NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#792: Heavenly Dao nanny 【Third】

The sea of nihility. 虚无之海上。 Listens to the Chu Yuan words. 听完楚缘的话。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) does not have first to reply, but is lost in thought. 青天圣人没有第一时间回答,而是陷入了沉思。 After pondering some little time, opened the mouth. 在沉思了好一会儿后,才开口了。 Fellow Daoist, this poor Daoist may the generation of Heavenly Dao comply, if complies, does not interfere with the matter of Immortal World, starting today, the disciple of fellow daoist, will obtain the Heavenly Dao asylum in Immortal World, anybody is not all able to injure and fellow daoist disciple.” “道友,贫道可代天道答应了,若是答应,绝不干涉仙界之事,自今日起,道友之弟子,在仙界内将得到天道庇护,任何人皆无法伤及道友弟子。” So, fellow daoist whether to treat safely above this island.” “如此,道友可否安心待在此岛之上。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is pointing at Hidden Heaven Island, opens the mouth slowly. 青天圣人指着隐天岛,缓缓的开口。 His meaning is very simple, the Heavenly Dao shelters your disciple, but you must treat honestly in a place, cannot move casually. 他的意思很简单,天道庇护你的弟子,但是你必须老老实实待在一个地方,不能随便动弹。 Being represented by oneself is free, the receiving in exchange disciple obtains the Heavenly Dao asylum, henceforth is unimpeded in Immortal World! 以自身自由为代表,换取弟子得到天道庇护,从此在仙界无阻! Chu Yuan just heard this saying, the brow wrinkles. 楚缘刚刚听到这话,眉头是皱起来的。 But at once, he stretched. 但旋即,他又舒展了开来。 Waits, this good deed? 等一下,还有这种好事? The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is the nanny, looks after the disciple to him free? 仙界天道当保姆,免费给他照看弟子? On behalf is he cannot go out Hidden Heaven Island? 代表就是他不能出去隐天岛 This matter...... 这种事情…… Simply should not be good. 简直不要太棒了。 Chu Yuan was cheerful. 楚缘乐呵了。 The god brilliant number cannot go out, he is bright the light trumpet. 神光大号不能出去,那他还有神光小号呀。 Then Heavenly Dao large size. 然后还有天道大号呀。 His number many, a number was limited to go on a journey, he opens other numbers and that's the end. 他号多,一个号被限制出行了,他开其他号就是了。 Can this god brilliant number go out, that issue is not big. 这个神光大号能不能出去,那问题不大。 However the Heavenly Dao works as nanny thing, is rare. 但是天道当保姆这玩意,可是难得的。 Ok, said it and meant it, finalized!” “可以,一言为定,成交!” Chu Yuan decisive incomparable saying. 楚缘果断无比的说道。 Crossed this village, but did not have this shop. 过了这村,可就没这店了。 This little while does not comply, that is a fool. 这会儿不答应的,那都是傻子。 „Does fellow daoist take seriously?” “道友当真?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) gawked. 青天圣人愣了一下。 He had not actually felt, can make Chu Yuan comply directly. 他其实并没有觉得,可以直接让楚缘答应的。 Also thinks, Chu Yuan will bargain back and forth. 原本还以为,楚缘会讨价还价一番。 He was mentally prepared. 他都做好心理准备了。 Least must make Chu Yuan treat several tens of thousands of years on this island, this is his bottom line. 最少也要让楚缘在这座岛上待个数万年,这是他的底线。 Has not thought Chu Yuan complied directly. 可没想到楚缘直接答应了。 This makes him somewhat unexpected. 这让他有些猝不及防。 Naturally takes seriously, how, did you renege on a promise?” “自然当真,怎么,你反悔了?” Chu Yuan selects the eyebrow, said. 楚缘挑眉,说道。 This is impossible, but has not thought that the fellow daoist will comply such happily, since the fellow daoist complied, this poor Daoist first left.” “这不可能,只是没想到道友会答应得这么痛快而已,既然道友答应了,那贫道就先离开了。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) deeply inspires, has not said anything again, the preparation leaves. 青天圣人深吸了一口气,没有再多说什么,准备离开。 Wait, wait/etc!” “等等,等等!” Chu Yuan actually stopped by calling Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) suddenly. 楚缘却忽然喊住了青天圣人 „Did fellow daoist renege on a promise?” “道友反悔了?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) turns around, looks to Chu Yuan, selects the eyebrow to ask. 青天圣人转身,看向楚缘,挑眉问道。 No, this place felt, you such illegible oral complying, some are inappropriate, what or do we formulate a contract? It is not good, we can also make up anything to vow that these yes, get down like this, your I can be more relieved.” “没有,本座觉得,你这样潦草的口头答应,有些不合适,要不我们制定一份契约什么的?再不行,我们也可以补一份什么誓言的,这些都是可以的,这样下来,你我都能更安心一些。” Chu Yuan strong request. 楚缘强烈要求。 He may worry that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao does not do one's best to protect his disciple. 他可担心仙界天道不尽心尽力保护他的弟子呢。 If there is a contract anything, that felt at ease many. 要是有契约什么的,那就安心很多了。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky): „?” 青天圣人:“?” Will you why so impatient? 为什么你会这么心急? Contract anything, he has not thought that thought that can obtain a commitment on the line. 契约什么,他都没想过,觉得能得到一个承诺就行了。 Why will you think of this thing? 为什么你会想到这个东西? Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) was silent. 青天圣人沉默了。 But quick, he recovered, decides and Chu Yuan signs a law aim. 但很快,他就回过神来了,决定和楚缘签一份法旨。 He does not dare to raise before, that is because feared disgustingly Chu Yuan. 他之前不敢提,那是因为怕恶心了楚缘 The powerhouses are the dignity. 强者都是尊严。 He feared, therefore splits with Chu Yuan. 他怕因此和楚缘交恶。 But Chu Yuan raised, he is impolite. 楚缘自己提了,那他就不客气了。 Then the fellow daoist, we then signs a law aim.” “那么道友,我们便签订一份法旨吧。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) raised the head, looks at Chu Yuan, so said. 青天圣人抬头,看着楚缘,这般说道。 Chu Yuan naturally complies joyfully. 楚缘自然欣然答应。 Two people fit in easily, immediately signed a law aim. 两人一拍即合,当即签订了一份法旨。 Then, two people then heart satisfies, both leaves. 而后,两人这才心满意得,双双离开。 Chu Yuan gained. 楚缘是赚了。 Gains as for this Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), Chu Yuan does not know. 至于这青天圣人赚不赚,楚缘就不知道了。 ...... …… Returns to Hidden Heaven Island. 回到隐天岛 Chu Yuan prepares to convene immediately all passes on the disciple, after letting them, can come and go out freely. 楚缘当即准备召集所有亲传弟子,让他们以后可以自由出入。 After all has a Heavenly Dao to be the nanny, will go out not to have the danger, the disciples will like going out. 毕竟有个天道当保姆,出去不会有危险,弟子们爱出去就出去呗。 However, Chu Yuan has not convened, when he returns to Hidden Heaven Island, after seeing change enormous Hidden Heaven Island, he was silent. 不过,楚缘还没召集,当他回到隐天岛,看到变化极大的隐天岛后,他沉默了。 He in Sect Master Main Hall, simply has not always looked at Hidden Heaven Island. 他一直以来都在宗主大殿,根本没有看过一眼隐天岛 This passes shortly, he felt that oneself went astray...... 这一眼看过去,他感觉自己走错了…… ...... …… Taiqinggong. 太清宫。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) with the aid of the strength of Heavenly Dao, arrived here suddenly. 青天圣人借助天道之力,瞬息间来到了这里。 He arrives at here first matter, then convened three Sage. 他来到这里的第一件事,便是召集了三位圣人 As for the ancient god. 至于古神。 He is disinclined multibarreled. 他根本懒得去多管。 Before Immortal World, is counted him, there are nine Saints. 仙界以前算上他,有九圣。 But strength scales in nine Saint, are completely different. 但九圣之中的战力档次,是完全不一样的。 His Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is one grade. 青天圣人为一档。 Too clear Sage, jade clear Sage, on clear Sage is one grade. 太清圣人,玉清圣人,上清圣人为一档。 The remaining these are one grade. 剩下的那些为一档。 ancient god type, in his eyes, is extremely weak Sage, was not naturally paid attention to by him. 古神这种,在他眼里,算是极弱的圣人,自然不被他放在眼里。 Therefore Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is also disinclined to call ancient Shen 。 所以青天圣人也懒得叫古神。 See Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky).” “参见青天圣人。” Three sages facing Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), immediately good a ritual. 三圣面对青天圣人,立马行了一礼。 They do not dare to disrespect to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 他们可不敢对青天圣人不敬。 You said, about Hidden Heaven Island that Sage, you know many.” “你们来说说,关于隐天岛那一位圣人,你们知道多少。” Other Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) anything words were not many said, opening the mouth asks its Chu Yuan matter. 青天圣人什么其他话也不多说,开口就是问其了楚缘的事情。 Three Sage hears word, gawked, some have not responded. 三位圣人闻言,愣了一下,有些没反应过来。 But under the gaze of Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), they do not dare extremely to lose concentration. 但在青天圣人的注视下,他们也不敢太过分神。 They get back one's composure rapidly, opens the mouth in abundance, replied Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 他们迅速回神,纷纷开口,回答起了青天圣人 Actually they are not many regarding the understanding of Chu Yuan, the information that can therefore supply are not many. 其实他们对于楚缘的了解也不多,所以能提供的信息也不多。 The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) hear, is only slightly nodded, has not cared, he sits above the rush cushion, hesitated the moment, opened the mouth slowly. 青天圣人听完,只是微微点了点头,没有在意,他坐在蒲团之上,沉吟了片刻,才缓缓开口了。 Starting today, the person of every Hidden Heaven Island, will result in the Heavenly Dao asylum, Immortal World all living things can not offend, every Immortal World life, when awes the person of Hidden Heaven Island, this is the Heavenly Dao law, the offender the scourge, will be abandoned it by the Heavenly Dao!” “自今日起,凡隐天岛之人,将得天道庇护,仙界众生不得冒犯,凡仙界生灵,当敬畏隐天岛之人,此为天道律令,违者将得天谴,被天道弃之!” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements. 青天圣人语不惊人死不休。 The opens the mouth said such words. 张口说出了这么一番话。 Three sages hears word, the heart is startled. 三圣闻言,心头一惊。 It is not very clear. 很是不明白。 Why Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) will say such words. 为什么青天圣人会说出这么一番话。 Moreover said in the name of Heavenly Dao. 而且还是以天道的名义说的。 This on behalf, this saying to be the command of Heavenly Dao. 这代表,这话就是天道之令。 Moreover, the content of this saying, complete compromised to Hidden Heaven Island. 而且,这话的内容,完完全全是向隐天岛那边妥协了。 ...... 难道…… Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) had fought with Hidden Heaven Island that moreover suffered a loss, will therefore so compromise? 难道青天圣人已经和隐天岛那位交过手了,而且还是吃亏了,所以才会如此妥协? The three sages the brain has made up a play. 三圣已经脑补出了一场戏。 Your three, are now Immortal World strongest three Sage, this law, then hands over by you promulgates, if Immortal World all living things have to violate law, the Heavenly Dao will punish.” “你们三个,是当今仙界最强的三位圣人,此条律令,便交由你们去颁布,仙界众生若有违背律令者,天道将会处罚。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) catches the eye, so said. 青天圣人抬眼,这般说道。 Yes!” “是!” Three Sage all nodded to comply, their where dares to reject Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 三位圣人皆点头答应了下来,他们哪里敢拒绝青天圣人 Also, then, this poor Daoist will go to the northern immortal state, restores the spiritual energy of northern immortal state, but requires some time, if you have the matter, may go to the northern immortal state to look for this poor Daoist.” “还有,接下来,贫道将前往北仙州,重新恢复北仙州的灵气,但是需要一定时间,若是你们有事,可前往北仙州寻找贫道。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) opens the mouth to supplement again. 青天圣人再度开口补充。 Three sages hears word, connecting the name is, other anything words do not dare to say much, will for fear that offend the taboo of this Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky)...... 三圣闻言,接连称是,其余什么话也不敢多说,生怕会触犯这位青天圣人的忌讳……
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