NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#799: witch clan? 【Fourth】

Chapter 800 witch clan? Fourth 第800章巫族?【第四更】 In Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿内。 Said the sound to be intermittent, reverberates in Main Hall. 道音阵阵,回荡在大殿之内。 This intermittent say/way sound, although does not have any gorgeous phenomenon follows, but said that in the sound has a mysterious mysterious meaning. 这阵阵的道音,虽然没有什么绚丽的异象伴随,但是道音之中却带着一股玄妙神秘之意。 Lets the person to hear a sound, will unable to bear perish. 任人听到道音,都会忍不住沉沦于其中。 But at this moment, said that the sound actually broke suddenly. 而此刻,道音却突然断了一下。 But was good because of quickly on again the connection. 但好在很快就重新连接上了。 Enables Ye Luo of hear of say/way to have nothing to detect, continues to perish in in Daoyin, cultivation base fast promotion. 使得听道的叶落没有任何察觉,继续沉沦于道音中,修为快速提升。 Is startled in the Chu Yuan heart of explaining religious doctrine. 在讲道的楚缘心头一惊。 He almost gave the sound. 他差点把道音都给断了。 The innermost feelings shock in the Su Qianyuan exaggerating rise speed. 内心震惊于苏乾元的夸张崛起速度。 He looks at the other disciples of Su Qianyuan constant voltage besides Ye Luo, under the surprise shock, opened was the Su Qianyuan character present situation specially, looked at the beforehand record. 他看苏乾元稳压除了叶落之外的其他弟子,诧异震惊之下,打开了专属于苏乾元的人物现状,看起了之前的记录。 【During your three disciple Su Qianyuan are dark obtains mysterious will help, magical skill rises sharply 【您的三弟子苏乾元冥冥之中得到神秘意志帮助,道行大涨】 【During your three disciple Su Qianyuan are dark obtains mysterious will help, comprehends the tactic of witch 【您的三弟子苏乾元冥冥之中得到神秘意志帮助,领悟巫之战术】 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan bloodlines transform, change into big witch 【您的三弟子苏乾元血脉蜕变,化为大巫】 【During your three disciple Su Qianyuan are dark obtains mysterious will help, obtains witch clan destiny 【您的三弟子苏乾元冥冥之中得到神秘意志帮助,获得巫族气运】 【During your three disciple Su Qianyuan are dark obtains mysterious will help, starts to comprehend the say/way of ancestor witch 【您的三弟子苏乾元冥冥之中得到神秘意志帮助,开始领悟祖巫之道】 ...... …… Did this third child, really turn into the witch clan? Also obtained the witch clan destiny. 这个老三,真就变成巫族了?还获得了巫族气运。 Also in the say/way of comprehension ancestor witch? 还在领悟祖巫之道? Also, during this anything is dark the mysterious will is what thing. 还有,这个什么冥冥之中的神秘意志是个什么玩意。 Chu Yuan looks at that is dumbfounded. 楚缘看得那是一愣一愣的。 He realized the importance of matter suddenly. 他忽然意识到了事情的重要性。 His indeed this/should take a good look this third child. 他的确该好好看看这个老三了。 He is not giving Ye Luo to say here, that side third child harming was not good by what thing. 别他在这边在给叶落讲道,那边老三被什么玩意给害了就不好了。 The Chu Yuan innermost feelings got down the decision silently, waits to say to the Ye Luo lecture, has a look at third child's situation. 楚缘内心默默下了决定,等给叶落讲完道,就去看看老三的情况。 He read hence. 他一念至此。 Calms down, explains religious doctrine to Ye Luo. 定下心来,给叶落讲道。 ...... …… This says, is several days time. 这一讲道,便是数日时间。 Finally, several days later. 终于,在数日之后。 Chu Yuan could not bear, he really somewhat worried that the Su Qianyuan situation, then stopped explaining religious doctrine. 楚缘忍不住了,他实在有些担忧苏乾元的情况,便停止了讲道。 Luo'er, wakes up.” 落儿,醒来。” Chu Yuan said such a in a soft voice. 楚缘轻声道了这么一句。 Also perished Ye Luo in sound to open eyes instantaneously, looks to Chu Yuan, he first gawked. 原本还沉沦在道音中的叶落瞬间睁眼,看向楚缘,他先是愣了一下。 Immediately, he stands up, cups one hand in the other across the chest to Chu Yuan. 随即,他站起身,面向楚缘拱手。 Many thanks Master explains religious doctrine.” “多谢师尊讲道。” Ye Luo said repeatedly. 叶落连声说道。 Unobstructive, Luo'er you have become Quasi Sage, and realm is stable, later did not need Master to explain religious doctrine, you may ponder over the Saint saying that when you can grasp the swordsmanship, became the lord of swordsmanship, you can to become Saint!” “无碍,落儿你已经成为准圣,且境界稳定,之后也无需为师讲道了,你可自行琢磨成圣之道了,何时你能掌握剑道,成为剑道之主,你便可成圣!” Chu Yuan sits above the rush cushion, opens the mouth in a soft voice, said. 楚缘坐在蒲团之上,轻声开口,说道。 Yes, Master.” “是,师尊。” Ye Luo cups one hand in the other across the chest hastily, opens the mouth again. 叶落连忙拱手,再度开口。 His where also dares to say anything. 他哪里还敢说些什么。 Master has helped him be very big. 师尊已经帮助他很大了。 He is away from to become Saint the remaining last steps. 他距离成圣就剩下最后一步。 If this could not have become the Saint, he really can ask rubble stone hairpin to kill, that did not have the face countenance to Master. 这要是还成不了圣,那他真的可以自己找块石头把自己撞死了,那都无颜面对师尊了。 Goes, practices well, Master wants to be able in five years, sees your to become Saint.” “去吧,好好修行,为师希望能在五年内,看到你成圣。” Chu Yuan looked with an encouraging vision to Ye Luo, said. 楚缘用一种鼓励的眼光看向了叶落,说道。 Respectfully follows the command of Master! The disciples decide will not disappoint the Master expectation!” “谨遵师尊之令!弟子定不会辜负师尊期望!” Ye Luo answered. 叶落回话。 In his heart is whispering silently, calculates can oneself become the Saint in five years. 他心中默默嘀咕着,算了算自己能不能在五年内成圣。 Thinks, feels supposed. 想了想,觉得应该还是可以的。 Should not disappoint the Master expectation. 应该不会辜负师尊期望的。 Ye Luo said, turned around to leave Sect Master Main Hall, caught up is returning to the own bedroom palace to cultivate. 叶落说完,转身离开了宗主大殿,赶着回自己的寝殿修炼。 Chu Yuan gazes after Ye Luo to leave. 楚缘目送叶落离开。 After looking at Ye Luo leaves, his form flashed, went to the Su Qianyuan bedroom palace. 在看着叶落离开之后,他身影一闪,前往了苏乾元的寝殿。 ...... …… By Chu Yuan this time strength, a thought achieved the Su Qianyuan bedroom palace. 楚缘今时今日的实力,一个念头就达到苏乾元的寝殿了。 He stands before the bedroom palace, explores to go toward inside at the god light/only strength. 他站在寝殿之前,以神光力量往里面探索而去。 After determining no special aura, then sounded the bedroom palace front door. 在确定了没什么特殊的气息之后,便敲响了寝殿大门。 Thump thump thump...... 咚咚咚…… Sincere and depressed knock resounding slowly. 厚重而沉闷的敲门声缓缓的响起。 Who.” “谁呀。” In the bedroom palace the sound resounds together. 寝殿内一道声音响起。 The next quarter, the bedroom palace front door was shoved open, Su Qianyuan walked, who originally also wants to have a look is comes. 下一刻,寝殿大门被推开,苏乾元走了出来,本来还想看看又是谁过来。 But the front surface to Chu Yuan, frightens his whole body to tremble, knelt on the ground hastily. 可迎面对上楚缘,吓得他浑身一颤,连忙就跪在了地上。 Master, how is you, I do not know that is you......” 师尊,怎么是您,我不知道是您……” Su Qianyuan is explaining hastily. 苏乾元连忙解释着。 Chu Yuan has not actually cared about this. 楚缘却并未在意这个。 His vision is glancing over in Su Qianyuan body. 他的目光在苏乾元身上浏览着。 This third child...... 这个老三…… The body tall and strong were more than before. 身子比以前魁梧了很多很多。 And above proliferated the dull purple trace, rich malignant influences are surrounding, is very terrifying. 且上面遍布了暗紫色的纹路,一股浓郁的煞气环绕着,十分恐怖。 Does not need, Master saying that does not need to care about the formality, before Master is only, comes to see you, the heavens, your cultivation base grew quickly, you recently has actually obviously practices difficultly.” “无需如此,为师早就说过了,不用在意礼节,为师只是前来看看你而已,乾元,你的修为最近增长得倒是很快,可见你有多么艰苦修行了。” Chu Yuan walks to go forward, patted the shoulder of Su Qianyuan gently. 楚缘走上前,轻轻拍了拍苏乾元的肩膀。 His with no trace completed the investigation at the god light/only strength in Su Qianyuan body, in determining no one leaves behind what writing skill after Su Qianyuan body, he felt relieved slightly. 他不着痕迹的以神光力量在苏乾元身上完成了探查,在确定没有人在苏乾元身上留下什么手笔后,他才稍微放心了。 Master, the disciple practices recently, how did not know, obtained a fortuitous encounter, the disciple has also wanted with you saying that but did not have the opportunity.” 师尊,弟子近来修行,不知道怎么了,获得了一桩奇遇,弟子一直还想和您说的,但是一直没机会。” The Su Qianyuan honest opens the mouth said. 苏乾元老老实实的开口说了出来。 Un? Walks, went in your sleeping palace to sit said again slowly.” “嗯?走吧,进去你寝殿里坐着再慢慢说。” Chu Yuan selects the eyebrow slightly, opened the mouth to say such a. 楚缘微微挑眉,开口道了这么一句。 Immediately he brings Su Qianyuan, returned to the bedroom palace, made the latter continue again. 随即他带着苏乾元,返回了寝殿内,再让后者继续说的。 The thoughts that Su Qianyuan completely do not conceal, said the matter. 苏乾元完全没有要隐瞒的心思,将事情都说了出来。 He in the darkness, obtains the help of some witch clan mysterious wills, gradually transforms for witch clan, but also grasped the witch clan destiny. 他在冥冥之中,得到巫族一些神秘意志的帮助,逐渐转化为了巫族,还掌握了巫族气运。 He can say at present, is the lord of witch clan deserves. 他眼下可以说,是当之无愧的巫族之主。 However, this does not have the price. 不过,这也并非没有代价。 The price is Su Qianyuan needs to establish witch clan, counter-balances the causes and effects by this. 代价便是苏乾元需要建立巫族,以此抵消因果。 However establishes witch clan also to have the enormous advantage to Su Qianyuan. 但是建立巫族对苏乾元也是有着极大好处的。 Su Qianyuan has the witch clan destiny, if can set up witch clan again, then the maximum gain, naturally is also Su Qianyuan. 苏乾元有着巫族气运,若是能再立巫族,那么收益最大的,自然也是苏乾元本身。 Su Qianyuan did not know about the so-called witch clan, therefore wants to ask the opinion of Chu Yuan, wants to ask Chu Yuan, witch clan does the mysterious will have the harm to him. 只是苏乾元对所谓的巫族不了解,故而很想问问楚缘的意见,也想问楚缘,那巫族的神秘意志对他有没有害处。 Regarding this, Chu Yuan silent for a long time, then got back one's composure. 对此,楚缘沉默了许久,而后才回神。 Witch clan, once Pangu opened the world, its myriad things, the Nascent Spirit Taoist trinity, 12 drops of essence and blood change into 12 ancestor witches, this had the beginning of witch clan......” “巫族,曾经盘古开天地,其身化万物,元神化三清,十二滴精血化为十二祖巫,此才有了巫族之始……” Heavens, matter about witch clan, but said later, perhaps this witch clan will, wants you to set up witch clan , to continue witch clan the Confucian orthodoxy, this to you, beneficial harmless, Master naturally is also supports your.” “乾元,关于巫族之事,可稍后再说,这巫族的意志,恐怕只是想要你立巫族,延续巫族的道统而已,这点对你来说,有益无害,为师自然也是支持你的。” But, if you set up witch clan, wants to be bigger and stronger, must break Daoless Sect disciple relations, otherwise by others is thought eventually is the Daoless Sect attached influence, can you think?” “但是,若你立巫族,想要做大做强,就必须脱离无道宗弟子这一层关系,否则终究会被别人认为是无道宗的附属势力,你可想好了?” Chu Yuan vision gentle looks at Su Qianyuan, inquired. 楚缘目光轻柔的看着苏乾元,询问道。 He has no oppression, the look tone is very gentle. 他没有任何压迫,神色语气都很柔和。 Whatever, he will respect the Su Qianyuan idea. 无论怎么样,他都会尊重苏乾元想法的。 Su Qianyuan looks at the line of sight of Chu Yuan, the lip shivered, opens the mouth slowly...... 苏乾元看着楚缘的视线,嘴唇颤抖了一下,缓缓的开口…… Fourth, 1 : 00 pm also has before dawn (3 - 5 am). 第四更,晚 1 点点还有第五更。
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