NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6231: Rushes

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Chapter 6231 rushes 第6231章直闯 Long Chen, we do not go, by our strengths, cannot add on your any busily, instead will become your burden.” Sees Long Chen to prepare to set out, the Lei Yun'er color of face intertwining, opens the mouth to say finally. 龙尘,我们就不去了吧,以我们的实力,帮不上你任何忙,反而会成为你的累赘。”见龙尘准备起身,雷允儿一脸纠结之色,最终开口道。 Regarding the chance, she must be excited, she regarding the determination of strengthen, is more intense than anybody, after all she also has the blood sea deep enmity not to report. 对于机缘,她不可能不心动,她对于变强的决心,比任何人都强烈,毕竟她还有血海深仇没有报。 However she cannot be so selfish, puts to trouble to Long Chen, 300 Imperial Flame powerhouse, are not she can cope, if she went, instead may go bad the Long Chen's important matter. 但是她不能那么自私,给龙尘添麻烦,三百道帝焰强者,就已经不是她能对付的了,她如果去了,反而可能会坏了龙尘的大事。 Long Chen is smiling looks at Lei Yun'er, the big hand rubbed her silver hair, said with a smile: 龙尘笑着看着雷允儿,大手揉了揉她的银色头发,笑道: Chance is not, does not bestow by others, must go all out to struggle by oneself. “机缘不是等来的,也不是靠别人来施舍的,要靠自己拼命去争来的。 That fellow did not say, that Lightning Attribute life, existence of God Emperor level, if you can arrive at its inheritance, soared sufficiently. ” 那个家伙不是说了么,那有一个雷系生灵,神帝级的存在,如果你能到它的传承,足以一飞冲天。” But......” “可是……” Feels the Long Chen affectionate movement, in the Lei Yun'er heart is being moved, is she still hesitates. 感受着龙尘亲昵的动作,雷允儿心中感动,可是她依旧在犹豫。 Walks, the opportunity does not wait for the person!” “走吧,机会不等人!” Is speaking, Long Chen Lei Yun'er declines, is drawing her small hand, turns toward the direction that person said to walk. 说着话,龙尘不由雷允儿推辞,拉着她的小手,就那么向着那人说的方向走去。 Regarding Lei Yun'er, Long Chen has no selfishness, initially had also exchanged lightning divine ability with her, has certain benefit. 对于雷允儿,龙尘并没有什么私心,当初还跟她交换过雷霆神通,也算是有一定的获益。 Two people said no matter how, can be the friend . Moreover, this Treasure Trove is the Lei Yun'er discovery, but also almost lost the life, if Long Chen keeps everything for oneself, some not too said. 两人不管怎么说,也算得上是朋友,而且,这处宝地雷允儿发现的,还差点丢了性命,如果龙尘吃独食,就有些不太地道了。 Moreover in the Long Chen eye, Lei Yun'er is a child, moreover regarding Monster Beast Clan, Long Chen has the favorable impression most of the time very much, because they will rarely deceive people. 而且在龙尘眼中,雷允儿还是一个小孩子呢,而且对于妖兽一族,龙尘大多时候还是很有好感的,因为它们很少会骗人。 Was being drawn by the Long Chen's big hand, Lei Yun'er eye slightly red, in the heart was full of the gratitude. 龙尘的大手拉着,雷允儿眼睛微红,心中充满了感激。 other Thunder Falcon Race powerhouse also follows in abundance, sped along entire day, the front presented piece of forest finally. 其他雷隼一族强者也纷纷跟上,一路飞驰了整整一天,前方终于出现了一片森林 That forest towering old tree, covering the heavens blocks out the sun, but also without approaching, the ray of feeling the whole world in fast dim, as if they are absorbing the between Heaven and Earth light. 森林古木参天,遮天蔽日,还没靠近,就感觉整个世界的光线在快速黯淡,仿佛它们正在吸收天地间的光明。 In that jungle, there is many not well-known precious medicine, we were attracted by precious medicine, but shortly after just entered, was discovered by them, cannot continue thoroughly.” “那密林之中,有许多不知名的珍药,我们是被珍药吸引来的,但是刚刚进入不久,就被他们发现了,没能继续深入。” Is speaking, Lei Yun'er white hands one, more than ten precious medicine appear: 说着话,雷允儿玉手一摊,十几株珍药出现: These precious medicine you are receiving, I remain also uselessly, our Thunder Falcon Race no one meets the elixir.” “这些珍药你收着吧,我留着也没什么用,我们雷隼一族没有人会炼药。” Long Chen looks at these precious medicine, are startled slightly, including two are precious, Nine Heavens World has vanished. 龙尘看着这些珍药,微微吃了一惊,其中有两枚非常珍贵,九天世界已经绝迹。 Long Chen raised, received seven precious medicine, Lei Yun'er stares: You remain, I do not need these.” 龙尘挑了一下,将七株珍药收了起来,雷允儿一愣:“你都留着吧,我不需要这些。” Long Chen shakes the head saying: „The remaining these are not precious medicine, is the ordinary grass.” 龙尘摇摇头道:“剩下的这些不是珍药,就是普通的草。” „?” “啊?” Lei Yun'er was awkward immediately, her looks at these precious medicine, the face somewhat is slightly red: 雷允儿顿时尴尬了,她看着这些“珍药”,脸微微有些红: I do not understand to recognize precious medicine, but felt that their spirit strength fluctuation is powerful, therefore picked.” “我不懂得辨识珍药,但是感觉它们灵力波动强大,所以就采摘了下来。” „ It is not the having mystical powers grass can be used as medicine, in some spirit grass, spiritual qi is sufficient, but the source strength extremely heterogeneous, mutual hauling repels one another, the essence and dregs coexist. “不是所有灵草都能入药,有些灵草内,灵气充足,但是本源之力太过驳杂,相互牵引又相互排斥,精华与糟粕并存。 In which dregs are extremely difficult to reject, even if rejected, the excellent part was still not much left, consumption that big strength, not worth it. 其中的糟粕极难剔除,而且就算剔除了,精华部分也就所剩无几了,耗费那么大的力气,划不来的。 However you can depend on the feeling, can pick so many Spirit Medicine, is very good. ” Long Chen answered. 不过你能凭感觉,就能采摘这么多灵药,已经很不错了。”龙尘解释道。 Long Chen also praised Lei Yun'er one finally, immediately made her awkwardness dilute, Lei Yun'er said: 龙尘最后还夸了雷允儿一句,顿时让她的尴尬冲淡了许多,雷允儿道: Listens to that person of tone, these people have been protecting here, we must dive to have a look at the situation quietly, makes the decision again?” “听那人的口气,这些人一直在保护这里,我们要不要悄悄潜进去看看情况,再做决定?” According to the meaning of Lei Yun'er, must first understand that the deployment of enemy, with the four situation in place of big powerhouse falling from the sky, then studies a course of action. 按照雷允儿的意思,得先了解敌人的部署,和四大强者陨落之地内的情况,再研究出一个作战方案。 Naturally this is also safest, most normal mentality, but, Long Chen where has that time to waste, after simple sensation one next, leading the people to break in the jungle directly. 当然这也是最为稳妥,最为正常的思路,不过,龙尘哪有那个时间去浪费,简单感知了一下后,带着众人就那么直接冲入密林之中。 Enters in the jungle, Long Chen the sensation to many precious medicine positions, Long Chen made Huo Ling'er summon have clone to pick immediately directly. 进入密林之中,龙尘顿时感知到了不少珍药的位置,龙尘直接让火灵儿召唤分身去采摘。 Huo Ling'er Pill Refining are innumerable, has the keen sensation regarding precious medicine, although she is not necessarily able to recognize each precious medicine medicine's essence, so long as is precious medicine, cannot escape her eye absolutely. 火灵儿炼丹无数,对于珍药有着敏锐的感知,她虽然未必能辨识每一株珍药药性,但只要是珍药,就绝对逃不过她的眼睛。 Long Chen brings Lei Yun'er that unscrupulous to forward flight, Lei Yun'er and the others were tense immediately, completed the combat readiness. 龙尘带着雷允儿就那么肆无忌惮的向前飞,雷允儿等人顿时紧张了起来,做好了战斗准备。 Before forgot an important matter.” Suddenly a Lei Yun'er face regrets said. “之前忘记了一件重要的事。”忽然雷允儿一脸懊悔地道 What's wrong?” “怎么?” Should ask that person, their foreign territory powerhouse, who highest level powerhouse is, which clan from, condensed many Imperial Flame......” Lei Yun'er to say. “应该问问那人,他们域外强者们,最顶级的强者都是谁,都来自哪一族,凝聚了多少帝焰……”雷允儿道。 powerhouse of other clan also secretly annoyed, such important matter, unexpectedly forgetting, so-called to know oneself and other side, is good after all. 其他一族的强者也都暗自恼火,这么重要的事情,竟然给忘记了,所谓知己知彼,总归是有好处的。 Long Chen shakes the head saying: „ Does not need completely, on Heaven Territory battlefield, you felt relieved that to/clashes boldly forward. 龙尘摇头道:“完全没必要,天域战场上,你就放心大胆地向前冲。 Meeting the person who you are weaker, you kill, meeting you runs the person who you are stronger. 遇到比你弱的人,你就往死里杀,遇到比你强的人你就跑。 As for that top powerhouse, the disparity is huge, runs cannot run away, knows that with does not know, does not have any difference, instead by oneself cautious, hesitant, finally misses the various kinds chance. ” 至于那种顶级的强者,差距巨大,跑也跑不掉,知道与不知道,没有任何区别,反而让自己小心翼翼,犹犹豫豫,最终错过各种机缘。” As soon as the people listen, can't help nods in secret, powerhouse is powerhouse, stands high, looks is more insightful. 众人一听,不禁暗中点头,强者就是强者,站得高,看得就更通透。 Damn Nine Heavens ants, death!” “该死的九天蝼蚁,死!” In the meantime, shouted at transmits, in the jungle deep place, an unexpected blow pierced void, instantaneously to Long Chen in front. 就在此时,一声断喝传来,在密林深处,一支冷箭洞穿虚空,瞬间到了龙尘面前。 Long Chen looked at that arrow, that arrow stops instantaneously in the midair, shivers void, that arrow turns around same place, vanishes instantaneously. 龙尘看了一眼那箭矢,那箭矢瞬间停在半空,紧接着虚空颤动,那箭矢原地掉头,瞬间消失。 „......” “啊……” The jungle deep place transmits a pitiful yell, before hearing the sound, said the person, but after that person called out pitifully, was again breathless, does not know that died lives. 密林深处传来一声惨叫,听声音正是之前放话之人,只是那人惨叫之后,再无声息,也不知道是死是活。 Lei Yun'er looks at scalp tingles, that arrow pressure is astonishing, should be this rank powerhouse full power strikes. 雷允儿看得头皮发麻,那一箭威压惊人,应该是她这个级别强者全力一击。 However Long Chen does not see any movement, she does not know that Long Chen used what method, can make that arrow turn around, gets rid of the master. 然而龙尘不见任何动作,她都不知道龙尘用了什么手段,能让那箭矢掉头,将主人干掉。 In fact, Long Chen uses Spiritual Power this period of time, controls the trillion flower petal of Dragon Bone Evil Moon, regarding the utilization of spiritual power, has the attainment. 实际上,龙尘这段时间利用精神之力,控制龙骨邪月亿万花瓣,对于精神力量的运用,已经颇有心得。 When arrow enters in his Spiritual Domain, power of domain gathers, as if an invisible big hand, will hold. 箭矢进入他的精神领域中,领域之力汇聚,就仿佛一只无形的大手,将之抓住。 Under the control of soul force, it became the soldier of Long Chen's soul instantaneously, strike to kill hidden in that person of hidden place, easy as pie. 灵魂之力的控制下,它瞬间成了龙尘的灵魂之兵,击杀隐藏在暗处的那人,易如反掌。 If there is 500 Imperial Flame powerhouse, projects this arrow, Long Chen does not dare is so negligent decisively, but this person cannot achieve that rank, and to make a sneak attack, Imperial Flame has not lit. 如果是拥有五百道帝焰强者,射出这一箭,龙尘断然不敢如此大意,但是此人达不到那个级别,而且为了放冷箭,帝焰都没有点燃。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Long Chen strike to kill that person of making a sneak attack, surroundings innumerable aura ascended suddenly, the people had been surrounded unexpectedly, but forms surrounding in powerhouse, have several the position to have 300 Imperial Flame powerhouse unexpectedly. 龙尘击杀了那放冷箭之人,忽然周围无数气息升腾而起,众人竟然已经被包围了,而形成包围的强者中,竟然有数位拥有三百道帝焰强者 Zhizhi 知知 Long Chen shouted. 龙尘一声断喝。 Bang “轰” Suddenly behind Long Chen explodes void, dozens rope general vine vine lasings, prick the jungle deep place. 忽然龙尘背后虚空爆开,数十道绳索一般的蔓藤激射而出,刺入密林深处。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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