NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6230: The place of perishing together

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The place of Chapter 6230 perishing together 第6230章同归于尽之地 That person suffered a Long Chen palm of the hand, immediately the revolutions awakes, at this time is startled gets angry and is the fear. 那人挨了龙尘一巴掌,顿时转醒,此时是又惊又怒又是恐惧。 He yelled: You had not said before, doesn't kill my?” 他大叫:“你之前不是说过,不杀我的么?” However after a Long Chen palm of the hand racket awakes him, has not paid attention to him, but looked to Lei Yun'er. 然而龙尘一巴掌拍醒他后,并没有理会他,而是看向了雷允儿 Lei Yun'er shakes the head saying: This crowd of foreign territory Evil Demon, are flagitious, wanting him saying that the hope is uncertain.” 雷允儿摇了摇头道:“这群域外邪魔,凶残得很,想要他说出来,希望非常渺茫。” Hears the Lei Yun'er words, Long Chen can't help is angry, holds that person of neck conveniently, right in the face is a big palm of the hand. 听到雷允儿的话,龙尘不禁大怒,顺手抓住那人的脖子,劈头盖脸就是一顿大巴掌。 "pā" “啪” I made you not say “我让你不说” "pā" “啪” I made you not say “我让你不说” „......” “啪啪啪啪……” Scolded, while pulled out, nearby these Thunder Falcon Race powerhouse looked dull. 一边骂,一边抽,旁边的那些雷隼一族强者们都看呆了。 With great difficulty, several hundred palms of the hand Long Chen will stop from now on finally, that person of face had pulled out the pig head, almost does not recognize the original appearance. 好不容易,几百个巴掌过后龙尘终于停下,那人的脸已经被抽成了猪头,几乎认不出原来的模样。 The flash that Long Chen calls a halt, that foreign territory powerhouse tears flowed suffering, yelled: You want to ask anything, you asked actually.” 龙尘停手的一瞬间,那域外强者委屈地眼泪都流出来了,大叫:“你想要问什么,你倒是问啊。” Also dares to talk back?” “还敢顶嘴?” Long Chen is angry, right in the face is big slap, pulling out that person of head is murky, has almost not fainted again. 龙尘大怒,劈头盖脸又是一顿大嘴巴子,抽得那人脑袋昏昏沉沉,差点没再次昏死过去。 Grandfather, I made a mistake, you killed me! Asked you, killed me!” That person brings the weeping voice to yell. “爷爷,我错了,你杀了我吧!求求你们,杀了我吧!”那人带着哭腔大叫。 Killed you? You are think the words that I spoke a moment ago do break wind?” Long Chen is angry, is a big slap strong drive. “杀了你?你这是认为我刚才说的话是放屁?”龙尘大怒,又是一阵大嘴巴子猛抽。 Another big palm of the hand pulls out, that foreign territory powerhouse had suffocated, Lei Yun'er is really afraid Long Chen to let slip, kills him while still alive. 又一顿大巴掌抽完,那域外强者已经奄奄一息了,雷允儿真害怕龙尘一失手,将他给活活打死。 That foreign territory powerhouse, suffered several big slap in the face muddleheaded, the whole person faded, present he, cannot seek livehood, asked unable, the whole person almost collapsed. 域外强者,稀里糊涂地挨了几顿大耳光,整个人都蔫吧了,现在的他,求生不得,求死不能,整个人差点崩溃了。 You actually want to ask anything, you asked actually, I speak certainly out frankly to express oneself fully, as long as there is a half a word lie, making my intestines put on the stomach to be rotten, dies like a dog, I did not strive for other, only asked you to give me a happiness.” That person brings the weeping voice to say. “你们到底想问什么,你们倒是问啊,我一定知无不言言无不尽,但凡有半句假话,让我肠穿肚烂,不得好死,我不求别的,只求你们能给我一个痛快。”那人带着哭腔道。 Long Chen's slap in the face, seems like whips gently, but the strength passes his soul, at this time his soul, is tattered and torn, will collapse momentarily, turns into an idiot, that ratio killed him to be uncomfortable. 龙尘的耳光,看上去不过是轻轻地拍打,但是力量直透他的灵魂,此时他的灵魂,已经千疮百孔,随时都会崩溃,变成一个白痴,那比杀了他还要难受。 Eye looks at Long Chen slap in the face, can suffer to must unruly foreign territory Evil Demon to collapse, Lei Yun'er hurried say/way: 看着龙尘一阵耳光,就能将桀骜不驯的域外邪魔折磨得要崩溃了,雷允儿急忙道: „Did that jungle deep place, what thing hide? We just approached, makes you chase down endlessly?” “那密林深处,到底隐藏了什么东西?我们刚刚靠近,就让你们无休无止地追杀?” That is battlefield, four God Emperor powerhouse, the place of perishing together. “那是一处战场,四位神帝强者,同归于尽之地。 And two are our Heavenly Demon Clan Senior, two, are your Nine Heavens powerhouse. 其中两个是我们天魔族前辈,还有两个,是你们九天强者 In that two Nine Heavens powerhouse, is like you, is the lightning attribute life, another is Nine Stars Successor. ” that person said. 那两个九天强者中,一个跟你一样,是雷霆属性的生灵,另外一个是一位九星传人。”那人道 Hears that person of words, Long Chen and Lei Yun'er the heart jumps simultaneously crazily, four God Emperor powerhouse also fall from the sky, including thunder attribute Divine Bird, another, unexpectedly is Nine Stars Successor, Primal Chaos Era Nine Stars Successor, existence of God Emperor level. 听到那人的话,龙尘雷允儿同时心头狂跳,四位神帝强者同时陨落,其中有一个雷属性的神禽,另外一个,竟然是九星传人,混沌时代九星传人,神帝级的存在。 Only listens to that person to continue saying: „ Entire battlefield was wrested away the innumerable years by us, each battlefield opens, we will unite as one, first cleans up you. 只听那人继续道:“整个战场被我们霸占了无数年,每一次战场开启,我们都会团结一致,先清理你们。 After you clean up, again competes for treasures on battlefield, but, on battlefield buried too many terrifying existence. 将你们清理出去后,再去争夺战场上的宝物,只不过,战场上埋葬了太多恐怖存在 Although the body die, but soul essence does not extinguish, Willpower exists forever, once we awaken these Heroic Spirit, can by their strike to kill. 他们虽然身死,但是精魂不灭,意志长存,一旦我们惊醒那些英灵,就会被他们击杀 Similarly, your Nine Heavens World powerhouse, enters in our Heroic Spirit protection range, will brutally be extinguished kills...... ” 同样的,你们九天世界强者,进入我们英灵守护范围内,也会被无情灭杀……” Hears here, Long Chen remembered Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird, it had died, but the resentment is big, the strength of Nirvana is unable to start, it prepared to use these strengths, with wanting to compete for it to inherit the person, perishes together. 听到这里,龙尘想起了混沌朱雀,它已经死了,但是怨气不小,涅槃之力无法启动,它原本是准备动用这些力量,与想要争夺它传承之人,同归于尽的。 So, in Heaven Territory battlefield, the life like Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird, is not infrequent. 如此看来,在天域战场内,像混沌朱雀这样的生灵,不在少数。 That person continues saying: „ But, some place Heroic Spirit are still battling, the mutual diversion, that jungle deep place is so. 那人继续道:“只不过,有些地方英灵们还在作战,相互牵制,那密林深处就是如此。 We want to obtain the inheritance, needs to help the ancestor defeat his enemy, our these strength small and weak people, sphere here, is feared that you disturb. 我们想要获得传承,就需要帮助先祖打败他的敌人,我们这些实力弱小之人,将这里围住,就是怕你们来捣乱。 Because the innumerable years, enter Heaven Territory battlefield each time, we will help the ancestors fight. 因为无数年来,每次进入天域战场,我们都会帮助先祖们战斗。 Although we can have the big advantage each time, cleans up quickly you, however is competing for inheritance, is barely satisfactory. 虽然我们每次都能占据巨大的优势,很快将你们清理出去,但是在争夺传承方面,却差强人意。 Because Willpower of your ancestor are too tenacious, we experienced efforts the thirty times, finally saw sign that your ancestor Willpower collapse. 因为你们先祖的意志太顽强,我们经历了三十几次的努力,终于看到了你们先祖意志崩溃的迹象。 This time, our here strengths are unprecedented, Supreme Talent are innumerable, on the inheritance regarding Heaven Territory battlefield, we exerts its utmost. 这一次,我们这边实力空前,天骄无数,对于天域战场上的传承,我们势在必得。 Therefore, our these strength weak people, are responsible for guarding the major inheritance, does not make you add to the chaos, even completed the task. ” 所以,我们这些实力较弱的人,就负责看守各大传承,不让你们来添乱,就算是完成任务了。” That person of words saying, Long Chen and Lei Yun'er and the others were silent, their fists pinched tightly in secret. 那人的话说完,龙尘雷允儿等人都沉默了,他们的拳头都暗中捏紧了。 The ancestors had died in battle, by Willpower, but also is fighting with the enemy, but Nine Heavens World powerhouse, every was cleaned up one time quickly, wants to come the older generations, certainly to them disappointedly. 先祖们已经战死,凭借意志,还在与敌人战斗,而九天世界强者们,每一次都很快被清理出去,想来先辈们,一定对他们失望透顶了吧。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” At this moment, the bone fragment twinkle of that person of waist, Long Chen hints him to have a look. 就在这时,那人腰间的一块骨片一阵闪烁,龙尘示意他看看。 That person then holds bone fragment, sees only above bone fragment, appears an not being able to understand writing, should be their clan unique writing. 那人这才抓住骨片,只见骨片之上,浮现出一片看不懂的文字,应该是他们这一族特有的文字。 But sees that line of writing, that person of complexion changes, the hand shivered: 而看到那行文字,那人脸色大变,就连手都颤抖了: How possibly, shadow Luo Jingran was killed, that has 600 Imperial Flame powerhouse?” “怎么可能,影罗竟然被杀了,那可是拥有六百道帝焰强者啊?” 600 Imperial Flame?” Lei Yun'er and other numerous powerhouse, opened the mouth shocking. “六百道帝焰?”雷允儿等一众强者,震惊地张大了嘴巴。 Was killed by whom?” Long Chen asked. “是被谁杀的?”龙尘问道。 Is behind one carries the youngster of strange dice.” That person of face panic-stricken said. “是一个背后背着古怪骰子的少年。”那人一脸惊恐地道 Strange dice? Hu Feng?” In the Long Chen mind, appeared immediately the Hu Feng form. “古怪骰子?胡枫?”龙尘脑海中,顿时浮现出了胡枫的身影。 This once in the brothers who Heavenly Martial Mainland died in battle heroically, why did not know, appears in Immortal World unexpectedly. 这个曾经在天武大陆英勇战死的兄弟,不知道为什么,竟然在仙界出现了。 „Did you know?” A Lei Yun'er face shocks said, because she has not heard this character. “你认识?”雷允儿一脸震惊地道,因为她并没有听说过这一号人物。 In fact, initially Long Chen to catch the opportunity to Human Race, when slaughters Alien Race, Hu Feng also participated in the war. 实际上,当初龙尘为了给人族争取机会,屠戮异族之时,胡枫也参与了战争。 However, Hu Feng acts, place visited, no living witness, moreover at that time the focus of the world, on Long Chen, therefore Hu Feng has not brought to the attention of too many. 不过,胡枫出手,所过之处,没有一个活口,另外当时全世界的焦点,都在龙尘身上,故而胡枫并没有引起太多人的注意。 Long Chen also asked several, discovered this person knows are not many, although he has 300 Imperial Flame, but the real strength is not strong, therefore was sent to guard the door. 龙尘又问了几句,发现此人知道的并不多,他虽然拥有三百道帝焰,但是真实实力并不算强,所以才被派去看门。 Regarding the other inheritance, are not many, the exact location that he knows cannot ask continually, after pressing out did his only value, Long Chen big hand according to his forehead, coldly said: 对于其他传承,他知道的也并不多,连具体位置也问不出来,榨干了他仅有的一点价值后,龙尘大手按在他的额头上,冷冷地道: My Long Chen means what he says, today gives your way out, but I in your soul, planted the curse. “我龙尘说话算话,今天放你一条生路,但是我在你灵魂里,种下了诅咒。 In your lifetime, if strike to kill any Nine Heavens World powerhouse, the curse starts immediately, dies a violent death to perish instantaneously. ” 在你有生之年里,如果击杀任何一个九天世界强者,诅咒会立刻发动,瞬间暴毙而亡。” Long Chen is pressing that person of head, that person thinks oneself were dying , Long Chen really gave his way out unexpectedly, immediately is excited, salutes after Long Chen again and again, dashes to go. 龙尘按着那人的脑袋,那人以为自己要死了,没想到,龙尘竟然真的放了他一条生路,顿时激动不已,对龙尘连连行礼后,飞奔而去。 Walks, in the past had a look!” “走,过去看看!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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