NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#797: Xu Yu sees the blue sky

In mountain. 山岳之中。 Zhang Hao lifts the status of Daoless Sect disciple, easily then subdued the cool breeze monster king. 张寒抬出无道宗弟子的身份,轻易便收服了清风妖王。 This made Zhang Hao realize, he might depend on Daoless Sect disciple status, can form a side influence fast. 这让张寒意识到了,他或许要靠无道宗弟子这层身份,才能快速的组建起一方势力。 Said accurately, is ‚the Sage disciple the status. 准确的说,是‘圣人弟子’的这一层身份。 After Zhang Hao realizes, he not ambiguous, leads the cool breeze monster king, then must go to other places , to continue to subdue exists. 张寒意识到之后,他也没有含糊,带着清风妖王,便要前往其他地方,继续收服一些存在。 Existence that he subdues, is some strange. 他所收服的存在,都是一些奇奇怪怪的。 For example the cool breeze monster king, the battle efficiency is not good, but may control the strong winds, the form fitting strong winds, the speed is extremely faster. 比如清风妖王,战斗力不行,但是可操控狂风,更可身化狂风,速度极快。 He must subdue now, is one may integrate the dark monster king. 他现在要去收服的,就是一位可融入黑暗的妖王。 Why must subdue strangely these regarding Zhang Hao, cool breeze monster king expressed did not understand, and raised the question. 对于张寒为什么要收服这些奇奇怪怪的,清风妖王表示不理解,并且提出了疑问。 Regarding this, the reply of Zhang Hao is very simple. 对此,张寒的回答很简单。 „The influence in darkness, must not exposed to the light, naturally must look for these, I present the life of my family Master, constructs to be the Daoless Sect shadow strength, this matter you know to be able, should never to pass on.” “于黑暗之中的势力,见不得光,自然要找这些,我乃是奉我家师尊之命,来建造属于无道宗的暗部力量,此事你知道便可,切勿传出去。” Zhang Hao said. 张寒是这么说的。 Shadow strength? May I ask the eldest child, is this useful?” “暗部力量?敢问老大,这有什么用?” Cool breeze monster king Haoqi asking. 清风妖王好奇的问道。 „Don't this you understand? Function of shadow strength is very big, outward, any must not exposed to the light the matter, can give the shadow the strength to do, internally, the shadow strength can supervise entire sect to have the clothes eating insect up and down, supervises in sect the disciple to leave uncultivated to practice, the use is very big.” “这你就不懂了吧?暗部力量的作用那是非常大的,对外,任何一切见不得光的事情,都可以交给暗部力量去做,对内,暗部力量可以督查整个宗门上下有没有蛀虫,督查宗门内弟子有没有荒废修行,用处很大。” Zhang Hao said with a smile. 张寒笑着说道。 He was saying at the same time, in the eye has the ray to flash. 他说着的同时,眼中有着光芒在闪动。 He felt oneself had comprehended shadow strength completely meaning. 他感觉自己已经完完全全领悟了‘暗部力量’的含义。 After he shadow strength building, certainly wants first to infiltrate Daoless Sect, is Master observes practicing of these disciples silently. 等他将‘暗部力量’给搭建完毕后,肯定要第一时间渗透进无道宗,为师尊默默观察那些弟子的修行。 If there is idleness, he will certainly use the strength of shadow, helping him correct. 如果有懈怠者,他一定会动用暗部的力量,帮其纠正。 This, is the real sense of shadow! 这,才是暗部的真正意义! No wonder Master said, this matter must let him personally. 难怪师尊说,这件事必须让他亲自来。 Also right, entire Daoless Sect high and low, only then his Zhang, had this ability. 也对,整个无道宗上下,也就只有他张某人,才有这个能力了。 So that's how it is, the eldest child, are you highest head of this shadow strength?” “原来如此,那老大,您是这个暗部力量的最高负责人么?” Cool breeze monster king Shuangyan shine, inquired. 清风妖王双眼发光,询问道。 Otherwise? Who besides me can also?” “不然呢?除了我还能有谁?” Zhang Hao flies, while shot a look at a cool breeze monster king, says. 张寒一边飞行,一边瞥了一眼清风妖王,开口说道。 Eldest child are you highest head of shadow strength?! Eldest child, let alone, starting today, you let me toward east, I certainly not toward west!” “老大您就是暗部力量的最高负责人?!老大,别说了,从今天开始,您让我往东,我就绝不往西!” Cool breeze monster king said repeatedly. 清风妖王连声说道。 He realized finally, oneself held a how thick thigh. 他终于意识到,自己抱了个多么粗的大腿。 This is the Daoless Sect shadow strength wields the person. 这位是无道宗的暗部力量执掌人。 If he can mix this person of left and right hands, his future position, that isn't when production costs rise, prices rise too? 要是他能混到这人的左右手,那他未来的地位,那不是水涨船高? The cool breeze monster king thinks that picture, he himself was excited. 清风妖王一想到那个画面,他自己就激动了起来。 For the time being first looks.” “暂且先看着吧。” Zhang Hao returned to one lightly. 张寒只是淡淡的回了一句。 He naturally also knows that the cool breeze monster king is thinking anything. 他自然也知道清风妖王在想些什么。 But he is disinclined to respond. 但他懒得搭理。 After speaking a few words, no longer opens the mouth, leading cool breeze monster king to fly full power. 在讲了一句话后,就不再开口,带着清风妖王全力飞行。 ...... …… Another side, south day of state. 另一边,南天州。 Flows rapidly near the restless rivers and streams. 一条奔流不息的江河边上。 Xu Yu is leading his Sage protector ancient God, is preparing to fish. 徐御正带着他的圣人护道者古神,在准备捕鱼。 However Xu Yu does not have first to begin, but took up books, first wrote. 不过徐御并没有第一时间动手,而是拿起了一本书籍,先书写了起来。 This lets nearby ancient god very curious. 这让旁边的古神非常的好奇。 He was not first day sees Xu Yu to put out this thing. 他不是第一天见到徐御拿出这本东西了。 Before he had not cared. 只是之前他都没有怎么在意。 Now he is interested actually slightly, wants to have a look at Xu Yu to write anything. 现在他倒是稍微感兴趣了,想要看看徐御到底在写些什么。 slow is young friend, what you writing?” “徐小友,你到底在写些什么?” The ancient gods entered side Xu Yu, asked. 古神走进了徐御身边,问道。 He asked that while looked down. 他一边问,一边低头看着。 Sees only in Xu Yu that book, a few words are writing. 只见徐御的那本书上,一段话正在写着。 Immortal World south, the state, a southern day, enters , then goes over hill and dale, obvious great waves rivers and streams, among......’ 仙界之南,有一州,名南天,入则翻山越岭,可见一浪涛江河,其内……’ Writes about here, Xu Yu broke. 写到这里,徐御就断了。 It‘s nothing, writes some funs, we have a look in this river to have anything quickly to roast are eating.” “没什么没什么,就是写一些好玩的东西而已,我们快去看看这河里有什么东西可以烤着吃吧。” Xu Yu said repeatedly. 徐御连声说道。 A nearby ancient God face compels ignorant. 旁边的古神一脸懵逼。 How he felt, thing that this Xu Yu writes, probably the recipes are the same. 他怎么感觉,这徐御写的东西,像是食谱一样。 But he is not inquisitive anything. 但他又不好问什么。 Only can look that Xu Yu is looking toward the riverside, looks around. 只能看着徐御往着河边瞄去,四处搜寻。 Considers as finished, making this little fellow make, has me to protect in any case, cannot have anything.” “算了算了,让这个小家伙闹吧,反正有我护着,也出不了什么事情。” The ancient gods can only think. 古神只能这么想着。 Nearby Xu Yu may not have manages so many. 旁边的徐御可没管那么多。 Is walking in the riverside, the vision looked everywhere randomly, wanted to find to have any appropriate prey. 在河边走着,目光到处乱看,想要找到有没有什么合适的猎物。 He looks, suddenly sees in the riverside, has form together to sit, in the hand takes the fishing pole, resembles is fishing. 他看着看着,突然看到在河边,有一道身影正在坐着,手里拿着钓竿,似在垂钓。 This form wears a loose azure robe, a pale long hair scattered in disorder shawl, invisible makings surround its whole body, making him seem very uncommon. 这道身影穿着一袭宽松青袍,一头苍白的长发散乱披肩,一股无形的气质环绕其周身,使得他看上去很是不凡。 This person of Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 这人正是青天圣人 Xu Yu sees this person, gawked, but he gets back one's composure quickly, walked toward this person. 徐御看到这人,愣了一下,但他很快就回神,朝着这人走了过去。 Mister, what monster clan may I ask in this river to have to exist?” “先生,敢问这河里可有什么妖族存在?” Xu Yu very polite inquiry. 徐御很客气的询问。 In river Wusheng spirits, the water of this river, the Wusheng machine, the life is unable to survive in the river.” “河里无生灵,此河之水,毫无生机可言,生灵无法于河中存活。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) turns the head to look to Xu Yu, unemotional saying. 青天圣人转头看向徐御,面无表情的说道。 „? In this river doesn't have the life? What is the mister you fishing?” “啊?这河里没有生灵?那先生你在钓什么?” Xu Yu compels very much ignorant. 徐御很是懵逼。 He ran was so far, arrived at this rivers and streams. 他跑了这么远,来到这江河边上。 Unexpectedly said with him, in this rivers and streams, without life? 居然和他说,这江河里面,没有生灵? In the fishing pole of this poor Daoist may not have the bait, the bait of this poor Daoist, is not used for the life in fishing rivers and streams, but is fishes a inexorable fate, this tribulation, this poor Daoist has fished.” “贫道的钓竿里可没鱼饵,贫道的鱼饵,也不是用来垂钓江河里的生灵的,而是来垂钓一劫数的,此劫,贫道已经钓到了。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) light saying. 青天圣人淡淡的说道。 Inexorable fate? What is the inexorable fate?” “劫数?劫数是什么?” Xu Yu is very ignorant, always feels this person, spoke strangely. 徐御还是很懵,总感觉这人,说话奇奇怪怪的。 Inexorable fate is you.” “劫数是你。” The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) vision is staring at Xu Yu, opens the mouth slowly said. 青天圣人目光盯着徐御,缓缓的开口说道。 „? What do you mean?” “啊?什么意思?” Xu Yu did not understand as before. 徐御依旧不理解。 slow young friend, draws back!” “徐小友,退回来!” ancient God noticed here scene finally, he recognized Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), drank hastily greatly. 身后的古神终于注意到了这边的场景,他认出了青天圣人,连忙一声大喝。 His that called one to worry. 他那叫一个着急。 How Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) will for fear that take Xu Yu. 生怕青天圣人会拿徐御怎么样。 You are anything, draws back!” “你是什么东西,退下去!” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) shot a look at ancient God lightly, the opens the mouth put out a few words. 青天圣人淡淡瞥了一眼古神,张口吐出一句话。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 An invisible strength shake, has flown ancient Shenji, the powerful pressure, are pressing the ancient god stubbornly, keeping it from standing from the ground. 一股无形的力量震荡而过,将古神击飞,更有一股强大威压,将古神死死压着,让其无法从地上站起来。 ancient God! Bullies my protector, you should hit!” “古神!欺我护道者,你该打!” Xu Yu looked that ancient God was attacked, turns hostile instantaneously, whole body spiritual power surges, hits toward Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 徐御看古神受到攻击,瞬间变脸,浑身法力涌动,朝着青天圣人打去。 He even goes to think that without enough time realm of opposite party, goes to think without enough time, ancient God as Sage is struck to fly by one, realm of opposite party should high. 他甚至来不及去想对方的境界,更来不及去想,古神身为圣人都被一句击飞,对方的境界该有多高。 He only has thoughts now. 他现在只有一个心思。 War! 战! Has invincible dao heart Xu Yu to be fearless. 本就有着无敌道心徐御可是天不怕地不怕的。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) looks at the attack of Xu Yu, shakes the head slightly. 青天圣人看着徐御的攻击,微微摇了摇头。 Although you as the inexorable fate, related to the huge causes and effects, how this poor Daoist are unable to take you, but, little uses/gives disciplinary punishment, might as well......” “虽然你身为劫数,涉及巨大因果,贫道无法拿你如何,但是,小施惩戒,还是无妨的……”
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