NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#782: Exploding of Su Qianyuan plants 【Third】

Eastern divine land, the sea of nihility, Hidden Heaven Island. 东神州,虚无之海,隐天岛 Daoless Sect, Sect Master Main Hall. 无道宗,宗主大殿 Ye Luo from the heading west state turned over, to come back here to see Chu Yuan. 叶落自西行州而归,回来这里见了楚缘 Chu Yuan inquired immediately about, the matter of the world Tathagata falling from the sky, when knew from the Ye Luo mouth, world Tathagata, his whole person who the latter put to death almost jumped. 楚缘当即询问起了关于,世如来陨落之事,当从叶落口中得知,世如来真的是被后者所诛杀的,他整个人都差点跳了起来。 This is very odd! 这就很离谱! Really was Ye Luo put to death world Tathagata! 真的是叶落诛杀了世如来! His family/home disciples can butcher Sage! 他家弟子能宰圣人 But in the Chu Yuan eye. 但在楚缘眼中。 The Ye Luo aura, is not enough to become the threat to other party. 叶落的气息,根本不足以对他造成威胁。 Produces thick puzzled Chu Yuan, immediately launched the inquiry. 产生浓浓困惑的楚缘,当即就展开了询问。 Regarding the inquiry of Chu Yuan, Ye Luo confuses very much, he thinks, replied. 对于楚缘的询问,叶落很是迷惑,他想了想,才回答了。 Master, can actually put to death world Tathagata, not is my merit, at that time because of the help of reaching the highest point of virtuous activity Buddhism, they helped me wipe out the destiny of behind world Tathagata depending on......” 师尊,其实能诛杀世如来,也并非全是我一个人的功劳,当时是因为至德佛门的帮助,他们帮助我将世如来背后靠着的气运打掉了……” Moreover, world Tathagata then condition of seemed bad, therefore was given to put to death by me.” “而且,世如来当时的状态似乎很差,所以才被我给诛杀了。” Ye Luo regarding the description of this fight, is the condition of the world Tathagata is all bad, regarding his strength, did not describe. 叶落对于这场战斗的描述,全是世如来的状态差,对于他自身的战力,毫不描述。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Chu Yuan suddenly. 楚缘恍然。 Originally is the condition of the world Tathagata is bad, by Ye Luo putting to death? 原来是世如来的状态差,才被叶落给诛杀了? Moreover appearance that at that time also many people helped. 而且当时还有很多人帮忙的样子。 If so, probably could convince. 如果是这样的话,好像就说得通了。 Ye Luo is the sword cultivates after all, explodes in the situation of planting, by absolute attack, but also really could the wound result in Sage. 叶落毕竟是剑修,爆种的情况下,以绝对的攻击,还真说不定能够伤得了圣人 Why is the Immortal World strength is ranked as for Ye Luo eighth existence. 至于叶落为什么是仙界战力排行第八的存在。 This is also passable. 这也说得过去。 Ye Luo is Daluo Golden Immortal, can in half Saint, become Quasi Sage invincibly now, isn't half Saint that also the thing that pinches single-handed? 叶落大罗金仙,就能无敌于半圣之中,如今成为准圣了,半圣那还不是单手捏死的玩意? Since Ye Luo strength under Sage, above half Saint, row of eighth, is very normal. 叶落既然实力在圣人之下,半圣之上,排个第八,也很正常。 Then, was passable. 这么说来,就说得过去了。 The Chu Yuan slight nod, is suddenly enlighted. 楚缘微微点头,恍然大悟。 That Luo'er, you have broken through Quasi Sage now.” “那落儿,你如今已突破准圣了是吧。” Chu Yuan sits above the rush cushion, looks the own big disciple, inquired in a soft voice. 楚缘坐在蒲团之上,看着自家大弟子,轻声询问道。 Yes, Master, but the disciple now is only Dao Fruit achievement Quasi Sage, realm is only the Daluo Golden Immortal peak, but also needs some time, can totally become Quasi Sage.” “是的,师尊,不过弟子如今只是道果成就准圣,境界只是大罗金仙巅峰,还需要一段时间,才能完完全全成为准圣。” Ye Luo respectful reply. 叶落恭恭敬敬的回答。 That line, that Luo'er you then stay here temporarily, Master explains religious doctrine for you, breaks through Quasi Sage for you.” “那行,那落儿你便暂时留在这里,为师为你讲道一番,替你突破准圣。” Chu Yuan so said. 楚缘这般说道。 Ye Luo regarding this, naturally is thanks. 叶落对此,自然又是一番感谢。 Chu Yuan speechless in the Ye Luo action, but also has no alternative, can only make him sit in side, explained religious doctrine for it. 楚缘无语于叶落的举动,但也无可奈何,只能让其坐在旁边,为其讲道了起来。 Listens respectfully to a sound. 聆听道音。 Ye Luo then sat in meditation quickly, entered the practicing condition. 叶落很快便入定,进入了修行状态。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 Chu Yuan slightly nodded. 楚缘微微点了点头。 He is maintaining the practicing condition the large size, then the opening trumpet, opened the character present situation, examined. 他将大号保持着修行状态,而后开启小号,打开了人物现状,查看了起来。 Your big disciple Ye Luo listens respectfully to your saying, cultivation base is promoted 您的大弟子叶落聆听您的讲道,修为得到提升 Your two disciple Zhang Hao manage sect, is negligent in the cultivation, spiritual power falls...... 您的二弟子张寒管理宗门,疏于修炼,法力下跌…… Your three disciple Su Qianyuan exercise the big witch true body, during is dark obtains mysterious destiny in addition to hold, the magical skill rises sharply 您的三弟子苏乾元练就大巫真身,冥冥之中得到神秘气运加持,道行大涨 Your four disciples...... 您的四弟子…… ...... …… Each disciples are similar, cultivation base is promoting rapidly. 每一个弟子都差不多,修为在快速提升。 Is this second child. 就是这个老二。 Before cultivation base fell, because now manages sect, but also cultivation base fell. 之前修为下跌,现在因为管理宗门,还修为下跌了。 What good did this make him should say? 这让他该说点什么好? Ok, has the opportunity to support the second child again. 算了,有机会再扶持一下老二吧。 After all the second child is managing sect. 毕竟老二是在管理宗门的。 Chu Yuan helpless shaking the head. 楚缘无奈的摇头。 Then he opened the sect strength list, looked. 而后他又打开了宗门的战力榜,看了起来。 Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking 无道宗弟子战力排行榜 First: Ye Luo( Quasi Sage / Second sage) 第一:叶落(准圣/亚圣) Second: Perilla( Taiyi Golden Immortal / Immortal Emperor) 第二:紫苏(太乙金仙/仙帝) Third: Tantai Luoxue( Taiyi Golden Immortal / Immortal Emperor) 第三:澹台洛雪(太乙金仙/仙帝) Fourth: Ai Qing( Golden Immortal / Immortal King) 第四:艾晴(金仙/仙王) Fifth: Su Qianyuan( Golden Immortal / Immortal King) 第五:苏乾元(金仙/仙王) Sixth...... 第六…… ...... …… Tenth: magnificence highly skilled doctor( Golden Immortal / Immortal King) 第十:华神医(金仙/仙王) 11 th: Zhang Hao( Golden Immortal / Immortal King) 第十一:张寒(金仙/仙王) 12 th: Lin Mo( half Golden Immortal / half Immortal King) 第十二:林漠(半步金仙/半步仙王) ...... …… 15 th: Ignorant gal( half Golden Immortal / half Immortal King) 第十五:蚩伽(半步金仙/半步仙王) 16 th: Chen Jun( Heavenly Immortal / day Earth Immortal day revolutions) 第十六:陈君(天仙/天地仙天转) Un? 嗯? Did the second child from tenth, fall 11 th? 老二从第十,掉到了第十一? My goodness. 好家伙。 Really worthily is his family/home second child. 真不愧是他家老二啊。 Chu Yuan cannot bear want to complain. 楚缘忍不住想要吐槽。 However, when he sees third child Su Qianyuan, some accidents/surprises. 不过,当他看到老三苏乾元时,就有些意外了。 The third child exploded plants. 老三爆种了呀。 From setting the base 15 th, advances triumphantly, became fifth? 从垫底的第十五,一路高歌猛进,成为第五了? Such ominous? 这么凶? The third child can. 老三可以呀。 Chu Yuan at present one bright. 楚缘眼前一亮。 Later also really can train the third child. 以后还真可以培养一下老三。 The second child cannot train, that even. 老二培养不起来,那就算了。 First trains the third child, as if. 先把老三培养起来,似乎很可以。 The Chu Yuan innermost feelings had such thought. 楚缘内心有了这么个念头。 But he has no action, switched off the ranking, explains religious doctrine to Ye Luo with single-hearted devotion. 但他并没有任何行动,关掉了排行榜,专心给叶落讲道。 The matter that must handle, is to first to train Ye Luo to become Saint. 现在要做的事情,是要先培养叶落成圣。 All things, after waiting for Ye Luo to become the Saint, make the plan. 一切事情,等叶落成圣之后再做打算。 Chu Yuan restrained many ideas, explains religious doctrine with single-hearted devotion. 楚缘收敛了诸多想法,专心讲道。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Daoless Sect. 无道宗之内。 Zhang Hao in a side hall, is handling some recent Daoless Sect business. 张寒正在一座偏殿之中,处理着最近的一些无道宗的事务。 In the side hall, some Daluo exist, is assisting the Zhang Hao processing business. 在偏殿之内,还有一些大罗存在,在辅助张寒处理事务。 Has saying that Zhang Hao manages is a expert. 不得不说,张寒管理上是一把好手。 In his hand, Daoless Sect is soaring day after day, the strength is gradually powerful. 在他手上,无道宗日渐腾飞着,实力逐渐强大。 With in that period of Ye Luo management, cannot compare completely. 与在叶落管理的那段时期,完全不能够相比。 That time of Ye Luo management, Daoless Sect can only say, the strength fine and small. 叶落管理的那段时间,无道宗只能说,战力精而小。 But this period of time of Zhang Hao management was different. 张寒管理的这段时间就不一样了。 The Daoless Sect scale is enormous, the battle efficiency is extremely high, and influence is extremely broad. 无道宗规模极大,战斗力极高,且影响力极广。 Has just like become the true overlord influence. 俨然已经成为了真正的霸主势力。 However, in the Zhang Hao mouth, he is not willing to acknowledge that as before Daoless Sect is the overlord influence. 不过,在张寒口中,他依旧不愿意承认无道宗是霸主势力。 According to the Zhang Hao words. 按照张寒的话。 Cannot acknowledge that Daoless Sect is the overlord influence, otherwise hinders popularity of Daoless Sect very much in Immortal World. 绝不能承认无道宗是霸主势力,不然很妨碍无道宗仙界之中的受欢迎程度。 Only then becomes in development influence, can be kinder with most immortal gate relations, otherwise can only be the relational hierarchy forever. 只有成为‘发展中势力’,才能和大多数仙门关系亲切一些,否则就永远只能是上下级关系。 Zhang Hao also does that. 张寒也是这么做的。 He has the contact with the major palace doors actively, achieves some cooperation. 他积极和各大仙门取得联系,达成一些合作关系。 The major palace doors knew Daoless Sect this boundless strength unexpectedly such kind achieves the cooperation with them, that is grateful simply. 各大仙门得知无道宗这种磅礴实力居然会这么和蔼的和他们达成合作,那简直是感恩戴德。 Gradually, Daoless Sect in the major palace doors, there is a huge influence. 久而久之,无道宗于各大仙门之中,有了巨大的影响力。 Even can say, under Daoless Sect a few words, the major palace doors are willing for Daoless Sect, to declare war to any influence. 甚至可以说,无道宗一句话之下,各大仙门就肯为了无道宗,向任何势力宣战。 This cohesive force, the influence. 这种一种凝聚力,影响力。 Daoless Sect said to the outside is not the overlord influence, on actually, under the operation of Zhang Hao, has become existence that exceeds the overlord influence. 无道宗对外说不是霸主势力,实则上,在张寒的经营之下,早已经成为了超越霸主势力的存在。 The management of Zhang Hao, being true is very strong. 张寒的管理,属实是很强的。 This little while, he is reading correspondence on hand, is lost in thought. 这会儿,他正看着手上的一封书信,陷入了沉思。 This correspondence, is over ten thousand palace doors sends jointly, requesting Daoless Sect becomes the overlord influence, has jurisdiction over a side? 这封书信,是上万个仙门联名送来的,请求无道宗成为霸主势力,管辖一方? „It is not good! This is not absolutely good! Daoless Sect can only be in the development the influence, possibly is not the overlord influence!” “不行!这绝对不行!无道宗只能是发展中势力,绝不可能是霸主势力!” Zhang Hao pounds the table immediately...... 张寒当即拍案而起……
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