NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#795: Comparing notes of Su Qianyuan and Ye Luo

Eastern divine land, Hidden Heaven Island. 东神州,隐天岛 Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿 Chu Yuan after Zhang Hao leaves, then made Ye Luo come. 楚缘张寒离开之后,便让叶落进来了。 He makes Ye Luo come , the preparation continues to complete the support of Saint. 他让叶落进来,准备继续完成成圣的扶持。 Ye Luo one day inadequate Saint, his most energy in Ye Luo body. 叶落一日不成圣,他的大部分精力就会在叶落身上 In order to support Ye Luo to become the Saint to be main! 以扶持叶落成圣主要! However, he does not have first to say to Ye Luo, asks the opinion of Ye Luo. 不过,他并没有第一时间给叶落讲道,也是询问起了叶落的意见。 At present Zhang Hao left. 眼下张寒离开了。 Daoless Sect the positions of generation of Sect Master emptied. 无道宗的代宗主之位空了下来。 Present Daoless Sect may live it up very much, over ten thousand recording a name disciples, various facilities, if no one manages, feared that will be chaotic. 现在的无道宗可热闹得很,上万名记名弟子,各种设施,要是没人管理的话,怕是会乱。 Therefore must select generation of Sect Master to come out to manage is good. 所以必须得选出一名代宗主出来管理才行。 He does not know that elects anyone. 只是他不知道选谁。 Therefore inquired Ye Luo. 所以来询问了叶落 Master, the disciple felt, three Junior Brother, before three Junior Brother, it is a side Sacred Land manager, afterward entered Daoless Sect, itself has the management experience.” 师尊,弟子觉得,三师弟可以,三师弟之前本身就是一方圣地的管理者,后来才入了无道宗,本身就有管理经验的。” Ye Luo hesitated for a long time, says. 叶落沉吟了许久,开口说道。 Third child?” “老三?” Chu Yuan gawked slightly. 楚缘稍微愣了一下。 Yes. 是啊。 He also really almost gave to forget. 他还真差点给忘了。 The third child is a Sacred Land manager, Daoless Sect that afterward entered. 老三本身就是一个圣地的管理者,后来才入的无道宗 This third child displays four limbs to be developed year to year, the simpleminded appearance, anything depends on the fist solution, gradually, he forgot, the third child is a person who has the management experience. 只是这个老三常年表现出一副四肢发达,头脑简单的样子,任何事情都靠拳头解决,久而久之,他都忘记了,老三是一个拥有管理经验的人了。 Ok, you went to and third child say, making the third child take office instantly, present age Sect Master!” “可以,你去和老三说一下吧,让老三即刻上任,当代宗主!” The Chu Yuan slight nod, complied. 楚缘微微点头,答应了下来。 Ye Luo regarding this, naturally does not have the opinion, he does obeisance submissively, then withdrew from Sect Master Main Hall, goes to seek for Su Qianyuan. 叶落对此,自然没有意见,他拱手一拜,而后退出了宗主大殿,前去寻找苏乾元 ...... …… After Ye Luo leaves, goes to the Su Qianyuan bedroom palace directly. 叶落离开后,径直前往苏乾元的寝殿。 Originally Ye Luo thinks, Su Qianyuan will comply refreshedly, is, Su Qianyuan gave the rejection unexpectedly. 本来叶落是以为,苏乾元会爽快的答应的,可是没想到,苏乾元居然给拒绝了。 The reason that Su Qianyuan gives is, oneself are inexperienced, cannot manage big sect. 苏乾元给出的理由是,自身经验不足,不能管理一大个宗门 However his hinderland said the real reason, his cultivation base to the critical moment, recently does not have the time. 不过他背地还是说出来真正原因,他修为到了关键时刻,最近一段时间都没有时间。 Regarding this, Ye Luo can also certainly understand, the nod expressed after oneself understood, turns around to leave. 对此,叶落当然也能理解,点头表示自己明白了之后,转身就要离开。 However he has not left, actually by Su Qianyuan blocking. 不过他还没离开,却被苏乾元给拦了下来。 Big Apprentice Brother, we had not compared notes for a long time, recently Junior Brother cultivation base rose sharply, does not know whether Big Apprentice Brother does compare notes 12 with me?” 大师兄,我们许久没切磋了,最近师弟修为大涨,不知大师兄可否与我切磋一二?” Su Qianyuan cracks into a smile, asked. 苏乾元咧嘴一笑,问道。 Compares notes? Ok!” “切磋?可以!” Ye Luo also smiled, the nod said. 叶落也笑了,点头说道。 Two people fit in easily. 两人一拍即合。 Immediately sets out, both goes to the sea of nihility. 当即起身,双双前往虚无之海。 ...... …… Two people are the powerhouses. 两人都是强者。 Then arrived in the sea of nihility quickly. 很快便降临到了虚无之海之中。 Two people face each other across a great distance, are built on the sea of nihility. 两人遥遥相对,立于虚无之海中。 However, compared with Ye Luo calm at will. 不过,比起叶落的淡定随意。 Su Qianyuan slightly fought intent to be fuller obviously. 苏乾元就略显战意十足了一些。 His eyes closely are staring at Big Apprentice Brother. 他双眼紧紧盯着自家大师兄 He has wanted to defeat Big Apprentice Brother. 他一直都想要击败大师兄 Having this thought is not one day two days. 有这个念头不是一天两天的了。 Finally so can fight. 如此终于能够一战。 He said that not exciting that is not possible. 他说不兴奋那是不可能的。 Three Junior Brother, you first make a move, goes all-out.” “三师弟,你先出手吧,尽全力。” Ye Luo opens the mouth with a smile, said. 叶落笑着开口,说道。 Respectfully follows the command of Big Apprentice Brother!” “谨遵大师兄之令!” Su Qianyuan cups one hand in the other across the chest, said such a loudly. 苏乾元一拱手,大声的说了这么一句。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 His whole body billowing malignant influences ascend, extremely fearful aura ascends from his body. 他周身滚滚煞气升腾而起,一股极为可怕的气息从他身上升腾而起。 In his behind, a huge ghost lacking in vital energy shadow formation, the Great Dao projections of 12 different aura surround his whole body, encouraged several points of ominous prestige to him. 在他的身后,一道巨大的煞气虚影形成,十二道不同气息的大道投影环绕他的周身,给他助长了几分凶威。 Big Apprentice Brother, be careful!” 大师兄,小心!” Su Qianyuan said such a few words. 苏乾元说出了这么一句话。 He shakes the fist to pound toward Ye Luo. 他挥拳朝着叶落砸去。 In that moment that he shakes the fist, the back huge ghost lacking in vital energy shadow also follows a fist, hits fiercely toward Ye Luo. 在他挥拳的那一刻,背后的巨大煞气虚影也跟着一拳,朝着叶落猛地打去。 This fist is rudely. 这一拳势大力沉。 The fist wind, has just liked the glass void, the disruption opens. 拳风所过,虚空犹如玻璃般,噼里啪啦的碎裂而开。 Ye Luo looks that this strikes, innermost feelings some want to smile. 叶落看着这一击,内心有些想笑。 He can feel, this fist strength attained a designated standard, a very strong fist. 他感觉得出来,这一拳力量是达标了,很强很强的一拳。 However the speed of this fist, was too rather slow. 但是这一拳的速度,未免太慢了。 He easily can hide. 他轻易能够躲过去。 Just raised this thought Ye Luo, the preparation sets out to avoid. 刚刚升起这个念头的叶落,准备起身避开。 The next quarter, he stayed to be shocked. 只是下一刻,他就呆愣住了。 His surrounding space was all blocked unexpectedly, an invisible strength locked him, letting him only to face directly this fist. 他周围空间竟然全都被封锁了,一股无形的力量锁定了他,让他只能直面这一拳。 Moreover, in Ye Luo blinks, that fist just like spans the space to be common, spans the infinite distance in a flash, arrives in front of Ye Luo. 而且,就在叶落眨眼之间,那一拳犹如跨越空间一般,转瞬间跨越无限距离,来到叶落面前。 The ghost same fist of! 鬼一样的一拳! The Ye Luo innermost feelings criticize one, draws out the back golden divine sword, the swordsmanship projection melts obviously, a sword cuts toward that fist of vault of heaven. 叶落内心暗骂一句,拔出背后金色神剑,剑道投影显化而出,一剑朝着天穹的那一拳斩去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The sword air/Qi sweeps away, carries the unprecedented sword potential, cut to break to pieces this fist. 剑气横扫而过,携带一往无前的剑势,斩碎了这一拳。 realm suppression.” 境界压制。” The Ye Luo look concentrates slightly. 叶落神色微微一凝。 He knows, if he does not depend on the absolute realm suppression. 他知道,如果他不是靠着绝对的境界压制。 This fist, he so will not be easy to meet. 这一拳,他绝不会这么容易就能接得下来。 Ye Luo recovers, wants to look at Su Qianyuan. 叶落回过神来,想要去看苏乾元 This looked, he was shocked. 这一看,他就愣住了。 Vanishes to disappear in front Su Qianyuan. 在前方的苏乾元消失不见了。 Big Apprentice Brother, be careful!” 大师兄,小心!” Meanwhile, behind him, the sound resounds together. 与此同时,在他背后,一道声音响起。 Sees only the Su Qianyuan figure to just like the ghosts and demons to appear generally, a fist hits toward the Ye Luo vertebra place. 只见苏乾元身形犹如鬼魅一般出现,一拳朝着叶落的脊椎处打去。 Ye Luo also gets back one's composure rapidly, turns around to keep off in the golden divine sword standard. 叶落也迅速回神,转身以金色神剑格挡。 Bang! 砰! The terrifying sword potential and fist wind collides, raised the intermittent ocean waves all around. 恐怖的剑势与拳风碰撞,周遭掀起了阵阵海浪。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… This strikes, is the Su Qianyuan attack, the Ye Luo defense. 这一击,是苏乾元攻击,叶落防守。 However under a fist, Su Qianyuan actually backed up several kilometers, almost the figure cannot come to a stop. 但是一拳之下,苏乾元却是倒退了数千米,差点身形都站不稳。 Reviews Ye Luo to stand in same place, motionless, the clothing flutters with the wind, the invisible sword potential, is surrounding around him. 反观叶落站在原地,一动不动,衣衫随风飘扬,无形的剑势,环绕着他周围。 Opens the Sky Sword potential! 开天剑势! Three Junior Brother, I was earnest.” “三师弟,我认真了。” Ye Luo leaves behind such words, immediately lifts the sword, the form changes to the sword light, flushes away toward Su Qianyuan. 叶落留下这么一番话,随即抬剑而起,身影化作剑光,朝着苏乾元冲去。 Su Qianyuan does not fear quite the same as, welcomes Ye Luo to flush away. 苏乾元也浑然不惧,迎着叶落冲去。 Two people fight in the sea of nihility. 两人交手在虚无之海上。 Causes the big piece the sea of nihility to shake. 引得大片的虚无之海都震荡不已。 However, merely several seconds, the fight ended. 不过,仅仅几秒钟,战斗就落幕了。 Therefore the shake of sea of nihility, quick stopped. 所以虚无之海的震荡,很快就停下了。 The result of fight is obvious. 战斗的结果非常明显。 Ye Luo wins, Su Qianyuan losses. 叶落赢,苏乾元 Sees only Su Qianyuan partly to kneel in the sea level, pants. 只见苏乾元半跪在海面,气喘吁吁。 Ye Luo receives the sword to stand, as if does not have any loss. 叶落则收剑而立,似乎没有任何损耗。 Three Junior Brother, you resisted my seven swords, in the Immortal World half Saint, you rarely had the rival.” “三师弟,你抗住了我七剑,仙界半圣之中,你鲜有敌手。” Ye Luo gave the Su Qianyuan appraisal. 叶落给出了苏乾元评价。 He also somewhat shock. 他内心也有些震撼。 Never expected that Su Qianyuan grows stronger such quickly. 没想到苏乾元变强得这么快。 Before or in Daoless Sect set the base, in an instant grew this situation. 之前还是无道宗内垫底的,转眼间成长到了这种地步。 Ye Luo can be very definite, in the Daoless Sect disciple, except for him, no one is the Su Qianyuan opponent. 叶落可以很确定,无道宗弟子之中,除了他,无人是苏乾元的对手。 Perhaps Immortal World various Saints, insufficient Su Qianyuan hits mostly. 就连仙界诸多半圣,恐怕很多都不够苏乾元打的。 Compared with Big Apprentice Brother, I was weak were too many.” “比起大师兄,我还是弱了太多。” Su Qianyuan shakes the head the forced smile. 苏乾元摇头苦笑。 You are very strong, compared with second child that goods, that was too many were too many.” “你已经很强了,比起老二那货,那是强了太多太多了。” Ye Luo shows a faint smile, before arriving at the Su Qianyuan body, will hold. 叶落微微一笑,走到苏乾元身前,将之扶了起来。 Big Apprentice Brother you, said not to mention two Senior Brother have also compared notes with me, finally cannot be victorious my defense, hahahaha.” 大师兄你别提了,说起来二师兄也和我切磋过,结果连我的防御都打不过,哈哈哈哈。” Un? This matter? Specifically said, what expression the second child at that time was?” “嗯?还有这回事?具体说说,老二当时是什么表情?” „......” “……”
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