NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#790: Attack of Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky)

Eastern divine land, Hidden Heaven Island. 东神州,隐天岛 In a side hall. 一座偏殿之中。 Returned to here with Zhang Hao that Su Qianyuan compares notes. 苏乾元切磋完的张寒回到了这里。 Zhang Hao as generation of Sect Master, naturally cannot leave too for a long time, therefore after he comes back, first arrived here , to continue to accompany these Daluo to exist handles the business. 张寒身为代宗主,自然是不能离开太长时间的,所以他回来之后,第一时间就来到了这里,继续陪同那些大罗存在们处理事务。 Just, Zhang Hao of processing business, seems absent-minded. 只不过,处理事务的张寒,显得心不在焉。 In his mind, has reverberated those words that Su Qianyuan is speaking. 他脑海之中,一直回响着苏乾元所说的那句话。 Changed bare, grown stronger. 变秃了,也就变强了。 Zhang Hao is somewhat excited. 张寒有些心动。 But he felt, Su Qianyuan is flickering from the start his. 可他感觉,苏乾元压根就是在忽悠他的。 However, knows that turns over to know. 不过,知道归知道。 However this does not hinder the Zhang Hao heart movement. 但是这并不妨碍张寒心动。 Telling the truth, Zhang Hao indeed was the heart movement, will cause these words to reverberate in his mind. 有一说一,张寒的的确确就是心动了,才会导致这句话一直在他脑海里回荡。 He knows that this is false, but thinks. 他知道这是假的,但还是会去想。 Can really have the possibility? 会不会真的有可能呢? This hair is not valuable. 这头发又不值钱。 Must try. 要不要试试呢。 Tried, if really grown stronger, that gained in a big way. 试了要是真的变强了,那就赚大了。 If useless, he does not owe anything, owed some hair. 要是没用,那他也不亏什么呀,也就亏了一些头发而已。 For Sect Master, you are thinking anything, to be how scared witless.” “代宗主,你在想什么,怎么魂不守舍的。” Daluo existed to see the Zhang Hao condition, asked making noise curiously. 一名大罗存在看出了张寒的状态,不由好奇的问了出声。 You said, bare can grow stronger?” “你说,秃了会不会变强?” Zhang Hao looks up to that Daluo, wants not to think, blurted out. 张寒抬头看向那名大罗,想也不想,脱口而出。 That Daluo exists: „???” 那名大罗存在:“???” Bare and strengthen, what relations has? 秃了和变强,有什么关系么? Why bare will stiffen. 秃了为什么会变强。 That Daluo exists did not understand very much. 那名大罗存在很不理解。 But he looks at the Zhang Hao earnest appearance, does not seem like cracking a joke. 但他看着张寒认真的模样,不像是在开玩笑。 At once, gave him entire unable. 一时之间,给他整不会了。 Does the hair somewhat, what substantive relations have with the strengthen? 头发多多少少,和变强有什么直接性关系么? For Sect Master, bare and strengthen, doesn't matter, only if some mystiques needs the hair to offer sacrifices, that bare can indeed grow stronger.” “代宗主,秃了和变强,没有任何关系吧,除非是一些秘法需要头发献祭的话,那秃了的确可以变强。” That Daluo exists to frown to ask. 大罗存在皱着眉头问道。 But if were alone bare, grown stronger?” “但如果是单独秃了,就变强了呢?” Zhang Hao very straightforward asking. 张寒很耿直的问道。 This is impossible.” “这不可能。” That Daluo has decisive shaking the head. 大罗存在果断的摇头。 But my three Junior Brother were changes bare grows stronger.” “可是我三师弟就是变秃又变强了。” That possibly was he cultivated what mystique.” “那可能是他修炼了什么秘法吧。” Is impossible, he pure changed bare, grown stronger.” “不可能,他就单纯的变秃了,又变强了。” This......” “这……” „......” “……” Zhang Hao and that Daluo existed to argue directly. 张寒和那大罗存在直接争辩了起来。 Looks at surrounding these Daluo to exist shakes the head, does not know that should say what good. 看得周围那些大罗存在都纷纷摇了摇头,不知道该说点什么好。 At this moment. 就在这时。 Suddenly, Hidden Heaven Island formation vibrated, some as if people are attacking Hidden Heaven Island formation to be the same. 忽然之间,隐天岛阵法震动了一下,似乎有人在攻击隐天岛阵法一般。 Arguing Zhang Hao existed with that Daluo was shocked, neat looked at outside Hidden Heaven Island to look. 正在争辩的张寒与那大罗存在都愣住了,齐刷刷的望着隐天岛外面看去。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿之中。 Was also opening the eyes to Chu Yuan that Ye Luo explained religious doctrine instantaneously. 正在给叶落讲道的楚缘也瞬间睁开了双眼。 His direct looked toward outside. 他直接的朝着外边看了过去。 The vision locked beside Hidden Heaven Island rapidly. 其目光迅速锁定了隐天岛之外。 In his line of sight, imposing manner not weak existence, is standing outside Hidden Heaven Island, is observing the situation Hidden Heaven Island. 在他的视线之中,一尊气势不弱的存在,正在隐天岛外站着,环视着隐天岛 That imposing manner not weak existence, is Sage. 那尊气势不弱的存在,是圣人 „Is this stirs up trouble?” “这是来挑事的?” Chu Yuan is somewhat stunned. 楚缘有些错愕。 But he got back one's composure quickly. 但他很快就回神了。 Such exists, the disciples in Hidden Heaven Island may not be possible to compete, he must make a move to be good personally. 这么一尊存在,隐天岛内的弟子们可都不可能敌得过,他得亲自出手才行。 Dares to run up to outside his each family entrance to provoke, he does not want to intend also to make a move. 敢跑到他家家门口外面挑衅,他就是不想出手也得出手。 However, previous time he gets rid of that profound law Sage. 不过,上次他都干掉那个玄法圣人 How do this time also some people dare to provoke? 怎么这次还有人敢来挑衅? When really he is inadequate that the paper sticks. 真当他是纸糊的不成。 Luo'er, wakes up.” 落儿,醒来。” Chu Yuan opens the mouth in a soft voice, prepares to awaken Ye Luo to go out again. 楚缘轻声开口,准备唤醒叶落再出去。 Un...... Master!” “嗯……师尊!” Ye Luo under Chu Yuan a few words, is separated from the sitting in meditation condition rapidly, to the latter, said hastily submissively. 叶落楚缘一句话下,迅速从入定状态脱离,面向后者,连忙拱手说道。 On his face has the confused color. 他脸上带着迷茫之色。 It is not quite clear, why Master awakened him at this time. 不太明白,为什么师尊在这个时候叫醒他。 But he does not dare to ask. 但他也不敢多问。 Luo'er, outside Hidden Heaven Island has Sage to stir up trouble, Master needs to go out, therefore this time explains religious doctrine stops temporarily, you may first practice.” 落儿,隐天岛外有圣人欲挑事,为师需要出去一番,所以这次讲道暂时中止,你可先自我修行一番。” Chu Yuan explained in a soft voice. 楚缘轻声解释了一番。 Regarding his disciple, he regardless of the tone or the attitude, that is great good, does not have any does not display patiently. 对于自家弟子,他无论语气还是态度,那都是一等一的好,没有任何一丝不耐烦表现出来。 Has Sage to stir up trouble? Master, might as well make the disciple make a move, the disciple is willing to share sorrow for Master.” “有圣人挑事?师尊,不如让弟子出手吧,弟子愿为师尊分忧。” Ye Luo gawked, at once says repeatedly. 叶落愣了一下,旋即连声说道。 „It is not good, Luo'er, this time Sage, unlike other Sage, your not his opponent, therefore Master needs to go personally, you do not need to worry, this person cannot do to Master.” “不行,落儿,此次所来的圣人,与其他圣人不同,你并不是其对手,所以为师需要亲自去,你无需担心,此人奈何不了为师。” Chu Yuan knows certainly, this was the big disciple is caring about him. 楚缘当然知道,这是自家大弟子在关心他了。 Therefore he said slightly, set out to leave. 所以他稍微道了一下,就起身离开了。 His form moves, changes to a god of journeys light, toward outside was flying. 他身影一动,化作一道神光,往着外面飞了过去。 Same place Ye Luo dull sitting in that looks at the figure that Chu Yuan is departing. 原地的叶落呆呆的坐在那,望着楚缘离去的身形。 This time isn't Sage, unlike other Sage, he an opponent? 此次所来的圣人,与其他圣人不同,他不是对手? In the final analysis, was his strength is too weak. 归根结底,还是他的实力太弱了呗。 Strength! 实力! He lacks the strength! 他还是缺乏实力! In the Ye Luo eye has a rich hope. 叶落眼中有着一股浓郁的渴望。 He must grow stronger. 他要变强。 He must grow, can solve Master all problems, letting Master can peaceful practicing! 他要成长到,能够解决掉师尊的一切问题为止,让师尊能够安安静静的修行! Ye Luo innermost feelings idea even more solid. 叶落内心这个想法越发的扎实。 ...... …… Beside Hidden Heaven Island. 隐天岛之外。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) static treading is spatial, does not have any action. 青天圣人静静的踏空,没有任何举动。 Just his attack, is only for in telling that Sage, he came, making it come out to see. 刚刚他的攻击,只是为了告诉里面的那尊圣人,他来了,让其出来一见。 This Sage from where? The aura is not weaker than me, why when comes in Immortal World, hasn't the Heavenly Dao forewarned?” “这尊圣人到底从何而来?其气息不比我弱,为何进来仙界时,天道没有预警?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is very puzzled. 青天圣人很是不解。 Regarding Immortal World, he actually understands very much. 对于仙界,他其实是很了解的。 In Immortal World, generally speaking, eight Sage, but that eight may be some weak ones, at least to him, is the weak one. 仙界之中,一般来说,有八尊圣人,但那八尊可都是一些弱者,至少对他来说,算弱者。 In addition, some Immortal World also many remnant Saints. 除此之外,仙界还有不少残圣。 These remnant Saints are the strength compared with general half Saint, existence that but is also weaker than Sage, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence in the world, therefore is called the remnant Saint. 这些残圣都是属于实力比一般半圣强,但又比圣人弱的存在,苟延残喘在世上,故而被称为残圣。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) did not understand very much, in that like Hidden Heaven Island, why will appear in Immortal World. 青天圣人很不理解,像隐天岛里面的那一位,为什么会出现在仙界 If enters Immortal World from the Hundun(Chaos) nihility, why the Heavenly Dao meeting has not forewarned, even the least bit responded that does not have. 若是从混沌虚无之中进入仙界的,为什么天道会没有预警,甚至半点反应都没有。 What special magic treasure is difficult to be inadequate this Sage to have, can shield the Heavenly Dao?” “难不成这尊圣人有什么特殊法宝,可以屏蔽天道?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) knits the brows, in a low voice twittering. 青天圣人皱眉,低声呢喃着。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… At this moment. 就在这时。 In Hidden Heaven Island, Chu Yuan of body Soul Formation light arrived rapidly, arrived above the vault of heaven, confronted with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) distantly. 隐天岛之中,身化神光的楚缘迅速降临,来到了天穹之上,遥遥与青天圣人对峙。 Is the god that mysterious and powerful aura light/only fills the air. 属于神光的那种神秘而又强大的气息弥漫而出。 Who is your excellency? Why arrived here.” “阁下是谁?为何来到这里。” Chu Yuan takes the lead to open the mouth. 楚缘率先开口。 His body god light/only flicks, prepared momentarily attack. 身上的神光一闪一闪的,做好了随时攻击的准备。 His previous time starts with that Sage. 他上次可是和那圣人就开打的。 Chu Yuan does not know this Sage to be able at present also so. 楚缘不知道眼前这尊圣人会不会也如此。 Therefore he chooses to prepare momentarily attack, so as to avoid the opposite party launches the attack suddenly, he defends without enough time. 所以他选择做好随时攻击的准备,免得对方忽然之间发起攻击,他来不及防御。 Combat readiness of Chu Yuan. 楚缘的战斗准备。 Also caused attaching great importance to of Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), his look was more dignified, completed the combat readiness...... 也引得了青天圣人的重视,他神色凝重了许多,也做好了战斗准备……
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