NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#794: Cannot keep Zhang Hao

In Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿内。 Zhang Hao listens to the words that Master is speaking, he fell into silent. 张寒听着自家师尊所说的话,他陷入了沉默。 He is not clear, where he made the mistake. 他不清楚,他到底哪里做错了。 Why Master, with landing a better job such word. 为什么师尊,会用出‘另谋高就’这样的词。 Zhang Hao stands in that puts in great inconvenience anxiously looks at the front to sit cross-legged Chu Yuan, that eye winks, has not shed tears on the difference. 张寒就那么站在那,委屈巴巴的看着前方盘坐着的楚缘,那双眼睛一眨一眨的,就差没流出眼泪了。 No matter what who saw, must think he puts in great inconvenience. 任谁看到,都要觉得他委屈。 Master, Master, where can the disciple have makes the mistake?” “师,师尊,弟子可有哪里做错?” Zhang Hao could not bear finally, asked such a few words. 张寒最后还是忍不住了,问出了这么一句话。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Sits cross-legged is unemotional in Chu Yuan on first rush cushion. 盘坐在上首蒲团的楚缘面无表情。 He mind like still water. 他心如止水。 At all not for the Zhang Hao expression. 根本不会为张寒的表情所动。 Cracking a joke. 开玩笑。 This second child back punctured is really excessive. 这个老二背刺得实在太过分了。 That over a thousand recording a name disciples who if recruited before taught mature, that. 如果说,只是把之前招收的那上千名记名弟子教导成才,那也就罢了。 But this second child recruited over ten thousand disciples unexpectedly, but also turning Immortal Realm, everyone will all mature. 可是这个老二居然自己招收了上万名弟子,还全都将之变成仙境,人人都成才。 This arrived at the extreme excessively! 这过分到了极点! Has scruples Zhang Hao is also one of his heart and liver disciples. 要不是顾忌张寒也是他的心肝弟子之一。 Chu Yuan certain palm of the hand this thing patting. 楚缘一定一巴掌把这玩意给拍死。 The state of mind gave to stir broken. 连带神魂都给搅碎了。 Also on Zhang Hao was his disciple. 也就张寒是他的弟子了。 He to disciple always deep affection. 他对弟子一向厚爱。 Therefore is only the choice hurrying to other places practices this Zhang Hao, so as to avoid goes bad he united on the 3rd’ the plan. 所以才只是选择把这个张寒给赶去其他地方修行,免得坏了他的‘三号合一’的计划。 How could Master had said you did make the mistake? Master felt, the ability of your body, uses on sect, somewhat was rather a pity.” 为师何曾说过你做错了?为师只是觉得,你身上之才能,用在宗门上,未免有些可惜了而已。” The Chu Yuan very reluctant revealing smile, opens the mouth slowly said. 楚缘很勉强的露出笑容,缓缓的开口说道。 No! Master, can for the sect contribution, be the Supreme honor of disciple, the disciple is only willing to continue to treat in this position.” “不!师尊,能为宗门贡献,是弟子的无上荣光,弟子只愿继续待在这个位置上。” Zhang Hao one hear, the innermost feelings felt better, but is clenching teeth to open the mouth. 张寒一听,内心好受了许多,但还是咬着牙开口。 He is not willing to leave absolutely. 他是绝对不愿意离开的。 He only wants to treat in Daoless Sect , to continue present age Sect Master. 他只想要待在无道宗,继续当代宗主 Cannot be put on regular status to turn over not able to be put on regular status, this generation of Sect Master position cannot lose. 不能转正归不能转正,这个代宗主的位置是绝不能丢的。 „It is not good, thing completely its talent, your ability, should not treat in this position.” “不行,物尽其才,你之能力,不该待在这个位置。” Chu Yuan deeply inspires, said. 楚缘深吸一口气,说道。 Master, I really only want to keep sect within/inner, is sect continues to make the contribution!” 师尊,我真的只想要留在宗内,为宗门继续做贡献!” Zhang Hao sincere saying. 张寒诚恳的说道。 Your ability, so, should not halt in this incessantly.” “你的能力,远不止如此,不该就止步于此。” The Chu Yuan facial features are maintaining the smile forcefully, said. 楚缘面容强行保持着笑容,说道。 He wished one could ripping Zhang Hao. 他内心恨不得把张寒给撕了。 Also wants to continue to give sect to make the contribution? Keeps Zhang Hao in sect within/inner, he feared that is several tens of thousands of years cannot complete three-in-one plan. 还想继续给宗门做贡献?留张寒在宗内,他怕是等个数万年都不能完成‘三合一’计划。 Master, not......” 师尊,不不不……” Hao'er, listens to Master!” 寒儿,听为师的!” But Master......” “可是师尊……” Listens to Master!” “听为师的!” „......” “……” Zhang Hao and Chu Yuan one pulls. 张寒楚缘一番拉扯。 Finally actually defeated under the death gaze of Chu Yuan. 最后却是败在了楚缘的死亡注视下。 Zhang Hao can only put in great inconvenience to standing anxiously to be in-situ. 张寒只能委屈巴巴的站在原地了。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 Chu Yuan is also helpless. 楚缘也是无奈了。 He thought that cannot drive out Zhang Hao forcefully, must find an appropriate excuse to be good. 他觉得还是不能强行把张寒撵走,必须得找个合适的理由才行。 This reason at least needs to be perfunctory Zhang Hao, flickered Zhang Hao. 这个理由至少要能够敷衍得了张寒,忽悠得了张寒 Chu Yuan thought carefully. 楚缘仔细想了起来。 He pondered for a long time. 他沉思了许久。 Suddenly gets a sudden inspiration, thought of anything. 忽然灵机一动,想到了什么。 Thereupon, he opened the mouth. 于是乎,他开口了。 Hao'er, actually, this matter, is not Master desirably so, is only your ability, if keeps sect within/inner, instead limited your ability.” 寒儿,其实,此事,并非为师刻意如此,只是你之才能,若是留在宗内,反而是限制了你的才能。” Therefore Master wants to send you to do, greatly, more important matter.” “故而为师想要派遣你去做一些,更大,更重要的事情。” Chu Yuan saying slowly. 楚缘缓缓的说道。 „? Master, what matter but also there is, can be more important than sect management? Also asked Master to keep the disciple in sect for several years, the disciple may make the number of recording a name disciple surpass 100,000 inevitably! Moreover all matures, if the disciple is unable to achieve, is willing to subject to a penalty!” “啊?师尊,还有什么事情,能比宗门本身的管理更重要?还请师尊留弟子在宗门数年,弟子必然可让记名弟子之数超过十万!而且个个成才,若是弟子无法做到,甘愿受罚!” Zhang Hao cups one hand in the other across the chest, earnest incomparable saying. 张寒拱手,认真无比的说道。 Chu Yuan: „?” 楚缘:“?” What did you say? 你说什么? Gives your several years time, certainly trains ten Wan Chengcai disciples? 给你数年时间,一定培养十万成才弟子? How many? 多少? Tenth, 100,000? 十,十万? Good second child! Cannot keep you! 好一个老二!留不得你! Chu Yuan strengthened his idea instantaneously. 楚缘瞬间坚定了他的想法。 Hao'er, you may know, sect, not just strength outwardly? World anything, has the pro and con, similarly, sect also has strength and dark surface strength outwardly.” 寒儿,你可知,一个宗门,并非只有明面的力量?世间任何东西,都有正反两面,同样,一个宗门也有明面力量与暗面力量。” Chu Yuan shows the smile, saying slowly. 楚缘露出笑容,缓缓的说道。 Un? Master, is your meaning?” “嗯?师尊,您的意思是?” Zhang Hao such a hear, understood anything indistinctly probably. 张寒这么一听,隐隐约约好像明白了什么。 Master wants you to go out, trains to be our Daoless Sect dark surface strength! This strength, hidden in the hidden place does not know for others, the critical moment, can actually erupt the most vital function!” 为师想要你外出,去培养出属于我们无道宗的暗面力量!此股力量,隐藏于暗处不为他人所知,关键时刻,却能爆发出最为重要的作用!” Chu Yuan jokes around. 楚缘瞎忽悠着。 Said that to call one vigorously, as if this matter is really same. 说得那叫一个起劲,仿佛这件事是真的一样。 Said has no interest, the listener is enthusiastic. 说者无心,听者来劲。 The Zhang Hao hear Chu Yuan such words, instantaneous clear(ly) became aware. 张寒听完了楚缘的这么一番话,瞬间明悟了。 So that's how it is! So that's how it is! 原来如此!原来如此! Master does not shut out his anything, but must delegate him to handle a more important matter! 师尊并非是嫌弃他什么的,而是要委派他去做更重要的事情! Also right. 也对。 Keeps sect within/inner, after all is not good. 留在宗内,终归是不好的。 His position will be awkward. 他的位置会非常尴尬。 He is generation of Sect Master, but also has natural talent peerless Big Apprentice Brother in his top of the head. 他是代宗主,但在他头顶还有个天资绝伦的大师兄在。 His present age Sect Master, what that should Big Apprentice Brother make? 他当代宗主,那大师兄该去做什么? Third child who under him, rose recently. 还有他下面,还有个最近崛起的老三在。 Hard, his indeed some are unqualified sit the generation of Sect Master position. 硬算起来,他的确有些不够格坐代宗主的位置。 Master thinks that wants to understand this point. 师尊想必是想明白了这一点。 Therefore will propose this saying. 故而才会提出这一说。 Let him train the dark surface influence. 让他去培养暗面势力。 If he trains the dark surface strength, then he is not only the master of dark surface strength, will become with one of people Daoless Sect will wield great authority truly! 他若是培养出暗面力量,那么他不仅仅是暗面力量的主人,更将会成为和无道宗真正执掌大权的人之一! Master, thinks through a matter! 师尊,用心良苦! Zhang Hao was moved. 张寒感动了。 Hao'er, can you possibly understand the words that Master spoke? Your do not think that trains the dark surface strength to be useless! The use of dark surface strength, that is very many......” 寒儿,你可能听得懂为师所说的话?你的千万不要觉得培养暗面力量没用!暗面力量的用处,那是非常之多的……” Chu Yuan also thinks that Zhang Hao does not believe that just wants to continue to supplement anything. 楚缘还以为张寒不相信,刚想继续补充点什么。 Master is not no need to say again, the disciples understand! The disciples understood the meaning of Master! The disciples are willing to go out to train to be the Daoless Sect dark surface strength!” 师尊不必再说,弟子都懂!弟子明白师尊之意了!弟子愿外出培养属于无道宗的暗面力量!” Zhang Hao cups one hand in the other across the chest, loud saying. 张寒拱手,大声的说道。 Un? Did you really understand?” “嗯?你真懂了?” Chu Yuan gawked, never expected that Zhang Hao complied quickly. 楚缘愣了一下,没想到张寒这么快就答应了下来。 „The Master intention, how the disciple can not understand, Master do not worry, disciple this prepares to go out, trains my Daoless Sect dark surface strength!” 师尊用意,弟子怎能不懂,师尊勿忧,弟子这就准备外出,培养我无道宗的暗面力量!” Zhang Hao leaves behind these words. 张寒留下这一番话。 Turned around to leave. 转身就离开了。 Walks that to call a decisiveness. 走得那叫一个果断。 Doing Chu Yuan is dumbfounded, some have not responded. 搞得楚缘都一愣一愣的,有些没有反应过来。 Until Zhang Hao went out of Sect Master Main Hall, he responded. 直到张寒都走出宗主大殿了,他才反应了过来。 This second child, with hitting chicken blood, should not really take seriously?” “这个老二,和打鸡血了一样,该不会真当真了吧?” Chu Yuan looks at the Sect Master Main Hall entrance direction, muttered. 楚缘看着宗主大殿门口的方向,喃喃自语。 He somewhat worries about this second child. 他有些担忧这个老二。 However changes mind thinks, now the Daoless Sect disciple walks, but there are Heavenly Dao nanny, can heartily the wave, does not need to fear anything. 但是转念一想,现在无道宗弟子走出去,可是有天道保姆的,可以尽情浪,也不用怕什么。 Only if the Immortal World Heavenly Dao acts shamelessly, plays Yin to him, the surface complies, the back does not protect his disciple. 除非仙界天道耍赖,给他玩阴的,表面答应,背后不保护他的弟子。 If so, if his disciple therefore had anything to lose, he puts together the god brilliant number, the Heavenly Dao large size, the god trumpet all did not only want, must put together life and death with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao! 如果真是那样,他的弟子要是因此有了什么损失,那他就是拼了神光大号,天道大号,神光小号全都不要了,也要和仙界天道拼个你死我活! In the Chu Yuan eye the god is only radiant, thought incomparable firm...... 楚缘眼中神光璀璨,念头无比的坚定……
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