NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#788: Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) 【Fourth】

Eastern divine land, Hidden Heaven Island, Daoless Sect. 东神州,隐天岛,无道宗 Disciple residential district. 弟子居住区域。 In Su Qianyuan bedroom palace. 苏乾元寝殿之内。 At this moment, Su Qianyuan is sitting cross-legged above a rush cushion, his whole body, the billowing malignant influences surround. 此时此刻,苏乾元正盘坐在一张蒲团之上,他的周身,滚滚煞气环绕。 This malignant influences compared with before, were deeper. 这股煞气比起以前,更加深沉了。 Or this is not the simple malignant influences, is a special air/Qi, this type of air/Qi and malignant influences are somewhat similar, but is far from the malignant influences can compare. 或者说,这已经不是简单的煞气了,是一种特殊之气,这种气与煞气有些相似而已,但远非煞气能比。 But the body of Su Qianyuan also compared with before, had the huge change. 苏乾元的身体也是比起之前,发生了巨大的变化。 Sees only the Su Qianyuan scarlet fruit upper part, blood-color traces proliferate, 12 different color light groups surround him to float, is mystical and powerful. 只见苏乾元赤果着的上半身,一条条血色的纹路遍布,十二道不同颜色的光团环绕着他漂浮,神秘而强大。 Witch!!!!” “巫!!!!” Su Qianyuan suddenly, opens the eyes fiercely, the opens the mouth puts out a character, immediately, the whole body malignant influences ebullition, has to plant to destroy all feelings. 苏乾元忽然之间,猛地睁开双眼,张口吐出一个字,顿时之间,周身煞气沸腾,有种要毁灭一切的感觉。 His both eyes are scarlet, but Old Gu the mysterious aura is filling the air. 他的双目猩红无比,一股古老而神秘的气息在弥漫而出。 Slaughter extinguishes the monster clan, sets up witch clan again?” “屠灭妖族,再立巫族?” Su Qianyuan restrained oneself aura rapidly, then looks at own both hands, in a low voice twittering. 苏乾元迅速的收敛了自身气息,而后看着自己的双手,低声呢喃了一句。 He before, the accident/surprise obtained the help of several wills, with the help of that several will, he progressed by leaps and bounds, within short some time, he then achieved this time realm. 他在之前,意外得到数股意志的帮助,在那数股意志的帮助下,他突飞猛进,短短一段时间之内,他便达到了今时今日的境界 Su Qianyuan can determine, now in the Daoless Sect disciple, abatement Big Apprentice Brother, certainly no one is his opponent. 苏乾元可以确定,如今无道宗弟子之中,除却大师兄,绝无人是他对手。 But makes him change such big key, is the help of that several will. 而让他变化如此之大的关键,就是那数股意志的帮助。 That several wills have only given him an information. 那数股意志只给过他一个信息。 That is the slaughter extinguishes the monster clan, sets up witch clan again. 那就是屠灭妖族,再立巫族。 This is the causes and effects. 这是因果。 Su Qianyuan needs to complete. 苏乾元需要去完成。 Does not worry, first practices, after other things, said.” “不着急,先修行,其他事情以后再说。” Does not know that the specific matter of this witch clan, later asks Master.” “就是不知道这个巫族的具体事宜,以后再问问师尊吧。” Su Qianyuan deeply inspires, is not impatient. 苏乾元深吸了一口气,也不心急。 His urgent matter is anything, he knows. 他的当务之急是什么,他还是知道的。 Lead a pious life! 修行! He is away from Daluo Golden Immortal now, only misses the last step. 他如今距离大罗金仙,只差最后一步。 So long as broke through Daluo Golden Immortal, his strength can be leapt. 只要突破了大罗金仙,那他的战力将可以得到飞跃。 According to information that several wills keep. 根据那数股意志所留下来的信息。 Moreover, his to become Saint road almost bedding was good. 而且,他的成圣路几乎都被铺好了。 It is said so long as he breaks through Quasi Sage, 12 say/way that then he grasps now, meeting one, he can reach one's goal instantly at the appointed time, achievement Sage. 据说只要他突破到准圣,那么他现在所掌握的十二种道,就会合一,届时他将可以一步到位,成就圣人 „, I can exceed Big Apprentice Brother perhaps diligently!” “努力一把,说不定我能超越大师兄!” In the Su Qianyuan eye has the exciting color. 苏乾元眼中有着兴奋之色。 Exceeds Big Apprentice Brother! 超越大师兄 This is each Daoless Sect disciples hides in a heart thought. 这是每个无道宗弟子都藏在心底的一个念头。 Now he has this opportunity, he wanted certainly to try. 现在他有这个机会,他当然想要试试了。 Su Qianyuan is planning to continue to set one's mind at ease the cultivation. 苏乾元正打算继续沉下心来修炼。 Strives for a wave of curve to pass another vehicle, exceeds Big Apprentice Brother. 争取来一波弯道超车,超越大师兄 When the time comes Master will certainly hold in high esteem to him. 到时候师尊一定会对他刮目相看的。 Perhaps Master one happy, Zhang Hao to to rub, gave him to work as for Sect Master. 说不定师尊一开心,就把张寒给撸了,代宗主交给他来当。 While Su Qianyuan imagines, when the preparation continues to cultivate. 正当苏乾元想象完毕,准备继续修炼时。 Thump thump thump...... 咚咚咚…… Suddenly his bedroom palace front door was sounded. 忽然他的寝殿大门被敲响了。 Un? 嗯? Su Qianyuan stares. 苏乾元不由一愣。 This is who came? 这是谁过来了? Su Qianyuan hesitated the moment. 苏乾元沉吟了片刻。 Puts out a hand to make together the malignant influences, front door opening. 伸手打出一道煞气,将大门给打开了。 He looks up. 他抬头看去。 Sees only beside the bedroom palace front door, Zhang Hao wears a meek robe, both hands shouldering stands in that. 只见寝殿大门之外,张寒身穿一身儒袍,双手背负站在那。 Two Senior Brother, how you came.” “二师兄,你怎么过来了。” The Su Qianyuan surprise, all aura restraining, asked. 苏乾元诧异了一下,把所有气息收敛,问了一句。 He knows, Zhang Hao has been busy managing sect, how today to have free time his sleeping palace. 他可是知道,张寒一直忙着管理宗门的,今天怎么有空过来他寝殿了。 Is all right to have a look at you, how rarely to see your form recently?” “没事就过来看看你呗,怎么最近很少看见你的身影?” Zhang Hao walks, oneself sat on the chair, selfish poured the tea. 张寒走进来,就自己坐到了椅子上,自顾自的倒起了茶水。 He absolutely does not have the generation of Sect Master dignity here. 他在这里完全没有代宗主的威严。 Some are only a two Senior Brother appearance. 有的只是一个二师兄的模样。 Recently has been busy with closing up, then has not gone out, haven't two Senior Brother you, you been managing sect actually? How here.” “最近一直忙于闭关,便没有外出,二师兄倒是你,你不是一直在管理宗门吗?怎么有空过来我这里了。” Su Qianyuan curious asking. 苏乾元好奇的问道。 This does not have the matter to confess that you go out, third child's your cultivation base in entire sect is to also set the base in any case , helping me go out to handle matters simply.” “这不是有事情想要交代一下你外出么,反正老三你的修为在整个宗门内也是垫底的,干脆帮我外出去办点事吧。” Zhang Hao revealed wiped the smile, told his goal. 张寒露出了一抹笑容,讲述了他的目的。 He was supposing entire sect within/inner, in the abatement Chen Jun situation, sets the base on Su Qianyuan. 他估摸着整个宗内,在除却陈君的情况下,就苏乾元垫底。 Therefore the plan dispatches Su Qianyuan to handle something. 所以打算派遣苏乾元去做一些事情。 Un?? What is my cultivation base in the entire sect is to set the base?” “嗯??什么叫我修为在整个宗内是垫底的?” Before Su Qianyuan is listening half a word, originally fortunately good, was supposing can make the contribution to sect is also the good deed. 苏乾元听着前半句,本来还好好的,估摸着能为宗门做贡献也是好事。 But after one hear half a word, he had a fit of bad temper immediately. 可一听后半句,他顿时炸毛了。 What is his cultivation base sets the base in the entire sect? 什么叫他的修为在整个宗内是垫底的? He now is so strong, unexpectedly said that he is in the entire sect sets the base. 他现在这么强,居然说他是整个宗内垫底的。 Not?” “难道不是么?” Zhang Hao gawked, this that he said is not the truth. 张寒愣了一下,他说的这不是实话么。 „Do your I gesticulate two?” “你我比划两下?” Su Qianyuan got angry immediately. 苏乾元顿时怒了。 Come.” “来啊。” Zhang Hao smiled. 张寒笑了。 He is existence of Golden Immortal boundary. 他可是金仙境的存在。 Previous time he has seen in Master that side rank list. 上次他可是在师尊那边的排行榜单上看到过的。 Su Qianyuan sets the base. 苏乾元就是垫底的。 „Outside walks, goes!” “走,去外面!” Walks, looking is anxious you.” “走走走,瞧把你急得。” „......” “……” Two people go ahead. 两人说走就走。 Immediately is going toward the palace outside. 当即往着殿外而去。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Three Sage this little while are arriving at the Immortal World dead center section. 三位圣人这会儿正来到仙界的正中心地段。 Here is four state intersection points. 这里是四州交界处。 Here, the light beam is glittering, probably supports entire Immortal World the column of day to be the same. 在这里,有一条光柱闪烁着,像是支撑着整个仙界的天之柱一般。 Generally the life does not dare to come to here, around this light beam some bans, the common life will be banned to destroy completely. 一般生灵不敢来这里,这条光柱周围都有禁制,寻常生灵就会被禁制灭掉。 Also only then Sage can come here. 也就只有圣人才能来到这里了。 Before three Sage arrive at the light beam, stopped. 三位圣人来到光柱之前,停顿了下来。 Three people each other looked at each other one. 三人彼此对视了一眼。 Simultaneously moved, is flushing away toward the light beam. 同时动了起来,往着光柱里面冲去。 After breaking in light beam, three people only felt that at present one suddenly, the next quarter, they have arrived at a different space. 在冲入光柱之后,三人只感觉眼前一恍,下一刻,他们已经来到了一片异空间。 This space is jet black, everywhere is the black fog, pitch-dark. 这片空间漆黑无比,到处皆是黑雾,伸手不见五指。 These black fog are special incomparable, seems all negativities. 这些黑雾更是特殊无比,仿佛是一切负面情绪所化。 Even if Sage does not bump into the black fog carefully, will be roused the heart deep place most fearful desire. 哪怕是圣人不小心碰到黑雾,也会被勾动内心深处最可怕的欲望。 Here seems like world all darkness place. 这里就好像是世间一切黑暗所化的地方。 Your three people, what matter?” “你们三人,所来何事?” In sound in Heiwu resounds through together. 一道声音于黑雾之中响彻。 Has seen Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky)!” “见过青天圣人!” Three Sage hear this sound, the body trembles, said repeatedly. 三位圣人听到这声音,身子一颤,连声说道。 What matter?” “何事?” In sound in Heiwu resounds again. 声音再度于黑雾之中响起。 „The Immortal World crisis, the northern immortal state has been destroyed now, requesting earnestly Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to act, stable Immortal World!” 仙界危机,如今北仙州已被毁,恳请青天圣人出手,稳固仙界!” Too clear Sage stand, clenched teeth to say. 太清圣人站了出来,咬牙开口说道。 Un?” “嗯?” That in black fog existed to seem like the surprise, silent moment. 黑雾之中的那位存在似乎诧异了一下,沉默了片刻。 At once, the billowing black fog drew back fiercely. 旋即,滚滚黑雾猛地退了出去。 The person's shadow walked from the deep place together. 一道人影从深处走了出来。 This person's shadow wears a loose azure robe, the hair is pale, the scattered in disorder shawl, his facial features are quite pretty, the makings are very pure, does not have any constriction. 这道人影身穿一袭宽松青袍,头发苍白,散乱披肩,他的面容颇为俊秀,气质很纯净,没有任何一丝压迫感。 He to evil is incompatible to the wicked scene with periphery. 他与周围至邪至恶的场景格格不入。 But he actually exists here, making one ascertain airtight. 但他却偏偏存在于这里,令人捉摸不透。 This person is the Immortal World first powerhouse, the Heavenly Dao spokesman, the blue sky! 这人便是仙界第一强者,天道代言人,青天!
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