NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#803: Chu Yuan induction 【Third】

In endless darkness. 无尽的黑暗之中。 The demon of god sword is extremely speechless to Ye Luo. 剑之魔神对叶落极度无语。 However he has not said anything. 但是他也没多说什么。 Is shaking hand the light sword, is feeling in all directions, two entirely different sword intent, shake the head slightly. 握着手中的光剑,感受着四面八方,两股截然不同的剑意,微微摇头。 Your talent, although is strong, but you do not understand anything by far are the swordsmanship demon god, anything is the lord of swordsmanship.” “你之天赋虽强,但你远远不懂什么是剑道魔神,什么是剑道之主。” Demon of god sword in a low voice twittering. 剑之魔神低声呢喃了一句。 The next quarter, his body swordsmanship aura grown stronger again, it has a swordsmanship river projection to melt behind indistinctly obviously. 下一刻,他身上的剑道气息再度变强了起来,其身后隐隐约约有一条剑道长河投影显化而出。 Far exceeds all swift and fierce eruptions, as if this can cut to extinguish world swiftly and fiercely all, destroys the myriad things completely. 一股远超所有的凌厉爆发而出,似乎这股凌厉能够斩灭世间的一切,将万物摧毁殆尽。 He wants completely to solve Ye Luo. 他想要彻底解决叶落 Does not want to delay again. 不想再拖延了。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 The Ye Luo look big change, he also no longer hid, starts to display full power. 叶落神色大变,他也不再隐藏,开始全力施展了出来。 This is his becomes the tribulation of Saint. 这是他的成圣之劫。 If cannot win demon of god this sword, he must be finished. 若是打不赢这个剑之魔神,那他就要完蛋了。 Ye Luo starts whole-heartedly. 叶落开始全力以赴。 His whole body sword potential starts to erupt. 他的浑身剑势开始爆发而起。 Opens the Sky Sword potential! 开天剑势! Full Ye Luo let alone, unexpectedly really and demon of god sword met as an equal. 全力的叶落别说,竟然真的和剑之魔神分庭抗礼了起来。 Did not say gets the winning side, but will at least not be pressed by the demon of god sword is unable to move. 不说占据上风,但至少不会被剑之魔神压得无法动弹。 Ye Luo opened the complete stance. 叶落开了全副姿态。 Reviews demon of god opposite sword, after seeing Ye Luo uses to open the Sky Sword potential, the look stagnates, as if this sword potential roused his recollection. 反观对面的剑之魔神,在看到叶落用出‘开天剑势’后,神色一滞,似乎这股剑势勾动了他的回忆。 The existing imposing manners also somewhat were once similar to this sword potential. 曾经有一位存在的气势也与这股剑势有些相似。 That exists to grasp the great axe, an axe chops him has fallen from the sky. 那位存在手持巨斧,一斧将他劈得陨落过。 His present cultivation base, was afterward the reincarnation cultivation. 他如今的修为,还是后来转世修炼而成的。 This imposing manner, is really loathful. 这股气势,真是令人讨厌。 After the moment, the demon of god sword gets back one's composure, in the eyes revealed the anger, the body imposing manner leak, the aura of swordsmanship rose dramatically crazily, suppressed Ye Luo completely. 片刻后,剑之魔神回神,双眼之中露出了怒火,身上气势外泄,剑道的气息疯狂飙升,完完全全压制了叶落 This made Ye Luo thorough be ignorant. 这让叶落彻底懵了。 Did this person do. 这人是干什么了。 Suddenly explodes plants? 忽然爆种? But hasn't he done, how this person exploded for no reason plants. 可是他又没干什么,这人无端端咋就爆种了。 Master saves me!” 师尊救我!” Ye Luo is very clear, this person with this stance, he is impossible to block. 叶落很清楚,这人以这种姿态,他不可能挡得住。 Even possibly including one move unable to block. 甚至可能连一招都挡不住。 He called oneself Master decisively. 他果断的呼叫起了自家师尊 He believes that his family/home Master is definitely gazing at him. 他相信他家师尊肯定在注视着他的。 But after he called, had any sound not to have, somewhat was ignorant, immediately he then turned around toward behind to withdraw, tries to flee. 可是当他呼叫完之后,发生任何动静都没有,就有些懵了,当即他便转身往着后面撤去,试图逃离。 Demon of god look sword one cold, seems looking at what foe, immediately wields a sword to pursue. 剑之魔神眼神一凛,仿佛在看着什么仇敌,当即挥剑追去。 ...... …… Another side, eastern divine land, in mountain woods. 另一边,东神州,一座山岳的树林之中。 Chu Yuan this little while was suppressing that flock of wolves conveniently with that bei, is chitchatting with Li Ergang. 楚缘这会儿正随手镇压了那群狼与那头狈,在和李二刚攀谈着。 From the talk, he also knew the experience of Li Ergang. 从谈话之中,他也得知了李二刚的经历。 The Li Ergang aptitude not, after Ascension, is not naturally able to do obeisance into these palace doors, can only drift outside, after seeking for a village, feels the sense of belonging, lived in that village. 李二刚资质并不算好,在飞升之后,自然无法拜入那些仙门,只能自己在外漂泊,在寻找到了一座村落后,感受到归属感,就在那村落之中居住了起来。 Before soon, that village was under the threat of this bei, therefore Li Ergang wants to act, extinguished this bei, discovery this bei has many helpers, therefore refused to compromise. 在不久之前,那座村落受到了这狈的威胁,故而李二刚想要出手,灭了这狈,却发现这狈有许多帮手,所以才僵持了下来。 Chu Yuan acts promptly, perhaps Li Ergang has been defeated now. 要不是楚缘及时出手,或许李二刚现在都已经落败了。 Why don't you return to Daoless Sect? This place remembers, the Daoless Sect present fame also calculates.” “你为何不回无道宗?本座记得,无道宗如今的名气还算可以的。” Chu Yuan knits the brows, asked these words. 楚缘皱眉,问出了这一句话。 But Sect Master, I, my aptitude entered Daoless Sect, will only implicate our sect.” “可是宗主,我,我的资质进了无道宗,只会拖累了我们宗门。” Li Ergang low voice saying. 李二刚小声的说道。 200 jin (0.5 kg) fatty, the speech is timid, let alone, but also really has such a alternative happy feeling. 二百斤的胖子,说话唯唯诺诺,别说,还真有那么一种另类喜感。 Fart, what implicates? This may wait for you to come back to give this place to prepare food, what implicates?” “放屁,什么拖累的?本座可等着你回来给本座做饭呢,什么拖累不拖累的?” Chu Yuan one hear of this saying, kick on the buttocks of Li Ergang immediately, is ridiculing the opens the mouth. 楚缘一听这话,当即就一脚踢到李二刚的屁股上,笑骂着开口。 „? Sect Master, do you want the food that I make? That Sect Master my tidies up, goes back with you!” “啊?宗主,您要吃我做的饭?那宗主我这就收拾收拾,跟您回去!” Li Ergang said repeatedly. 李二刚连声说道。 Does not worry, this place wants......” “不着急,本座要……” Chu Yuan wants to say oneself must go to various Immortal World places to saunter, but suddenly, his heart palpitated fiercely. 楚缘本想说自己还要前往仙界各处转悠一番,可忽然之间,他内心猛地悸动了一下。 Not good premonitions emerge. 有一种不好的预感涌现。 Un? 嗯? Chu Yuan gawked. 楚缘愣了一下。 Arrived his realm, this strength, how may have this feeling for no reason. 到了他这个境界,这个实力,怎么可能会无端端出现这种感觉呢。 Certainly has the issue. 一定有问题。 Chu Yuan passes that side the god light/only trumpet instantaneously. 楚缘瞬间通过神光小号那边。 Transferred to a new job the character present situation to look from that side. 从那边调开了人物现状看了起来。 What issue, so long as has nothing to do with his disciple, is not big on the issue. 无论是什么问题,只要和他弟子无关,那就问题不大。 Beyond your big disciple Ye Luo patrolling day, enters unknown place 【您的大弟子叶落神游天外,进入未知之地】 Your big disciple Ye Luo encounters Hundun(Chaos) demon god to attack 【您的大弟子叶落遭遇混沌魔神袭击】 Your big disciple Ye Luo opens the tribulation of Saint 【您的大弟子叶落开启成圣之劫】 ...... …… Chu Yuan saw that these three information gawked. 楚缘看到这三条信息就愣了下来。 Simply has not continued to turn downward. 根本没有继续往下翻了。 These three information were enough...... 这三条信息就足够了…… Does Luo'er encounter the Hundun(Chaos) demon god to attack? 落儿遭遇混沌魔神袭击? This does become the tribulation of Saint? 还有这个成圣之劫? Chu Yuan wants not to need to think. 楚缘想都不用想。 He knows all of a sudden, definitely was Ye Luo encounters the danger. 他一下子就知道,肯定是叶落遇到危险了。 The Chu Yuan intention moves, erupted the strength of Heavenly Dao large size instantaneously, a very fearful strength shows from his within the body. 楚缘心念一动,瞬间爆发了天道大号的力量,一股十分可怕的力量从他体内展现而出。 He covered that side Hidden Heaven Island at the Heavenly Dao strength rapidly, found Ye Luo. 他以天道力量迅速覆盖到了隐天岛那边,找到了叶落 He discovered Ye Luo, although sits cross-legged in the bedroom palace, but state of mind already not. 他发现叶落虽然盘坐在寝殿之中,但是神魂早就不在。 This Ye Luo, wants to become Saint, does not know that greeted with me.” “这个叶落,要成圣,也不知道和我打个招呼。” Chu Yuan that called air/Qi. 楚缘那叫一个气。 But he does not dare to delay anything, after finding the Ye Luo body state of mind residual aura, immediately leaves. 但他也不敢耽搁什么,在找到叶落身上的神魂残留气息后,当即动身。 He read Li Ergang and that child delivering to the Daoless Sect that side. 他一念将李二刚和那小孩给送到了无道宗那边去。 Then he erupts the full power, following Ye Luo body that state of mind residual aura, was flying toward Immortal World beside. 而后他爆发全力,顺着叶落身上的那股神魂残留气息,往着仙界之外飞了出去。 ...... …… Taiqinggong. 太清宫。 The dove occupied Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) of magpie nest to stare suddenly, he looked up to the direction of eastern divine land. 鸠占鹊巢的青天圣人忽然愣了一下,他抬头看向东神州的方向。 „The strength of this Heavenly Dao? Is how a matter?” “这股天道之力?是怎么一回事?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) can feel, the strength of this Heavenly Dao, is not the strength of Heavenly Dao of Immortal World. 青天圣人感觉得出来,这股天道之力,并非仙界之天道的力量。 But this strength is not weak. 但这股力量可不弱。 At least not compared with Hidden Heaven Island that weakness. 至少不比隐天岛那一位弱。 But where does this Heavenly Dao strength come? 可是这股天道力量是哪里来的? This is Immortal World. 这可是仙界 Will Immortal World possibly have the strength of two Heavenly Dao? 仙界怎么可能会有两股天道之力? The strength of two Heavenly Dao, that representative two Heavenly Dao in one within. 两股天道之力,那代表有两尊天道在一界之内。 This is the unlikely matter. 这是不可能发生的事情。 But this aura, what's the matter. 可是这股气息,到底是怎么回事。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) catches the eye to look, with the aid of the Heavenly Dao, his eyes pierces the unlimited extent, looks straight ahead that side that the strength of another Heavenly Dao comes out. 青天圣人抬眼望去,借助天道,他的双眼洞穿无限空间,直视另一股天道之力出来的那边。 May look at for quite a while, anything has not seen. 可看了半天,什么都没看到。 Suddenly, he is the look changes . 突然之间,他又是神色一变。. He discovered that some people gave the bang broken the Immortal World barrier. 他发现有人把仙界的壁垒给轰破了。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) transferred, arrived at the barrier place, this thought what foreign invasion, but looked at for quite a while, anything did not have. 青天圣人一个挪移,来到了壁垒处,本以为有什么外敌入侵,可是看了半天,还是什么都没有。 This made him confused. 这让他迷茫了起来。 What thing is this? 这是什么玩意? The strength of a while another Heavenly Dao, some while people smash the barrier, actually anything could not find. 一会儿另一股天道之力,一会儿有人打破壁垒,却什么都找不到。 This anything and anything. 这都什么和什么。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) does not understand. 青天圣人不懂了。 The strength of another Heavenly Dao not to mention. 另一股天道之力暂且不说。 What thing this barrier was broken is, has the powerhouse to come the Immortal World barrier to break specially, fires off runs? 这个壁垒被打破是个什么玩意,有强者专门过来把仙界壁垒打破,打完就跑? What powerhouse so will be bored...... 什么强者会这么无聊……
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