NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6229: Again with Lei Yun'er

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Chapter 6229 meets Lei Yun'er again 第6229章再遇雷允儿 "pā" “啪” A Long Chen palm of the hand pulls out, the resounding is shocking, has 300 Imperial Flame powerhouse, pulled out to fly by a Long Chen palm of the hand. 龙尘一巴掌抽过去,脆响震天,拥有三百道帝焰强者,被龙尘一巴掌抽飞了出去。 Long Chen's appears, immediately lets that crowd of foreign territory powerhouse in great surprise, they have not thought, this terrifying Demon King really appeared unexpectedly. 龙尘的出现,顿时让那群域外强者们大惊,他们没想到,这个恐怖魔王竟然真的出现了。 Long Chen attacks heavenly scale, everyone saw, Long Chen appears, although has not erupted any imposing manner, made their soul feel to shiver. 要知道,龙尘冲击天平,所有人都看到了,龙尘出现,虽然没有爆发出任何气势,却令他们灵魂都感到颤抖。 Long Chen? Damn thing, how even if you climbed up heavenly scale, today you must die as before!” 龙尘?该死的东西,就算你攀上了天平又如何,今天你依旧要死!” Then pulled out powerhouse that flies by Long Chen, angrily roars, the evil aura soars to the heavens, a Demon Dao rune twinkle, 300 Imperial Flame simultaneously light up. 那被龙尘抽飞的强者,一声怒吼,邪气冲天,一身魔道符文闪烁,三百多道帝焰同时亮起 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” That foreign territory Evil Demon angrily roars heavenshaking, demon qi and Imperial Flame interwove, formed surrounding area several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) domain, wrapped in which everyone. 域外邪魔怒吼震天,魔气帝焰交织,形成了一道方圆数万里的领域,将所有人都包裹其中。 Under his startled anger happening together, erupts full power, directly-burning blood essence and Imperial Flame, the terrifying pressure, made that silver-haired female with numerous powerhouse, is unable to move. 他惊怒交集之下,爆发全力,直接燃烧精血帝焰,恐怖的威压,令那银发女子与一众强者,都无法动弹。 This is 300 Imperial Flame powerhouse, among the vast gap with 200 Imperial Flame powerhouse, on the face of that silver-haired female appears to wipe with amazement, her anxiously looks at Long Chen, for fear that Long Chen is not that person of opponent. 这就是三百道帝焰强者,与两百道帝焰强者之间的巨大差距,那银发女子的脸上浮现出一抹骇然,她紧张地看着龙尘,生怕龙尘不是那人的对手。 You special with whose speech?” “你特么跟谁俩说话呢?” Facing foreign territory powerhouse that full power erupts, Long Chen one step steps forward, by his domain influence, did not appear before him instantaneously, coming up is a palm of the hand. 面对全力爆发的域外强者,龙尘一步跨出,丝毫不受他的领域影响,瞬间出现在他面前,上去就是一巴掌。 "pā" “啪” When that foreign territory powerhouse both hands still in forming seal, prepare while Long Chen was suppressed, ferments ultimate skill, finally Long Chen rushed to front of him, his face was green, both hands of forming seal forgot to loosen, radically without enough time parry, pulled out big slap in the face. 域外强者双手还在结印,准备趁着龙尘被压制时,酝酿大招,结果龙尘冲到了他面前,他脸都绿了,结印的双手都忘记松开了,根本来不及格挡,又被抽了一记大耳光 The Long Chen's strength is not big, a palm of the hand in the past, that foreign territory powerhouse tumbled to depart, has not actually been seriously injured. 龙尘的力量不大,一巴掌过去,那域外强者一路翻滚飞出,却并没有受重伤。 Long Chen this palm of the hand, gave to shock these people, Long Chen completely disregarded that person of domain unexpectedly , that has 300 Imperial Flame powerhouse. 龙尘这一巴掌,把这些人都给惊呆了,龙尘竟然完全无视那人的领域,要知道,那可是拥有三百道帝焰强者啊。 I fought you......” “我跟你拼了……” Suffered two palms of the hand continuously, that foreign territory Evil Demon angrily roars, he understands finally, among the disparity with Long Chen, the big hand opens, the long sword that demon qi soars to the heavens appears. 连续挨了两巴掌,那域外邪魔怒吼,他终于明白,与龙尘之间的差距,大手张开,一把魔气冲天的长剑出现。 “呼” However the long sword just appeared, a big hand has delimited vast sky, that long sword vanishes from that person of hand immediately. 然而长剑刚刚出现,一只大手划过长空,那长剑顿时从那人手中消失。 In that person of not far away, Long Chen grasps the long sword sword blade, nods saying: 在那人不远处,龙尘手持长剑剑身,点点头道: This is good the sword, looked, in you were filial piety in a weapon share, today forgives your dog's life!” “这把剑不错,看在你孝敬了一把兵器的份上,今天就饶你一条狗命吧!” Is speaking, the Long Chen big hand wields, that long sword vanishes, but the flash that long sword vanishes, that person of spurts blood, the soul mark above that long sword, was cancelled instantaneously. 说着话,龙尘大手一挥,那长剑消失,而那长剑消失的一瞬间,那人一口鲜血喷出,那长剑之上的灵魂印记,被瞬间抹去。 That person startled and anger, even strongest weapon was confiscated, he has not resisted the Long Chen's qualifications again, the form in a flash, runs away. 那人又惊又怒,连最强兵器都被没收了,他再也没有对抗龙尘的资格,身影一晃,撒腿就跑。 “呼” A vine penetrates vast sky, area one volume, that powerhouse calls out in alarm, was bundled. 一根藤蔓击穿长空,一卷一带,那强者惊叫中,就那么被捆了回来。 That powerhouse was caught by Long Chen, the other foreign territory powerhouse complexion big change, runs away in abundance. 强者龙尘擒住,其他域外强者脸色大变,纷纷逃走。 pū pū......” “噗噗噗……” A one after another black sharp stimulation shoots, passes through the bodies of these powerhouse, instantaneously its strike to kill. 道道黑色的尖刺激射而出,将这些强者的身体贯穿,瞬间将其击杀 Just, the bodies of these people, Zhizhi has no interest, lost into Primal Chaos Space completely. 只不过,这些人的尸体,知知并没有兴趣,全部丢入了混沌空间 That powerhouse that has 300 Imperial Flame, Zhizhi has not absorbed his source strength, obviously, this low level existence, cannot provide what benefit. 就连那位拥有三百道帝焰强者,知知也没有吸取他的本源之力,显然,这种低级的存在,并不能给它带来什么好处。 Long Chen......” 龙尘……” Sees with own eyes Long Chen instantaneously so many strike to kill, that silver-haired young girl, yelled finally excitedly. 眼见龙尘瞬间将这么多人击杀,那银发少女,终于激动地大叫。 Long Chen then looks to that stature petite Exquisite silver-haired female, suddenly Long Chen opened the eye: 龙尘这才看向那身材娇小玲珑的银发女子,忽然龙尘睁大了眼睛: „Are you...... Lei Yun'er?” “你是……雷允儿?” Long Chen has not thought, here ran into an acquaintance unexpectedly, initially Long Chen astrayed Nether World, knew Wu Tian. 龙尘没想到,在这里竟然遇到了一个熟人,当初龙尘误入冥界,结识了乌天 Wu Tian break the heavenly wall, returns to Immortal World Long Chen, enters Monster Race boundary Heaven Capital Star Territory, has had an origin with Thunder Falcon Race Princess Lei Yun'er, has not actually thought that here met Lei Yun'er again. 乌天打破天壁,将龙尘送回仙界,进入妖族地界天罗星域,与雷隼一族公主雷允儿有过一段渊源,却没想到在这里再次遇到了雷允儿 Just, beforehand Lei Yun'er is a capable short hair, now is actually the long hair and waist, although the figure is still petite, but from shy of young girl, has grown the woman to have the flavor that. 只不过,以前的雷允儿是一头干练的短发,如今却已经是长发及腰,虽然身形依旧娇小,但已从少女的青涩,成长出了女人该有的韵味了。 Thank you still remembers me!” Some Lei Yun'er excited said. “谢谢你还记得我!”雷允儿有些激动地道 Lei Yun'er more than ten powerhouse, color of one face shock, they cannot think, Lei Yun'er unexpectedly with Long Chen is the old knowledge. 雷允儿身边十几个强者,也都一脸震惊之色,他们想不到,雷允儿竟然与龙尘是旧识。 You best put me, otherwise......” that powerhouse that had 300 Imperial Flame, was being entangled by Zhizhi, yelled panic-stricken. “你最好放了我,否则……”那个拥有三百道帝焰强者,被知知缠着,惊恐地大叫。 A Long Chen palm of the hand, fainted to the racket him conveniently directly, does not make him disturb itself to speak with Lei Yun'er. 龙尘随手一巴掌,直接把他给拍晕了,不让他打搅自己跟雷允儿说话。 Yun'er Princess, has been well since last meeting, after growing up Princess your highness beautifully to be even more charming!” Long Chen arrives in front of Lei Yun'er, shows a faint smile to say. 允儿公主,别来无恙啊,长大后的公主殿下越发地美丽迷人了!”龙尘走到雷允儿面前,微微一笑道。 Lei Yun'er looks at Long Chen, her eye somewhat blushes slightly, initially when acquaintance, she has a premonition, Long Chen is in the person the dragon, in the future will certainly soar. 雷允儿看着龙尘,她眼睛微微有些发红,当初相识之时,她就有一种预感,龙尘乃是人中之龙,将来一定会一飞冲天。 But the fact also showed, her vision is right, at that time Lei Yun'er had added that if Long Chen is powerful enough, the consideration has a child with him, inherits two person most powerful bloodlines. 而事实也证明,她的眼光是对的,当时雷允儿还说过,如果龙尘足够强大,就考虑跟他生个孩子,继承两个人最强大的血统。 Now, circumstances changes with the time, Long Chen has grown, even if she looks up to the situation that is unable to see clearly, meets again, feeling of another era. 如今,时过境迁,龙尘已经成长到了,即使是她仰望也无法看清的地步,再次相见,恍若隔世。 Present she, is not that ideological pure young girl, sees Long Chen again, that familiar and strange feeling, made her not only happy, and somewhat uncomfortable. 如今的她,已经不是那个思想单纯的少女,再次见到龙尘,那熟悉与陌生的感觉,令她既高兴,又有些难受。 Grows up?” “长大?” Lei Yun'er slightly red eyes, because immediately these two characters weep copiously, she choked: 雷允儿微红的双眼,顿时因为这两个字泪如雨下,她哽咽道: Yes, grew up, since my family member, complete destruction, I grew up.” “是啊,是长大了,自从我那一支亲人,全部覆灭之时,我就长大了。” Long Chen one startled, under inquired thin knows, Lei Yun'er location branch, in the Nine Heavens turmoil by destruction. 龙尘一惊,细询之下才知道,雷允儿所在的分支,在九天动乱中被覆灭。 Then Lei Yun'er as peak powerhouse of this branch, was introduced Ancestral Land practice, escapes. 当时的雷允儿作为这一分支的顶尖强者,被引入祖地修行,才逃过一劫。 But experienced pain of mourning kissing/betrothal Lei Yun'er, in the sadness and anger, awakened talent divine ability, condensed 200 Imperial Flame, was Thunder Falcon Race strongest. 而经历了丧亲之痛的雷允儿,在悲伤与愤怒中,觉醒了天赋神通,凝聚出了两百多道帝焰,为雷隼一族最强者。 Originally the Lei Yun'er plan, returns after Heaven Territory battlefield, takes revenge, however enters here her to discover, the talent that she is proud, is not worth mentioning here. 原本雷允儿打算,从天域战场返回后,就去复仇,然而进入这里她才发现,她引以为傲的天赋,在这里根本不值一提。 Here hundred flame powerhouse many like dog, powerhouse like her, she does not know all the way encountered many, her confidence, must be attacked not to have. 这里百焰强者多如狗,像她这样的强者,一路上她不知道遭遇了多少,她的信心,都要被打击没了。 looks at Lei Yun'er cries sadly, in Long Chen also can't help heart helpless, this does not have the matter of means that even powerful such as he, could not help Lei Yun'er, wanted to change the destiny, can only grow stronger. 看着雷允儿哭得伤心,龙尘不禁心中无奈,这是没办法的事情,即使强大如他,也帮不了雷允儿,想要改变命运,就只能变强。 Right, how were you are chased down by this crowd of fellow?” Long Chen asked. “对了,你们是怎么被这群家伙追杀的?”龙尘问道。 Because we discovered their Treasure Trove.” Lei Yun'er wiped the tears on face, bore sadly, sincerely said. “因为我们发现了他们的一处宝地。”雷允儿抹了抹脸上的泪水,忍住了悲伤,正色道 Treasure Trove?” Long Chen came the spirit immediately. “一处宝地?”龙尘顿时来了精神。 We just approached there, was discovered by there guard, chases down here. “我们刚刚靠近那里,就被那里的守卫发现了,一路追杀到这里。 The inside special details we are not clear, but alerts so sternly, certainly is Treasure Trove, in particular, you might as well ask him. ” Lei Yun'er finger/refers of that by the man who Long Chen knocks down. 里面具体情况我们也不清楚,但是戒备如此森严,一定是一处宝地,具体的,你不如问问他。”雷允儿一指那个被龙尘打晕的男子。 "pā" “啪” A Long Chen palm of the hand pulls out on that person of face: Do not rest, Third Master has the words to ask you.” 龙尘一巴掌抽在那人的脸上:“别睡了,三爷有话问你。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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