NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#800: Communicates with the swordsmanship? 【Before dawn (3 - 5 am)】

In bedroom palace. 寝殿内。 Chu Yuan sits on the chair, does not worry, static looks at Su Qianyuan, waits for the latter opens the mouth. 楚缘坐在椅子上,也不着急,静静的看着苏乾元,等待后者开口。 Su Qianyuan many hesitations, have not shaken the head, opens the mouth slowly. 苏乾元没有过多的犹豫,摇了摇头,缓缓的开口。 Master, the disciple has not planned to be separated from Daoless Sect, even if the disciple set up witch clan, that is also Daoless Sect attached influence witch clan!” 师尊,弟子并未打算脱离无道宗,哪怕弟子立了巫族,那也是无道宗附属势力巫族!” Only listens to Su Qianyuan so to say. 只听苏乾元这般说道。 His attitude incomparable firmness. 他的态度无比的坚定。 Not to mention, he establishes witch clan. 暂且不说,他有没有立下巫族。 Said that he established, witch of clan that also Daoless Sect. 就说他立下了,那也无道宗之巫族。 Rather than his witch clan. 而非他之巫族。 Heavens, you may know, if separates, to your help is biggest?” “乾元,你可知道,若是分离出去,对你的帮助才是最大的?” Chu Yuan shakes the head slightly, said. 楚缘微微摇头,说道。 Disciple knows, but the disciple can arrive this time, all depends on the Master obligation, how regardless of the disciple in the future, will be the disciple of Daoless Sect, the possibility of not separating.” “弟子知道,但弟子之所以能走到今时今日,全赖师尊大恩,无论弟子日后如何,都将是无道宗之弟子,绝不分离出去的可能。” Su Qianyuan is resolute. 苏乾元语气坚定。 This is in his heart thinks, is in Daoless Sect many disciples hearts thinks. 这就是他心中所想,也是无道宗诸多弟子们心中所想。 So, that then as you like.” “如此,那便随你。” Chu Yuan smiles helplessly, in the heart is actually very warm. 楚缘无奈一笑,心中却是很暖。 He is protecting these disciples, is worth. 他护着这些弟子,全都是值得的。 Then, Chu Yuan and Su Qianyuan said the matter about witch clan. 接下来,楚缘苏乾元说了一些关于巫族的事情。 He said that naturally before , has looked at these net article stories, in the fusion guessed, recounted with Su Qianyuan. 他所说的,自然是将以前所看过的那些网文故事,融合上自己所猜测的,和苏乾元述说。 After recounted completely. 在全部述说完之后。 Chu Yuan left to leave on the preparation. 楚缘就准备动身离开了。 However before departure, he by Su Qianyuan blocking. 不过在离开之前,他被苏乾元给拦住了。 Master, Master, I, can I ask your matter? This matter somewhat is possibly excessive.” 师尊,师尊,我,我能不能求您一件事?这件事可能有些过分。” Su Qianyuan cautious saying. 苏乾元小心翼翼的说道。 Un? What matter?” “嗯?什么事情?” Chu Yuan is somewhat curious, opens the mouth to ask. 楚缘有些好奇,开口问道。 That, Master, can I, be able to compare notes with you?” “那个,师尊,我能不能,能不能和您切磋一下?” When Su Qianyuan for fear that angered Chu Yuan, the speech, that called careful. 苏乾元生怕惹怒了楚缘,说话时,那叫一个小心。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Chu Yuan first gawked, immediately almost smiles. 楚缘先是愣了一下,随即差点笑出来。 Is this is speaking. 这是在说什么话。 Compares notes with him? 和他切磋? Has not made a mistake. 没搞错吧。 His even Immortal World Sage can press single-handed. 他可是连仙界圣人都能单手摁死的。 After this third child turned into the witch clan, skull is not miraculous. 这个老三是变成了巫族之后,脑壳子都不灵光了吧。 Even if must find the person to compare notes, will still look for Ye Luo to be right, looking for his is not comes under attack. 就算要找人切磋,也应该去找叶落才对,找他那不是挨打么。 Considers as finished. 算了算了。 Since Su Laosan wants to come under attack, he helped Su Laosan. 既然苏老三这么想挨打,那他就成全苏老三了。 Good all various professions, walk, follows Master, outside we go, Master and you compare notes.” “行行行,走吧,跟为师走吧,我们去外面,为师和你切磋一番。” Chu Yuan feels funny. 楚缘感到好笑。 But he has not damaged the Su Qianyuan confidence. 可他也没打击苏乾元的信心。 He puts out a hand to wield, the god is only coercing Su Qianyuan, found a stretch of unmanned open area to conduct comparing notes in Hidden Heaven Island. 他伸手一挥,神光裹挟着苏乾元,在隐天岛内找到了一片无人的空地进行‘切磋’。 ...... …… Falls on the open area. 落在空地。 The Chu Yuan intention moves, the god will only cover in all directions, the isolation will open, in order to avoid the fight will fluctuate to spread to Hidden Heaven Island other places. 楚缘心念一动,神光笼罩四面八方,将之隔离而开,以免战斗波动会扩散到隐天岛的其他地方。 Completes these, he looked to Su Qianyuan. 做完这些,他才看向了苏乾元 Heavens, make a move although, making Master have a look, you grew what situation.” “乾元,尽管出手吧,让为师看看,你成长到了什么地步。” Chu Yuan said with a smile. 楚缘笑着说道。 „, Master, the disciple came.” “那么,师尊,弟子来了。” Su Qianyuan said such a few words. 苏乾元说出这么一句话。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 His form moves, changes to a several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) giant, the figure tall and strong, among every action and every movement, has a terrifying strength. 他身影一动,化作一尊数万丈的巨人,身形魁梧,一举一动之间,都带着一股恐怖的力量。 In his whole body, 12 Great Dao empty shades project, causes his imposing manner surging forward. 在他的周身,十二种大道虚影投射而出,使得他气势更加汹涌澎湃。 Su Qianyuan stares the big eyes, is a fist wields toward Chu Yuan, the terrifying fist wind sweeps away, but actually continually void not shatter. 苏乾元瞪大双眼,朝着楚缘便是一拳挥下来,恐怖的拳风横扫而过,但却连虚空都没有破碎。 In the covering range of god light/only strength. 在神光力量的笼罩范围之中。 Void incomparable stability. 虚空无比的稳固。 Another side, facing a fist of Su Qianyuan. 另一边,面对苏乾元的一拳。 Chu Yuan is actually seems extremely light. 楚缘却是显得极度平淡。 He lifts the palm, to Su Qianyuan, then...... 他抬起手掌,正对着苏乾元,然后…… Then did not have then. 然后就没有然后了。 He prepares to meet a fist of Su Qianyuan hardly, therefore he does not have other movements. 他准备硬接苏乾元的一拳,所以他没有其他的动作。 Su Qianyuan does not have to think own Master will meet hardly, but his having a mind held in high esteem by own Master, therefore the mao foot the strength, hammered a fist downward. 苏乾元也没想到自家师尊会这么硬接,但他有心让自家师尊刮目相看,所以卯足了力气,往下锤出了一拳。 May hammer is hammering, he cannot move. 可锤着锤着,他就动不了了。 The gods light/only isolate him beyond the kilometer, he is unable to attack in being enthralled light kilometer the half a point. 神光将他隔绝于千米之外,他无法攻入神光千米之内半分。 This is the god of Chu Yuan body naturally sending out light/only, is not the defense that Chu Yuan release. 这是楚缘身上自然而然散发的神光,都不是楚缘自己释放的防御。 When on presented this at the scene. 当场上出现了这一幕时。 Chu Yuan was silent. 楚缘沉默了。 Su Qianyuan was more silent. 苏乾元更沉默了。 Chu Yuan was worried, can give the Su Qianyuan attack is too big 楚缘在担心,会不会给苏乾元打击太大了 But Su Qianyuan was worried, can lose face too, disappointing own Master. 苏乾元则担心,会不会自己太丢人了,让自家师尊失望了。 Heavens, you...... you do not need to think, realm of Master, you thinks must be higher , can therefore easily suppress you, your strength is very good.” “乾元,你……你不必多想,为师境界,比你想得要更高,故而能这么轻易的压制你,你的实力已经很不错了。” Chu Yuan suppressed for quite a while, can only suppress such a few words. 楚缘憋了半天,只能憋出这么一句话。 He really does not know how to say. 他实在是不知道怎么说了。 He has not thought, this third child light/only cannot approach his protecting body god. 他也没想到,这个老三连他的护体神光都靠近不了呀。 Master, the disciple, will be settled in the future cultivates industriously.” 师尊,弟子,日后定当勤加修炼。” Saying that Su Qianyuan has no alternative. 苏乾元无可奈何的说道。 He has not thought, he and Master disparity is so big. 他也没想到,他和师尊差距这么大。 Before he resisted the Big Apprentice Brother seven swords, how he thought can with Master a move. 之前他抗住大师兄七剑,他以为怎么样都能和师尊过一招的。 Regarding this, Chu Yuan naturally is the good comfort. 对此,楚缘自然又是好一番安慰。 Then continues to practice the Su Qianyuan sending back bedroom palace. 而后才把苏乾元送回去寝殿继续修行。 But Chu Yuan opened Sect Master Main Hall the god brilliant number. 楚缘自己则是把神光大号开回了宗主大殿 He prepares to trade a number to go to Immortal World to stroll, now practicing of Ye Luo had reached the recent stage, he does not need to continue to explain religious doctrine again. 他准备换个号去仙界逛逛,现在叶落的修行已经到了最近阶段,他也无需再继续讲道。 Therefore he plans to go out to stroll. 所以他打算出去逛逛。 This god brilliant number cannot open, has the agreement with the Heavenly Dao. 这个神光大号不能开出去,和天道有约定。 The god trumpet does not only have the battle efficiency, cannot open, is easy to encounter the danger. 神光小号没有战斗力,也不能开出去,容易遇到危险。 Thinks it over, he decided that arrives at Immortal World to come, to go out the Heavenly Dao large size to stroll. 思来想去,他决定去把天道大号开到仙界来,出去逛逛。 Read this, the Chu Yuan mind moved to pass toward the Heavenly Dao large size that side instantaneously. 一念到此,楚缘心神瞬间往天道大号那边调来过去。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Ye Luo bedroom palace. 叶落的寝殿之中。 Return Ye Luo was pondering, how can to become Saint the matter. 回归的叶落在思考,如何才能成圣的事情。 He is the boundary of Quasi Sage, Dao Fruit is Quasi Sage is complete now. 他如今已经是准圣之境,道果准圣圆满。 Although realm in the middle period of Quasi Sage, but is not in the way. 境界虽然还是准圣中期,但根本不碍事。 Master said, becoming the Saint needs to grasp together, but I need to grasp the swordsmanship, becomes the lord of swordsmanship, but, how should be able to become the lord of swordsmanship?” 师尊所说,成圣需要掌握一道,而我需要掌握剑道,成为剑道之主,可是,该如何才能成为剑道之主?” Ye Luo looks at own both hands, muttering. 叶落看着自己的双手,喃喃自语着。 He, is always using the swordsmanship, the relations with swordsmanship, is the upper and lower layer. 他一直以来,都在使用剑道,与剑道的关系,属于上下级。 He is subordinate that. 他是下级的那种。 Can from the subordinate counterattack to the higher authority, how that should start? 要从下级逆袭到上级,那该怎么下手? Ye Luo is very puzzled. 叶落很不解。 The average people, the counterattack, the simplest method, got rid of that the higher authority from bottom to top on the line. 一般人来说,从下往上逆袭,最简单的方法,就是把上级干掉那就行了。 But, how should the swordsmanship get rid of? 可是,剑道该怎么去干掉? Ye Luo headache. 叶落头疼了。 Swordsmanship, swordsmanship. 剑道,剑道。 How should be able to grasp the swordsmanship, becomes the lord of swordsmanship. 该怎么样才能掌握剑道,成为剑道之主。 This is a very troublesome matter. 这是一件非常麻烦的事情。 Can't he and swordsmanship communicates? 总不能他和剑道去沟通吧? How should the swordsmanship communicate? 剑道该怎么沟通? Un? 嗯? With swordsmanship communication? 和剑道沟通? Ye Luo suddenly. 叶落恍然。 Repairs as the sword, can communicate with the sword. 身为剑修,都能与剑沟通。 Since can communicate with the sword, why can't with the swordsmanship communication? 既然能与剑沟通,为什么不能和剑道沟通呢? Between both, nothing but is only the difference of rank height. 两者之间,无非只是等级高低的区别罢了。 Feasible! 可行! Ye Luo then prepares to attempt immediately, with swordsmanship communication...... 叶落当即便准备尝试起来,和剑道沟通……
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