NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#796: Every day works as five double-hour

Chapter 797 works as five double-hour every day 第797章每天当五个时辰 Eastern divine land, Hidden Heaven Island. 东神州,隐天岛 After Ye Luo and Su Qianyuan one compares notes, then both returned to Hidden Heaven Island. 叶落苏乾元一番切磋之后,便双双回归了隐天岛 Su Qianyuan was defeated by the Ye Luo seven swords, is not discouraged, after going back, then continued to cultivate. 苏乾元叶落七剑击败,也不气馁,回去之后,便继续修炼了起来。 Ye Luo could not find person present age Sect Master, in situation that in Su Qianyuan does not want, he can only go to Sect Master Main Hall, asked for instructions Master. 叶落找不到人当代宗主,在苏乾元不愿意的情况下,他只能去了宗主大殿,请示自家师尊 After being under permission of Master, he targeted four Junior Sister Tantai Luoxue. 在得到师尊的允许后,他将目标对准了四师妹澹台洛雪 Four Junior Sister Tantai Luoxue abilities, obtains the Ye Luo approval very much. 四师妹澹台洛雪的能力,还是很得到叶落认可的。 It looks like in Ye Luo, this four Junior Sisters have the overall perception extremely, itself is one holds chess, inborn intelligent, its ability can easily be able to control present Daoless Sect. 叶落看来,这个四师妹极度拥有大局观,本身便是一个‘执棋者’,天生聪慧,其能力能够轻易管得了现在的无道宗 But this four Junior Sisters have a fatal flaw. 只不过这个四师妹有个致命的缺陷。 That is lazy, and dwelling. 那就是懒,而且还宅。 Must make four Junior Sisters manage sect well, that must solving was good this point. 要让四师妹好好管理宗门,那就一定要把这一点给解决了才行。 ...... …… Ye Luo is holding the thoughts, arrives at four Junior Sister Tantai Luoxue dwellings, was explaining the situation with Tantai Luoxue that played chess leisurely. 叶落抱着心思,来到四师妹澹台洛雪的住处,和正在悠哉悠哉下棋的澹台洛雪说明了情况。 As expected, the Tantai Luoxue first few words reject. 不出所料,澹台洛雪的第一句话就是拒绝。 Big Apprentice Brother, the Junior Sister ability is insufficient, cultivation base is more insufficient, how can manage sect? Big Apprentice Brother seperately elects others.” 大师兄,师妹能力不足,修为更不足,如何能管理宗门大师兄还是另外去选其他人吧。” Tantai Luoxue decisive incomparable saying. 澹台洛雪果断无比的说道。 Four Junior Sisters, in the sect the disciple, is entitled now, there is an ability present age Sect Master person, was you, should not be immodest.” “四师妹,如今宗内弟子,有资格,也有能力当代宗主的人,也就是你了,你就别谦虚了。” Ye Luo closing one's eyes direct reaction. 叶落闭着眼睛直接回答了。 He guessed correctly that Tantai Luoxue will say. 他都猜到澹台洛雪会这么说了。 The nature has thought how should reply. 自然早就想好了该怎么回答了。 „It is not good, Big Apprentice Brother, this is not absolutely good!” “不行,大师兄,这绝对不行!” The Tantai Luoxue head swings is like the rattle-drum, kills is not willing to work as this generation of Sect Master. 澹台洛雪脑袋摇得和拨浪鼓一样,打死也不愿意当这个代宗主 Isn't good? The counter- straight talk I and you said that four Junior Sisters, if you want the Daoless Sect chaos, do not inherit this position, all has been said that I first walked, was Daoless Sect chaotic looks at you.” “不行?反正话我和你说了,四师妹,如果你想要无道宗大乱的话,那你就不要继承这个位置,言尽于此,我先走了,无道宗乱不乱就看你了。” Ye Luo smiles, turns around to walk. 叶落笑了笑,转身就要走。 He threw down the burden/shoulder pole. 他把担子丢下了。 With the temper of this four Junior Sister, how can also following, his incomparable determination. 以这个四师妹的性子,怎么样也会接下来的,他无比的确定。 Big Apprentice Brother, you wait/etc!” 大师兄,你等等!” Tantai Luoxue opened the mouth hastily, stopped by calling Ye Luo. 澹台洛雪连忙开口,喊住了叶落 What's wrong, four Junior Sisters, what matter do you have?” “怎么,四师妹,你还有什么事情么?” Ye Luo turns around, the chuckle was saying. 叶落转身,轻笑着说道。 Big Apprentice Brother, you, you, you won, wants my present age Sect Master is also good, but I have the condition.” 大师兄,你,你,你赢了,要我当代宗主也行,但我有条件。” Tantai Luoxue bites the lip lightly, very helpless saying. 澹台洛雪轻咬嘴唇,十分无奈的说道。 Condition? Said.” “条件?说说吧。” Ye Luo does not worry, sat on the chair, calmly waited for the opposite party to recount this condition. 叶落也不着急了,坐在了椅子上,静静等待对方述说这个‘条件’。 My present age Sect Master, I can only work as five double-hour every day the time, five double-hour arrive, I leave, return to oneself sleeping palace!” “我当代宗主,我每天只能当五个时辰的时间,五个时辰一到,我就离开,回自己寝殿!” Tantai Luoxue so said. 澹台洛雪这般说道。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Ye Luo was shocked. 叶落愣住了。 Every day only works as five double-hour generation of Sect Master? Did this also mark the time? Does the fixed point get off work??? 每天只当五个时辰的代宗主?这还标上时间了?定点下班??? Ye Luo was silent. 叶落沉默了。 But he also many did not say anything, finally can only nod to comply. 但他又不好多说什么,最后只能点头答应了下来。 After complying, Ye Luo left to leave. 在答应后,叶落就动身离开了。 However he leaves turns over to leave, has not walked away, does not have first to return to Sect Master Main Hall. 不过他离开归离开,并没有走远,也没有第一时间返回宗主大殿 But hidden the figure, watched Tantai Luoxue. 而是隐藏身形,观看起了澹台洛雪 He wants management good entire sect that has a look at Tantai Luoxue to improve. 他想要看看澹台洛雪到底能不能完善的管理好整个宗门 ...... …… Ye Luo this concealment, is three days. 叶落这一隐匿,就是三天。 After the observations of three days of time. 在通过三天时间的观察之后。 Finally Ye Luo feels relieved left, goes to Sect Master Main Hall, listens respectfully explaining religious doctrine of Master. 叶落终于放心的离开了,前往宗主大殿,去聆听自家师尊的讲道。 Although Tantai Luoxue a day only works as five double-hour generation of Sect Master, but has saying that its ability is very strong. 澹台洛雪虽然一天只当五个时辰的代宗主,但是不得不说,其能力还是很强的。 With five time of double-hour, management easily entire sect high and low. 用五个时辰的时间,轻易的管理好了整个宗门上下。 Just, what making Ye Luo somewhat speechless was, this four female apprentices' management to the time, extremely were rather accurate. 只不过,令叶落有些无语的是,这个四师妹对时间的管理,未免也太过于精准了。 Five double-hour arrive each time, get off work immediately, go back the bedroom palace with the escaping technique directly, then dwelling. 每次五个时辰一到,就立马下班,用遁术直接回去寝殿,然后宅着。 This gave Ye Luo entire cannot. 这把叶落都给整不会了。 But Ye Luo also did not say anything. 叶落又不好说什么。 Tantai Luoxue can manage sect in any case well, that was OK. 反正澹台洛雪能好好管理宗门,那就可以了。 Other, he does not want multibarreled. 其他的,他也不想多管了。 Ye Luo that therefore feels relieved, then returned to Sect Master Main Hall, listened respectfully to explaining religious doctrine of oneself Master. 所以放心的叶落,便返回了宗主大殿,聆听起了自家师尊的讲道。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In the mountain of eastern divine land. 在东神州的一座山岳之中。 Leaves Daoless Sect Zhang Hao to appear here. 离开无道宗张寒出现在这里。 His tall stands above this great tree, both hands shoulders, the clothes robe flap flap, the vision is overlooking the big piece mountain. 他高站在这一颗巨树之上,双手背负,衣袍猎猎,目光俯瞰着大片的山岳。 „, Gets up.” “阵,起。” The Zhang Hao lip opens lightly, said such two characters. 张寒嘴唇轻启,道了这么两个字。 His voice falls. 他声音落下。 In a moment , formation one after another centered on him ascends, the rapid formation, suppresses all. 片刻间,以他为中心,一座接着一座阵法升腾而起,迅速成型,镇压一切。 Sees only the entire mountain all by the formation package, an enormous constriction floods. 只见整座山岳全被阵法包裹,一股极大的压迫感充斥于其中。 Cool breeze monster king, but also please come sees, otherwise, do not blame me to ask you to come out!” “清风妖王,还请现身一见,否则,就别怪我请你出来了!” Zhang Hao opens the mouth. 张寒开口。 The sound changes to the billowing sound wave, spreads to the entire mountain. 声音化作滚滚音浪,传入整座山岳之中。 He is very indeed weak in Daoless Sect that. 他在无道宗那的确很弱。 But that is regarding is passing on the disciple. 但那是对于在亲传弟子之中而言。 Outward, he is a side powerhouse truly. 对外,他可是一方确确实实的强者。 Shortly after Zhang Hao opens the mouth. 张寒开口之后不久。 One group of cool breezes about move in innumerable formation, shuttle in within/inner. 一团清风在无数的阵法之中左右移动,穿梭于内。 Quick, the cool breeze arrived at the Zhang Hao place, changed to a tall and strong figure. 很快,清风就来到了张寒处,化作了一道魁梧身形。 This is a monster king. 这是一名妖王。 Has the monster king of Immortal King strength. 拥有着仙王战力的妖王。 I just am Immortal King, is your excellency so why aggressive?” “我只不过是一仙王,阁下何必如此咄咄逼人?” The cool breeze monster king depressed the anger in tone forcefully. 清风妖王强行压下了语气之中的怒火。 He wants to get angry. 他很想发火。 However looks at surrounding these formation, depressed the anger forcefully, does not dare to get angry. 但是看着周围的那些阵法,又强行压下了怒火,不敢发怒。 I had said that hopes that you can turn in me, I want to compose a side influence, needs the manpower.” “我已经说了,希望你能投靠于我,我欲要组成一方势力,需要人手。” Zhang Hao both hands link chest, light saying. 张寒双手环胸,淡淡的说道。 I will not turn to anybody, do not have a dream, even if your strength compared with me, what's the big deal!” “我绝不会投靠任何人,你别做梦了,哪怕你实力比我强,那又如何!” Cool breeze monster king unparalleled firm saying. 清风妖王无比坚定的说道。 Why don't you want?” “你为何不愿意?” Zhang Hao knits the brows. 张寒皱眉。 My monster clan always advocates the freedom, how can be restricted the freedom? This is not, my cool breeze monster king cannot so! I throw the words today in any case here, today I die, is impossible to turn to you!” “我妖族向来崇尚自由,怎能被人拘束自由?这不是,我清风妖王绝不能如此!反正今天我把话撂在这里了,今天我就是死,也不可能投靠你!” The cool breeze monster king attitude is strong. 清风妖王态度强硬。 „Do this words take seriously? You may know that who I am? Also may know, what I want to establish is what influence?” “此话当真?你可知道我是谁?又可知道,我想要建立的是什么势力?” I, no matter you are, what influence no matter also you want to establish, my meaning, in any event, I am in any case impossible to turn your!” “我不管你是谁,也不管你想要建立什么样的势力,反正我就这一个意思,无论如何,我都不可能投靠你的!” I am the Daoless Sect disciple.” “我乃无道宗弟子。” Does not have, Daoless Sect? That various Tianzhi high immeasurable Sage influence?” “无,无道宗?那位诸天至高无量圣人的势力?” Good, various Tianzhi high immeasurable Sage is my Master.” “不错,诸天至高无量圣人正是我之师尊。” So that's how it is, that eldest child, has not known you politely call, but also looks at you to be liberal to advise, otherwise my works as the subordinate, you politely call are anything do not know, very loses face.” “原来如此,那个老大,还不知道您尊称呢,还望您不吝指教一番,不然我这个当手下的,连您尊称是什么都不知道,很丢人的。” Zhang Hao was lost in thought at that time. 张寒当时就陷入了沉思。 Own strength, but also was far less than that a status is easy-to-use. 自身实力,还远不如一个身份好用。 This also...... 这也…… Zhang Hao thought that later this/should many establishes to be the Daoless Sect shadow strength with the status...... 张寒觉得以后该多拿身份来建立属于无道宗的暗部力量…… ?? First. ??第一更。 ? ? ???? ???? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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