NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#787: Invited Land of Heaven that 【Third】

In the Hundun(Chaos) nihility outside Immortal World. 仙界之外的混沌虚无之中。 Three Sage gather together again here. 三位圣人再度在这里聚首。 Mentioned this small-scale meeting, that one time was changed a type. 说起这种小型聚会,那是一次变一个样。 They met in the Hundun(Chaos) nihility some time ago for the first time, that is eight Sage. 他们不久前第一次在混沌虚无碰头,那是八位圣人 That eight Sage are also eight Sage that Immortal World is based. 那八位圣人也是仙界常驻的八位圣人 Second meeting, turned into seven Sage then again. 再然后第二次碰头,就变成了七位圣人 Again is six. 再然后就是六位。 Now was good, remaining three. 现在好了,剩下三位。 ancient God, does not know where went, could not find the person. 还有一个古神,不知道去哪里了,根本找不到人。 These three Sage were the Taoist trinity. 这三位圣人便是三清了。 At this moment, three Sage each other are looking at each other, in its has confusedly. 此时此刻,三位圣人彼此对视着,其眼中都有着迷茫。 Did the Immortal World tribulation, really arrive? 仙界的劫,真的到来了么? But this tribulation, rather extremely in terrifying. 可是这个劫,未免太过于恐怖了吧。 Short such sometime, fell from the sky unexpectedly so many Sage. 短短这么一小段时间,居然陨落了这么多圣人 The lip cold tooth perishes. 唇寒齿亡。 How they can not be worried. 他们如何能不担心。 This also caused three Sage to meet, the earliest possible time was not talks, but is looking at each other, fell into silent. 这也导致了三位圣人碰面,第一时间并不是谈话,而是对视着,陷入了沉默。 The atmosphere is very strange. 气氛很是诡异。 Their three people do not know that should say what good. 他们三人都不知道该说什么好。 Crossed enough some little time. 过了足足好一会儿。 Finally was too clear Sage takes the lead to open the mouth, broke silent. 最后还是太清圣人率先开口,打破了寂静。 Last clear, before ten thousand law god Monarch and Golden Crow Tiansheng fought, both of us were because closed up, therefore without detecting, you were arrived, why didn't stop?” “上清,之前万法神君与金乌天圣相斗,我们两人是因为闭关了,所以没有察觉到,你是已经到场的了,为何不阻拦?” Too clear Sage so asked. 太清圣人这般问道。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 jade clear Sage also looked to clear Sage. 玉清圣人也看向了上清圣人 Wants in this clear Sage to give an answer. 想要这位上清圣人给一个答案。 This...... this I do not know, at that time I indeed had arrived, but why does not know, when I and they talked, moodily, then reckless left, at that time the mind seemed to be hoodwinked.” “这……这我也不知道,当时我的确已经到达了,但是不知道为什么,我和他们交谈时,心烦气躁,然后不顾一切的就离开了,当时心神似乎被蒙蔽了。” On a helplessness of clear Sage face. 上清圣人一脸的无奈。 He really does not know that is how a matter. 他真的不知道是怎么一回事。 He indeed was holding the thoughts of mediating a quarrel in the past north the immortal state. 他本来的确是抱着劝架的心思过去北仙州的。 After the arrival northern immortal state, is very but strange, his mind was hoodwinked probably generally, works strangely. 可是在到达北仙州之后,就很奇怪,他的心神好像被蒙蔽了一般,做事奇奇怪怪。 Unexpectedly because is agitated, then walked directly. 居然因为烦躁,然后就直接走了。 This at all is not the matter that he usually can handle. 这根本不是他平时会做的事情。 This was really the tribulation must arrive.” “这真的是劫要到来了。” The say/way of too clear Sage sinking sound. 太清圣人沉声的道。 Sage was hoodwinked the mind. 圣人都被蒙蔽心神。 This has proven all sufficiently. 这已经足以证明一切了。 Is too clear, should we what course to follow? Now Sage falls from the sky so many, beside person who except that ancient god that god nerve passes through, remaining our three.” “太清,那我们该何去何从?如今圣人陨落了这么多,除了古神那神神经经的人之外,就剩下我们三个了。” Some jade clear Sage saying worrying. 玉清圣人有些着急的说道。 This who wants to fall from the sky. 这谁想要陨落。 But jade clear Sage knows, if they continue to accomplish nothing. 但玉清圣人知道,如果他们继续无所作为。 They will fall from the sky sooner or later. 那他们早晚会陨落。 , In front of the tribulation, they cannot block absolutely. 绝对的,在劫面前,他们挡不住。 Who said Sage remaining our three?” “谁说圣人就剩下我们三个的?” The too clear Sage calm sound, said one. 太清圣人沉着声音,道了一句。 Continues our three? That Immortal World except for the ancient god, was various Tianzhi high immeasurable Sage, furthermore was that Land of Heaven closed up, did you refer to?” “不止我们三个?那仙界除了古神,便是诸天至高无量圣人了,再者就是天土闭关的那一位了,你是指?” jade clear Sage congealing sound asked. 玉清圣人凝声问道。 Land of Heaven that!” 天土那一位!” Too clear Sage said very much directly. 太清圣人很直接的说了出来。 Land of Heaven that!!” 天土那一位!!” jade clear Sage with on clear Sage hears word, the pupil shrinks fiercely. 玉清圣人与上清圣人闻言,瞳孔猛地一缩。 Land of Heaven is the place of true Immortal World center. 天土是真正的仙界中心之地。 But Immortal World all living things do not know. 只不过仙界众生一直都不知道。 But their Sage knows. 但他们圣人可是知道的。 Immortal World nine Saints, strongest, is Land of Heaven that named blue sky existence. 仙界九圣,最强的,一直都是天土那一位,名为‘青天’的存在。 That Sage strength is extremely strong, collaborated to other eight Sage powerful, possibly not the situation of enemy of gathering. 那位圣人的实力极强,强大到了其他八位圣人联手,都可能不是一合之敌的地步。 Moreover, that Sage represents, is the meaning of Heavenly Dao, can say is the Heavenly Dao spokesman. 而且,那位圣人所代表的,也是天道的意思,可以说得上是天道代言人。 But that has been closing up. 只不过那位一直在闭关。 Also caused after all living things, the fame is extremely low. 也导致了在众生之后,名气极低。 But their these Sage actually know that is the true Immortal World overlord. 可他们这些圣人却是知道,那位才是真正的仙界霸主。 „Does determination need to look for that?” “确定要去找那一位么?” jade clear Sage silent, asked. 玉清圣人沉默了一下,问道。 Land of Heaven that had said that the function of Land of Heaven is prevents Immortal World to crash, now hasn't Immortal World calculated faced with the crisis of avalanche? Perhaps this tribulation no small matter, Immortal World will also really crash, should look for Land of Heaven that to come out.” 天土那位曾经说过,天土的作用便是阻止仙界崩塌,如今仙界还不算面临崩塌的危机么?此劫非同小可,说不定仙界还真会崩塌,该找天土那一位出来了。” Too clear Sage sinking sound said. 太清圣人沉声说道。 Other two Sage silent, then the nod, thought that in abundance too clear Sage said rational. 其他两位圣人沉默了一下,而后纷纷点头,觉得太清圣人说得有理。 Naturally, what they are more is the selfishness. 当然了,他们更多的是私心。 If cannot find Land of Heaven that to save the scene, they will fall from the sky sooner or later at tribulation under. 若是不能找到天土那位来救场,他们早晚会陨落在‘劫’之下的。 Moreover, Sage that now Immortal World is based, remaining four, then that tribulation, if will also affect, that influence was they. 而且,如今仙界常驻的圣人,就剩下四位了,接下来那个‘劫’若是还会影响,那影响的就是他们了。 If can make Land of Heaven that save the scene, that was different. 若是能让天土的那位来救场,那就不一样了。 They had the vitality. 那他们就有生机了。 Three Sage have a tacit understanding, each other looked at each other one, then simultaneous/uniform Qiwang that side Immortal World was flying. 三位圣人心照不宣,彼此对视了一眼,而后齐齐往着仙界那边飞了过去。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Northern immortal state boundary. 北仙州的边界处。 Xu Yu is standing here. 徐御正站在这里。 Side him, becomes ancient God of his protector also to follow. 在他身边,成为了他护道者的古神也跟着。 Xu Yu regarding having Sage protector, cannot believe. 徐御对于有一尊圣人护道者,一直都是不敢相信的。 But cannot support ancient God to come wholeheartedly, when protector, Xu Yu naturally accepted ancient God finally when protector. 但架不住古神是真心实意来当护道者的,徐御最后自然收下了古神当护道者。 Who can reject Sage protector? 谁能拒绝一尊圣人护道者? Told the truth, has Xu Yu of Sage protector, the ambition inflated, he has not left the northern immortal state, but he has many many many ideas. 有一说一,有了一尊圣人护道者的徐御,野心膨胀了,他还没离开北仙州,但他已经有了很多很多很多想法。 He must eat the lots. 他要吃很多东西。 Eats Great Peng, eats the real dragon, eats the Qilin!! 吃大鹏,吃真龙,吃麒麟!! The volume of volume, is the volume! 额的额的,全都是额的! The Xu Yu innermost feelings had/left too many ideas much. 徐御内心多出了太多想法了。 Therefore his little while is overtaking toward other places. 所以他这会儿正在往其他地方赶过去。 Xu Yu prepares, was south a day of state. 徐御准备去的,就是南天州了。 Immortal World four states, eastern divine land, heading west state, northern immortal state, south day of state. 仙界四州,东神州,西行州,北仙州,南天州。 In a south day of state has a special race, it is said is the crane class, the flavor is very good. 南天州内有一特殊种族,据说是鹤类的,味道很棒。 Xu Yu planned that has a look. 徐御打算去看看。 If before trading does, he does not certainly dare to go, that special race, because in that race has many half Saint. 如果换做之前,他一定不敢去,那个特殊种族,因为那个种族里面有很多半圣。 But now Sage protector, that is different. 但现在有一尊圣人护道者,那就不一样了。 Which race dares to block his road? 哪个种族敢拦着他的路? Snort. 哼。 The gods keep off the deicide, Buddha keep off to kill Buddha! 神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛! Xu Yu prepared south going in swaggering a day of state. 徐御都准备大摇大摆的进去南天州了。 slow isn't young friend, why you willing to return to the eastern divine land?” “徐小友,你为何不愿意回东神州?” The ancient gods are very puzzled. 古神很是不解。 If goes back the eastern divine land, has his Ancient God Sect asylum, that Xu Yu really can walk sideways. 要是回去东神州,有他古神宗庇护,那徐御真的是可以横着走。 „It is not good, cannot go back the eastern divine land.” “不行不行,不能回去东神州。” Xu Yu shakes the head hastily. 徐御连忙摇头。 He always felt own body brings the misfortune. 他总感觉自己身上带着厄运。 Goes back the eastern divine land, he feared that implicates Daoless Sect. 回去东神州,他怕连累到无道宗 Going to other states was different. 去其他州就不一样了。 At least the psychology does not have the pressure. 至少心理没压力。 However, he is indefinite, are oneself really with misfortune anything. 不过,他也不确定,自己是不是真的身带厄运什么的。 Therefore he planned that south goes to a day of state to try. 所以他打算去南天州试试。 That side south day of state also two Sage. 南天州那边也有两尊圣人的。 He planned that has a look. 他打算去看看。 If he really with misfortune. 要是他真的身带厄运的话。 south day of state that two Sage will definitely have an accident. 南天州那两尊圣人肯定会出事。 If south day of state that two Sage have not had an accident, that showed that the beforehand matter is the coincidence, he can return to the eastern divine land. 要是南天州那两尊圣人没出事的话,那就证明之前的事情全是巧合,那他就能回东神州了。 Ok line.” “行吧行吧。” Helpless the ancient gods , can only come following the meaning of Xu Yu. 古神也无奈了,只能顺着徐御的意思来。 Who lets his vitality in Xu Yu body...... 谁让他的生机在徐御身上呢……
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