NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6232: Willpower obviously

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Chapter 6232 Willpower obviously 第6232章意志显化 pū pū......” “噗噗噗……” In flesh passed through sound, mixes with the panic-stricken pitiful yell sound penetrating world, the echo is lingering, shrieking and howling wildly, is quite sad and shrill. 血肉被贯穿的声音中,夹杂着惊恐的惨叫声响彻天地,回音萦绕,鬼哭狼嚎,极为凄厉。 When black arm thick or thin vines were taken back, powerhouse, the candied fruit seems to be common, was put on one skewer. 当一条条黑色的手臂粗细的藤蔓被收回,一个个强者,仿佛糖葫芦一般,被穿成了一串。 On each vine, is hanging several hundred powerhouse, but at this time the vitality does not have, became corpses. 每一条藤蔓上,都挂着数百个强者,而此时他们已经生机全无,成了一具具尸体。 However was just extinguished them who kill, is retaining terrifying aura as before, powerhouse that has 300 Imperial Flame many. 但是刚刚被灭杀的他们,依旧保留着恐怖气息,其中不乏拥有三百道帝焰强者 However is such a crowd of terrifying existence, was actually extinguished by the flash kills, the looks at several thousand corpses fall off from the vine, Lei Yun'er and the others can't help look at scalp tingles. 然而就是这么一群恐怖存在,却被一瞬间灭杀,看着数千尸体从藤蔓上脱落,雷允儿等人不禁看得头皮发麻。 Unexpectedly does look does not glance?” Saw with own eyes that these corpses are complete, Long Chen can't help sighs with emotion secretly. “居然一个都看不上眼?”眼见这些尸体都是完整的,龙尘不禁暗自感慨。 Zhizhi selects food, life that it must swallow, either bloodline is powerful, either the soul is powerful, obviously these lives, it has no interest. 知知还是非常挑食的,它要吞噬的生灵,要么血脉强大,要么灵魂强大,显然这些生灵,它没有任何兴趣。 “呼” Long Chen the corpses of these lives, total revenue Primal Chaos Space, powerhouse in forest, was emptied by the Zhizhi flash, can feel relieved the exploration. 龙尘将这些生灵的尸体,全部收入混沌空间,森林中的强者,被知知一瞬间清空,可以放心探索了。 Is the vanguard, the air/Qi of darkness is rich, as if entered in Dark Night. 越是前行,黑暗之气就越是浓郁,仿佛进入了暗夜之中。 Especially here strange tree is towering, camouflages the vault of heaven, obviously gloomy, Lei Yun'er and the others, can't help felt that in bone sends coldly. 尤其这里怪树参天,遮蔽天穹,更显阴森,雷允儿等人,不禁感到一阵骨头里发寒。 Buzz “嗡” Suddenly, a space tremor, the people as if entered barrier, ominous severe and bloody aura heads on. 忽然间,空间一阵颤动,众人仿佛进入了一道结界,凶厉而又血腥的气息扑面而来。 „The Nine Heavens World ants, roll out, otherwise —— dies!” At this moment, swift and fierce Willpower, a sound resounds in the people mind together simultaneously. 九天世界的蝼蚁,滚出去,否则——死!”就在这时,一道凌厉的意志袭来,同时一个声音在众人脑海中响起。 That sound, just like roaring of Heavenly God, making the person soul tremble, may bring back the frightened heart of most primitive, Lei Yun'er felt immediately the soul must collapse, the body cannot help but shivering. 那个声音,宛若天神的咆哮,令人灵魂颤栗,可勾起最原始的恐惧之心,雷允儿顿时感到灵魂都要崩溃了,身体不由自主地在颤抖。 „Is that God Emperor powerhouse remnant Willpower?” A Lei Yun'er face panic-stricken color, wisp of Divine Sense, almost makes her soul collapse, God Emperor strong? “那是神帝强者残留意志?”雷允儿一脸惊骇之色,一道神念,差点就让她灵魂崩溃,神帝到底有多强啊? In front of that Willpower, Lei Yun'er felt oneself are that tiny, then lowly, cannot give birth to heart of the resistance. 在那意志面前,雷允儿感觉自己是那么渺小,那么卑微,生不出一丝反抗之心。 If not Long Chen here, this shouted, she will turn around to leave immediately, simply did not have the courage to stay the moment here. 如果不是龙尘在这里,这一声断喝,她立刻会掉头离开,根本没有勇气在这里多停留片刻。 However Long Chen actually does not pay attention, skices as before forward, Lei Yun'er and the others can only clench teeth to follow on the heels. 然而龙尘却并不理会,依旧向前疾行,雷允儿等人只能咬着牙跟在后面。 —— dies again forward!” “再向前一步——死!” At this moment, shouted angrily to transmit, Lei Yun'er felt a dizziness immediately, but these disciple of her side, have not fainted. 就在这时,一声怒喝传来,雷允儿顿时感到一阵天旋地转,而她身边的那些弟子,差点没昏死过去。 Father 100 steps, can you forward the place? What big tail wolf installs?” Long Chen disdain sneers , to continue. “老子向前一百步,你又能咋地?装什么大尾巴狼?”龙尘不屑地冷笑,继续前行。 Long Chen......” 龙尘……” Lei Yun'er looks pale at this time, in front of that terrifying Willpower, she somewhat could not insist. 雷允儿此时面色苍白,在那恐怖意志面前,她有些坚持不住了。 If continues, she feared that increases the burden to Long Chen, she wants to give up, does not want to implicate Long Chen. 如果继续前行,她怕给龙尘增加负担,她想放弃,不想拖累龙尘 Do not fear, with me, considered a tempering.” Long Chen extends the big hand, is drawing the Lei Yun'er small hand , to continue. “别怕,跟着我,就当是一场磨炼了。”龙尘伸出大手,拉着雷允儿的小手,继续前行。 He is frightening us, if he really has to kill our abilities, will not put us to leave.” Long Chen walks while said. “他在吓唬我们呢,如果他真有杀死我们的能力,根本不会放我们离开的。”龙尘一边走一边道。 A Long Chen so analysis, the people as if were reassured all of a sudden, just like Long Chen said that if the master of that sound, really has the strength to kill them, will not make them leave. 龙尘如此一分析,众人仿佛一下子吃了定心丸,正如龙尘所说,如果那个声音的主人,真的有力量杀他们,根本不会让他们离开。 He so frightens the people, wants to run away in fear the people, this also explained exactly, he does not have the ability to kill the people. 他如此吓唬众人,就是想要将众人吓跑,这同时也恰恰说明,他没有能力杀死众人。 Buzz “嗡” Death!” “死吧!” At this moment, the void tremor, a big hand blooms divine light, dense and numerous rune circulate, just like the hand of Heavenly God, the racket are falling to Long Chen and the others ruthlessly. 就在这时,虚空颤动,一只大手绽放出神光,密密麻麻的符文流转,宛若天神之手,对着龙尘等人狠狠拍落。 This strikes, contains unsurpassed Laws, is only looks at it, makes people feel to suffocate, the soul must be defeated and dispersed generally. 这一击,蕴含着无上法则,光是看着它,就让人感到窒息,灵魂都要溃散了一般。 Ended “完了” Lei Yun'er and the others noticed that this strikes, immediately the complexion big change, could it be that does Long Chen analyze not right? 雷允儿等人看到这一击,顿时脸色大变,难道龙尘分析得不对? “呼” Facing that big hand, Long Chen moved, he does not draw back instead enters, one step steps forward, appears in front of that big hand instantaneously, above the palm star splendor circulate, a palm racket falls. 面对那大手,龙尘动了,他不退反进,一步跨出,瞬间出现在那大手面前,手掌之上星辉流转,一掌拍落。 Bang “轰” An explosive, that covering the heavens big hand, was patted unexpectedly broken by a Long Chen palm, changes to filling the sky divine rune, falls in torrents under. 一声爆响,那遮天大手,竟然被龙尘一掌拍碎,化作漫天神符,倾泻而下。 Willpower, has externals without substance obviously, thinks that by this strength, can retreat in fear I, you also underestimated your Boss Long San.” A Long Chen palm racket breaks to pieces that great hand, sneers to say. 意志显化,徒有其表,以为凭这点力量,就能吓退我,你也太小看你龙三爷了。”龙尘一掌拍碎那巨手,冷笑道。 All verified the Long Chen's guess, this strikes, seems like the attack, in fact is the projection obviously. 一切都印证了龙尘的猜测,这一击,看上去是攻击,实际上是投影显化。 Seeming like this palm is patting to them, but in fact, is the misconception under space distortion, this hand had not moved. 看上去这一掌是对着他们拍过来,但是实际上,是空间扭曲下的错觉,这只手一直就没动过。 The Long Chen life, is not going on an expedition, on the road of expedition, this point, he looks clear. 龙尘一生,不是在征战,就是在征战的路上,这一点,他看得一清二楚。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” That great hand explodes the broken, present darkness vanishes slowly, the present world gradually appeared, ominous severe aura, just like the sharp steel knife, cut in front of the people. 那巨手爆碎,眼前的黑暗缓缓消失,眼前的世界逐渐浮现了出来,紧接着凶厉的气息,宛若锋锐的钢刀,斩到了众人面前。 In terrifying aura, Long Chen saw four huge forms, a giant grasps long spear, pierces a body of great demon. 恐怖气息中,龙尘看到了四个巨大的身影,一个巨人手持一把长枪,将一个巨魔的身体洞穿。 But the sharp claws of that great demon, pricked the heart position of that giant ruthlessly, looked that the stance two people perish together. 而那巨魔的利爪,也狠狠刺入了那巨人的心脏位置,看架势两人是同归于尽的。 Another two just like the mountain same form, impressively are two Vicious Bird, they crawl above the land, the head buries in the soil. 另外两个宛若高山一样的身影,赫然是两只凶禽,它们匍匐在大地之上,头颅埋在泥土之中。 Four huge forms, the body piled up with the thick dust, can only see the approximate outline, is actually not able to see clearly the appearance. 四个巨大的身影,身上堆满了厚厚的灰尘,只能看出大致轮廓,却无法看清面目。 When saw the form that grasps long spear, Long Chen's Power of Stars, starts to ascend uncontrolled, that seems like source strength summon. 然而当看到那个手持长枪的身影,龙尘的星辰之力,开始不受控制地升腾起来,那似乎是一种本源之力召唤 Buzz humming sound......” “嗡嗡嗡……” At this moment, around four corpses, there is divine light light up, boundless aura is keeping ascending. 就在这时,四具尸体周围,有神光亮起,磅礴的气息在不停地升腾。 Is formation “是法阵 The Long Chen's eye narrows the eyes slightly, that formation demon qi soars to the heavens, looks is the foreign territory powerhouse arrangement. 龙尘的眼睛微微一眯,那法阵魔气冲天,一看就是域外强者布置的。 It seems like they use this formation , helping their ancestors resist our Nine Heavens powerhouse.” Lei Yun'er said. “看来他们就是利用这个法阵,来帮助他们先祖对抗我们九天强者的。”雷允儿道。 Before that fellow has said that they came in each time, will bring some sacrificial offerings, came sacrificial offering their ancestors, thus enhanced the ancestor Heroic Spirit strength. 之前那个家伙说过,他们每次进来,都会带来一些祭品,来祭祀他们的先祖,从而来提升先祖英灵的实力。 But the sacrificial offering needs the altar to have formation, otherwise the strength is unable to transport gives their ancestor. 而祭祀需要有祭坛有法阵,否则力量无法输送给他们的先祖。 „ Is comer unexpectedly Nine Stars Successor? haha, a pity, you came lately, Divine Power of your ancestor will soon be swallowed by me. 来者竟然是九星传人哈哈哈,可惜,你来迟了,你先祖的神力即将被我吞噬。 The damn thing, you dare to offend in me, when I swallowed his Divine Power, pinches your ants again. ” cold severe the voice, conveys from the position of that great demon. 该死的东西,你敢冒犯于我,等我吞噬了他的神力,再来捏死你这只蝼蚁。”冷厉的声音,从那巨魔的位置传来。 But its sound brings to shiver slightly, does not know is excited, is anxious, no matter which type, showed a situation, was it had arrived at the crucial point time. 而它的声音带着微微颤动,不知道是兴奋,还是紧张,不过不管是哪一种,都说明了一个情况,就是它已经到了关键时刻。 Yun'er, you draw back, I hit to explode this damn formation.” Long Chen took a deep breath. 允儿,你们退远一点,我来打爆这个该死的法阵。”龙尘深吸了一口气 Wild aura, started in his whole body circulate, the star curtain to camouflage the vault of heaven, the vast pressure, making the whole world start to shiver. 狂暴的气息,开始在他周身流转,星幕遮蔽了天穹,浩瀚的威压,令整个世界开始颤抖。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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