NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#786: Rise of Su Qianyuan

The northern immortal state was destroyed completely. 北仙州被摧毁殆尽。 Immortal World had four based in Sage merely! 仙界常驻圣人仅仅剩下了四位! Spreading of this matter, making entire Immortal World shake, during is closing up both Sage to go out in abundance. 这件事的传出,令整个仙界都震荡了起来,在闭关之中的两位圣人都纷纷出关了。 Was this matter is too big. 实在是这件事太大了。 Immortal World altogether also four states. 仙界总共也才四州。 Now a state was destroyed, that damages the Immortal World basic matter, how all living things can not attach great importance. 如今一州被毁,那已经是损伤到仙界根本的事情了,众生如何能不重视。 However attaches great importance to turning over to attach great importance. 不过重视归重视。 Regarding this, all living things do not have the means. 对此,众生毫无办法。 By Sage from exploding the northern immortal state of destruction, the possibility that simply has not saved. 圣人自爆而毁灭的北仙州,根本没有挽救的可能性。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Daoless Sect, in Sect Master Main Hall. 无道宗,宗主大殿之中。 Was naturally also knowing to Chu Yuan that Ye Luo explained religious doctrine. 正在给叶落讲道的楚缘自然也是知道了一切。 He at the god brilliant number strength, can easily see that side the matter. 他以神光大号的力量,能够轻易看到那边发生的事情。 After just he sees, the whole person was silly. 只不过当他看到之后,整个人都傻了。 This this...... 这这这…… This was also too ominous. 这也太凶了。 Minute minute on performance Sage from exploding. 分分钟就表演一个圣人自爆。 Will ruin Great Province? 会毁掉了一座大州 Exaggeratingly was too too exaggerating. 太夸张太夸张了。 This Immortal World is a little dangerous. 这个仙界有点危险。 Chu Yuan deeply inspires, he looked down side, sat in meditation completely, does not have any protection, but also is listening to Ye Luo of say/way. 楚缘深吸了一口气,他低头看了一眼自己身旁,完全入定,没有任何防备,还在听道的叶落 Decided anything does not do. 还是决定什么也不做。 To Immortal World situation change. 任由仙界局势变化吧。 His Daoless Sect will not have an accident in any case. 反正他的无道宗也不会出事。 At present is most important, must first training the Saint is good Ye Luo. 眼下最重要的,还是要先把叶落给培养成圣才行。 Chu Yuan calms down , to continue to give Ye Luo to explain religious doctrine. 楚缘定下心来,继续给叶落进行讲道。 Meanwhile he from the god light/only trumpet, opened the Immortal World strength ranking. 同时他从神光小号那边,将仙界战力排行榜开了出来。 Sage from exploding, bringing Sage to fall from the sky together, the northern immortal state was destroyed. 圣人自爆,带着一尊圣人一起陨落,北仙州被毁。 This Immortal World strength ranking, feared that must renew one. 仙界战力排行榜,怕是又要更新一番了。 Immortal World strength ranking 仙界战力排行榜】 First: Blue sky( beginning of the universe Sage)】 【第一:青天(混元圣人)】 Second: Too clear Sage( Sage)】 【第二:太清圣人(圣人)】 Third: jade clear Sage( Sage)】 【第三:玉清圣人(圣人)】 Fourth: Last clear Sage( Sage)】 【第四:上清圣人(圣人)】 Fifth: ancient gods( Sage)】 【第五:古神(圣人)】 Sixth: Ye Luo( Quasi Sage / Second sage)】 【第六:叶落(准圣/亚圣)】 Seventh: clear Daoist( half Saint)】 【第七:清微道人(半圣)】 Eighth: North Pole Son of Heaven( half Saint)】 【第八:北极天王(半圣)】 ...... …… Decisive, this strength ranking renewal. 果断,这战力排行榜更新了。 Sun Tiansheng vanished with ten thousand law god Mr.'s names. 金乌天圣与万法神君的名字都消失了。 This little while, fifth became this ancient God. 这会儿,第五变成了这个古神。 What is oddest is Ye Luo, turned into sixth. 最离谱的是叶落,都变成第六了。 The Immortal World sixth powerhouse, hear of he is explaining religious doctrine by him. 仙界第六的强者,正在他旁边听他讲道。 He can go first to give to get rid of, did oneself work as first? 那他是不是可以去把第一给干掉,自己来当第一了? In the Chu Yuan heart raises this to make him feel the funny thought. 楚缘不由心中升起这个让他感到好笑的念头。 He has not cared, but is thinking fun. 他也没在意,只是想着好玩而已。 Ye Luo has become sixth unexpectedly, made him feel the surprise. 只是叶落居然已经成为了第六,着实让他感到诧异了。 According to this progress, dies once for a while 12 Sage, did Ye Luo after a period of time, become first directly second? 按照这个进度,时不时死一两尊圣人,叶落过一段时间,是不是直接成为第一第二了? This was too odd. 这实在太离谱了。 Chu Yuan continues to give Ye Luo saying that while continues to look at the Immortal World strength ranking, he wants to have a look, his other disciples arrange at several. 楚缘一边继续给叶落讲道,一边继续看仙界战力排行榜,他想要看看,他其他弟子都排在第几名。 After also one seeks, finally found other disciples. 在还一番寻找之后,终于找到了其他弟子的。 Immortal World strength ranking 仙界战力排行榜】 71 st: Ancient pronunciation Daoist( Daluo)】 【第七十一:古音道人(大罗)】 72 nd: Su Qianyuan( Taiyi Golden Immortal / Immortal Emperor)】 【第七十二:苏乾元(太乙金仙/仙帝)】 73 rd: Perilla( Taiyi Golden Immortal / Immortal Emperor)】 【第七十三:紫苏(太乙金仙/仙帝)】 74 th: Tantai Luoxue( Taiyi Golden Immortal / Immortal Emperor)】 【第七十四:澹台洛雪(太乙金仙/仙帝)】 75 th: dragon Chen monster king( Daluo)】 【第七十五:龙辰妖王(大罗)】 76 th: white jade Daoist( Daluo)】 【第七十六:白玉道人(大罗)】 ...... …… When Chu Yuan sees this, he gawked, in these Taiyi Golden Immortal disciple top of the heads, is Daluo exists, arranges under these disciples, is Daluo exists. 楚缘看到这一段时,他自个是愣了一下的,在这些太乙金仙的弟子头顶的,全是大罗存在,排在这些弟子下面的,也是大罗存在。 This can defeat many Daluo on behalf of these disciples, but not invincible meaning in Daluo? 这代表这些弟子可以战胜很多大罗,但并非在大罗境内无敌的意思么? However, these disciples can by Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, arrange at more than 70 of Immortal World strength, is very rare. 不过,这些弟子能以太乙金仙境界,排在仙界战力的七十多名,已经很难得了。 Not right...... 不对…… Where has probably is not right. 好像有什么地方不对劲的。 Chu Yuan gawked, he shifted in the vision the Immortal World strength ranking silently again, carefully looked. 楚缘愣了一下,他默默将目光再次转移到了仙界战力排行榜上,仔细看了起来。 This 72 nd, yes...... 这个第七十二,是…… Is Su Qianyuan, Su Laosan?! 苏乾元,苏老三?! Did this goods flee suddenly? Before did not explode planted one time, arranged to the Daoless Sect disciple in did fifth come? 这货怎么突然窜上来了?之前不是爆种了一次,排到无道宗弟子之中的第五来了么? This little while, how exploded, unexpectedly jumped on the perilla. 这会儿,怎么又爆了,居然跳到了紫苏头上去了。 This fellow, opened hangs. 这家伙,开挂了吧。 Possibly so to be how quick. 怎么可能这么快。 This is unreasonable. 这不合理啊。 Too exaggerating, was too odd. 太夸张,太离谱了。 Chu Yuan was almost startled to explaining religious doctrine, is good responds rapidly because of him, stands firm the mind, lives in the sound stably. 楚缘差点被惊得把讲道给断了,好在他迅速反应过来,稳住心神,把道音稳定住。 This third child body exactly had anything. 这个老三身上到底发生了什么。 Chu Yuan branches out part of mind, goes to that side the god light/only trumpet, first opened the Daoless Sect strength ranking to look. 楚缘分出一部分心神,去神光小号那边,先是打开了无道宗战力排行榜看了起来。 Sure enough. 果不其然。 Su Qianyuan has fled second, pushing third to go to the perilla. 苏乾元已经窜到了第二,将紫苏给挤到了第三去。 Then, Chu Yuan opened the character present situation, opened Su Qianyuan, read specially. 而后,楚缘又开启了人物现状,打开了苏乾元的,专门翻看了起来。 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan exercise big witch true body, during is dark obtains mysterious destiny in addition to hold, magical skill rises sharply 【您的三弟子苏乾元练就大巫真身,冥冥之中得到神秘气运加持,道行大涨】 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan clearly become aware the will of witch, during is dark obtains mysterious destiny in addition to hold, magical skill rises sharply 【您的三弟子苏乾元明悟巫之意志,冥冥之中得到神秘气运加持,道行大涨】 【During your three disciple Su Qianyuan are dark obtains mysterious will help, comprehends the say/way of space 【您的三弟子苏乾元冥冥之中得到神秘意志帮助,领悟空间之道】 【During your three disciple Su Qianyuan are dark obtains mysterious will help, the say/way of comprehension time 【您的三弟子苏乾元冥冥之中得到神秘意志帮助,领悟时间之道】 【During your three disciple Su Qianyuan are dark obtains mysterious will help, comprehends wind together 【您的三弟子苏乾元冥冥之中得到神秘意志帮助,领悟风之一道】 ...... …… 【During your three disciple Su Qianyuan are dark obtains mysterious will help, comprehends fire together 【您的三弟子苏乾元冥冥之中得到神秘意志帮助,领悟火之一道】 ...... …… This information, full is. 这种信息,满满的全都是。 All is various anything comprehends, exercises anything. 全都是各种什么领悟的,练就什么的。 This third child. 这个老三。 Also really exploded plants. 还真是爆种了。 The Chu Yuan eyeball almost stared. 楚缘眼珠子都差点瞪出来了。 This wave of he has not thought. 这波他是万万没有想到的。 The third child really completed turning over unexpectedly. 老三居然真的完成了翻身。 Moreover, turning over that completes at this extremely exaggerating speed. 而且,还是以这种极度夸张的速度完成的翻身。 Really is a lead. 真就又是一个主角呗。 But, the strengthen of this third child, how is a matter, mysterious destiny, mysterious will?” “不过,这个老三的变强,是怎么一回事,神秘气运,神秘意志?” Chu Yuan is somewhat puzzled. 楚缘有些不解。 Although his god brilliant number has not been staring at Hidden Heaven Island, but how really to have any unusual strength close to the Hidden Heaven Island words, he is impossible unable to detect. 他神光大号虽然没有盯着隐天岛,但是如何真的有什么奇特的力量靠近隐天岛的话,他不可能察觉不到。 Third child strengthen, is very strange. 老三这个变强,很诡异。 Also, the third child comprehended 12 types of say/way simultaneously, this what big witch true body, the will of witch. 还有,老三同时领悟了十二种道,还有这个什么大巫真身,巫之意志的。 Should the third child really do not change the witch clan? 该不会老三真的要变巫族了吧? Chu Yuan remembers vaguely, in the past when he flickered Su Qianyuan, was that witch clan case says. 楚缘依稀记得,当年他忽悠苏乾元时,就是那巫族的案例去说的。 Can this little while, really must be played to understand by Su Qianyuan, really change the witch clan? 这会儿,真就要被苏乾元玩明白了,真要变巫族了? But, he was talking nonsense in the past completely. 可是,当年他完全就是在瞎说的呀。 He is responsible for imagining. 他负责想象。 Su Qianyuan is responsible for the thing that he imagines, turning really?? 苏乾元负责把他想象出来的东西,给变成真的?? The Chu Yuan expression gradually felt strange. 楚缘表情逐渐奇怪。 Is good Ye Luo is listening to say in the palace, in addition the has god light covers, no one knows the Chu Yuan expression. 好在殿内叶落在听道,加上有神光笼罩,也没人知道楚缘的表情。 Ok, no matter so many. 算了,不管那么多了。 The urgent matter, supports Ye Luo to become Saint. 当务之急,扶持叶落成圣。 What matter is good, yields the way to this matter. 无论是什么事情都好,都给这件事让道。 Chu Yuan deeply inspires, sets the mind...... 楚缘深吸一口气,定下心神……
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