NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#791: Hiding shortcomings of Chu Yuan

Outside Hidden Heaven Island, in the sea of nihility. 隐天岛外,虚无之海之中。 At this moment, two Sage are confronting. 此时此刻,两尊圣人正在对峙。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) and on the side of various Chu Yuan each other stations, faces each other across a great distance, silent speechless. 青天圣人楚缘彼此各站一边,遥遥相对,沉默无语。 But the imposing manner of both body sending out, actually in resists naturally unceasingly. 但两者身上自然而然散发的气势,却在不断进行对抗。 The Chu Yuan body god is only mystical and powerful. 楚缘身上的神光神秘而强大。 The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) body heavenly prestige is enormous and powerful, but. 青天圣人身上的天威浩荡而至强。 However, two people body imposing manner. 不过,两人身上的气势上来说。 Chu Yuan even better. 还是楚缘更胜一筹。 During confronts, is the Chu Yuan imposing manner is suppressing Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 对峙之中,也是楚缘的气势压制着青天圣人 This confrontation crossed for a long time, is broken. 这种对峙足足过了许久,才被打破。 Is Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) takes the lead to break. 青天圣人率先打破的。 How do you enter Immortal World?” “你是如何进入仙界的?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) said such a few words lightly. 青天圣人平淡的说出了这么一句话。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Also made the silence in field shatter. 也让场上的寂静破碎了。 Chu Yuan knits the brows slightly, some do not want to reply this person. 楚缘微微皱眉,有些不想回答这个人。 This person is good to entrain. 这人好拽。 He had just asked who this person is. 他刚刚已经问了此人是谁。 This person not only had not replied, but also at the present asked how he enters Immortal World. 这人非但没回答,还在现在问他是怎么进入仙界的。 Naturally is walks.” “当然是走进来的。” Finally, Chu Yuan replied, but in a tone with a touch of ice-cold. 最终,楚缘还是回答了,只不过语气略带冰冷。 Your so cultivation base, not possibly came in Immortal World, the Heavenly Dao not to forewarn, what rare treasure your did body have?” “你如此修为,进来了仙界,天道不可能没有预警,你身上可是有什么异宝?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) asked one. 青天圣人又开口问了一句。 Your words were too rather many, therefore, who you are, why arrived here?” “你的话未免太多了,所以,你是谁,为何来到这里?” The Chu Yuan brow wrinkles, says. 楚缘眉头皱紧,开口说道。 This poor Daoist blue sky, the Heavenly Dao spokesman, you come from Immortal World beside, the Heavenly Dao naturally should manage, therefore this poor Daoist arrived here.” “贫道青天,天道代言人,你自仙界之外而来,天道自然该管,故而贫道来到这里。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) this time replied the Chu Yuan words finally. 青天圣人这次终于回答了楚缘的话。 He is replying, the vision closely is staring at Chu Yuan. 他回答着,目光紧紧盯着楚缘 In the heart is estimating secretly. 心中暗自估算着。 If he and Chu Yuan hits, can have many odds of success. 要是他和楚缘打起来,能有多少胜算。 The result of finally obtaining, is 73 opens. 最后得出的结果,是七三开。 Chu Yuan seven, he three. 楚缘七,他三。 However, he can also obtain the Heavenly Dao in addition to hold. 不过,他还能得到天道加持。 But, he does not want easily to start the war with Chu Yuan. 但,他不想和楚缘轻易开启战端。 How you want to manage.” “那你想要怎么管。” Chu Yuan language air cooled. 楚缘语气冷了下来。 The body god light/only explodes flashes. 身上神光爆闪。 Explodes god who flashes light/only, represented his next quarter to make a move full power. 爆闪的神光,代表了他下一刻就能全力出手。 You have one move, this poor Daoist naturally knows how then should manage.” “你出一招,贫道自然知道接下来该怎么管。” The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) body killing intent gradually was also rich. 青天圣人身上的杀意也逐渐浓郁了起来。 His voice falls. 他话音落下。 Chu Yuan begins fiercely, the entire body changes to the god light/only, rushes over toward Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 楚缘猛地动手,整个身体化作神光,朝着青天圣人冲了过去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The gods light/only attack, the void avalanche, as if any all are unable to prevent god strength light/only to be the same. 神光冲击而过,虚空崩塌,仿佛任何一切都无法阻挡神光之力一般。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) sees Chu Yuan to clash, the look also changes, he puts out a hand to wield, condensed guard shields before own, tries to keep off Chu Yuan. 青天圣人看到楚缘冲来,神色也是一变,他伸手一挥,在自己身前凝聚了一道道护罩,试图将楚缘挡下来。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! What a pity, the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) guard/shield regarding Chu Yuan, simply has not affected. 可惜,青天圣人的护罩对于楚缘,根本没有丝毫作用。 Under the gods light/only attack. 神光冲击之下。 The guard/shield changes into the nihility, vanishes does not see. 护罩化为虚无,消失不见。 The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) complexion changed at this moment finally, cannot maintain the beforehand relaxedness. 青天圣人脸色这一刻终于大变了,维持不住之前的轻松。 „......” “等……” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) also wants to say anything. 青天圣人还想说点什么。 May not have this opportunity. 可没这个机会了。 The gods light/only attack in Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) body, coerces Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to crash to go downward. 神光冲击在青天圣人身上,裹挟着青天圣人往下坠落而去。 Bang!!! 砰!!! The sea of nihility was exploded the endless water splash. 虚无之海被炸出无尽水花。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) sinks unceasingly downward. 青天圣人不断往下沉去。 Chu Yuan after attacking one time, escapes beyond several thousand li (0.5 km), is looking at the sea of nihility distantly. 楚缘在冲击了一次之后,就远遁数千里之外,遥遥望着虚无之海了。 His vision fixes the eyes on the sea of below nihility, 他的目光紧盯下方的虚无之海, Although his stroked, but he felt that has not caused anything to injure to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 虽然他这一击打中了,但是他感觉并未给青天圣人造成什么伤害。 The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) body imposing manner, gave him one type to face that Sage feeling when the time river initially. 青天圣人身上的气势,给他一种当初在时间长河上面对那尊圣人时的感觉。 But that Sage of that time was more powerful than Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 只不过那时候的那尊圣人青天圣人强大了许多而已。 Chu Yuan is supposing, should be the disparity between small realm. 楚缘估摸着,应该是小境界之间的差距。 At least he should not that easily can put to death this Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 至少他应该不会那么轻易的能诛杀这个青天圣人 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… When Chu Yuan ponder, the sea of nihility blasts open to open fiercely, the innumerable water splash shoot up to the sky. 正当楚缘思考时,虚无之海猛地炸裂而开,无数水花冲天而起。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) flew from the seabed, look incomparably dignified looks at Chu Yuan. 青天圣人从海底飞了上来,神色无比凝重的看着楚缘 In fact, he is not similar to like that receives strikes, has not caused anything that Chu Yuan said to injure. 事实上,他并非如同楚缘说的那般,受到一击,没有造成什么伤害。 Was hit by Chu Yuan, he almost entered the severely wounded condition, luckily the strength of Heavenly Dao, counter-balanced some injuries obviously. 楚缘打了一下,他差点就进入重伤状态了,幸亏天道的力量显化,抵消了一些伤害。 This person, is very strong!” “这个人,很强!” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) looked at Chu Yuan, in the heart was making this appraisal. 青天圣人望着楚缘,心中做了这个评价。 One of us know from the family affairs. 自家人知道自家事。 He in the Heavenly Dao, the strength has been added holds, even in this case, he still almost could not shoulder Chu Yuan to strike. 他在天道内,战力是得到加持的,即便这种情况下,他仍旧差点扛不住楚缘一击。 If leaves beyond the Heavenly Dao, feared that was this person of look can extinguish him at present. 若是离开天道外,怕是眼前这人一个眼神就能灭了他。 Even if obtains the Heavenly Dao in addition to hold, is impossible to compete at present this person! 即便得到天道加持,也不可能敌得过眼前这人! This is the conclusion that Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) reaches finally. 这是青天圣人最后得到的结论。 The disparity was too big. 差距实在太大了。 By cultivation base of fellow daoist, should not be interested in Immortal World.” “以道友的修为,不该对仙界感兴趣的。” The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) tone becomes very polite. 青天圣人语气变得十分客气。 Even called also turned into fellow daoist from you. 连称呼也从‘你’变成了‘道友’。 The rapidness of his attitude transformation, making one stare dumbfounded. 他态度转变之快,令人瞠目结舌。 This place came from world of mortals Ascension, is not Ascension to Immortal World, difficult to be inadequate also to be able Ascension to other places? How can't be interested in Immortal World?” “本座自下界飞升而来,不飞升仙界,难不成还能飞升到其他地方去?怎么就不能对仙界感兴趣了?” Chu Yuan cold snort/hum, said. 楚缘冷哼一声,说道。 He is the look ice-cold. 他还是神色冰冷的。 Just this person of some multi- entraining, he remembered clear. 刚刚这人有多拽,他可是记得一清二楚的。 „Is fellow daoist Ascension comes?” “道友是飞升而来的?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) gawked, immediately shakes the head. 青天圣人愣了一下,随即摇头。 Cracking a joke. 开什么玩笑。 This grade of does cultivation base come from the world of mortals Ascension? 这等修为是从下界飞升而来的? This is not noisy. 这不是闹么。 He also when only Chu Yuan is not willing to speak the truth, killing is not willing to believe that Chu Yuan is Ascension comes. 他也只当楚缘是不愿意说实话,打死也不愿意相信楚缘飞升而来的。 Can the world of mortals Ascension have this grade of powerhouse? 下界能飞升出这等强者? Do not crack a joke. 别开玩笑了。 Regarding Immortal World, world of mortals only function, is used to increase the Immortal World destiny, increases Immortal World robustness. 对于仙界而言,下界唯一的作用性,就是用来增加仙界气运,增加仙界稳固性的。 In addition, the world of mortals regarding Immortal World, does not have other functions. 除此之外,下界对于仙界而言,毫无其他作用。 Instead is in the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) eye, is this. 反正在青天圣人眼里,就是这样的。 World of mortals all living things, even cannot compare the Immortal World optional life. 下界所有众生,甚至都比不上仙界随意一个生灵。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is such favoring. 青天圣人就是如此的偏袒。 Fellow Daoist, regardless of you are what kind of reason arrive at Immortal World, but also asked the fellow daoist do not meddle the matter of Immortal World, this was the intent of Heavenly Dao, non- was the meaning of this poor Daoist.” “道友,无论你是何等原因来到仙界的,但还请道友不要插手仙界之事,此为天道之意,非是贫道之意。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) cups one hand in the other across the chest, so said. 青天圣人拱手,这般说道。 Do not meddle the matter of Immortal World? Is this what intent?” “不要插手仙界之事?这是何意?” Chu Yuan looked the meaning that the opposite party has not begun, stopped the movement. 楚缘看对方没有动手的意思,不由停住了动作。 „The matter of Immortal World, has the fate, the fellow daoist may in the Immortal World free activity, but please do not participate in the matter of Immortal World.” 仙界之事,自有定数,道友可在仙界自由活动,但还请不要参与仙界之事。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) opens the mouth again. 青天圣人再度开口。 His present appearance, the completeness is a discussing appearance, without least bit just arrogance. 他现在的模样,完完全全就是一副商量的样子,没有半点刚刚的盛气凌人。 This place in Immortal World, never minds others' business, but this disciple in Immortal World , if in danger, this must manage, whoever comes, is so, if the Immortal World Heavenly Dao has the opinion, may make It come, comes to do personally with this place.” “本座在仙界,从不多管闲事,但本座之弟子在仙界若是遇险,本座必须要管,无论谁来,都是如此,仙界天道若有意见,可让祂现身,亲自来与本座做过一场。” Chu Yuan at sheltering disciple matter, is not willing to regress. 楚缘在庇护弟子这件事上,根本不肯退步。 Moreover its attitude incomparable strength. 而且其态度无比的强硬。 Whether there is to discuss greatly is, appearance that cannot injure his disciple. 大有无论是谁,都不能伤他弟子的样子。 Regarding Chu Yuan, his more than ten disciples are the heart and livers, is his all. 对于楚缘来说,他的那十几个弟子就是心肝,就是他的一切。 He put together all also to protect these more than ten disciples, sheltered them to grow! 他拼了一切也要护住这十几个弟子,庇护他们成长!
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