NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#783: The confusion in northern immortal state 【Fourth】

The confusion in Chapter 784 northern immortal state Fourth 第784章北仙州的混乱【第四更】 Daoless Sect, in side hall. 无道宗,偏殿内。 These existed to look up in Daluo of processing business, they were very puzzled. 那些在处理事务的大罗存在纷纷抬头看了过去,他们很是不解。 Why. 为什么。 This generation of Sect Master have stressed, Daoless Sect is in the development the influence. 这个代宗主一直强调,无道宗是发展中势力。 It is not willing to acknowledge that Daoless Sect is the overlord influence. 就是不愿意承认无道宗是霸主势力。 For Sect Master, why is this?” “代宗主,这是为什么?” Actually, I felt that our Daoless Sect acknowledged the status of own overlord influence better......” “其实,我感觉我们无道宗承认自身霸主势力的身份会更好的……” I also felt, we have said oneself are in the development the influence, then regarding other palace doors, although the relations are kinder, but will also bring very tremendous pressure on them, we were in the development the influence, they were anything.” “我也感觉,我们一直说自己是发展中势力,那对于其他仙门来说,虽然关系更亲切的,但是也会给他们带来很大的压力,我们都是发展中势力了,那他们算什么。” That several Daluo exist opens the mouth in abundance. 那几位大罗存在纷纷开口。 They are an opinion, wanting Daoless Sect to acknowledge oneself are the overlord influence, such convenience further development. 他们都是一个意见,想要无道宗承认自己是霸主势力,这样方便后续的发展。 If there is said oneself are in the development the influence, is actually to one inconvenient of self development. 如果一直说自己是发展中势力,其实是对自身发展的一种不便。 „It is not good, this is not absolutely good!” “不行,这绝对不行!” Zhang Hao pats the table, is saying loudly. 张寒一拍桌案,大声的说着。 He cannot manage these people are Daluo or anything. 他管不着这些人是大罗还是什么。 He only knows. 他只知道。 He is generation of Sect Master. 他才是代宗主 These Daluo exist indeed does not dare to violate Zhang Hao, but eye band of light doubts looks at Zhang Hao. 那些大罗存在也的的确确不敢违背张寒,只是目光带着疑惑的看着张寒 Regarding vision of these doubts. 对于这些疑惑的目光。 After Zhang Hao hesitated the moment, the plan says, so as to avoid these person of thoughts are not steady. 张寒沉吟了片刻后,还是打算说一说,免得这些人心思不稳。 He sat, observed the situation in a palace, then opened the mouth slowly. 他重新坐了下来,环视了一圈殿内,而后才缓缓的开口了。 You do not understand, in the short-term, overlord influence status, can indeed help our quicker development.” “你们不懂,从短期来说,霸主势力这个身份,的确能够帮助我们更快发展。” „But if from long-term, absolutely is not this, I want, is not an overlord influence is so simple, I must make tyrant entire Immortal World!” “但若是从长期来说,绝对不是这样的,我要的,绝不是一个霸主势力那么简单,我要制霸整个仙界!” We, so long as has been acknowledging in the development the influence, contacts the major palace doors actively, when the conditions are ripe, we speak the last words to the major overlord influences, you said that these palace doors can follow close on us behind?” “我们只要一直承认着发展中势力,积极联络各大仙门,等到时机成熟时,我们向各大霸主势力叫板,你说那些仙门会不会紧跟在我们身后?” Has us who these palace doors support, can steamroll these overlord influences? Can make tyrant entire Immortal World?” “拥有那些仙门支持的我们,能不能碾压那些霸主势力?能不能制霸整个仙界?” Zhang Hao spoke with confidence. 张寒侃侃而谈。 In his eyes is flooding the exciting color. 他的双眼之中充斥着兴奋之色。 This is his strategic target. 这是他的战略目标。 What he wants is Daoless Sect dominates entire Immortal World. 他要的是无道宗称霸整个仙界 Rather than anything becomes the overlord influence. 而非什么成为霸主势力。 These Daluo had also indeed to be frightened by his these words. 那些大罗存在也的确被他的这一番话吓到了。 But is careful tastes, felt that has the feasibility very much. 但仔细一回味,又感觉很有可行性。 Such that if really and Zhang Hao said. 如果真的和张寒所说的那样。 Then Daoless Sect also really may becomes, makes the tyrant entire Immortal World aloof influence! 那么无道宗还真有可能成为,制霸整个仙界的超然势力! If is really such. 若真的是那样的话。 Their position...... 那他们的地位…… In the eye that let alone Zhang Hao, these Daluo had had the exciting color. 别说张寒了,这些大罗存在的眼中都有兴奋之色了。 However, there is Daluo to exist to ask the issue. 不过,还是有大罗存在提出了问题。 For Sect Master, in the overlord influence has Sage to exist, if really to that day, all Sage collaborated, what to do we should?” “可是代宗主,霸主势力之中是有圣人存在的,若是真到了那一天,所有圣人联手了,那我们该怎么办?” This Daluo exists so asks. 大罗存在这般问道。 In his viewpoint, Daoless Sect lord Chu Yuan, even if can put to death Sage, still shoulders the non- residence to have ganging up on Sage? 在他的观点之中,无道宗之主楚缘就算能诛杀圣人,也扛不住所有圣人的群殴吧? This does not need to be worried completely, you must know, my family Big Apprentice Brother butchered existence of Sage world Tathagata personally! Now in sect at least two Sage, after not to mention .” “这点完全不需要担心了,你要知道,我家大师兄可是亲手宰了圣人世如来的存在!如今宗内就至少有两尊圣人,更别提以后了。” Zhang Hao very calm saying. 张寒十分淡定的说道。 He was disinclined saying that oneself Master far ultra Immortal World so-called Sage matter. 他懒得说,自家师尊远超仙界所谓的圣人的事情。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 These Daluo existed actually to feel at ease, no longer asked anything, planned that followed Daoless Sect to continue to mix finished up. 那些大罗存在们却是纷纷安心了下来,不再多问什么,打算跟着无道宗继续混就完事了。 If Daoless Sect true system tyrant entire Immortal World, then their position...... 如果无道宗真正制霸整个仙界了,那么他们的地位…… It can be imagined, that is not general high. 可想而知,那将不会是一般的高。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 Zhang Hao also wants to say anything. 张寒还想说些什么。 Has not waited for him to say. 没等他说出来。 Suddenly, above the vault of heaven, the billowing ripples transmit. 忽然之间,天穹之上,滚滚涟漪传来。 When this intermittent ripples as if transmit from very remote place very much remotely, transmit to the Hidden Heaven Island, is very weak. 这阵阵的涟漪似乎从很遥远很遥远的地方传来,传达到隐天岛附近时,已经很弱了。 But caused Zhang Hao and the others the attention. 但还是引起了张寒等人的注意。 However, truly those who make them pay attention, this intermittent ripples are carrying sound. 不过,真正让他们注意的是,这阵阵涟漪携带着的声音。 „The northern immortal state monster clan obeys orders! Starting today, makes war with the northern immortal state person clan comprehensively! Does not die continuous! Only if north me the immortal state monster clan completely all exterminates, otherwise this war, will never stand still!” “北仙州妖族听令!自今日起,全面与北仙州人族开战!不死不休!除非我北仙州妖族尽皆灭绝,否则此战,永不停歇!” This is...... 这是…… Zhang Hao gawked. 张寒愣了一下。 Did the northern immortal state monster clan and northern immortal state person clan make war? 北仙州妖族和北仙州人族开战了? This northern immortal state wanted the chaos. 这北仙州是要大乱了呀。 As far as he knows, now Immortal World, although was getting more and more chaotic, but large-scale declaring war has not appeared. 据他所知,如今仙界虽然越来越乱了,但是并没有大规模的宣战出现。 This northern immortal state fired the first spear/gun. 这北仙州算是打响了第一枪。 In good condition, why does the northern immortal state monster clan make war with the northern immortal state person clan? 只是,好端端的,北仙州妖族为什么和北仙州人族开战? Zhang Hao did not understand. 张寒不了解。 Therefore he dispatched Daluo to exist to understand the information. 所以他派遣了一名大罗存在过去了解一下信息。 Daluo that he dispatches exists has not gone out, that side the northern immortal state quick had the news to transmit. 他派遣的大罗存在还没出去呢,北仙州那边很快就有消息传来了。 This is north that side the immortal state immortal gate transmits. 这是北仙州那边的仙门传来的。 This related the good advantage with the major palace doors, what happened, does not use the Zhang Hao opens the mouth, others specific information delivering. 这就是与各大仙门关系好的好处了,一发生什么事情,都不用张寒开口,人家就把具体的信息给送过来了。 Zhang Hao is glancing over the general information. 张寒浏览着大概的信息。 After looking at one, he was almost clear. 在看了一遍之后,他就差不多明白了。 The northern immortal state is the transvestite two clans has existed side by side, and two clans relate were not good, the contradiction that since long accumulates are more, has achieved a critical point. 北仙州一直都是人妖两族并立的,并且两族关系一直都不好,长期以来积累的矛盾很多很多,早就达到一个临界点了。 It is said before soon, the person a clan not well-known few Toshiro, butchered a heir of monster clan monster sovereign, will also eat, causing the monster clan unable to endure again, made war to the person clan comprehensively. 据说不久之前,人族一个不知名少年郎,宰了妖族一名妖皇的子嗣,还将之吃了,导致了妖族再也无法忍受,全面向人族开战。 Knew this information. 知道了这个信息。 Zhang Hao silent for a long time, gave other Daluo to exist the information, making them glance over. 张寒沉默了许久,将信息递给了其他大罗存在,让他们浏览了起来。 These Daluo existed to look one by one, the one by one brow wrinkled. 那些大罗存在们挨个看了一遍,一个个眉头都皱了起来。 For Sect Master, this matter is not quite good, that side the northern immortal state, our influences are also big, this matter feared that is we must participate.” “代宗主,这事可不太好,北仙州那边,我们的影响力也不小,这事怕是我们也得参与。” No, this is not the key point of caring about, the key point is north immortal state two clan each ones may stand Sage, behind the northern immortal state person clan is standing ten thousand law god Monarch, behind the northern immortal state monster clan is standing Golden Crow Tiansheng.” “不,这不是关心的重点,重点是北仙州两族各自可都站着一名圣人的,北仙州人族背后站着万法神君,北仙州妖族背后站着金乌天圣。” „Can this cause a Sage war?” “这会不会引起一场圣人大战?” How this Immortal World is a matter, was getting more and more chaotic.” “这仙界是怎么一回事,越来越乱了。” Daluo are discussing. 大罗们都在谈论着。 Does not need to worry, in the information had not said that two Sage matter, it is estimated that two Sage will not enter the war.” “不必担忧,信息上没说那两位圣人的事情,估计两位圣人不会参战的吧。” According to my experience, Sage that will not enter the war in this situation, if this matter Sage enters the war, my Zhang Hao......” “根据我的经验来说,圣人那是绝不会在这种场合参战的,要是这种事情圣人都参战,那我张寒……” The Zhang Hao voice has not said. 张寒话音还没说完。 The northern immortal state that direction, fight complementary waves transmit unceasingly, making the vault of heaven change color. 北仙州那个方向,一股股的战斗余波不断传来,使得天穹变色。 The fight complementary waves can pass to the eastern divine land from the northern immortal state, is this Sage is battling? 战斗余波能从北仙州传到东神州来,这是圣人在交战? Zhang Hao stared in a big way the eyes. 张寒瞪大了双眼。 This situation, Sage really really entered the war directly, hits evidently bustling? 这情况,圣人真就真的直接参战了,看样子还打得热火朝天? The Sage good and evil status is extremely also high, even if enters the war, is still insufficient to enter the war quickly...... 圣人好歹也身份极高,就算参战,也不至于这么快就参战吧…… Zhang Hao did not understand. 张寒不理解。 This Sage was the poison, felt that became very much not sane appearance...... 圣人是中毒了么,感觉变得很不理智的样子…… Fourth, 1 : 00 pm also has before dawn (3 - 5 am), before cabbage rest, certainly will finish! 第四更,晚 1 点点还有第五更,白菜休息前一定会写完的! Right, the cabbage are like this many, can the book coin of little friends also support? Don't because the cabbage are many, you ran! 对了,白菜这样子多更,小伙伴们的书币还撑得住么?别因为白菜多更,你们就跑了!
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