NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#805: Puts to death the demon of god sword

In endless darkness. 无尽的黑暗之中。 The complexion under Chu Yuan Heavenly Dao golden light is slightly stiff. 楚缘天道金光之下的脸色略显僵硬。 He sees three forms of that arrival. 他看着那到来的三道身影。 That young sage, he recognized. 那位青年圣人,他认出来了。 Before is, in time river, with that he begins. 是之前在时间长河上,和他动手的那一位。 This fellow, is he has to celebrate a holiday. 这家伙算起来,是和他有过节的。 Is this little while comes, wants to do? 这会儿过来,是想要干什么? Begins to him? 对他动手? Chu Yuan innermost feelings one tight, he wants to adjust immediately the god brilliant number. 楚缘内心一紧,他都想立马把神光大号调过来了。 But changes mind thinks. 可是转念一想。 Now what he opens is the Heavenly Dao large size. 他现在开的是天道大号。 The god brilliant number and this person celebrate a holiday, close his Heavenly Dao large size anything matter. 神光大号和这个人有过节,关他天道大号什么事。 Thinks of here, Chu Yuan felt relieved slightly. 想到这里,楚缘就稍微放心了下来。 However he is also alerting that three people. 但是他也在戒备着那三个人。 Chu Yuan is estimating, if he begins with three people, can have the big odds of success. 楚缘在估算着,要是他和着三个人动手,能有多大胜算。 Estimate. 估算来估算去。 He felt, even he still adjusts the god brilliant number, most is also and these three people ties. 他觉得,就算他把神光大号也调过来,最多也就是和这三个人战平而已。 Perhaps if demon of god that sword on, he will also fall together leeward, but this is unable to kill his town/subdues. 如果那个剑之魔神也一起上,他恐怕会落入下风,但是这也无法将他镇杀。 Read hence, Chu Yuan relaxes finally. 一念至此,楚缘终于松了口气。 Another side. 另一边。 The demon of god sword saw three forms that in the darkness presents, immediately making noise of violent anger. 剑之魔神看到黑暗之中出现的三道身影,当即暴怒的出声。 Taoist trinity! Don't this matter you do? The life conducts the struggle of Great Dao with me, this person intrudes arbitrarily, but also has launched the attack to me, this is contrary to the order! You are the Saints of order! Can sit by and do nothing?!” “三清!此事你们不管?生灵与我进行大道之争,此人擅自闯入,还对我一直发起攻击,此有违秩序!你们是秩序之圣!难道要坐视不理吗?!” Demon of god angry incomparable saying sword. 剑之魔神愤怒无比的说道。 Crosses three people that comes dark from the distant place, simply has not responded the demon of god sword. 从远处横渡黑暗而来的三人,根本没有搭理剑之魔神。 But will look at Chu Yuan body. 而是将目光转向了楚缘身上 I and others are the Saint of order, comes this to maintain the order especially, the fellow daoist, I and others heard, the demon of god sword uses the strength outside strength of Great Dao arbitrarily, copes to probably prove a life, this is contrary to the order, the fellow daoist just presented that whether to see?” “我等乃秩序之圣,特来此维护秩序,道友,我等听说,剑之魔神擅自用大道之力以外的力量,去对付欲要证道的生灵,此有违秩序,道友刚刚在场,可否见到?” The old man looks at Chu Yuan, good a ten points Old Gu say/way ritual, opens the mouth slowly said. 那老者看着楚缘,行了一个十分古老的道礼,缓缓的开口说道。 This saying said Chu Yuan ignorant. 这话把楚缘说懵了。 Does not know that is what meaning. 不知道是什么意思。 What he presents, sees anything, these are what anything. 什么他在场的,见到什么的,这些都是什么个什么。 Chu Yuan is not clear, did not understand. 楚缘不明白,不理解。 He wanted to ask anything. 他本来想要开口问些什么。 But that middle-aged sage actually opened the mouth at this time, broke Chu Yuan to want the symptom that started talking. 但那中年圣人却在这个时候开口了,打断了楚缘想要开口说话的苗头。 „The fellow daoist had definitely seen, otherwise not indignant and acts to the demon of god sword, the fellow daoist, we understands, the demon of god sword, you violate the order, deserves what crime?!” “想必道友肯定是已经看到了,否则不会愤而对剑之魔神出手,道友,我们都懂,剑之魔神,你违背秩序,该当何罪?!” middle-aged sage with a laugh and Chu Yuan said that then turns hostile, very serious looks to the demon of god sword. 中年圣人笑呵呵的和楚缘道了一句,而后一个变脸,十分严肃的看向剑之魔神。 The whole body law light pardon, has appearance that greatly must try the demon of god sword. 周身法光大赦,大有要审判剑之魔神的样子。 Demon of god sword: „?” 剑之魔神:“?” Don't you keep eyes open? 你们不长眼? Opens eyes to talk nonsense?? 睁眼说瞎话?? Reaching an agreement the Saint of fair and just order?? 说好的公平公正的秩序之圣呢?? He remembers vaguely, past before Dao Ancestor just before leaving, but also very kind said with their these Hundun(Chaos) demon gods, these three thing are very good to speak, will protect the good order. 他依稀记得,昔日道祖临走之前,还很和蔼的和他们这些混沌魔神说,这三个玩意很好说话,会守护好秩序的。 This is nothing? 这算什么? Actually that young sage, has not opened the mouth, the vision has been staring at Chu Yuan. 倒是那青年圣人,没有开口,目光一直盯着楚缘 Why...... 为什么…… Why he felt where he has seen Chu Yuan? 为什么他感觉,他在哪里见过楚缘呢? Is felt that Chu Yuan looks familiar very much. 就是感觉楚缘很眼熟。 However he cannot think, where has seen Chu Yuan. 但是他就是想不起来,在哪里见过楚缘了。 young sage has also calculated him and Chu Yuan causes and effects quietly, but how to calculate, he cannot calculate, oneself and Chu Yuan has what causes and effects. 青年圣人还悄悄的推算过他和楚缘的因果,可是怎么算,他也算不出来,自己和楚缘到底有什么因果。 Chu Yuan of distant place has induced, looked down slightly to young sage. 远处的楚缘有所感应般,微微低头看向了青年圣人 Two people look in the eyes. 两人四目相对。 Gawked. 都愣了一下。 Chu Yuan: „?” 楚缘:“?” You take a look at me to do. 你瞅我干嘛。 young sage: „?” 青年圣人:“?” You do not take a look at me, how to know that I do take a look at you? 你不瞅我,怎么知道我瞅你? They fall into the look exchange. 他们两人陷入眼神交流。 ...... …… They do not know how long looked at each other. 他们不知道对视了多久。 Finally was scolded by demon of god one sword, gets back one's composure noisily. 最后还是被剑之魔神一声呵斥,给吵回神的。 With a wish to incriminate, has no lack of a pretext! Many Hundun(Chaos) demon gods, the Saints of these three orders can the crown add the charge to me today forcefully, coming to day also to be classified as the charge to you!” “欲加之罪,何患无辞!诸多混沌魔神,今日这三位秩序之圣能给我强行冠加罪名,来日也给你们冠以罪名!” Still is waiting for anything, acts together, puts to death the Saints of these three orders, in the future here will then be our Hundun(Chaos) demon god!!” “还在等着什么,一同出手,诛杀这三位秩序之圣,日后这里便属于我们混沌魔神!!” The demon of god sword is roaring. 剑之魔神怒吼着。 His sound passes on toward the dark deep place. 他的声音朝着黑暗的深处传去。 Causes in the darkness, in an instant shone, the luminous spot that sparkles one after another appears. 引得黑暗之中,刹那间亮了起来,一颗接着一颗闪耀的光点浮现。 Acts together, puts to death the demon of god sword.” “一起出手,诛杀剑之魔神。” Old man faint said one. 那老者淡漠的道了一句。 Then, immediately begins. 说完,当即动手。 He puts out a hand to wield, the primal chaos chart departs together, changes to a golden bridge, kills to go toward the demon of god town/subdues sword. 他伸手一挥,一道太极图飞出,化作一条金桥,朝着剑之魔神镇杀而去。 middle-aged sage without delay, ejected a flag that coerces the terrifying aura, kills to go toward the demon of god town/subdues sword. 中年圣人二话不说,抛出了一杆裹挟恐怖气息的旗帜,也朝着剑之魔神镇杀而去。 young sage also refuses to admit being inferior, ejects four flying swords, speeds away to go, must put to death the demon of god sword. 青年圣人也不甘示弱,抛出四柄飞剑,疾驰而去,要诛杀剑之魔神。 Their three people perform all make a move, lashes out on the by absolute treasure, is very aggressive. 他们三人尽皆出手,一出手就以绝对的宝物去攻击,十分凶悍。 Although nearby Chu Yuan did not make clear to have anything as before, but he can also guess mostly, these three people must put to death the demon of god sword. 一旁的楚缘虽然依旧搞不清楚发生了什么,但是他多半也能猜得出来,这三个人是要来诛杀剑之魔神的。 Such being the case, he pours might as well acts, hits a person when he is down, picks up the falling from the sky speed of demon of god this sword. 既然如此,那他倒不妨出手,落井下石,加快这个剑之魔神的陨落速度。 Chu Yuan just wants to act, but he looks that these three people throw that gorgeous treasure, the look was also stiff. 楚缘刚想出手,可是他看着这三人丢出那么绚丽的宝物,神色又僵硬了起来。 His body may what treasure not have. 身上可什么宝物都没。 Good disgraced feeling. 好丢人的感觉。 Chu Yuan writes down silently, if later has the opportunity, he must look for a treasure to be good. 楚缘默默记了下来,以后如果有机会,他一定要去找件宝物才行。 Is thinking turns over to think. 想着归想着。 The movement on Chu Yuan is not slow. 楚缘手上的动作可不慢。 He takes out the back golden light wheel, was truncating toward the head of opposite party, that called overbearing. 他将背后的金色光轮取出,往着对方的脑袋就削了过去,那叫一个霸道。 The demon of god sword facing four people of attacks, looks desperately, raises in the hand the light sword, wants to prevent. 剑之魔神面对四人的攻击,面露绝望,举起手中光剑,想要阻挡。 But these four people all are big shot one generation, by him, is unable to prevent only. 可这四人全都是大能一辈,单靠他一人,根本无法阻挡。 Under four people strike jointly, makes the demon of god sword vanished in a puff of smoke thoroughly. 四人联手一击之下,就让剑之魔神彻底灰飞烟灭。 A Hundun(Chaos) demon god, in four people jointly , the strength of simply not having revolted against. 一尊混沌魔神,在四人联手下,根本没有反抗的力量。 The demon of god sword falls from the sky, that bright stars in darkness glittered, then belongs to the darkness. 剑之魔神陨落,黑暗之中的那一颗颗明亮的星辰闪烁了一下,而后又归于黑暗。 But in same place, the silver-white light group floats together in the darkness. 而在原地,一道银白色的光团漂浮在黑暗中。 That light/only group wanted to flee, but felt anything suddenly probably, in direction that Ye Luo is, rushes over rapidly. 原本那光团想要逃离,但突然像是感受到了什么,往着叶落所在的方向,迅速冲了过去。 This life actually good luck, blurry to complete the card saying that but also grasped the swordsmanship.” “此生灵倒是好运气,迷迷糊糊就完成了证道,还掌握了剑道。” That young sage expressed admiration, looks that direction that Ye Luo was. 青年圣人啧啧称奇,看着叶落所在的那个方向。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Chu Yuan understood instantaneously, Ye Luo was completes the card to say. 楚缘瞬间明白了,叶落是完成证道了。 He looks to Ye Luo in that direction, puts out a hand to wield, Ye Luo driving back the Immortal World direction. 他看向叶落所在那个方向,伸手一挥,把叶落给推回了仙界方向。 Ye Luo leaves, he looks for the time to travel well, otherwise he has not grasped in having the Ye Luo situation, can move out. 叶落离开,他才好找时机跑路,不然他可没把握在带着叶落的情况下,能够全身而退。 That three people have not responded the Chu Yuan movement, the vision all fall on Chu Yuan body. 那三人也没搭理楚缘的动作,目光全都落在了楚缘身上 To them, the Ye Luo card said even, but also requires very long time to achieve their ranks. 对他们来说,叶落就算证道,还需要很长的时间才有可能达到他们这个级别。 Only then Chu Yuan this existence, is worth them facing up. 只有楚缘这个存在,才值得他们正视。 Therefore they have not gone to manage Ye Luo, but is the attention places Chu Yuan body...... 所以他们没有去管叶落,而是注意力放在楚缘身上……
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