NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6234: A God Emperor blood

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A Chapter 6234 God Emperor blood 第6234章一丝神帝 Go away!” “滚开!” Lei Yun'er must kill that great demon near immediately, result that great demon whole body black aura fills the air, formed a great hand, is patting ruthlessly to Lei Yun'er. 雷允儿马上就要杀到那巨魔近前,结果那巨魔周身黑色气息弥漫,形成了一只巨手,对着雷允儿狠狠拍去。 Long Chen in great surprise, this strikes, if patted, Lei Yun'er met instantaneous body and soul entirely exterminated, could not be left over including the ash. 龙尘大惊,这一击如果拍实了,雷允儿会瞬间形神俱灭,连灰都剩不下。 The Long Chen under foot star light shivers, rescued Lei Yun'er on the strategic place in the past, but must rescue Lei Yun'er, perhaps his struck God-Extinguishing Cross to use. 龙尘脚下星光颤动,就要冲过去救援雷允儿,不过要救雷允儿,他这一击十字灭神恐怕是要用上了。 Cry “唳” At this moment, Lei Yun'er whole body Thunder Light shivers, a giant eagle shape bird of prey appears, to that great hand clash in the past. 就在这时,雷允儿周身雷光颤动,一头巨大的鹰形猛禽出现,对着那巨手猛撞了过去。 Bang “轰” An explosive, the great hand explodes loudly broken with that bird of prey, two strengths counter-balanced unexpectedly mutually, does not need Long Chen to act. 一声爆响,巨手与那猛禽轰然爆碎,两股力量竟然相互抵消了,并不需要龙尘出手。 Long Chen can't help is pleasantly surprised, this time Lei Yun'er should take possession by that Lightning Attribute bird of prey, listens to the tone it is that Nine Stars Lineage powerhouse partner. 龙尘不禁又惊又喜,此时的雷允儿应该是被那雷系猛禽附体了,听口气它是那九星一脉强者的伙伴。 That great demon powerhouse sneers: „ Your fleshly body has deteriorated completely, if not hide the soul in divine rune, you have withered away. 那巨魔强者冷笑:“你肉身已经完全衰败,如果不是将灵魂隐藏在神符内,你早就消亡了。 Present you, cutting off one's means of retreat, strength attach on small Human Sovereign girl, how many strengths can also display? 现在的你,破釜沉舟,将力量附着在一个小小的人皇丫头身上,又能发挥出多少力量? Depending on you two ants, wants to prevent me? Do you want to laugh at me? ” 就凭你们两个蝼蚁,也想阻止我?你想笑死我吗?” Great Nine Stars Successor, tries to find the solution quickly, preventing it to swallow the soul of master, otherwise, he will become even more to be powerful, Nine Heavens powerhouse on entire battlefield, by his strike to kill.” Lei Yun'er passes on the sound said to Long Chen. “伟大的九星传人,快想想办法,阻止它吞噬主人的灵魂,否则,他将变得更加强大,整个战场上的九天强者,都将被他击杀。”雷允儿龙尘传音道。 However, this time Lei Yun'er is another person is controlling, her sound and soul are quite strange. 不过,此时的雷允儿已经是另外一个人在掌控,她的声音和灵魂都极为陌生。 Lei Yun'er continues saying: „ fleshly body of this little miss agrees with me, however her strength was too weak, is unable to withstand my complete strength. 雷允儿继续道:“这个小姑娘的肉身与我契合,但是她的力量太弱了,无法承受我的全部力量。 Ordinary divine ability, is invalid to this great demon, however powerful divine ability, will explode her body brace, I first tie down him, the protracted time, you try to find the solution. ” 普通神通,对这头巨魔无效,但是强大的神通,会将她的身体撑爆,我先缠住他,拖延时间,您来想办法。” “呼” Lei Yun'er said, whole body Thunder Light shivered, grasps lightning long spear to kill to the great demon. 雷允儿说完,周身雷光颤动,手持雷霆长枪杀向了巨魔。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” The Lei Yun'er thunder spear/gun range, crushes one after another black chain, fierce, but, is unable to approach the great demon. 雷允儿雷枪范围,将道道黑色锁链击碎,勇猛至极,可是,始终无法靠近巨魔。 Senior, you are responsible for fiercely attacking, I look for the opportunity!” Long Chen passes message to Lei Yun'er. 前辈,您负责猛攻,我来寻找机会!”龙尘雷允儿传音。 “呼” He from another direction, kills to the great demon, simultaneously the whole body flame ascends, the sound of sacred sutras resounds through the world. 他从另外一个方向,杀向巨魔,同时周身火焰升腾而起,神圣的诵经之声响彻天地。 As the sound of sutras gets up, Huo Ling'er returns instantaneously, complete Flame Power , without the reservation to rush to Long Chen slightly. 随着诵经之声响起,火灵儿瞬间回归,全部的火焰之力,没有丝毫保留地涌向龙尘 Great Brahma Scripture? How can Nine Stars Successor Great Brahma Scripture?” That great demon powerhouse hears the Long Chen sutras, can't help in great surprise. 大梵天经九星传人怎么会大梵天经?”那巨魔强者听到龙尘诵经,不禁大惊。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” But when he diverts attention, the Lei Yun'er back lightning bird of prey appears, one after another Imperial Flame ascends, attacking even more is wild. 而他分心之际,雷允儿背后雷霆猛禽出现,道道帝焰升腾,攻击更加狂暴。 Buzz “嗡” In the Long Chen hand Flaming Lotus appears, when that Flaming Lotus appears, the between Heaven and Earth Flame Power instantaneous ebullition, wells up to this Flaming Lotus crazily. 龙尘手中一朵火焰莲花浮现,当那朵火焰莲花浮现,天地间火焰之力瞬间沸腾,向这火焰莲花狂涌而来。 The terrifying high temperature burns instantaneously surrounding forest, almost in the time of a blink, changes into scorched earth. 恐怖的高温瞬间将周围的森林燃烧起来,几乎一眨眼的时间里,化为一片焦土。 World Exterminating Fire Lotus 灭世火莲 Long Chen shouted, Flaming Lotus in hand, is pounding ruthlessly to the corpse of that great demon. 龙尘一声断喝,手中的火焰莲花,对着那巨魔的尸体狠狠砸去。 „The strength of ants, the dark wall keeps off to me!” “蝼蚁之力而已,暗黑之墙给我挡!” That great demon angrily roars, suddenly formed a black curtain wall before the body, that curtain wall just formed, endless black aura gathers. 那巨魔怒吼,忽然在身前形成了一道黑色的幕墙,那幕墙刚刚形成,无尽的黑气就向它汇聚。 Cuts thunderously “雷鸣斩” That side Lei Yun'er coordinates, back Raptor Phenomenon shivers, a lightning Wing tearing vault of heaven, is cutting to fall to that great demon from the opposite direction. 那边雷允儿非常配合,背后异象颤动,一只雷霆羽翼撕裂天穹,从相反的方向对着那巨魔斩落。 As the matter stands, that great demon back abdomen by the enemy, the strength was been scattered, Long Chen and she has opportunity defense breaking. 这样一来,那巨魔背腹受敌,力量分散,龙尘和她都有机会破防 insignificant ability, gave up any idea of that shakes this emperor!” 雕虫小技而已,休想撼动本帝!” That great demon sneers, whole body black aura fills the air, in the Lei Yun'er direction, had a black curtain wall. 那巨魔冷笑,周身黑气弥漫,在雷允儿的方向,同样结出了一面黑色幕墙。 Two curtain walls appear, the instantaneous retroversion, buckles just like two cauldrons in the same place, formed circular barrier. 两道幕墙出现,瞬间向后弯曲,宛若两口大锅扣在一起,形成了一道圆形结界 Long Chen sees this, the corners of the mouth appears to wipe the smile, single-handed forming seal, howls Flaming Lotus that goes, suddenly stagnated slightly in the midair, then at a quicker speed, next to/clashes suddenly. 龙尘看到这一幕,嘴角浮现出一抹笑容,单手结印,呼啸而去的火焰莲花,忽然在半空之中微微停滞了一下,然后以更快的速度,猛然下冲。 Bang “轰” Because of the Long Chen's movement, the attack of Lei Yun'er first step kills, cuts ruthlessly above barrier, an explosive, barrier trembles fiercely. 因为龙尘的动作,雷允儿的攻击先一步杀到,狠狠斩在结界之上,一声爆响,结界一阵猛颤。 rune above barrier, naked eye obviously to place gathering of Lei Yun'er attack. 结界之上的符文,肉眼可见地向雷允儿攻击的地方汇聚。 „It is not good “不好” At this moment, that great demon powerhouse is not calm, he thought at this time, this move has a fatal flaw. 这一刻,那巨魔强者不淡定了,他这时候才想起来,这一招有一个致命的缺陷。 That is because he is a wisp of remnant soul, does not have the powerful spirit Soul Force support, regarding the control of magical technique, will become extremely rough. 那就是因为他不过是一缕残魂,没有强大的灵魂力支撑,对于术法的掌控,会变得极为粗糙。 This magical technique barrier formation, the strength is average, when a point was hit fiercely, without the words of soul force control, the strength meets the instinct to the collision point gathering, to counter-balance impact. 这个术法结界形成,力量是平均的,但是当一个点受到剧烈撞击,没有灵魂之力控制的话,力量会本能地向撞击点汇聚,以抵消撞击力。 But as the matter stands, the defense of other place can instantaneously become weak, if two people also attack, the strength that two people withstand is 55. 而这样一来,其他地方的防御会瞬间变得薄弱,如果两人同时攻击,两人承受的力量是五五分。 However Long Chen changed the speed, as the matter stands, the strength became 28, the attack of Lei Yun'er attracted most likely (80%) strengths. 但是龙尘改变了速度,这样一来,力量就成了二八分,雷允儿的攻击吸引了八成力量。 Bang “轰” An explosive, Flaming Lotus does not give the great demon response time, pounds ruthlessly above his barrier. 一声爆响,火焰莲花根本不给巨魔反应的时间,狠狠砸在他的结界之上。 Wild Flame Power blooms, Flaming Lotus explodes simultaneously broken with that barrier, that great demon in great surprise, just about to has an action to perform. 狂暴的火焰之力绽放,火焰莲花与那结界同时爆碎,那巨魔大惊,刚要有所动作。 Buzz “嗡” Found out a big hand from the endless flame, in the palm, stars circulate, cross collapse heaven. 从无尽的火焰之中探出了一只大手,手掌之中,星辰流转,十字崩天。 Bang “轰” The World Exterminating Fire Lotus disintegration barrier of great demon, diluted the defense of his whole body not only, a Long Chen palm penetrated vast sky, pats ruthlessly on the body of that great demon. 灭世火莲不光崩碎了巨魔的结界,更冲淡了他周身的防御,龙尘一掌击穿长空,狠狠拍在那巨魔的身上。 The corpse of that great demon trembles fiercely, Long Chen but thinks that a terrifying strength gets down, the arm had almost not been broken, stuffy snort/hum, was shaken to fly upside down. 那巨魔的尸体猛地一颤,龙尘但觉一股恐怖的力量下来,手臂差点没被震碎,闷哼一声,被震得倒飞了出去。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Long Chen flies upside down far away, he does not dare to believe looks at this great demon, his full power strikes, cannot ruin his corpse unexpectedly. 龙尘倒飞出老远,他不敢置信地看着这头巨魔,他这全力一击,竟然没能毁掉他的尸体。 Corpse of that great demon rocks, the decayed flesh, falls just like the dust generally, however the giant skeleton is actually supporting as before. 那巨魔的尸体一阵晃动,腐朽的血肉,宛若尘土一般掉落,但是巨大的骨架却依旧支撑着。 When saw that pitch-dark cast just like the steel, covers entirely the skeleton of various kinds Divine Symbol, the Long Chen flash understood, the remnant soul of this great demon hid in this skeleton rune, his struck, has not destroyed its bone. 当看到那黑漆漆宛若钢铁铸就,布满了各种神纹的骨架,龙尘一瞬间明白了,这巨魔的残魂就隐藏在这骨架符文之中,他那一击,并没有摧毁它的骨头 „......” “啊……” That great demon powerhouse angrily roars heavenshaking, as if Long Chen this strikes, brought the huge pain to him. 那巨魔强者怒吼震天,似乎龙尘这一击,给他带来了巨大的痛苦。 Endless black aura twined the skeleton, rune above skeleton is igniting the light flame unexpectedly, terrifying emperor prestige ascended. 无尽的黑气缠绕着骨骼,骨骼之上的符文竟然燃起了淡淡的火焰,恐怖帝威升腾而起。 not good, under offering sacrifices of their clansman, it condensed an emperor blood unexpectedly!” At that moment the Lei Yun'er complexion changed. 糟糕,在他们族人的献祭下,它竟然凝聚出了一丝帝血!”那一刻雷允儿的脸色变了。 In the long years, that great demon has the help of clansman, its strength is growing slowly, from the beginning was suppressed, gradually evolved the tyrant. 在漫长岁月中,那巨魔有族人的帮助,它的力量在缓缓增长,从一开始的被压制,逐渐演变成了压制者。 But who can think, he condensed an emperor blood unexpectedly, this emperor blood, makes present them be at a loss sufficiently. 可是谁又能想到,他竟然凝聚出了一丝帝血,就这一丝帝血,足以让现在的他们束手无策。 aura of that great demon became even more terrifying, moreover received exciting him, as if also entered the wild condition. 那巨魔的气息变得更加恐怖了,而且受了刺激的他,似乎也进入了狂暴状态。 Damn ants, next Hell go together!” “该死的蝼蚁,一起下地狱去吧!” That great demon angrily roars heavenshaking, suddenly his bone claw moved, brings the filling the sky flame, falls toward Long Chen and Lei Yun'er racket. 那巨魔怒吼震天,忽然他的一只骨爪动了,带着漫天火焰,朝着龙尘雷允儿拍落。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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