NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#802: Surpasses the words

Immortal World, eastern divine land. 仙界,东神州。 Nearby a village. 一座村落附近。 Opens Chu Yuan of Heavenly Dao large size to stroll. 开着天道大号的楚缘正在闲逛。 Before he soon, opens the Heavenly Dao large size. 他不久之前才把天道大号开进来的。 Different from the god brilliant number. 不同于神光大号。 The Heavenly Dao large size is the subordinate of Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 天道大号到底属于仙界天道的下级。 Yes, strict sense. 是的,严格意义上来说。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is the immediate superior of Heavenly Dao large size. 仙界天道是天道大号的顶头上司。 Chu Yuan was worried that advances Immortal World the Heavenly Dao large size, will have any unexpected situation to happen. 楚缘担心把天道大号开进仙界,会有什么意外情况发生。 However, after he opens the Heavenly Dao large size, felt relieved. 不过,当他把天道大号开进来后,就放下心来了。 And does not have any unexpected situation happened. 并没有什么意外的情况发生。 After the Heavenly Dao large size enters Immortal World, has not brought to any attention of Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 天道大号进入仙界之后,没有引起仙界天道的任何注意。 Opens Chu Yuan of Heavenly Dao large size to have a feeling actually. 倒是开着天道大号的楚缘有一种感觉。 He can at any time and Immortal World Heavenly Dao communicates. 他可以随时和仙界天道进行沟通。 This seems like the relation between Heavenly Dao. 这是似乎是天道之间的联系。 But Immortal World Heavenly Dao as if in deep sleep, therefore not with his Heavenly Dao large size communication. 只不过仙界天道仿佛在沉睡,所以并没有与他这个天道大号沟通。 That nature, Chu Yuan will not idle bored, relates such a immediate superior. 那自然,楚缘也不会闲得无聊,去联系这么一个顶头上司。 His little while, is walking near a village, listened to some mountain village mortals to say on the road. 他这会儿,在一座村落附近走着,在路上听着一些山村凡人所说。 Here nearby has a very mysterious demon god, this made Chu Yuan be interested. 这里的附近有一尊很神秘魔神,这让楚缘感兴趣了。 He goes out to play, likes having a look at these at sixes and sevens things. 他外出游玩,就喜欢看看这些乱七八糟的东西。 More mystical, is stranger, he more likes. 越神秘,越奇怪,他越喜欢。 More wants to go to find out. 越想去一探究竟。 Demon god? This is what thing, in the Immortal World strength ranking, probably without this thing.” “魔神?这是个什么玩意,仙界战力排行榜里面,好像没这个玩意吧。” Chu Yuan was interested. 楚缘感兴趣了。 He is interested, is impolite, with the strength of spread most place region Heavenly Dao, conducts the information to plunder. 他一感兴趣,就丝毫不客气,用天道之力蔓延大半个座地域,进行信息搜刮。 But more plunders, his complexion becomes more marvelous. 只不过越搜刮,他的脸色就变得越奇妙。 What demon god is this? 这是个什么魔神? Never makes an appearance. 从不露面。 However actually the village mortal of request nearby three mountains five ridges, each quarter, must deliver several thousand boys and girls, will otherwise arrive at disaster hardship, making nearby village not probably be peaceful. 但是却要求附近三山五岭的村落凡人,每一个季度,都要上交数千名童男童女,否则就会降临灾厄,让附近的村落都不得安生。 What demon god is this?” “这算是什么魔神?” Chu Yuan knits the brows slightly. 楚缘微微皱眉。 How Immortal World also has this goods. 怎么仙界也有这种货色。 Moreover, why he felt, Immortal World also did become extremely chaotic? 而且,为什么他感觉,仙界也变得极度混乱了起来? Is this all over the sky Tribulation Qi causes? 难道是这满天的劫气导致的? Chu Yuan looks up. 楚缘抬头看去。 Above the vault of heaven, seems like the blue sky, auspicious. 天穹之上,看似蓝天白云,一片祥和。 In fact, on the vault of heaven of deep place, the dusky things is covering the entire vault of heaven. 实际上,在更深处的天穹上,有一层灰蒙蒙的东西笼罩着整个天穹。 This thing Chu Yuan is very clear is anything. 这种东西楚缘很清楚是什么。 Tribulation Qi! 劫气 Once before Great Profound World new and old Heavenly Dao alternately, when old Heavenly Dao manufacture tribulation, in the world also once has Tribulation Qi to appear. 曾经太玄界新旧天道交替之前,旧天道制造量劫时,天地间也曾经有着劫气出现。 Just, here Tribulation Qi as if compared with Great Profound World that Tribulation Qi high-level. 只不过,这里的劫气似乎比太玄界那块的劫气更加的高级。 Others cannot see Tribulation Qi. 其他人根本看不到劫气 In the past in Great Profound World Tribulation Qi, but everyone can see. 当年在太玄界劫气,可是人人都能看得见的。 Present Immortal World Tribulation Qi, is actually the condition that others cannot see. 如今的仙界劫气,却是别人看不到的状态。 Always felt that the Immortal World pleasure will be very big. 总感觉仙界的乐子会很大。 Chu Yuan was cheerful. 楚缘乐呵了。 He has not wanted the multibarreled idea. 他也没有要多管的想法。 The Immortal World matter, may have no relations with him, he is protecting these disciples on the line. 仙界的事情,可和他没有什么关系,他护着自己那些弟子就行了。 However, the demon god of this what thing, working is so ruthless, do not blame him to act at will destroying completely. 不过,这个什么玩意的魔神,做事这么狠,就别怪他随意出手将之灭掉了。 In the Chu Yuan heart has the idea that must make a move. 楚缘心中已经有了要出手的想法了。 Other Immortal World things, he cannot manage. 仙界其他事情,他管不着。 But this matter was placed in front of him, he did not intend not to be justified. 可是这件事摆在他面前了,他不出手说不过去。 He once was also the person clan. 他曾经也是人族。 in Renzu feels emotion. 于人族有情。 Chu Yuan read hence, the strength of Heavenly Dao surged, toward in all directions a large area of coverage in the past, looked for this so-called demon god. 楚缘一念至此,天道之力涌动,朝着四面八方大面积的覆盖过去,找起了这位所谓的‘魔神’。 He must have a look actually, this demon god is what thing. 他倒是要看看,这个魔神到底是什么玩意。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… The strength of Heavenly Dao surges, is quick he found this so-called demon god. 天道之力涌动,很快他就找到了这位所谓的‘魔神’。 When just he discovered when this demon god, this demon god is having the fight with others. 只不过当他发现这位魔神时,这位魔神正在和别人发生战斗呢。 But this demon god was makes Chu Yuan somewhat unexpected. 可这个魔神却是让楚缘有些意想不到了。 What demon god is this? 这算什么魔神? Chu Yuan was silent. 楚缘沉默了。 This so-called demon god, is probably one with the wolf similar lifeform, the aura is also that level that the Immortal World immortal reveres. 这个所谓的魔神,就是大概一头和狼差不多的生物,气息也就是仙界仙尊的那种水平。 Also dares to say the demon god on this thing. 就这玩意也敢自称魔神。 „Is this thing, the wolf? Wolf king?” “不过这玩意,是狼么?狼王?” Chu Yuan is observing somewhere that in forest with the strength of Heavenly Dao demon god. 楚缘用天道之力观察着某处森林之中的那‘魔神’。 This thing can direct one crowd of Heavenly Immortal or the Earth Immortal wolf, probably a wolf is evidently common. 这玩意能够指挥一群天仙还是地仙的狼,看样子像是头狼一般。 But the foreleg of this thing is extremely short, seeming like the appearance is very strange, is a bit like the wolf, a little like, does not sit in body of wolf, as if oneself cannot run general. 只不过这玩意的前肢极短,看起来模样很是奇怪,有点像狼,又有点不像,坐在一匹狼的身上,似乎自己不能够奔跑一般。 Chu Yuan looks, in the mind flashes through a word suddenly. 楚缘看着看着,脑海之中忽然闪过一个词。 Be in cahoots! 狼狈为奸! The hearsay, 1000 wolves with 1000 fox copulations, may be born bei, the bei inborn four limbs are uncoordinated, the battle efficiency is not high, but is extremely sly, has the strength of dominant pack of wolves. 传闻,一千头狼与一千头狐狸交配,就有可能诞生一头狈,狈天生四肢不协调,战斗力不高,但是极度狡猾,拥有统治狼群的力量。 He can see this thing unexpectedly. 没想到,他居然可以见得到这玩意。 Chu Yuan expressed admiration. 楚缘啧啧称奇。 No wonder this crowd of thing are so weak, dares to say demon god anything. 难怪这群玩意这么弱,就敢自称魔神什么的。 Also does not have any cultivator comes to exterminate. 也没有什么修士前来剿灭。 Feared that is move that because this bei causes. 怕就是因为这头狈使的招吧。 Interesting. 有意思。 The Chu Yuan itself/Ben wants to depart to have a look short-range. 楚缘本想要近距离去看看。 But the next quarter, he noticed this flock of wolves when the object of encircling, made him be shocked slightly. 可下一刻,他注意到了这群狼在围剿的对象时,就让他稍微愣住了。 This person...... 这人…… Isn't Li Ergang? 不就是李二刚 The group wolf is attacking brutally to Li Ergang at this moment. 群狼此时此刻正在对李二刚大打出手。 But Li Ergang with a kitchen knife, displayed the good blade merit, defended flock of wolves at once unexpectedly. 李二刚则是用一把菜刀,施展出了不俗的刀功,一时之间竟然防御住了群狼。 In Li Ergang behind, a young boy, Li Ergang seems because is protecting this young boy, with group wolf battle. 李二刚的身后,还有一个小男孩,李二刚似乎就是因为护着这个小男孩,才在和群狼争斗的。 This goods how here.” “这货怎么在这里。” Chu Yuan selects the eyebrow. 楚缘挑眉。 Before the Daoless Sect person was Ascension. 之前无道宗的人可是都飞升了的。 In turn Ascension. 是分批飞升的。 After Ascension, Li Ergang did not have the sound. 飞升之后,李二刚就没有声息了。 He almost forgot this chef. 他都差点忘记了这个厨师。 This little while found unexpectedly. 这会儿居然找到了。 Chu Yuan no longer hesitates, the form moves, is transferring to go toward that place. 楚缘不再犹豫,身影一动,往着那片地方挪移而去。 The strength of Heavenly Dao large size compared with the god brilliant number, that does not flaunt lets much. 天道大号的力量比起神光大号,那是不逞多让。 Among his thoughts, then went to the battle center. 他一个念头之间,便来到了交战中心。 Chu Yuan at the strength of Heavenly Dao large size, easily then suppressed a flock of wolf as well as that bei. 楚缘以天道大号的力量,轻易便镇压了群狼以及那头狈。 The disparity between both were too big. 两者之间的差距太大了。 Ancestor, Sect Master?” “宗,宗主?” Stood Li Ergang before trees sees Chu Yuan, the lip trembles. 站在一颗树木前的李二刚看到楚缘,嘴唇都哆嗦了。 Li Ergang, does not see for a long time.” 李二刚,许久不见。” Chu Yuan to Li Ergang, revealed wiped the smile, said. 楚缘面向李二刚,露出了一抹笑容,开口说道。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In endless darkness. 无尽的黑暗之中。 Ye Luo is battling with the demon of god sword. 叶落正在与剑之魔神激战。 Two people are fighting with the pure swordsmanship. 两人都是以纯粹的剑道在进行战斗。 Let alone, Ye Luo cultivation base cannot catch up with the demon of god sword, but only by swordsmanship, he weakly in demon of god sword, but crosses the hand to achieve. 别说,叶落修为赶不上剑之魔神,但是单论剑道,他弱于剑之魔神,可是过手还是可以做得到的。 The demon of god sword cannot take Ye Luo for a short time. 剑之魔神一时半会也拿不下叶落 „The Immortal World life can have such swordsmanship, good, since this innumerable Yuan meetings, you have been I have seen the swordsmanship talent highest life!” 仙界生灵能够拥有如此剑道,不错,这无数元会以来,你是我见过剑道天赋最高的生灵!” A demon of god move sword drives back Ye Luo, not parsimonious to latter's praise. 剑之魔神一招逼退叶落,毫不吝啬对后者的夸赞。 You are I have also seen, swordsmanship strongest person.” “你也是我见过,剑道最强的人。” Ye Luo pants, replied careless, the vision has closely been staring at the demon of god sword. 叶落气喘吁吁,漫不经心的回答了一句,目光一直紧紧盯着剑之魔神。 The demon of god sword hears this saying, silent. 剑之魔神听到这话,沉默了下来。 Really listens to Monarch words, surpasses the words. 真是听君一席话,胜似一席话。 He grasps the swordsmanship. 他掌握剑道。 Is the lord of swordsmanship, the swordsmanship demon god. 是剑道之主,剑道魔神。 The swordsmanship is not he strongest, who can that also be? 剑道不是他最强,那还能是谁?
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