NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#789: Su Qianyuan terrifying 【Before dawn (3 - 5 am)】

south day of state, Taiqinggong. 南天州,太清宫。 Above main shrine. 主殿之上。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) carries the three sages to come here. 青天圣人携带三圣来到这里。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) decisive sitting to most the place of head, does not care about here is too clear Sage home game. 青天圣人果断的坐到了最上首的地方,也不顾及这里是太清圣人的主场。 But too clear Sage regarding this, does not dare to have the opinion, sits in behind honestly. 而太清圣人对此,也不敢有意见,老老实实坐在后面。 As for other two Saints, was any words does not dare saying that followed behind too clear Sage. 至于其他二圣,更是啥话也不敢说,就那么跟在太清圣人后边。 You said that this poor Daoist understood probably, Immortal World was indeed chaotic, but this matter, not in your bodies, therefore the Heavenly Dao will not fall the crime in you.” “你们所说的,贫道大概了解了一番,仙界的确乱了,但此事,不在你们之身,故而天道不会降罪于你们。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) sits in on first rush cushion, the eye pupil opens the eyes, looks below three Sage, slowly however said. 青天圣人坐在上首蒲团,眼眸微睁,看着下方三个圣人,徐徐而道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Three Sage relax. 三位圣人都松了口气。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is representing, is the Heavenly Dao. 青天圣人代表着的,可是天道。 Since this Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) said that will not fall the crime in them, that definitely did not blame them on behalf of the Heavenly Dao. 既然这位青天圣人说了,不会降罪于他们,那就肯定代表天道不怪罪他们了。 That may I ask Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), Immortal World this time whether has tribulation arrival?” “那敢问青天圣人,仙界此次是否是有‘劫’到来?” Too clear Sage asked submissively. 太清圣人拱手问道。 Un? This all over the sky Tribulation Qi, filled toward your forehead on the difference, couldn't you have looked?” “嗯?这满天的劫气,就差往你脑门里灌了,你们还看不出来?” The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) as if surprise, the eye opened very much much. 青天圣人似乎很诧异,眼睛都睁大了不少。 But thinks, suddenly suddenly. 但想了想,忽然恍然。 „, Also is right, your realm, if can see Tribulation Qi, that was strange.” “哦,也对,就你们的境界,要是能看得到劫气,那才奇怪了。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) muttered. 青天圣人喃喃自语了一句。 Too clear Sage: „......” 太清圣人:“……” jade clear Sage: „......” 玉清圣人:“……” On clear Sage: „......” 上清圣人:“……” Thanks, has to be offended. 谢谢,有被冒犯到。 They are Sage. 他们好歹是圣人 Always felt that in the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) eye , like the vegetable/dish chicken. 总感觉在青天圣人眼中,和个菜鸡一样。 But the opposite party is the Heavenly Dao spokesman, they endured. 但对方是天道代言人,他们忍了。 That Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), this tribulation whether to solve?” “那青天圣人,此劫可否解决?” Too clear Sage deeply inspires, asks. 太清圣人深吸了一口气,问道。 „It is not able to solve, this tribulation is Immortal World, when has the tribulation.” “无法解决,此劫为仙界当有之劫。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) unemotional shaking the head. 青天圣人面无表情的摇头。 But Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), was the influence of this tribulation too big? Did not have including the northern immortal state.” “可是青天圣人,这劫的影响是不是太大了?连北仙州都没了。” Too clear Sage complexion stiff saying. 太清圣人脸色僵硬的说道。 „All are the fates, this tribulation is a person, now falls from the sky because of the tribulation, because will hinder this tribulation in the future, this tribulations the body causes and effects too big, affects the present from the future, therefore these people fell from the sky.” “一切皆是命数,此劫是一个人,如今因劫陨落的,只是因为未来会阻碍此劫,此劫身上的因果太大,从未来影响到了现在,故而那些人陨落了。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) opens the eye, explained. 青天圣人睁目,解释了一番。 Three Sage hears word. 三位圣人闻言。 In heart in great surprise. 都不由心中大惊。 Person who now falls from the sky, because will hinder tribulation in the future, therefore tribulation affects the present from the future, making these people all fall from the sky? 现在所陨落的人,只是因为未来会阻碍到‘劫’,所以‘劫’自未来影响到了现在,让那些人全都陨落? Was this little exaggerating. 这是不是有点夸张了。 Ok, the matter of Immortal World, this poor Daoist has known, the matter about tribulation, this poor Daoist does not want to participate, this is Immortal World, when has the fate, this poor Daoist compares to be interested to a person actually.” “行了,仙界之事,贫道已知晓,关于劫的事情,贫道不想参与,此为仙界当有之命数,贫道倒是对一个人比较感兴趣。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) beckons with the hand. 青天圣人摆了摆手。 He caught the eye to look, on the face revealed the dignified color rarely. 他抬眼看了过去,脸上难得露出了凝重之色。 But he said the direction that looks, Hidden Heaven Island is. 而他说看的方向,正是隐天岛所在。 The three sages see that each other looks at each other one, understands clearly instantaneously. 三圣见状,彼此对视一眼,瞬间了然。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) this is to the Saint of that Hidden Heaven Island, various Tianzhi high immeasurable Sage is interested. 青天圣人这是对那位隐天岛之圣,诸天至高无量圣人感兴趣。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In the Hidden Heaven Island sea outside of nihility. 隐天岛之外的虚无之海中。 Zhang Hao and Su Qianyuan friendship compares notes to conduct. 张寒苏乾元的‘友谊切磋’正在进行着。 Zhang Hao A Thought Forms a Formation, the arrange/cloth got down myriad grand formation. 张寒一念成阵,布下了万千大阵 formation one after another covered Su Qianyuan. 一座接着一座阵法笼罩了苏乾元 But these formation arrange the condition, has not opened. 但这些阵法只是布置状态,并没有开启。 Was the formation ray to cover all. 属于阵法的光芒笼罩了一切。 From afar, this place was wrapped by the innumerable stars probably generally, is very terrifying. 从远处看,这块地方就好像被无数颗星辰包裹了一般,十分恐怖。 „The third child, you may other general idea/careless, my these formation not be simple, each formation is the say/way of connection world, the might is good.” “老三,你可别大意了,我这些阵法可不简单,每一座阵法都是与天地之道关联的,威力不俗。” Zhang Hao shoulders both hands, treads with a serene stance on the water surface. 张寒背负双手,以一副风轻云淡的姿态踏在水面上。 Two Senior Brother, the general idea/careless is not a good matter.” “二师兄,大意可不是一件好事情。” Su Qianyuan is motionless, but smiles to look at Zhang Hao. 苏乾元一动不动,只是笑看着张寒 In the face of absolute strength, general idea/careless on general idea/careless.” “在绝对的实力面前,大意就大意了。” Zhang Hao is self-confident. 张寒自信满满。 That two Senior Brother, do we start?” “那二师兄,我们开始?” The Su Qianyuan double bracelet chest, said with a smile. 苏乾元双臂环胸,笑着说道。 That starts, the third child, looks to incur!” “那就开始吧,老三,看招!” Zhang Hao nods. 张寒点头。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 His intention moves, myriad grand formation open instantaneously. 他心念一动,万千大阵瞬间开启。 His both eyes change to deep blue color, a black hair dance, the heart locates then rune to flash with the wind. 他的双目化作湛蓝色,一头黑发随风狂舞,心脏处一枚接着一枚符文闪动。 Zhang Hao starts the wholeheartedly to transfer, by slight control, conducts the formation control. 张寒开始全身心调动起来,以细微的操控,来进行阵法控制。 Under his control, trapped/sleepy starts to assume an awe-inspiring pose one after another. 在他的控制下,一座接着一座困阵开始发威。 During his arrangement, takes trapped/sleepy as first, maze for auxiliary, kills , the three surround mutually, forms the surface of sure-kill to the opponent. 他的布置之中,以困阵为先,迷阵为辅,杀阵在后,三者相互环绕,对对手形成绝杀之面。 Zhang Hao this little while, is controlling trapped/sleepy full power. 张寒这会儿,正在全力控制困阵呢。 But his trapped/sleepy just arranged over a thousand. 只不过他的困阵刚刚布置了上千座。 Suddenly, saw that a huge form appears, will be stranded to dash all. 忽然之间,就看到一道巨大的身影出现,将困阵尽数撞破。 Zhang Hao looks up, gawked. 张寒抬头看去,愣了下来。 Saw only in his front, Su Qianyuan turned into a several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) giant, standing of being indomitable spirit in that under muddy body the innumerable malignant influences surrounded, that eye is flooding ominous intent, is staring him, staring him was fearful. 只见在他前方,苏乾元变成了一个数万丈的巨人,顶天立地的站在那,浑身上下无数煞气环绕,那双眼睛充斥着凶意,就那么瞪着他,瞪得他心寒。 But Zhang Hao these formation under arrange/cloth, appear the weak. 张寒所布下的那些阵法,显得很鸡肋。 Because these formation, covered a toe of Zhang Hao. 因为那些阵法算起来,就笼罩了张寒的一根脚指头。 Zhang Hao: „?” 张寒:“?” What thing is this? 这是什么玩意? He does not remember that the third child did have this move? 他怎么不记得老三有这种招数了? How does this he hit? 这他怎么打? His arrange/cloth several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) grand formation? 他布个数万丈的大阵 Ok, grand formation arrange/cloth several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m). 可以,大阵布数万丈。 However the might was also dispersed the extreme, that simply is very frail. 但是威力也被分散到了极点,那简直脆弱得很。 He looks at third child thing, probably is very hard, his arrange/cloth several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) grand formation, feared that will be is exploded by a finger stamp? 他看老三这个玩意,好像很硬,他布个数万丈的大阵,怕是会被一根手指头戳爆? Two Senior Brother, but also hits?” “二师兄,还打吗?” The Su Qianyuan head finds out from the cloud layer, is overlooking Zhang Hao, asks. 苏乾元脑袋从云层中探出,就那么俯视着张寒,开口询问。 His sonorous voice, each few words shake the Zhang Hao mind to shiver. 他的声如洪钟,每一句话都震得张寒心神颤抖。 This strength is very terrifying! 这实力很恐怖! Absolutely is the genuine materials...... 绝对是真材实料…… The Zhang Hao person was silly. 张寒人傻了。 He was looks. 他算是看出来了。 Su Qianyuan really strong. 苏乾元是真的强。 But, is this is unreasonable. 可是,可是这没道理啊。 He does not think clearly. 他想不明白。 Why Su Qianyuan suddenly became such strong. 为什么苏乾元忽然就变得这么强了。 Must know him with the help of Master, achieved present realm. 要知道他在师尊的帮助下,也才堪堪达到了现在的境界 Why Su Qianyuan does not have a while, becomes such exaggerating? 为什么苏乾元没一会儿,就变得这么夸张? This is unreasonable, is unfair. 这没道理,不公平啊。 How Zhang Hao wants not to think clearly. 张寒怎么想都想不明白。 Two do Senior Brother, hit?” “二师兄,到底打不打?” Su Qianyuan asked again. 苏乾元再度发问。 Does not hit does not hit!” “不打了不打了!” Zhang Hao admits defeat decisively. 张寒果断认输。 On this situation, he hits. 就这种情况,他打个屁。 Su Qianyuan one hear of incarnation giant, immediately the form changes, turned into the normal person size, arrives in front of Zhang Hao, but looks at Zhang Hao with a smile. 化身巨人的苏乾元一听,顿时身影一变,重新变成了正常人大小,来到张寒面前,只是笑着看张寒 „Did the third child, you do, how...... to grow stronger suddenly?” “老三,你是干嘛了,怎么忽然就……就变强了?” Zhang Hao is smiling bitterly asking. 张寒苦笑着问道。 I......” “我……” Su Qianyuan wants to reply. 苏乾元本想回答。 May change mind thinks, looks at a Zhang Hao attractive black long hair, touched his big baldly, suddenly is unhappy, does not want to tell the facts. 可转念一想,看着张寒一头漂亮的黑色长发,又摸了摸他的大光头,忽然就不开心了,不想实话实说了。 Because I changed bare, grown stronger, two Senior Brother, you shaved your hair, can grow stronger.” “因为我变秃了,也变强了,二师兄,你把你的头发剃了,也能变强。” Su Qianyuan earnest incomparable said such a few words. 苏乾元认真无比的说出了这么一句话。 Zhang Hao: „?” 张寒:“?” Although felt that the third child is flickering, but why was a little excited? 虽然感觉老三是在忽悠,但为什么就是有点心动了?
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