。 That three streams are only three people, he knows. 那三道流光是三个人,他知道。 But is whose he does not know. 只不过是谁他就不知道了。 Chu Yuan carefully looks. 楚缘仔细看去。 Saw clearly that three people. 看清了那三个人。 When he sees that young sage form, the whole person was silly. 当他看到那青年圣人的身影时,整个人都傻了。 Has one misfortune after another? 雪上加霜?
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