NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#793: Landing a better job 【Fourth】

Eastern divine land, Hidden Heaven Island. 东神州,隐天岛 Daoless Sect, above Sect Master Main Hall. 无道宗,宗主大殿之上。 Chu Yuan convened all passed on the disciple. 楚缘召集了所有亲传弟子。 He will first shelter their things to say the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 他先是将仙界天道会庇护他们的事情说了出来。 When many Daoless Sect disciples know this afterward, naturally very surprise, but was Master said, they actually can also understand. 当诸多无道宗弟子知道这件事后,自然很是诧异,但是是自家师尊所说,他们却也能理解。 Master is unusual. 师尊不同寻常。 Can make anything, that is very normal, they can understand. 能做出什么事情,那都是很正常的,他们都能理解。 Regarding this, they also accepted silently, and gave birth went out the informed and experienced idea. 对此,他们也默然接受了,并且生出了出去历练的想法。 However, has not waited for them to give this idea. 不过,还没等他们提出这个想法。 Heard the question that Master asked. 就听到自家师尊问出的问题了。 Moreover, Master wants to ask, changes the giant matter about Hidden Heaven Island.” “另外,为师想要问一下,关于隐天岛内变化巨大的事情。” This matter, should you know? Before Master, has not paid attention to Hidden Heaven Island, this suddenly, momentous change of Hidden Heaven Island, but scared Master, Master wants to know very much, which masterpieces this is your?” “这件事,你们应该都知道吧?为师之前没关注隐天岛,这忽然之间,隐天岛的巨大变化,可是把为师吓坏了,为师很想要知道,这是你们哪位的杰作?” Chu Yuan sits cross-legged to sit above the rush cushion, is looking below more than ten disciples, revealed fill friendly smile. 楚缘盘膝坐在蒲团之上,望着下方的十几名弟子,露出了充满‘友善’的笑容。 He really wants to know, this time is so many things that who does. 他是真的很想知道,这次又是谁搞出的那么多事情。 But many Daoless Sect disciples who hear this words each other looked at each other one, except for Zhang Hao, withdrew finally one step. 而听到此话的诸多无道宗弟子们彼此对视了一眼,除了张寒,最后都退后了一步。 They know, this matter and they have nothing to do, therefore does not want to occupy the Zhang Hao merit, then withdrew on own initiative one step. 他们都知道,这件事和他们无关,所以不想占张寒的功劳,便主动退后了一步。 Master Master, this matter is the disciple does.” 师尊师尊,此事是弟子所做。” Zhang Hao sees that the innermost feelings were extremely excited, but the surface pretends an appearance calmly, walks modest saying. 张寒见状,内心感到了极度的兴奋,但表面还是装作一副若无其事的样子,走出来温和的说道。 Really is you do? Without the merit of others, your?” “真是你做的?没有其他人的功劳,就你一个?” Chu Yuan knits the brows, asked one lightly. 楚缘皱眉,淡淡的问了一句。 Zhang Hao also wants to say anything. 张寒还想说些什么。 But has not waited for him to say. 但还没等他说出口。 Doctor magnificence actually opened the mouth. 身后的华神医却开口了。 Returns to Master, this matter indeed is two Senior Brother person of institutes does, two Senior Brother people manage entire sect, making sect develop prosperously, I and other same side embarrassed saying that have been closing up, was negligent in the contribution on the contrary to sect.” “回师尊,此事的确是二师兄一人所做,二师兄一人管理整个宗门,令宗门发展得欣欣向荣,我等同门说来惭愧,一直在闭关,反倒是疏于对宗门的贡献了。” magnificence highly skilled doctor cups one hand in the other across the chest, says. 华神医拱手,开口说道。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Zhang Hao understands clearly smiles, but shakes the head, has not opened the mouth, obviously tacitly approved. 张寒了然一笑,只是摇了摇头,没有开口,显然是默认了下来。 His Zhang always disdains in asking higher authorities anything. 只是他张某人向来不屑于请功什么的。 Therefore has not opened the mouth. 所以也就没开口。 Hao'er, you said, you made anything.” 寒儿啊,那你说说,你都做了些什么。” The Chu Yuan expression was gradually stiff, opens the mouth to ask. 楚缘的表情逐渐僵硬了下来,开口问道。 „, Master, actually also has nothing, east built the residential district of recording a name disciple Hidden Heaven Island, Hidden Heaven Island west built the region that the disciple practice, the overcast day south builds......” “咳咳,师尊,其实也没什么,就是把隐天岛之东打造成了记名弟子的居住区域,隐天岛之西打造成了弟子修行的区域,隐天之南打造成了……” Recruited many Daluo to exist, supplemented that my Daoless Sect high-level strength, recruited ten thousand recording a name disciples.” “还有就是招收了许多的大罗存在,补充我无道宗高层战力,还有就是招收了万名记名弟子。” Also asked Master to feel relieved, although these recording a name disciples were many, but the disciple has made it all Immortal Realm, everyone all matured, now my Daoless Sect has over ten thousand Immortal Realm recording a name disciples!” “还请师尊放心,这些记名弟子人数虽多,但是弟子已经让其全都成为了仙境,人人皆成才,如今我无道宗可是有上万仙境记名弟子的!” The Zhang Hao mouth was saying anything does not care, that merit enumerates, that is one ratio more than one. 张寒嘴里说着什么不在意,那功劳列举起来,那是一件比一件多。 Hears Chu Yuan somewhat unable to respond. 听得楚缘都有些反应不过来。 Chu Yuan indeed has not listened to the complete section. 楚缘也的确没有听完全部。 However he heard clearly the final words. 但是他听清了最后的一番话。 Daoless Sect recruited over ten thousand recording a name disciples, then each one matured, but also all becomes Immortal Realm?? 无道宗招收了上万名记名弟子,然后个个都成才了,还全都成为了仙境?? stretch/open Laoer, stretch/open Laoer. 张老二啊,张老二。 But is really the biggest hindrance that he cultivates to travel. 可真是他修行路上的最大阻碍。 Chu Yuan was mad some to smile. 楚缘都被气得有些想笑了。 His god light/only small-sized rule needs to teach the waste disciple to counter-balance, until now, he persists in receiving the form of disciple, was supposing will always have the disciple to abandon. 他的神光小号规则需要教废弟子才能抵消掉,一直以来,他都坚持多收弟子的形式,估摸着总有弟子会废的。 Previous that more than 1000 recording a name disciples not waste also even. 上次那一千多记名弟子没怎么废也就算了。 This time stretch/open Laoer recruiting more than 10,000 disciples, but also all matured, became Immortal Realm. 这次张老二给招收了一万多名弟子,还个个成才了,成为仙境了。 My goodness! 好家伙! He really on direct my goodness! 他真的就直接好家伙! Chu Yuan is thinking the recent matter are many, after a period of time handles the god light/only small-sized matter again well. 楚缘是想着最近事多,过段时间再好好去处理神光小号的事情的。 Now looks like, has this stretch/open Laoer, let alone can the god light/only trumpet complete the counter-balance rule. 现在看来,有这个张老二在,别说神光小号能不能完成抵消规则了。 Said that his god brilliant number can be irritated, that was two says. 就说他神光大号会不会被气死,那都是两说的。 Yeah, according to this progress, when he can complete the three-in-one condition, realm inevitably is when the time comes different. 哎,按照这个进度,什么时候他才能完成三合一状态,到时候境界必然不同。 It is not good, is not good, must handling is good this stretch/open Laoer, otherwise his heart difficult secure! 不行,不行,必须把这个张老二给搞定才行,不然他心难安! Chu Yuan expression stiff looks at Zhang Hao. 楚缘表情僵硬的看着张寒 Hao'er, this matter, you do well, Master plans to reward your.” 寒儿,此事,你做得不错,为师打算奖励你一番。” Chu Yuan tone somewhat strange speech. 楚缘语气有些奇怪的说着话。 The tone of his little while is very mystifying. 他这会儿的语气是很阴阳怪气的。 But Zhang Hao cannot listen completely, he cannot suppress in the heart quickly was excited. 张寒完全听不出来,他已经快压不住心中的兴奋了。 He thinks, Master really must reward him, therefore completely could not control the mentality. 他以为,师尊真的要奖励他,所以完全控制不住心态了。 Master, Master, these are the disciple should do, does not need anything to reward.” “师,师尊,这些都是弟子应该做的,不需要什么奖励的。” Zhang Hao tactful rejection, slightly meaning. 张寒委婉的拒绝了一遍,稍微意思一下。 „, Don't you make such big contribution to sect, how Master can not reward you? Being late you to remain, some Master things must say with you.” “不不不,你为宗门做出这么大的贡献,为师怎能不奖励你呢?晚点你留下来,为师有些事情要和你说。” Chu Yuan faint smile looks at Zhang Hao, opens the mouth slowly said. 楚缘似笑非笑的看着张寒,缓缓的开口说道。 At this moment, his fist grasps turns purple, is good covers because of the has god light, others cannot see. 此时此刻,他的拳头握得发紫,好在有神光遮盖,他人看不到而已。 Disciple respectfully follows the life of Master.” “弟子谨遵师尊之命。” Zhang Hao exhibited an appearance of little darling, receives an order hastily. 张寒又摆出了一副乖乖的样子,连忙领命。 Un, you first draw back, later you stayed behind on the line.” “嗯,你先退下吧,待会你留下就行了。” Chu Yuan deeply inspires, spoke these words with Zhang Hao, no longer looks at one. 楚缘深吸了一口气,和张寒说完这句话,也不再多看一眼。 His vision falls to other disciple body rapidly. 他的目光迅速落到其他弟子身上 First looked at for a long time Su Qianyuan. 先是看了许久的苏乾元 Explodes the matter that plants about Su Qianyuan, he paid attention for a long time. 关于苏乾元爆种的事情,他可是关注许久了。 Was looking some little time, determined that the body of Su Qianyuan has no issue, he relaxed. 在看了好一会儿,确定苏乾元的身体没有任何问题,他才放松了下来。 Although does not know hanging how Su Qianyuan opens, but no issue on line. 虽然不知道苏乾元怎么开的挂,但是没啥问题就行。 His also for fear that Su Qianyuan body has problems. 他还生怕苏乾元身上出什么问题呢。 Again then, Chu Yuan looked at own these treasure heart and liver disciples one by one. 再然后,楚缘又挨个看了一遍自己的这些宝贝心肝弟子。 After looking, talked with the disciples. 看完后,与弟子们交谈一番。 At once makes the disciples draw back. 旋即让弟子们退下。 Before drawing back next, Chu Yuan kept Zhang Hao, and told that Ye Luo comes later , to continue to complete the Saint support. 在退下之前,楚缘张寒留了下来,并且吩咐叶落待会过来,继续完成成圣扶持。 Quick, in the palace was only left over Chu Yuan and Zhang Hao two people. 很快,殿内就只剩下了楚缘张寒两人。 Master, the disciple really does not need anything to reward, all are actually the disciple should do.” 师尊,弟子真的不需要什么奖励的,一切其实都是弟子该做的。” Zhang Hao started pulling. 张寒又开始了拉扯。 Is routine modestly declines. 就是习惯性的谦让一下。 Hao'er, do you make the so big contribution to sect, how Master can not reward? This rewards you to make Master think actually to be good.” 寒儿,你为宗门做出如此大的贡献,为师怎能不奖励?这奖励你倒是要让为师想想才行。” Chu Yuan smiled, smiles very fiercely. 楚缘笑了,笑得很狰狞。 Under the god light/only covers, no one can see. 只是神光笼罩之下,没人能看得到而已。 That Master, rewards one slightly well, cannot too big......” “那师尊,稍微奖励一番就好,不能太大……” Un, Master thought that you contributed are many enough, therefore prepared to your some pleasant surprises......” “嗯,为师觉得你贡献已经够多了,所以准备给你一些惊喜……” „? Master, do you want to give me to be put on regular status?” “啊?难道师尊,您想要给我转正?” Being put on regular status is anything, Master felt, your body had the great ability, present age Sect Master too wasted, therefore Master planned that made you land a better job.” “转正是什么,为师觉得,你身上有大才,当代宗主太浪费了,所以为师打算让你去另谋高就。” Zhang Hao: „???” 张寒:“???” Lands a better job??? 另谋高就???
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