NTTMIMR :: Volume #8

#781: In development influence

The Immortal World six Saints meet in Hundun(Chaos), after a conversation, then all returned to Immortal World, plans unable to close up, to shun the world facing following tribulation. 仙界六圣于混沌之中碰头,一番交谈后,便全都返回了仙界,打算闭关不出,以避世来面对接下来的‘劫’。 However, Sage ancient God of eastern divine land, after return, has not actually shunned the world, but called Ancient God Sect Sect Master, inquired. 不过,东神州的圣人古神,在返回之后,却并未避世,而是叫来了古神宗宗主,询问了起来。 ...... …… Ancient God Sect, in a secret pit hole. 古神宗,一处隐秘的石洞之中。 Sage ancient God saw Ancient God Sect Sect Master here. 圣人古神在这里见了古神宗宗主 I let the matter that you handle, what kind of?” “我让你去办的事情,怎么样了?” The ancient gods look own front Ancient God Sect Sect Master, the sinking sound asked. 古神看着自己前方的古神宗宗主,沉声问道。 Saint, Sage, had not completed.” “圣,圣人,没办妥。” Ancient God Sect Sect Master shrinks is like the turtle, replies. 古神宗宗主头缩得和乌龟一样,回答道。 Un?” “嗯?” The ancient gods frown. 古神皱起了眉头。 He wanted to turn to Daoless Sect previously, once personally interview that various Tianzhi high immeasurable Sage, but was resisted. 他早先就想要投靠无道宗,曾经亲自求见那位诸天至高无量圣人,但是被拒。 Therefore he changed a way, wants to flatter Daoless Sect, takes the opportunity to turn again. 所以他换了一种方式,想要讨好无道宗,借机再投靠。 It looks like in the ancient gods, only then turns to that various Tianzhi high immeasurable Sage, can avoid by tribulation is affected. 在古神看来,只有投靠那位诸天至高无量圣人,才能免除被‘劫’波及。 The ancient gods dispatch Ancient God Sect Sect Master to go to Daoless Sect, wants to carve up the eastern divine land destiny with Daoless Sect, making Daoless Sect first overlord influence. 古神就派遣古神宗宗主无道宗,想要和无道宗瓜分东神州气运,让无道宗先成为霸主势力。 The result listened to this Ancient God Sect Sect Master saying that was rejected, therefore hadn't completed? 结果听这古神宗宗主所说,被拒绝了,所以没办妥? Returns to Sage, their Daoless Sect generation of Sect Master is a solid person, they said, Daoless Sect develops the influence, is not the overlord influence, therefore refuses to become the overlord influence.” “回圣人,他们无道宗的代宗主是个实在人,他们说,无道宗还是发展中势力,不是霸主势力,所以拒绝成为霸主势力。” Ancient God Sect Sect Master revealed wiped the bitter and astringent smile, so said. 古神宗宗主露出了一抹苦涩笑容,这般说道。 Un? The Hidden Heaven Island Daoless Sect background is very weak, therefore isn't willing to become the overlord influence?” “嗯?难道隐天岛无道宗的底蕴还很弱,所以不愿意成为霸主势力?” ancient god puzzled asking. 古神不解的问道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 In the Ancient God Sect Sect Master eye revealed the absent-minded color, recalled carefully. 古神宗宗主眼中露出了恍惚之色,仔细回忆了一番。 Then the head swings is like the rattle-drum. 然后脑袋摇得和拨浪鼓一样。 No, the Daoless Sect disciple several thousands, has been recruiting the powerhouse recently, had over a hundred Daluo guest official, many Heaven's Chosen, Great Sword Venerable that put to death existence of Sage, various Tianzhi high Supreme Sage......” “没有,无道宗弟子数千,近来一直在招收强者,有了上百位大罗客卿,更有诸多天骄,还有太一剑尊那等诛杀圣人的存在,还有诸天至高无上圣人……” In some elders according to the sect contrasts, if our Ancient God Sect and Daoless Sect make war, in situation that in various Tianzhi high Supreme Sage does not enter the war, we cannot stand off Daoless Sect......” “根据宗内一些长老对比下来,若是我们古神宗无道宗开战,在诸天至高无上圣人不参战的情况下,我们也敌不过无道宗……” Ancient God Sect Sect Master said in a low voice. 古神宗宗主低声说道。 Also right, seems like cannot stand off, that Great Sword Venerable is a Sage strength, words that I do not enter the war, you indeed cannot stand off.” “也对,似乎是敌不过,那太一剑尊已经算是一尊圣人战力了,我不参战的话,你们的确敌不过。” No, Sage, we were also counted you “不,圣人,我们是把你也算上了” ancient god: „?” 古神:“?” Was also counted him, can't be victorious? 把他也算上了,还是打不过? That was not saying, he cannot be victorious Great Sword Venerable. 那不就是在说,他打不过太一剑尊么。 But...... 可…… Great Sword Venerable can put to death world Tathagata. 太一剑尊能诛杀世如来。 Really must hit, who wins who loses, but also really did not say certainly, that treats as not to be victorious. 真要打起来,谁胜谁负,还真说不准,那就当做打不过吧。 Such being the case, that Daoless Sect is the overlord influence, why is not willing to work as the overlord, isn't willing to enjoy the eastern divine land destiny?” “既然如此,那无道宗已经是霸主势力,为何不愿意当霸主,不愿意享受东神州气运?” The ancient gods calmly look at Sect Master, asked. 古神静静看着宗主,问道。 Does not know how their generation of Sect Master said that how to urge, only gave a reply, said is in the development the influence, was not the overlord influence......” “不知道,他们的代宗主怎么说,怎么劝,就只给一个回答,说是发展中势力,不是霸主势力……” Sect Master remembers these words, he himself feels the deep helplessness. 宗主想起这番话,他自己都感到深深的无奈。 The opposite parties calculate that in development influence, what are they? In start influence? 对方都算发展中势力,那他们算什么?起步中势力? This......” “这……” The ancient gods are lost in thought. 古神陷入沉思。 He does not know how should reply. 他不知道该怎么回答了。 This path walks does not pass, how should he be able to turn to Daoless Sect? 这条路子走不通,那他该如何才能投靠无道宗 Or sees personally is seen the day to high immeasurable Sage? 要不亲自去见一见诸天至高无量圣人 But the opposite party is not willing to see him by some chance. 可万一对方不愿意见他呢。 The ancient gods hesitant for a long time, planned to give up finally for the time being. 古神犹豫了许久,最后还是打算暂且作罢。 He after Ancient God Sect Sect Master called, a person sits in the pit hole, is looking at the front stone wall, long sighs. 他在将古神宗宗主叫出去之后,一个人坐在了石洞之中,望着前方的石壁,长长叹了一口气。 Tribulation......” “劫……” In this turmoil, my what course to follow.” “在这场动乱里面,我到底该何去何从。” The ancient god voice somewhat shivers. 古神声音有些颤抖。 He has a feeling. 他有种感觉。 If his really anything does not do. 若是他真的什么都不做的。 Perhaps he will really fall from the sky in this inexorable fate. 他恐怕真的会陨落在这场劫数之中。 At the appointed time, his cultivation base, will change into vanished in a puff of smoke. 届时,他一身修为,都将化为灰飞烟灭了。 The ancient gods wrinkle the brow to think. 古神皱紧眉头思索着。 He thought for a long time for a long time. 他想了许久许久。 Finally suddenly remembered anything, stared in a big way the eyes. 最后忽然想起了什么,不由瞪大了双眼。 Right! This thing!” “对了!这个东西!” The ancient gods took out a stone bead from the bosom. 古神从怀中取出了一枚石珠。 This stone bead is very ordinary, above does not have any aura, probably a small toy. 这枚石珠很是普通,上面没有任何气息,像是一个小玩具。 But ancient God knows, this stone bead contains the big secret. 但古神知道,这个石珠内含大秘密。 He once was also an aptitude average person, but obtained a senior direction of far ultra Sage afterward, had today. 他曾经也是一个资质平平之人,但后来得到了一位远超圣人的前辈指点,才有了今天。 This stone bead then relates that far ultra Sage the thing of senior, but that senior had once promised him, will only help his one time, therefore he has been hiding, is not willing to take. 这枚石珠便是联系那位远超圣人的前辈的东西,只不过那位前辈曾答应过他,只会帮助他一次,所以他一直藏着,也不肯拿出来。 At present he felt, when is this bead display effect. 眼下他觉得,正是这枚珠子发挥效果之际。 ancient gods not hesitant, he banned under the arrange/cloth, in order to avoid after some people disturb, immediately crumb stone bead. 古神没有犹豫,他在布下一些禁制,以免有人打扰之后,当即捏碎了石珠。 The stone integument crumb, the silver-white god light/only illuminated the entire entire pit hole together immediately. 石珠被捏碎,一道银白色的神光顿时照亮了整个整个石洞。 If Chu Yuan, he will discover here, this silver-white god light/only and Chu Yuan body god is only exactly the same. 如果楚缘在这里的话,他就会发现了,这银白色的神光与楚缘身上的神光如出一辙。 However pitifully, Chu Yuan not here. 不过可惜,楚缘并不在这里。 This silver-white god light/only appears a moment later, in fuzzy form in Shenguang appears together. 这道银白色的神光出现的片刻之后,一道模糊的身影于神光之中出现。 This form together back, slurred, others are unable to look carefully, no matter what who sees this person, unique feelings. 这道身影只是一道背影,模糊不清,他人根本无法看得仔细,可任谁看到这人,都会有一种超脱的感觉。 As if this form was aloof all, the world myriad things, any all, are unable to stop this person. 仿佛这道身影超脱了一切,世间万物,任何一切,都无法阻拦此人般。 What matter?” “何事?” But together Old Gu sound resounding of slowly vicissitudes. 一道古老而沧桑的声音缓缓的响起。 Teacher! The disciples this time encounter the great misfortune, comes to ask the teacher especially, where the vitality!” “老师!弟子此番遭遇大劫,特来请问老师,生机何在!” The ancient gods face that form immediately, knelt. 古神当即面向那道身影,跪了下来。 I am not your teacher, your my causes and effects, after today, then the dissipation, you do not need saying that I for the teacher, your vitality, lie in one person, you walk toward north, seek person of the Xu Yu.” “我不是你老师,你我之因果,自今日之后,便消散,你不必称我为老师,你之生机,在于一人,你往北走去,寻一名徐御之人。” That form light staying behind words. 那道身影轻飘飘的留下一番话。 The next quarter, the god light/only changes to the innumerable light granules to dissipate to open directly, that form also disappears does not see. 下一刻,神光直接化作无数光粒子消散而开,那道身影也消失不见。 In the pit hole, is only left over ancient God also to kneel on the spot. 石洞之内,只剩下古神还跪在原地。 He looks at the place that form is vanishing, silent for a long time. 他望着那道身影消失的地方,沉默了许久。 Then recovers. 而后才回过神来。 Just that institute said. 刚刚那位所说。 Walks toward north, seeks a person named Xu Yu? 往北走,寻一个叫徐御的人? Specially what this person has? 这人有什么特殊的么? The ancient gods tasted carefully, is not quite clear. 古神细细回味了一番,还是不太明白。 Finally does not think clearly, decides to go, walks toward the north, looks for this named Xu Yu person. 最后还是想不明白,决定亲身前往,往北走过去,找这个叫‘徐御’的人。 Since that said, the vitality in this person body, that can definitely find the vitality in this person body. 既然那一位说,生机在这个人身上,那就肯定能在这个人身上找到生机。 When he found this person, all dense fog completely all untied. 等他找到这个人,一切迷雾就尽皆解开了。 The ancient gods go ahead, open the ban, goes out of the pit hole, in passes message told Ancient God Sect Sect Master , to continue to hit to relate with Daoless Sect that side. 古神说走就走,打开禁制,走出石洞,在传音吩咐了古神宗宗主,继续和无道宗那边打好关系。 Then he was then flying toward the north. 而后他便往着北方飞了过去。 The ancient gods do not know where the goal is, therefore he can only continuously toward north , the speed is too for fear that fast, therefore he conducts the flight at an ordinary Immortal King speed...... 古神不知道目的是哪里,所以他只能一直往北,也生怕速度太快,所以他是以一个普通仙王的速度进行飞行的……
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