NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#798: Bearing a grudge of Xu Yu 【Third】

south day of state, by rivers and streams. 南天州,江河旁。 Xu Yu uses the full power, makes a fist fiercely, is hitting toward Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) body. 徐御倾尽全力,猛地打出一拳,往着青天圣人身上打去。 But his fist, close to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), had not been intercepted under. 可他这一拳,都还没靠近青天圣人,就被拦截而下。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is motionless, but its imposing manner was actually assigned away from the capital several kilometers. 青天圣人一动不动,但其气势却外放出了数千米。 Only by this Sage imposing manner, the Xu Yu interception beyond several kilometers. 单靠这圣人气势,就将徐御拦截在了数千米之外。 How whatever Xu Yu makes an effort, is unable to break through this share imposing manner. 任由徐御如何用力,都无法突破这股子气势。 The disparity between both were too big. 两者之间的差距太大了。 In this moment, Xu Yu also understood instantaneously, oneself were too rash. 在这一刻,徐御也瞬间明白了,自己太莽撞了。 He is completely not this person of opponent. 他完全不是这人的对手。 His that slightly is much more irritable, wants to stop doing to turn over, actually cannot achieve, can only close tightly the root, stiffly there. 他那张小脸急得通红,想要抽手而归,却根本做不到,只能咬紧牙根,僵在了那里。 Inexorable fate, you may know, dashing is Sage, what crime?” “劫数,你可知,冲撞圣人,是何罪?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) looks at beyond the points kilometer lightly, Xu Yu that is unable to move. 青天圣人淡淡看着点数千米之外,无法动弹的徐御 He stretches out the finger, slightly a point. 他伸出手指,微微一点。 Wants at the Supreme strength, making Xu Yu suffer a hardship. 想要以无上力量,让徐御吃点苦头。 But his strength has not bumped into Xu Yu. 可他的力量还没碰到徐御 Bang!! 轰隆!! Above the vault of heaven, the purple thunder and lightning chops together fiercely. 天穹之上,一道紫色的雷电猛地劈下。 The goal is actually not Xu Yu, but is Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 其目标却不是徐御,而是青天圣人 This together thunder and lightning quick ruthless, divided Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) body all of a sudden, making the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) whole person stare. 这一道雷电快准狠,一下子就劈到了青天圣人身上,使得青天圣人整个人都愣了一下。 This...... 这…… This is the day punishes. 这是天罚。 He is the Heavenly Dao spokesman. 他是天道代言人。 How to receive the day to punish? 怎会受到天罚? This is unreasonable. 这没道理呀。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) narrowed the eye, looks to Xu Yu. 青天圣人眯了眯眼,看向徐御 Was the causal influence of inexorable fate he? 难道是劫数的因果影响到了他? Is impossible, this also being insufficient makes the Heavenly Dao chop him. 不可能,这也不至于让天道劈他。 May make the Heavenly Dao begin only...... 唯一有可能让天道动手的…… What you and various Tianzhi high immeasurable is Sage relates?” “你与诸天至高无量圣人是什么关系?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) remembered anything probably, puts out a hand to wield, moved the body before Xu Yu, asked repeatedly. 青天圣人像是想起了什么,伸手一挥,将徐御挪到了身前,连声问道。 Can make the Heavenly Dao chop his spokesman, only has a possibility. 能让天道劈他这个代言人的,只有一个可能。 Is that he and various Tianzhi the high immeasurable Sage agreement law aim! 就是那份他和诸天至高无量圣人的约定法旨! He, he is my Sect Master, I am his attendant.” “他,他是我宗主,我是他随侍。” Xu Yu is clenching teeth, can only say. 徐御咬着牙,只能说了出来。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… Such remarks. 此话一出。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) took back all imposing manners instantaneously, does not dare to bump Xu Yu all of a sudden, with damn, will retreat in the future. 青天圣人瞬间收回了所有气势,不敢碰徐御一下子,跟见了鬼一样,往后退去。 This person is also related with that various Tianzhi high immeasurable Sage. 这人也和那诸天至高无量圣人有关。 No wonder the Heavenly Dao chops him. 难怪天道劈他。 What that law aim represents is the Heavenly Dao and Hidden Heaven Island that agreement, who dares to bump the law aim, that will definitely be attacked, he is also good, others, are so. 那份法旨代表的是天道与隐天岛那一位的约定,谁敢碰法旨,那肯定会受到攻击,无论是他也好,其他人也罢,都是如此。 He has not thought that the tribulation of this Immortal World, with that related. 只是他没想到,这个仙界之劫,和那一位有关。 This very that anything...... 这就很那啥了…… The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) face was black, hesitant, finally anything does not want to do, turns around to probably leave. 青天圣人脸都黑了,犹豫了一下,最后什么也不想做,转身就欲要离开。 Xu Yu looks that the opposite party must leave, the fist got hold. 徐御看着对方要离开,拳头都握紧了。 How he possibly does not know. 他怎么可能不知道。 Because of existence of Chu Yuan, the opposite party forgave him. 是因为楚缘的存在,对方才饶了他。 But he cannot bear this type by the feeling of extreme shame. 可是他受不了这种被极度羞辱的感觉。 Yes, in his opinion, Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) acts for no reason, suppresses his protector, even wants to begin to him, finally has not actually begun successfully, this in shame. 是的,在他看来,青天圣人无端端出手,镇压他的护道者,甚至想要对他动手,最后却没动手成功,这就是在羞辱。 Perhaps if not for because of him and Sect Master relations, his little while were suppressed. 若不是因为他和宗主的关系,或许他这会儿都被镇压了。 This enmity, I remembered!” “此仇,我记下了!” Xu Yu is looking at the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) back, clenches teeth to say. 徐御望着青天圣人的背影,咬牙说道。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) stopped, immediately returns to normal, changes to the light shadow to vanish together does not see. 青天圣人只是停顿了一下,随即恢复正常,化作一道光影消失不见。 Xu Yu looks at Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to vanish, has no alternative, besides the anger, does not have other mood again. 徐御看着青天圣人消失,无可奈何,除了愤怒之外,再也没有其他情绪。 slow young friend, you are all right.” “徐小友,你没事吧。” ancient God restored the action, walks hastily, said. 身后的古神恢复了行动力,连忙走过来,说道。 All right, ancient God, but also please teach that I practice!” “没事,古神,还请你教导我修行!” Xu Yu looks at front ancient God, the expression became enforced, said. 徐御看着面前的古神,表情变得严肃了起来,开口说道。 Un? Good.” “嗯?好。” The ancient gods gawked. 古神愣了一下。 He wanted to say anything, but actually did not know finally mentions from where, can only say such a good character. 他想要说些什么,但最后却不知从何说起,只能说出了这么一个好字。 He have many questions. 他内心有很多疑问。 About Xu Yu and Chu Yuan relational anything. 关于徐御楚缘的关系什么的。 Xu Yu is what status. 还有徐御到底是什么身份的。 Many many issues. 很多很多问题。 But finally, these issues belong to the nihility, he does not want to ask. 但最后,这些问题都归于虚无,他不想问了。 He felt, he completed himself on the line. 他感觉,他做好自己就行了。 Other, do not need him multibarreled. 其他的,无需他多管。 He completes himself, this poor life, this cultivation base preserves inevitably. 他做好自己,这条小命,这身修为是必然保住的了。 ...... …… Time points pasts. 时间一点点的过去。 In a flash, about a year passes. 转瞬间,将近一年的时间过去。 In this year, Immortal World as before chaotic incomparable, but did not have what important matter to happen, but the discerning people can look. 在这一年里,仙界依旧混乱无比,但是却没有了什么大事发生,但明眼人都能看得出来。 The Immortal World undercurrent surges! 仙界暗流涌动! Surface as before like that but there is a big disturbance to be during the fermentation. 表面还是依旧那般,但有大风波正处于酝酿之中。 The Immortal World confusion, Daoless Sect is prosperous, under the management of Tantai Luoxue, Daoless Sect develops not quickly, but wins is steady. 仙界混乱,无道宗却欣欣向荣,在澹台洛雪的管理下,无道宗发展得不快,但胜在稳。 Tantai Luoxue in foreign management, is disinclined to think, continues to use these strategies that Zhang Hao kept. 澹台洛雪在对外管理方面,懒得多想,沿用了张寒留下来的那些策略。 After one year, the Daoless Sect influence is increased gradually, now has become Immortal World powerful in development influence. 在经过一年的时间后,无道宗的影响力逐步提升着,如今已经成为了仙界最强大的‘发展中势力’。 The powerful degree, keeping Immortal World these overlord influences from comparing with it. 其强大程度,让仙界那些霸主势力都无法与之比拟。 ...... …… In the eastern divine land, Hidden Heaven Island, in Sect Master Main Hall. 在东神州,隐天岛,宗主大殿之中。 Chu Yuan is opening the god brilliant number as before, is giving Ye Luo to explain religious doctrine. 楚缘依旧开着神光大号,在给叶落讲道。 After one year of saying , the Ye Luo aura had become very powerful, was promoted Quasi Sage steadily series. 经过了一年的讲道,叶落的气息已经变得十分强盛了,稳稳晋级了‘准圣’系列。 It is estimated that after a period of time, Ye Luo can attempt, did the preparation for to become Saint. 估计再过一段时间,叶落就能尝试着,为成圣做准备了。 Chu Yuan sits on the rush cushion, looks at his Ye Luo, revealed slowly wiped the smile. 楚缘坐在蒲团上,看着他身边的叶落,缓缓露出了一抹笑容。 This big disciple leaves the Saint is not far finally. 这个大弟子终于离成圣不远了。 Also does not waste him to support diligently. 也不枉费他这么努力的扶持。 Yeah, said, must support Sage, is really very troublesome. 哎,说起来,要扶持一尊圣人,真的是非常麻烦。 He had not thought before, supports Sage, so will be difficult. 他之前都没有想到过,扶持圣人,会这么困难。 However does not have the means that Daoless Sect to need new Sage! 但是没办法,无道宗需要一尊新的圣人 He can only elective culture Ye Luo. 他只能选择培养叶落 Said, I had for a long time have not looked at the situation of disciples, should have a look, should the Immortal World Heavenly Dao not fail to keep one's word?” “说起来,我有很久没有看过弟子们的情况了,该看看了,仙界天道应该不会言而无信吧?” In the Chu Yuan heart is thinking. 楚缘心中想着。 He makes the god brilliant number continue maintains says, while transfers the god light/only small-sized, pulled open the character present situation, examined. 他一边让神光大号继续保持讲道,一边调动神光小号,拉开了人物现状,查看了起来。 Your big disciple Ye Luo listens respectfully to your saying, magical skill rises sharply 【您的大弟子叶落聆听您的讲道,道行大涨】 Your two disciple Zhang Hao swallow heavenly materials and earthly treasure, magical skill rises sharply 【您的二弟子张寒吞噬天材地宝,道行大涨】 【During your three disciple Su Qianyuan are dark obtains mysterious will help, magical skill rises sharply 【您的三弟子苏乾元冥冥之中得到神秘意志帮助,道行大涨】 Your four disciples......】 【您的四弟子……】 ...... …… The character present situation has no issue. 人物现状没有任何问题。 The disciples all rise sharply in cultivation base. 弟子们全都在修为大涨。 Second child that goods cultivation base rose sharply. 连带老二那货都修为大涨了。 Very good. 很不错。 Chu Yuan is very satisfied. 楚缘很满意。 The next quarter, he adjusted the Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking to look, wants to have a look at the present rank the change. 下一刻,他调了无道宗的弟子战力排行榜看了起来,想要看看现在的排行有没有变动。 Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking 无道宗弟子战力排行榜】 First: Ye Luo( Quasi Sage / Sage)】 【第一:叶落(准圣/圣人)】 Second: Su Qianyuan( Daluo Golden Immortal / half Saint)】 【第二:苏乾元(大罗金仙/半圣)】 Third: Perilla( Daluo Golden Immortal / half Saint)】 【第三:紫苏(大罗金仙/半圣)】 Fourth: Tantai Luoxue( Taiyi Golden Immortal / Immortal Emperor)】 【第四:澹台洛雪(太乙金仙/仙帝)】 Fifth: Ai Qing( Taiyi Golden Immortal / Immortal Emperor)】 【第五:艾晴(太乙金仙/仙帝)】 Sixth......】 【第六……】 ...... …… Tenth: magnificence highly skilled doctor( Taiyi Golden Immortal / Immortal King)】 【第十:华神医(太乙金仙/仙王)】 11 th: Zhang Hao( Golden Immortal / Immortal King)】 【第十一:张寒(金仙/仙王)】 12 th: Lin Mo( Golden Immortal / Immortal King)】 【第十二:林漠(金仙/仙王)】 ...... …… 15 th: Ignorant gal( Golden Immortal / Immortal King)】 【第十五:蚩伽(金仙/仙王)】 16 th: Chen Jun( True Immortal / immortal reveres)】 【第十六:陈君(真仙/仙尊)】 The progress of disciples is very big. 弟子们的长进都很大呀。 Especially third child...... 尤其是老三…… Un? 嗯? Third child speed, was a little fast. 老三这速度,有点快了呀。 Really on all disciples of constant voltage besides Ye Luo. 真就稳压除了叶落之外的所有弟子。 In the Chu Yuan heart is startled secretly. 楚缘心中暗惊。
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