NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#785: Sage from exploding

Northern immortal state, in some region. 北仙州,某一片地域之中。 Xu Yu looks that bone on own hand, is in a daze. 徐御看着自己手上的那根骨头,正在发呆。 Should unable...... 该不会…… Should the master of this bone, what monster sovereign's son really not be? 该不会这根骨头的主人,真的是什么妖皇之子吧? It is said the chaos of northern immortal state, some people got rid of the monster sovereign's son to cause. 据说北仙州的这场大乱,就是有人干掉了妖皇之子才引起的。 Difficult to be inadequate, this turmoil , because he does cause? 难不成,这场动乱,是因为他才引起的? The Xu Yu innermost feelings appeared this thought. 徐御内心浮现了这个念头。 He just raised this thought that was frightened. 他才刚刚升起这个念头,就被吓到了。 Not. 不是吧。 Really because of him, the northern immortal state becomes so chaotic? 真的是因为他,北仙州才变得如此混乱的? Difficult to be inadequate his body really to have what misfortune to be inadequate. 难不成他身上真的有什么厄运不成。 How to feel to arrive at where, where will have an accident? 怎么感觉走到哪里,哪里就会出事? Before the heading west state, the heading west state was chaotic, but also was buried alive three Sage by him in disguised form. 之前在西行州,西行州乱了,还变相被他坑杀了三尊圣人 Now north immortal state, northern immortal state also chaos. 现在来北仙州,北仙州也大乱了。 The transvestite two clans make war comprehensively. 人妖两族全面开战。 The casualty are innumerable. 死伤无数。 These because of him...... 这些都是因为他…… Xu Yu somewhat were absent-minded. 徐御自己都有些恍惚了。 How to feel, all these such coincidence? 怎么感觉,这一切都这么巧合? If said that his body has what misfortune, that is not realistic. 要是说他身上有什么厄运,那不现实啊。 Is all right, this affirmation is only the coincidence.” “没事没事,这肯定只是巧合而已。” „The northern immortal state also does not have Sage to fall from the sky, cannot calculate that my head, must really be my body has what misfortune, looked at that side the heading west state dead three Sage, the northern immortal state will also certainly have Sage to fall from the sky.” “北仙州这边又没有圣人陨落,算不到我头上来,要真是我身上有什么厄运,看西行州那边死了三尊圣人来说,北仙州也一定会有圣人陨落的。” Has a look at the present, does not have Sage to fall from the sky, is nothing.” “看看现在,也没圣人陨落,算不了什么。” Xu Yu is patting the chest, relaxes. 徐御轻拍着胸膛,松了口气。 He is consoling oneself. 他在自我安慰着。 His voice just fell. 他话音才刚刚落下。 The next quarter, above the vault of heaven the shouting angrily sound transmits together. 下一刻,天穹之上一道怒喝声传来。 Sun Tiansheng, you wanted me dead, I did not make you feel better! Falls from the sky with me together!!” “金乌天圣,你要我死,我也绝不让你好过!跟我一起陨落吧!!” This is ten thousand law god Mr.'s voices. 这是万法神君的声音。 Ten thousand law god Monarch as if were compelled the dead end, in its sound an imposing desperate meaning with killing aiming at ascension. 万法神君仿佛被逼到了末路,其声音之中一股凛然的绝望之意与杀意在升腾。 Ten thousand law god Monarch! You were insane! You from exploding! Did not fear that destroyed the entire north immortal state!!” “万法神君!你疯了!你自爆!不怕毁了整个北仙州!!” The Golden Crow Tiansheng alarmed and afraid sound also followed to pass on. 金乌天圣惊惧的声音也跟着传了过来。 The talks of these two Sage, spread over north most the immortal state. 这两尊圣人的谈话,传遍了大半个北仙州。 Xu Yu also naturally heard. 徐御也自然听到了。 His little while is ignorant. 他这会儿正懵着呢。 This...... 这…… What is this? 这是什么意思? Can Sage from exploding? 圣人要自爆? Sage from exploding, that might feared that is very big? 圣人自爆,那威力怕是很大吧? Greatly?! 很大吧?吧! Xu Yu stared in a big way the eyes instantaneously, he felt a peak crisis, turned around then to fly to escape to go rapidly, wants to flee from the northern immortal state. 徐御瞬间瞪大了双眼,他感受到了一股极致的危机,转身便迅速飞逃而去,想要逃离北仙州。 But has not waited for him to run two steps. 但还没等他跑两步。 Sees only above the vault of heaven, a white light appears suddenly. 只见天穹之上,一点白光蓦然出现。 The next second that the white light presents, the crazy expansion, the ray unceasingly outward diffusion of sparkle, wanting to cover the entire north immortal state. 白光出现的下一秒,疯狂扩大,闪耀的光芒不断往外扩散,欲要覆盖整个北仙州。 Any by the thing that the white light covers, changed into the nihility all, changed into the fragment powder. 任何被白光笼罩的东西,尽数化为了虚无,化为了齑粉。 Sage from exploding. 一位圣人的自爆。 That destroys, is not only the life, spiritual energy in destroying northern immortal state, all vitalities in northern immortal state. 那摧毁的,不仅仅是生灵,更在摧毁北仙州内的灵气,北仙州内的一切生机。 The Xu Yu speed, compared with the speed that the white light spreads, that simply is greatly witch Jianxiao witch. 徐御的速度,比起白光扩散的速度,那简直是大巫见小巫。 Merely suddenly, by white light catching up. 仅仅眨眼间,就被白光给追上了。 The Xu Yu eyeball stares enormously, looks that the white light covers to come, to want toward him to make anything, but radically without enough time. 徐御眼珠子瞪得极大,看着白光朝着他笼罩而来,想要做点什么,可根本来不及。 Only can look at the white light to cover him helplessly. 只能眼睁睁看着白光笼罩过他。 Ended, ended. 完了,完了。 Then played in a big way. 这下玩大了。 This is the only idea of Xu Yu innermost feelings. 这是徐御内心的唯一一个想法。 He can only release spiritual power with every effort, tries to resist the white light. 他只能尽力去释放法力,试图抵挡白光。 When the white light covers him. 当白光笼罩住他时。 Xu Yu only felt that consciousness murky, responded that becomes extremely slow, before he consciousness completely loses, indistinctly saw a form arrived before him, as if prevented the white light for him. 徐御只感觉意识昏沉了下来,反应变得极慢,在他意识完全丧失前,隐隐约约看到了一道身影降临在了他面前,似乎为他阻挡住了白光。 Xu Yu ignorant, indistinctly seems to see oneself fluctuated another person, in the world, stood in the end of time river invincibly, turned away from all, alone surface front mysterious...... 徐御浑浑噩噩之间,隐隐约约好像看到自己变幻成了另一个人,无敌于天下,站在时间长河的尽头,背对一切,独面前方的神秘…… ...... …… How long this does not know ignorantly. 这阵浑噩不知道过去多久。 As if over the past one second , as if over the past year, hundred years, millenniums, ten thousand years...... 似乎过去一秒钟,又似乎过去一年,百年,千年,万年般…… When Xu Yu wakes up again, he stared in a big way the eyes. 徐御再次醒来时,他瞪大了双眼。 Sees only in all directions, is piece by piece ruins, the ground became a piece of hard coke, infertile, mountain in all directions also vanished to disappear. 只见在他四面八方,全是一片片废墟,地面成了一片焦炭,寸草不生,原本四面八方的山岳也消失不见了。 Above the vault of heaven dark cloud covers piece by piece, but also along with intermittent blood rain. 天穹之上一片片乌云覆盖,还伴随着阵阵血雨。 This is...... 这是…… „Are you good?” “你还好吧?” The moderate sound resounds together. 一道温和的声音响起。 Xu Yu hears word, turns the head to look hastily. 徐御闻言,连忙转头看去。 Side him, a middle-aged person stands in that. 在他身旁,一名中年人站在那。 This middle-aged person facial features are dignified, wear a Old Gu clothes robe, the clothes robe Daoist robe, is actually not, is very unusual, body has powerful dao rhyme to surround. 这中年人面容威严,身穿一件古老的衣袍,衣袍似道袍,却又不是,很是奇特,身上有一股强大的道韵环绕着。 „Is this?” “这是?” Xu Yu confused looks at all around, asked one. 徐御迷茫的看着四周,开口问了一句。 Sage ten thousand method god Monarch from exploding, perished together with Sage Golden Crow Tiansheng, entire northern immortal state by Sage from exploding the destruction, the life did not save, the destiny did not save, the spiritual energy did not save......” 圣人万法神君自爆,与圣人金乌天圣同归于尽,整个北仙州都被圣人的自爆毁灭,生灵不存,气运不存,灵气不存……” The middle-aged person sighed spookily, as if regretted very much. 那中年人幽幽一叹,似乎很是惋惜。 He after saying these words, somewhat surprised looks at Xu Yu. 他在说出了这番话后,又有些惊讶的看着徐御 He saw with one's own eyes Xu Yu to be attacked the mind by the prestige of Sage, attacked the state of mind, but never expected that Xu Yu was only several minutes, quickly restored. 他亲眼看到了徐御圣人之威冲击了脑海,冲击了神魂的,可是没想到徐御只是过了短短几分钟,就迅速恢复了。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 The Xu Yu whole person of standing was silly. 站在旁边的徐御整个人都傻了。 Two Sage fall from the sky. 两尊圣人陨落。 Didn't the northern immortal state have directly? 北仙州直接没了? Didn't Immortal World altogether on four Great Province, this have one directly? 仙界总共就四座大州,这就直接没了一座? Moreover, two Sage fall from the sky. 而且,还有两尊圣人陨落。 This matter probably because he shoulders...... 这件事好像还是因为他挑起的…… Buries alive five Sage in disguised form. 变相坑杀五尊圣人 The northern immortal state did not have directly...... 北仙州还直接没了…… The Xu Yu body is shivering. 徐御身子都在颤抖。 This was getting more and more exaggerating. 这越来越夸张了。 He really does not intend. 他真的不是有意的。 He wants to say anything, but side middle-aged person is standing, he anything cannot say. 他很想说些什么,可是旁边这中年人站着,他又什么也不能说。 This middle-aged person. 还有这个中年人。 As if not very simple. 似乎很是不简单。 Sage from exploding, this middle-aged person can protect him unexpectedly. 圣人自爆,这中年人居然能护得住他。 „The northern immortal state until now, has the situations of transvestite two clan battles, the plunging the people into disaster was not one day two days of things, today has Sage from exploding, feared is also north the fate of immortal state life.” “北仙州一直以来,都存在人妖两族交战的情况,生灵涂炭也不是一天两天的事情了,今日有圣人自爆,怕也是北仙州生灵的命数吧。” The middle-aged people have not paid attention to Xu Yu to think anything, forwarded two steps, sighed was saying. 中年人也没注意徐御在想什么,向前走了两步,叹息着说道。 May I ask the senior, are you?” “敢问前辈,您是?” Xu Yu asked one cautiously. 徐御小心翼翼的问了一句。 Sage, ancient God.” 圣人,古神。” The middle-aged people say. 中年人开口说道。 This person from eastern divine land, but ancient God. 此人正是从东神州而出的古神。 The ancient gods to north, arrive at the northern immortal state, naturally also knew the matter of double Saint war, but he has no interest in meddle, has walked to north. 古神一路向北,来到北仙州,当然也知道了双圣大战的事情,可是他无心插手,就一直向北走。 Walks to bump into ten thousand law god Monarch from exploding. 走着走着就碰到万法神君自爆。 Originally ancient God plans to evacuate directly, in order to avoid being affected, Sage from exploding, that is very terrifying. 本来古神打算直接撤离,以免被波及,一尊圣人自爆,那是非常恐怖的。 In the process of evacuation, he bumped into Xu Yu, when first sees Xu Yu, he felt. 在撤离的过程中,他碰到了徐御,在第一眼看到徐御的时候,他就感觉到了。 Xu Yu is vitality that’ that and he said that therefore acts full power, guaranteed Xu Yu. 徐御就是那位和他所说的‘生机’,故而全力出手,保下了徐御 Sage!” 圣人!” Xu Yu stares the big eyes, helpless. 徐御瞪大双眼,不知所措。 May I ask, little friend your whether named Xu Yu?” “敢问,小友你是否名为徐御?” The ancient gods stare at Xu Yu, the sinking sound are asking. 古神盯着徐御,沉声问道。 Yes, yes.” “是,是的。” Xu Yu dull nod. 徐御呆呆的点头。 The next quarter, making the Xu Yu delay the matter happen. 下一刻,让徐御更加呆滞的事情发生了。 slow young friend, starting today, my ancient god then for your protector, has me, must guarantee your road of practicing to be unimpeded!” “徐小友,自今日起,我古神便为你之护道者,有我在,必保你的修行之路无阻!” The ancient gods say decisively...... 古神果断的开口说道……
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