NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6202: Kun Wufa

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Chapter 6202 Kun Wufa 第6202章鲲无法 I know......” “我就知道……” Long Chen rolls the eyes, criticizes itself stupid, here from entrance not far away, has this type the thing, will be one's turn them? 龙尘一翻白眼,暗骂自己蠢,这里距离入口不远处,有这种好东西,会轮到他们? “噗” That person angrily roars, waves the sharp blade to cut off the arm, his complexion is somewhat pale, clenches jaws, a twinkle vanishes to go. 那人怒吼一声,挥动利刃将手臂斩断,他脸色有些苍白,咬牙切齿中,一个闪烁消失而去。 Another competes for Nirvana Pearl powerhouse with him, at this time also complexion big change, a moment ago luckily he slow one step, otherwise that breaks the person of arm, perhaps was he. 另外一个与他争夺涅槃珠强者,此时也脸色大变,刚才幸亏他慢了一步,否则那断臂之人,恐怕就是他了。 Moreover this breaks the arm, as without is so simple, after breaking the arm, that person of aura obviously dropped a big truncation, these must have the strangeness. 而且这断臂,似乎没那么简单,断臂之后,那人的气息明显下降了一大截,这其中必有古怪。 That person looked at Long Chen one, as to begin, but bore finally, coldly snorted, followed to vanish. 那人看了龙尘一眼,似乎想要动手,但是最终还是忍住了,冷哼一声,也跟着消失了。 It seems like 300 Imperial Flame powerhouse, has not challenged my courage, hehe, I now was also known.” Long Chen hehe smiles. “看来三百道帝焰强者,也没有挑战我的勇气,嘿嘿,我现在也算是小有名气了啊。”龙尘嘿嘿一笑。 He used Universe Cauldron, everyone saw, this person bore such big seduction unexpectedly, but also was a little self-knowledge. 他动用了乾坤鼎,所有人都看到了,此人竟然忍住了这么大的诱惑,还算是有点自知之明。 Two people leave, Long Chen moves toward that Nirvana Pearl again, the big hand opens, Flame Power Long Chen's palm package. 两人离开,龙尘再次走向那涅槃珠,大手张开,火焰之力龙尘的手掌包裹。 Buzz “嗡” Long Chen grips Nirvana Pearl again, on Nirvana Pearl, endless black aura eruption, but, was actually prevented by the flame, is unable to injure Long Chen. 龙尘再次握住涅槃珠,涅槃珠上,无尽的黑气爆发,不过,却被火焰阻挡,无法伤害龙尘 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Long Chen makes an effort to pull, can attempt take away this Nirvana Pearl, finally Nirvana Pearl is entirely still, but the entire islands are actually keeping rocking. 龙尘用力拉扯,试图能不能将这涅槃珠收走,结果涅槃珠纹丝不动,而整座岛屿却在不停地晃动。 Meanwhile, the strength of huge involving, making in the Long Chen mind appear a picture. 与此同时,巨大的牵扯之力,让龙尘脑海中浮现出一个画面。 In the sea of fire, the islands spread all over, has several tens of thousands of fully, in each islands, float Nirvana Pearl. 火海之中,岛屿星罗棋布,足有数万之多,每一座岛屿上,都悬浮着一颗涅槃珠 If overlooks from Nine Heavens, looks at Nirvana Pearl even/including stand up, that impressively is a giant Divine Bird shadow. 如果从九天之上俯视,将一颗颗涅槃珠连起来看,那赫然是一尊巨大的神禽影子。 Perhaps these several tens of thousands of Nirvana Pearl, by strange formation blessing, a slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation, Xia Chen came even, does not have the means.” In the Long Chen heart is startled secretly. “这数万涅槃珠,以奇异的阵法加持,牵一发而动全身,恐怕就算是夏晨来了,也没有办法。”龙尘心中暗惊。 All Nirvana Pearl is a whole, wants to take away, is not possible, the person who no wonder, entered before, has not had its idea. 所有涅槃珠都是一个整体,想要拿走其中一颗,是不可能的,难怪,之前进入的人,并没有打它的主意。 In that map that in the Long Chen mind appears, in the position of Divine Bird heart, has giant islands, is sending out the vast pressure. 龙尘脑海中浮现出的那个地图中,在神禽心脏的位置,有着一个巨大的岛屿,散发着浩瀚的威压。 There should be everyone's goal!” “那里应该就是所有人的目标了吧!” The Long Chen figure in a flash, left this islands, speeds along to go to that direction. 龙尘身形一晃,离开了这座岛屿,一路向那个方向飞驰而去。 Speeds along, under the sea of fire, the magma in the ebullition, just felt the fluctuation of difference, transmitted the warning of Huo Ling'er: 一路飞驰,火海之下,岩浆在沸腾,刚感受到异样的波动,就传来了火灵儿的警告: Elder Brother Long Chen, under the lava, there is a strange life, is powerful, the quantity is astonishing.” 龙尘哥哥,熔岩下方,有诡异生灵,实力强大,数量惊人。” Knows that is what life?” Long Chen asked. “知道是什么生灵吗?”龙尘问道。 „It is not clear, only if with spirit knowledge investigation, if with the spirit knowledge investigation, might alarm them very much.” Huo Ling'er shakes the head to say. “不清楚,除非用灵识探查,但是一旦用灵识探查,很有可能会惊动它们。”火灵儿摇头道。 Long Chen nods, but, in the heart and does not have any to be worried that can live the life in magma, inevitably is the Fire Attribute life, so long as is the Fire Attribute life , there is nothing to fear. 龙尘点点头,不过,心中并没有什么好担心的,能生活在岩浆里的生灵,必然是火属性生灵,只要是火属性的生灵,就没什么好怕的。 Also, so many Divine Bird entered here, crosses river the short person, even must be worried, is not one's turn him. 再说了,那么多神禽进入这里,过河有矬子在,就算要担心,也轮不到他啊。 Now temporarily does not need to be worried that was pursued, Long Chen does not worry . Moreover, he knew about oneself luck very much, matter that as long as touches on slightly with luck, he almost must keep to the side. 如今暂时不用担心被驱逐了,龙尘也就不着急了,而且,他对自己的运气很了解,但凡与运气沾边的事情,他几乎都得靠边。 However, he searches the valuable the ability is not strong, but he seizes the valuable ability, makes a canary, is good. 不过,他探宝的本领不强,但是他夺宝的本领强啊,做一只黄雀,还是挺好的。 Long Chen lets Huo Ling'er, helping oneself conceal aura, in this flame world, regarding Huo Ling'er, this is a piece of cake. 龙尘火灵儿,帮自己掩饰气息,在这火焰世界里,对于火灵儿来说,这是小菜一碟。 Quick, on Long Chen has one set of flame to fight the clothes on transformed, the back is dragging pair of long flame Wing, above Wing flame rune circulate, the Long Chen's form instantaneous stealth. 很快,龙尘身上就幻化出一套火焰战衣,背后拖着一对长长的火焰羽翼,羽翼之上火焰符文流转,龙尘的身影瞬间隐形。 So long as Long Chen does not act, or is too near by others, others are very difficult to discover him. 只要龙尘不出手,或者靠别人太近,别人就很难发现他。 After completing all these, Long Chen closes up to the place of that Core quietly. 做完这一切后,龙尘一路悄无声息地向那核心之地靠拢。 Has saying that Huo Ling'er is truly powerful, Long Chen met many powerhouse all the way, had not been discovered. 不得不说,火灵儿确实强大,龙尘一路上遇到了不少强者,都没有被发现。 However is away from the place of that Core, nearly, powerhouse are also more and more getting more and more, in the Long Chen can't help heart criticizes. 然而距离那核心之地,越来越近,强者也越来越多,龙尘不禁心中暗骂。 That bird man is really not a thing, his was for fear that Long Chen comes late, after some people obtained treasures left, no one can kill him. 那个鸟人真不是个东西,他这是生怕龙尘来晚了,有人得到了宝物后离开,就没人能杀他了。 Long Chen leads the way, sees powerhouse, over hundred, badly also condenses existences of 300 Imperial Flame, even with Di Mengyao aura similar existence. 龙尘一路前行,所见强者,早已超过百位,最差也是凝聚出了三百道帝焰的存在,甚至还有跟帝梦瑶气息差不多的存在。 Here powerhouse, no matter from Nine Heavens World, is from foreign territory, at this time color of one face alert, is hostile mutually has not actually begun immediately. 这里的强者,不管是来自九天世界的,还是来自域外的,此时都一脸戒备之色,相互敌视却没有立刻动手。 Obviously, in front of the Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird losing treasure, hatred of both sides, can put down temporarily. 显然,在混沌朱雀的遗宝面前,双方的仇恨,也是可以暂时放下的。 The Long Chen careful observation, these foreign territory powerhouse, the body brings dark aura, with Nine Heavens World powerhouse, is completely different, can recognize. 龙尘仔细观察,这些域外强者,身上带着黑暗气息,与九天世界强者,完全不同,一眼就可以认出来。 Long Chen sees behind one to live foreign territory Demon Race of golden wing, however his demon qi, with Nine Heavens World Demon Race and demon, is completely different. 龙尘看到一个背后生着金色翅膀的域外魔族,然而他的魔气,与九天世界魔族和魔物们,也完全不一样。 Their aura, are gloomier, ice-colder, can look, is unable to camouflage. 他们的气息,更阴暗,更冰冷,可以一眼就能看出来,无法伪装。 Wait, so intimate aura......” “等等,如此亲近的气息……” Long Chen stopped the footsteps suddenly, the look becomes somewhat surprised uncertain, because in a moment ago, him felt familiar aura. 龙尘忽然停下了脚步,眼神变得有些惊疑不定,因为就在刚才,他感受到了熟悉的气息 However, the opposite party also went into hiding obviously aura, if no Nine Star Hegemon Body Art keen sensation strength, is unable to detect. 不过,对方显然也隐匿了气息,如果不是有九星霸体诀的敏锐感知力,根本无法察觉。 The place of bad risk, has the familiar person unexpectedly, in the Long Chen heart moves, must find the way first to find the position of opposite party. 如此凶险之地,居然有熟悉的人,龙尘心中一动,必须想办法先找到对方的位置。 With the Long Chen vanguard, front powerhouse are getting more and more, quick, Long Chen saw giant islands. 只是,随着龙尘前行,前方的强者越来越多,很快,龙尘看到了一座巨大的岛屿。 Overlooks from the upper air, Long Chen thought jumps crazily, that giant islands, in fact is a corpse. 从高空俯瞰,龙尘心头狂跳,那巨大的岛屿,实际上是一具尸体。 A its big as if side world, that is a whole body is blooming flame Divine Bird, the whole body feather also in twinkle divine light, it was held up a day of column by one, sewed above the land ruthlessly. 它大的仿佛一方世界,那是一只全身绽放着火焰的神禽,周身羽毛还在闪烁神光,它被一根擎天之柱,狠狠钉在了大地之上。 When sees that pillar, Long Chen cannot bear the pupil shrink: 当看到那柱子,龙尘忍不住瞳孔一缩: This aura......” “这气息……” Those who made Long Chen shocking was, saw the flash of this pillar, Seven Colors Supreme Blood of Long Chen within the body, unexpectedly instantaneous ebullition, if were not Long Chen suppresses promptly, perhaps will expose own position. 龙尘震惊的是,看到这柱子的一瞬间,龙尘体内的七彩至尊血,竟然瞬间沸腾,如果不是龙尘及时压制,恐怕会暴露自己的位置。 This corpse should be Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird in legend, the pillar is divine weapon, it killed this only Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird. “这尸体应该就是传说中的混沌朱雀了,柱子乃是一件神兵,正是它杀死了这只混沌朱雀 But this pillar actually made my Seven Colors Supreme Blood have the induction, could it be that this divine weapon, what origin had with my bloodline? ” In the Long Chen heart is startled secretly. 而这柱子竟然令我的七彩至尊血发生了感应,难道神兵,与我的血脉有什么渊源?”龙尘心中暗惊。 Long Chen's Seven Colors Supreme Blood, came from Nine Li Clan, could it be that this pillar...... 龙尘的七彩至尊血,来自于九黎一族,难道这根柱子……。 This Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird, my Kun Wufa wins, dares stop, kills without the amnesty!” “这混沌朱雀,我鲲无法志在必得,胆敢阻拦者,杀无赦!” Suddenly arrogant just like emperor general voice, resounds through the audience , one crowd of forms appear above void. 忽然一个高傲宛若帝王一般的声音,响彻全场,紧接着,一群身影出现在虚空之上。 Is one person, wears Golden Crown, wears gold/metal robe, when he appears, the whole world was exaggerated by golden, eye opens and closes, golden symbol circulate, divine prestige is fearful. 为首一人,头戴金冠,身穿金袍,当他出现,整个世界都被金色渲染,眸子开合间,金色符号流转,神威慑人。 „Is he Kun Wufa?” “他就是鲲无法?” Long Chen saw that this enters the stage, exhibited the man who ruled the world stance, the eye narrowed the eyes slightly. 龙尘看到这个一出场,就摆出君临天下架势的男子,眼睛微微眯了起来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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