NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#784: Double Saint war 【Before dawn (3 - 5 am)】

In northern immortal state, field littered with corpses. 北仙州之内,尸横遍野。 Person clan cultivator and monster clan launched does not die the continuous war, the smell of blood filled north most the immortal state. 人族修士与妖族展开不死不休的大战,血腥味弥漫了大半个北仙州。 Transvestite two clan corpses that in the ground find at everywhere. 地面上随处可见的人妖两族尸体。 But the fights of transvestite two clans, only dare to conduct in the ground, they do not dare to fly to the vault of heaven fight. 但人妖两族的战斗,只敢在地面上进行,他们不敢在飞往天穹战斗。 Because of the vault of heaven above, two Sage of northern immortal state is only launching the war. 只因天穹之上,北仙州的两尊圣人正在展开大战。 On behalf of Sage ten thousand method god Monarch of northern immortal state person clan, north Sage Golden Crow Tiansheng of immortal state monster clan with the representative is launching a fierce combat. 代表北仙州人族的圣人万法神君,与代表北仙州妖族的圣人金乌天圣在展开一场激战。 Two people also hug are not dying the continuous attitude to fight. 两人也是抱着不死不休的态度在战斗。 Acting is kills to incur. 出手就是杀招。 This also causes the vault of heaven of northern immortal state to cover in the Saint prestige, even if the transvestite two clans hit again ominously, is unable to enter the vault of heaven fight, can only at the ground war. 这也导致北仙州的天穹都笼罩在圣威之中,人妖两族哪怕打得再凶,也无法进入天穹战斗,只能在地面交战。 ...... …… The northern immortal state vault of heaven, Sage battle dead center. 其北仙州天穹,圣人交战正中心。 Ten thousand law god Monarch and Golden Crow Tiansheng are getting angry are sparring, various magic treasure, killed to incur to take. 万法神君与金乌天圣都红着眼在斗法,各种法宝,杀招都拿了出来。 Ten thousand law god Monarch, you must fall from the sky today!” “万法神君,今日你必须陨落!” The Golden Crow Tiansheng anger sound is roaring, imposing manner surging forward, its behind first three full Golden Crow empty shades are soaring. 金乌天圣怒声咆哮着,气势汹涌澎湃,其背后一头三足金乌虚影在腾飞。 Sun Tiansheng, today your my who will be the winner also perhaps, boast let alone that early!” “金乌天圣,今日你我鹿死谁手还说不定呢,大话别说得那么早!” Ten thousand law god Monarch are an appearance of refined person, but this little while also said fiercely. 万法神君是一副斯文人的样子,但这会儿也龇牙咧嘴的说了起来。 Two Sage more fight is more ominous. 两尊圣人越斗越凶。 Hugs radically is making the thoughts that the opposite party falls from the sky hit. 根本就是抱着让对方陨落的心思打的。 If originally the ordinary time, they are impossible to fight so ominously, after all is Sage, each other gives precedence out of courtesy three points. 原本若是平常时刻,他们根本不可能斗得这般凶,毕竟都是圣人,彼此都是礼让三分。 This relations continued the innumerable years. 这种关系延续了无数年。 Why however today no one knows. 但是今天谁也不知道为什么。 Two Sage developed not dead the continuous situation. 两尊圣人发展到了不死不休的地步。 In two Sage continue dead to fight. 就在两尊圣人继续死斗时。 The distant place, the form flashed through together, entered two Sage fight circles, advised against two people forcefully. 远处,一道身影闪过,进入了两尊圣人的战斗圈,强行将两人劝阻了下来。 The future is on clear Sage, comes up then to separate two people forcefully. 来者是上清圣人,一上来便强行分开两人。 Obviously must mediate a quarrel. 明显是要劝架的。 Ten thousand law god Monarch! Sun Tiansheng! What your makes? What matter had unable to say well, as for fighting this situation?” “万法神君!金乌天圣!你们这是做什么?有什么事情不能好好说,至于斗到这种地步么?” In the future clear Sage that called speechless. 来者上清圣人那叫一个无语。 They agreed that could not shun the world. 他们都约定好了,避世不出了。 Finally unexpectedly made this matter. 结果居然闹出了这档子事。 Too clear Sage and jade clear Sage closed up, he has not closed up, notices outside situation, these two Sage also really must fight the situation to the northern immortal state cracking. 太清圣人和玉清圣人都闭关了,要不是他还没闭关,注意到了外面的情况,这两尊圣人还真要大战到北仙州崩裂的地步。 Ten thousand law god Monarch this matter did extremely! Some others clan people kill my monster clan monster sovereign's son, his monster sovereign's son is my biological nephew, ten thousand law god Monarch are not only not willing to hand over the person, but also the asylum favors, how can this I endure?” “万法神君此事做得太过了!他人族有人袭杀我妖族妖皇之子,其妖皇之子乃是我亲侄子,万法神君非但不愿意交出人,还庇护偏袒,这我如何能忍?” Although Golden Crow Tiansheng has not acted, but the vision is staring at ten thousand law god Monarch stubbornly, wished one could to swallow whole the latter. 金乌天圣虽然没有出手,但是目光死死盯着万法神君,恨不得将后者生吞活剥了。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 On clear Sage looked silently to ten thousand law god Mr . 上清圣人默默看向了万法神君。 Fart, I have calculated the causes and effects, simply had not found the person who kills his nephew, is that the person clan has not talked clearly, I thought that he is to destroy completely the northern immortal state person clan, must occupy the northern immortal state destiny!” “放屁,我推算过因果,根本没有找到袭杀他侄子的人,那是不是人族还说不清呢,我看他就是想要灭掉北仙州人族,要占据占据北仙州气运!” Ten thousand law god Monarch did not show weakness, look angrily at Golden Crow Tiansheng. 万法神君毫不示弱,怒视金乌天圣。 On clear Sage looked to Golden Crow Tiansheng. 上清圣人又看向金乌天圣。 I cannot calculate, referring to erratically is because you harbor, used what treasure mystique, covered up its aura causes and effects! Has not had a face to say!” “我推算不到,指不定是因为你包庇,用了什么宝物秘法,遮掩了其气息因果!没还有脸说出来!” Sun Tiansheng opened the mouth again. 金乌天圣再次开口。 On clear Sage double looks to ten thousand law god Mr . 上清圣人又双看向万法神君。 You talk nonsense, do I need such to do? If really must kill your nephew, I do need to send people to do? I pressed conveniently......” “你放屁,我需要那样做么?要是真要杀你一个侄子,我需要派人去做?我随手就摁死了……” On clear Sage double ruo looked to Golden Crow Tiansheng. 上清圣人又双叒看向了金乌天圣。 You looked, you have the motive, this matter definitely is you do......” “你看,你就是有动机,这件事肯定是你做的……” On clear Sage double ruo zhuo looked to ten thousand law god Mr . 上清圣人又双叒叕看向了万法神君。 You......” “你……” „......” “……” These two Sage your, my. 这两尊圣人你一句,我一句。 Quarrelling clear Sage was about to explode. 吵得上清圣人头都快炸了。 Finally he could not bear. 最后他忍不住了。 Sufficed!” “够了!” On clear Sage eruption Saint prestige, angry said one. 上清圣人爆发圣威,怒气冲冲的道了一句。 This sudden change, caused Golden Crow Tiansheng to be shocked with ten thousand law god Monarch, they stood in dull same place, looked at upward clear Sage. 这突如其来的变动,也引得金乌天圣与万法神君愣住了,他们两人呆呆的站在原地,看向上清圣人 You hit, hits life and death, I do not manage, your most peaceful death, leaves here!” “你们打吧,打个你死我活,我不管了,你们最好死一个,别在这里哔哔!” On clear Sage that called one to explode, left at the scene. 上清圣人那叫一个炸,当场就离开了。 Perhaps he himself has not noticed the own temper to blast open. 或许他自己都没注意到自己的性子这么炸裂。 But he only has thoughts at this moment. 但他此刻就只有一个心思。 Leaves this piece to make him worry place. 离开这片让他感到烦恼的地方。 He does not play. 他不玩了。 On clear Sage leaves. 上清圣人离开。 Ten thousand law god Monarch and Golden Crow Tiansheng each other looked at each other one, fought again in one, died to fight as before. 万法神君与金乌天圣彼此对视一眼,再度斗在了一起,依旧是死斗。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In some region of northern immortal state. 北仙州的某个地域之中。 A celebrity clan few Toshiro is under the attacks of several Immortal King big monsters. 一名人族少年郎正在遭遇数名仙王大妖的袭击。 Several Immortal King big monsters besiege a few Toshiro. 数名仙王大妖围攻一名少年郎。 This is a very odd matter. 这是一件很离谱的事情。 If were seen other clan cultivator, certainly will obloquy these Immortal King big monsters are not concerned about face. 要是被人族其他修士看到,一定会大骂这些仙王大妖不要脸的。 But if has cultivator to see this, meets anything to say. 可若是有修士能看到这一幕,一定会什么都说不出口。 Because several Immortal King cultivator in besieging that person of clan few Toshiro's processes, has not taken any advantage. 因为数名仙王修士在围攻那人族少年郎的过程之中,并没有占到任何便宜。 On the contrary, but also was being pressed hitting by that person of clan few Toshiro. 相反,还被那人族少年郎压着打。 Come, you said, your main bodies are anything.” “来嘛,你们都说说,你们的本体都是什么。” Yeah, your fist effort is insufficient, with flexure itchy same......” “哎,你这一拳力度不够,跟挠痒痒一样……” Your fellow, likes attacking with the foot so much, what birds is your native place certainly? That I have eaten , I and a Great Peng clan have fought, is your main body Great Peng?” “你这个人家伙,这么喜欢用脚攻击,你本土一定是什么飞禽吧?那个我吃过,咳咳,我和大鹏一族交过手的,你本体是不是大鹏?” Few Toshiro battles leisurely. 少年郎悠哉悠哉的交战。 Acting at the same time, he can also speak. 出手的同时,他还能说着话。 Obviously he simply has not exhausted the full power. 可见他根本没有用尽全力。 But this few Toshiro arrive at Xu Yu of northern immortal state. 而这少年郎就是来到北仙州的徐御了。 Walking, we are not this person of opponent.” “走,我们不是这人对手。” That several Immortal King big monsters each other looked at each other one, sent greetings one. 那几名仙王大妖彼此对视了一眼,传音了一句。 Then loses concentration while Xu Yu, fast evacuation. 而后趁着徐御分神之间,快速了撤离。 The rapidness of evacuation, Xu Yu has not responded. 撤离之快,徐御都没反应过来。 After Xu Yu responded, these Immortal King big monsters run far. 徐御反应过来后,那些仙王大妖早已经跑远了。 „, How to run.” “靠,怎么都跑了。” Xu Yu wants to complain extremely. 徐御极度想要吐槽。 He looks at the Immortal King big monster that these escape, had no way to say anything again. 他看着那些逃跑的仙王大妖,也没法再说什么。 He did not have the means that can only sit on the ground, sighed again and again. 他也没办法了,只能坐在了地上,连连叹息了起来。 This is anything, originally thinks that the northern immortal state is quiet, has not thought that here chaos caused by war is more excessive, the person the clan monster clan made war comprehensively also even, Sage unexpectedly still at war.” “这算什么事,本来以为北仙州清静一定,没想到这里战乱更过分,人族妖族全面开战也就算了,圣人居然也在大战。” Owes I also to think, the northern immortal state has two Sage, will be safer.” “亏我还以为,北仙州有两尊圣人,会更加安全呢。” Xu Yu seems helpless. 徐御似乎很是无奈。 Entire is Immortal World so how chaotic? 怎么整个仙界都这么乱? He is shuts out the heading west state to be chaotic, came to the northern immortal state, north the immortal state is never expected that more chaotic. 他就是嫌弃西行州乱,才来了北仙州,没想到北仙州更乱。 This is anything. 这算是什么事。 Can't he continue Great Province to walk downward? 他总不能继续往下一个大州走吧? Ok. 算了。 That two Sage always not possible dying war. 那两尊圣人总不可能死战。 Waits for two Sage to fire off the frame, it is estimated that will tidy up, making the northern immortal state restore quietly. 等两尊圣人打完架,估计就会收拾一下,让北仙州恢复清静了。 Then, this north immortal state chaos, heard some people got rid of the monster sovereign's son, causes. 说起来,这次北仙州大乱,听说是有人干掉了妖皇之子,才导致的。 Also does not know that is who gets rid of. 也不知道是谁干掉的。 Xu Yu is whispering at heart, he gawked suddenly, takes out a bone from the waist, this was before does not have a bone that the pit ended. 徐御心里头嘀咕着,他忽然愣了一下,从腰间取出一块骨头,这是之前没坑完的一根骨头。 The master of this bone, first seemed to say at the point of death own anything monster sovereign's son, but also threatened him with this reputation, at that time he had not cared. 这骨头的主人,临死前好像说自己什么妖皇之子,还拿这个名头来威胁他,当时他没在意。 Should unable...... 该不会…… Should that thing really not be the monster sovereign's son? 该不会那玩意真的是妖皇之子吧?
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