NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6203: Nine Li Clan, Long Biluo

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Chapter 6203 Nine Li Clan, Long Biluo 第6203章九黎一族,龙碧落 Wins? The person of win were many went, depended on your a few words, prevented others to compete, did you also too look at yourself high?” At this moment, sneers to transmit. “志在必得?志在必得的人多了去了,就凭你一句话,就阻止别人争夺,你也太高看自己了吧?”就在这时,一声冷笑传来。 Was the Divine Blood Thunder Phoenix Clan man opened the mouth impressively, his side has dozens powerhouse, is completely the experts, looked is his homing helper. 赫然是神血雷凰一族的男子开口了,他身边有着数十个强者,全部都是高手,一看就是他寻的帮手。 This Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird corpse, is unsurpassed Supreme Treasure, even powerful such as he, still has to look for the helper. 混沌朱雀的尸体,乃是无上至宝,就算是强大如他,也不得不寻找帮手。 Kun Wufa looks at that Divine Blood Thunder Phoenix Clan powerhouse, the corners of the mouth outlined to wipe the curve of taunt: 鲲无法看着神血雷凰一族强者,嘴角勾勒出一抹嘲讽的弧度: Lei Qianlang, although you are known as Divine Blood Thunder Phoenix Clan strongest Supreme Talent, but, your strength, was not paid attention to by me. 雷千浪,虽然你号称神血雷凰一族最强天骄,不过,你的实力,并不被我放在眼里。 With is Divine Bird Lineage, do not blame me not to warn you, angered me, your fate will be very pitiful. ” 同为神禽一脉,别怪我没警告你,惹怒了我,你的下场会很凄惨。” Facing the taunt of Kun Wufa, Lei Qianlang smiled: Very early has heard, Primal Chaos Era, initial generation Kunpeng, set moon Power of the Sun, battle strength is boundless, does not know the genuine and fake, my present was itchy.” 面对鲲无法的嘲讽,雷千浪笑了:“很早就听说过,混沌时代,初代鲲鹏,集合太阴太阳之力,战力无边,也不知道真假,我现在手都痒了。” Kunpeng Clan and Thunder Phoenix Clan, how? Really thinks, Divine Bird Lineage, only then your two? You are so rampant, let our Heaven Swallowing Lineage, is very annoyed!” At this moment, a voice of female conveys. 鲲鹏一族雷凰一族,怎么?真的以为,神禽一脉,就只有你们两家了么?你们这么嚣张,让我们吞天一脉,很是恼火呢!”就在这时,一个女子的声音传来。 Also is one crowd of forms appears, this crowd of powerhouse have dozens people, is a female, wears the phoenix coronet, on the back grows seven colors Wing, obviously is a beautiful appearance female, however her aura, exceptionally is ominous severely. 紧接着,又是一群身影出现,这群强者同样有数十人,为首一个女子,头戴凤冠,背生七彩羽翼,明明是一个美貌女子,但是她的气息,却异常凶厉。 This aura......” feels aura of this person, the Long Chen can't help heart jumps crazily. “这气息……”感受到此人的气息,龙尘不禁心头狂跳。 Quickly looks to her behind, sees only her behind dozens people, is completely her same race, but Long Chen has not actually felt familiar aura. 急忙向她身后看去,只见她身后数十人,全部是她的同族,但是龙尘却没有感受到熟悉的气息 „Was could it be that I induces wrong?” Long Chen somewhat is slightly disappointed. 难道是我感应错了?”龙尘微微有些失望。 looks at that female, Kun Wufa and Lei Qianlang cannot help eye narrows the eyes slightly, Kun Wufa opens the mouth saying: 看着那个女子,鲲无法雷千浪情不自禁眼睛微微一眯,鲲无法开口道: Originally is a Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan, Primal Chaos one post-war, a Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan vanished, but also thinks that exterminated, originally is concealing one's abilities and biding one's time, was this must amaze the world with a single brilliant feat?” “原来是追云吞天雀一族啊,混沌一战后,追云吞天雀一族就消失了,还以为灭绝了呢,原来是在韬光养晦,这是要一鸣惊人么?” Originally, the female came from a Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan, this clan in Primal Chaos Era, ominous clear, the fame is enormous, not compared with Kunpeng and God Sovereign clan difference many. 原来,那女子正是来自追云吞天雀一族,这一族在混沌时代,凶名昭著,名气极大,丝毫不比鲲鹏神皇一族差多少。 Just, when their magnificence historically, just like dark clouds one presently, in their clan situated in the magnificence of pinnacle, Primal Chaos great war erupt, thus vanishes does not see. 只不过,它们的辉煌在历史上,宛若昙花一现,就在它们这一族处于极致的辉煌时,混沌大战爆发,从而消失不见。 Because a Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan the magnificent time is not long, therefore, the history are not many about their records, most people only know that this clan is very strong, but actually no one knows, they are magnificent time, can with Kunpeng and Divine Phoenix clan challenge . 追云吞天雀一族因为辉煌的时间并不长,所以,历史关于它们的记载并不多,大多数人只知道这一族很强,但是却没有人知道,它们辉煌的时候,可以与鲲鹏神凰一族叫板 Now, vanished an innumerable year of Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan to appear, the goal pointed to the Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird corpse, obviously comer was bad. 如今,消失了无数年的追云吞天雀一族出现了,目标直指混沌朱雀的尸体,显然来者不善。 That arrogant female coldly said: „ My, Yun Wu, is strongest Supreme Talent of Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan, was leads a Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan to revive past prestige the child of Heaven Selected. 那高傲的女子冷冷地道:“吾名,云舞,乃是追云吞天雀一族的最强天骄,也是引领追云吞天雀一族重振昔日威名的天选之子。 When Primal Chaos great war, my Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan, does not draw back with the foreign territory Supreme Talent bloody battle, eventually causes the vitality to damage severely. 混沌大战时,我追云吞天雀一族,与域外天骄血战不退,最终导致元气大伤。 But you, one crowd of waste, do not dare to meet head-on directly, cannot withdraw, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence today, but also wants to bribe the noble Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird inheritance? Really huge joke. 而你们,一群废物,不敢正面迎战,龟缩不出,苟延残喘到今天,还想染指高贵的混沌朱雀传承?真是天大的笑话。 Although Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird the body has died, but soul essence does not extinguish, Willpower exists forever, will you feel it the inheritance to your crowd of characterless fellow? ” 混沌朱雀虽已身死,但是精魂不灭,意志长存,你们觉得它会将传承给你们这群没骨气的家伙么?” The Yun Wu words saying extremely not politely, related to Primal Chaos Era some secret, Kun Wufa and Lei Qianlang complexion was cold immediately. 云舞的话说得极为不客气,其中涉及到了混沌时代的一些秘辛,鲲无法雷千浪的脸色顿时冷了下来。 Long Chen looks at Yun Wu, in heart puzzled, Little Yun comes a Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan, properly speaking, she will certainly recognize the ancestor, why doesn't have to appear here? 龙尘看着云舞,心中不解,小云就是出身追云吞天雀一族,按理说,她一定会认祖啊,为什么没有出现在这里? But a moment ago that familiar aura, although is fuzzy, but Long Chen seemed like the sensation to Little Yun soul aura. 而刚才那熟悉的气息,虽然模糊,但是龙尘似乎感知到了小云的灵魂气息 Talks irresponsibly, nonsense, when Primal Chaos great war, obviously is your Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan, obstinate, refuses to accept the direction of Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird Clan, goes to battle rashly, eventually causes total defeat, now actually pushes the responsibility to others, is really funny.” Lei Qianlang coldly said. “信口雌黄,胡说八道,混沌大战时,明明是你们追云吞天雀一族,刚愎自用,不服混沌朱雀一族的指挥,贸然出战,最终导致折戟沉沙,现在却将责任推给别人,真是好笑。”雷千浪冷冷地道 Yun Wu sneers: „ What is funny is you? Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird Clan, command Divine Bird Lineage goes to battle, our Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird clan earliest response. 云舞冷笑:“好笑的是你们吧?混沌朱雀一族,号令神禽一脉出战,我们追云吞天雀一族最早响应。 As the Divine Bird Lineage vanguard, to the front frontline, but you? 作为神禽一脉的先锋,冲在战线的最前方,而你们呢? Keeps delaying in behind, afterward smelled there is something wrong, is dormant massively, what has to distinguish with the turtle? ” 在后面不停地拖延,后来更是见势不妙,大规模蛰伏起来,跟缩头乌龟有什么区别?” Hears several people of dialogues, in the Long Chen heart moves, it seems like past Primal Chaos great war, secret that hidden much. 听到几人的对话,龙尘心中一动,看来当年的混沌大战,其中还有不少隐藏的秘辛啊。 „The Nine Heavens World powerhouse strength is ordinary, however the skill of dog-eat-dog, is great, this, we cannot learn forever.” 九天世界强者实力一般,但是狗咬狗的本事,却是一等一的,这点,我们永远也学不会。” At this moment, a Yin sad sound conveys , powerhouse of eagle first person appears, as soon as he appears, the people as if crash into boundless blood sea, this person of aura terrifying. 就在这时,一个阴恻恻的声音传来,紧接着,一个鹰首人身的强者出现,他一出现,众人仿佛坠入无边血海之中,此人气息恐怖至极。 When this person appears, foreign territory powerhouse, some people call out in alarm: Is violent Blood Demon Eagle Clan super powerhouse.” 当此人出现,域外强者们,有人惊呼:“是暴血魔鹰一族的超级强者。” Right, Nine Heavens World is a big point dry well, but you, but is one crowd of frog in a well. “没错,九天世界不过是一口大点的枯井而已,而你们,不过是一群井底之蛙。 Unexpectedly also the delusion bribes the Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird corpse, you also are really the toad want to eat a day of goosemeat. ” 居然还妄想染指混沌朱雀的尸体,你们还真是癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉啊。” 35 Heaven Territory battlefield open, you are the loser, the Heaven Territory battlefield master are we, here is our back gardens, your crowd of lowly idiots.” “三十五次天域战场开启,你们都是失败者,天域战场的主人是我们,这里已经是我们的后花园,你们这群卑微的蠢货。” That named Long Chen's idiot, thinks that destroyed the balance, can catch the opportunity to you? “那个叫龙尘的白痴,以为破坏了天平,就能给你们争取机会? The truth told you, the opportunity that he caught, will only help you obtain many death and humiliations. ” 实话告诉你们,他争取的机会,只会让你们获得更多的死亡与屈辱。” Buzz humming sound......” “嗡嗡嗡……” Forms appear, as soon as they appear, foreign territory powerhouse, boiled immediately. 一个又一个身影出现,他们一出现,域外强者们,顿时沸腾了。 Three Eyed Divine Eagle, Heavenly Fire Wild Crow and Heaven Splitting Pelican...... the day, appeared.” Some people call out in alarm, obviously, in foreign territory powerhouse, these people are illustrious existences. 三眼神雕天火狂鸦裂天鹈鹕……天啊,都出现了。”有人惊呼,显然,在域外强者中,这些人都是赫赫有名的存在。 You are the idiot, your whole family are an idiot, you are waiting to me, one your person heads, will make into the dog head.” Long Chen hidden in the hidden place, can't help is somewhat annoyed. “你才是白痴,你们全家都是白痴,你们给我等着,一会把你们人脑袋,打成狗脑袋。”龙尘隐藏在暗处,不禁有些恼火。 These foreign territory powerhouse were also too rampant, arrived with a stance of victor, listening to the tone, Long Chen to destroy the balance, instead made them have the opportunity of slaughtering Nine Heavens powerhouse. 这些域外强者也太嚣张了,以一副胜利者的姿态降临,听口气,龙尘破坏了天平,反而让他们有了杀戮九天强者的机会。 If were not before has the familiar induction, Long Chen will flush now, first pulled out these person of several slap in the face to say again. 如果不是之前有熟悉的感应,龙尘现在就会冲出去,先抽这些人几个耳光再说。 foreign territory Evil Demon, dares to bluster? Your rampancy, do not have the energy.” At this moment, the void tremor, a silver-haired female appears above void. 域外邪魔,也敢口出狂言?你们的嚣张,毫无底气。”就在这时,虚空颤动,一个银发女子出现在虚空之上。 A female appearance, presents all powerhouse, including Long Chen, cannot bear the heart jump crazily. 那女子一出现,在场所有强者,包括龙尘在内,都忍不住心头狂跳。 Good terrifying emperor prestige, Imperial Flame of this person perhaps is the crown of people.” In Long Chen heart dark startled, this silver-haired female can actually become the tremendous pressure on other party. “好恐怖帝威,此人的帝焰恐怕是众人之冠。”龙尘心中暗惊,这银发女子竟然能够给他造成巨大的压力。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” The female enters the stage, the pressure radiates the audience, making audience Supreme Talent be overshadowed, has the foreign territory powerhouse anger to say. 那女子一出场,威压辐射全场,令全场天骄都黯然失色,有域外强者怒道。 Nine Li Clan, Long Biluo!” 九黎一族,龙碧落!” The female vision has swept the audience, the ice-cold arrogant sound resounds through the world. 那女子目光扫过全场,冰冷孤傲的声音响彻天地。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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