NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6201: Nirvana Pearl

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Chapter 6201 Nirvana Pearl 第6201章涅槃珠 Long Chen looked to understand finally, that flame had the strangeness, needed God Sovereign powerhouse Imperial Flame blessing, may resist. 龙尘终于看明白了,那火焰有古怪,需要神皇强者帝焰加持,才可抵御。 Vicious Bird that before Long Chen met, simply has not spoken the truth, said that anything competed for the chance, talked nonsense, he should be some powerhouse enters the sacrificial victim in this flame. 之前龙尘遇到的凶禽,根本没说实话,说什么争夺机缘,都是扯淡,他应该是某位强者进入这火焰之中的牺牲品。 However, can make hundred flame divine seedling discard the excellent future, either these characters are extraordinary existences, either promised the astonishing advantage, otherwise, who is willing to sacrifice the future? 不过,能让百焰神苗舍弃大好前程,要么这些人物都是了不得的存在,要么就许下了惊人的好处,否则,谁愿意牺牲未来? Buzz “嗡” Divine Blood Thunder Phoenix Clan powerhouse, the whole body by the Imperial Flame package, strided in the flame to vanish does not see. 神血雷凰一族强者,周身被帝焰包裹,就那么跨入火焰之中消失不见。 But these have entered step God Sovereign powerhouse, leaves immediately. 而那些已经进阶神皇强者们,也立即离开。 Here enters step God Sovereign, does not need crossing tribulation unexpectedly, this good deed?” Long Chen discovered that these people just entered the step obviously, the body does not have Heavenly Tribulation's power. “在这里进阶神皇,竟然不需要渡劫,还有这好事?”龙尘发现这些人明明刚刚进阶,身上却没有天劫之力 In other words, when here Laws is special, breaks through God Sovereign, will not bring in Heavenly Tribulation. 也就是说,这里的法则特殊,突破神皇之时,不会引来天劫 “呼” Also is one group of people appears, is more than ten God Sovereign powerhouse, as well as a Human Sovereign Realm female. 又是一拨人出现,是十几个神皇强者,以及一个人皇境的女子。 Several God Sovereign powerhouse, light Imperial Flame, the female will send in the flame, immediately vanishes, does not dare to stay slightly. 十几个神皇强者,点燃帝焰,将那女子送入火焰之中后,立刻消失,不敢丝毫停留。 It seems like many people have gone, I must grasp!” The Long Chen form in a flash, appears in the sea of fire edge. “看来已经有不少人进去了啊,我也得抓紧了!”龙尘身影一晃,出现在火海边缘。 Good ominous severe aura!” Long Chen feels the flame, in the can't help heart is being startled secretly. “好凶厉的气息!”龙尘感受着火焰,不禁心中暗惊。 During the flame tumbling, is supplementing dreadful killing intent and complaint, in this flame, the strength of as if curse, making one be afraid. 火焰翻滚之中,附带着滔天杀意与怨念,这火焰之中,似乎有一种诅咒之力,令人感到恐惧。 This group of people have not rushed to the sea of fire hardly, but by God Sovereign powerhouse the strength of Imperial Flame, melts the flame barrier, it is estimated that is feared that contaminates this curse?” In Long Chen heart secretly thought/passage. “这群人都没有硬闯火海,而是以神皇强者帝焰之力,融化火焰壁垒,估计就是怕沾染这种诅咒吧?”龙尘心中暗道。 “呼” The Long Chen big hand finds out gently, that ominous severe flame boils immediately, endless flame rune dances in the air, Long Chen quickly draws back the hand. 龙尘大手轻轻探出,那凶厉的火焰顿时沸腾,无尽的火焰符文飞舞,龙尘急忙缩手回来。 After the moment, the Huo Ling'er sound conveys: Elder Brother Long Chen, I have decoded the flame curse, you can feel relieved.” 片刻后,火灵儿的声音传来:“龙尘哥哥,我已经破解了火焰诅咒,你可以放心进了。” The colored flame, the Long Chen package, Long Chen one step strides in that sea of fire, as expected has not caused the change of sea of fire. 紧接着彩色的火焰,将龙尘包裹,龙尘一步跨入那火海,果然并没有引起火海的异动。 But across that flash of sea of fire, Long Chen discovered, in this sea of fire becomes the world, cold and gloomy killing intent and wild aura, made person scalp tingles. 而穿过火海的那一瞬间,龙尘才发现,这火海之内自成世界,森冷的杀意与狂暴的气息,令人头皮发麻。 In the sea of fire, a piece, roasts the fierce high temperature scarlet, is flooding entire space, looking into the distance, river of the lava is flowing. 火海之内,一片赤地,炙烈的高温,充斥着整个空间,放眼望去,条条熔岩之河在流淌。 Long Chen arrives by the lava, put out a hand to fish magma, the can't help complexion changed: 龙尘来到熔岩旁边,伸手捞了一把岩浆,不禁脸色一变: „Is this air/Qi of bloodline, could it be that this is the Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird within the body world?” “这是血脉之气,难道这是混沌朱雀的体内世界?” Thinks of here, in Long Chen can't help heart with amazement, within the body evolution world, after endless years, but Immortal, that this Primal Chaos is Vermilion Bird before death how existence of terrifying? 想到这里,龙尘不禁心中骇然,体内演化世界,历经无尽岁月而不朽,那这混沌朱雀生前得是多么恐怖的存在啊? In this magma, filled was unwilling and hated, appalling, seemed the curse of evil spirit, cannot contaminate. 只是这岩浆之中,同样充满了不甘与怨恨,令人毛骨悚然,就仿佛是厉鬼的诅咒,不可沾染。 Bang “轰” Suddenly the distant place transmits the loud sound, the whole world tremor, Long Chen one startled, speeds along to go in the direction of sound. 忽然远处传来巨响,整个世界一阵颤动,龙尘一惊,向着声音的方向飞驰而去。 The quick front presented seas of one magma, when Long Chen visits the flash of sea of magma, terrifying heat wave raids. 很快前方出现了一片岩浆之海,当龙尘踏足岩浆之海的一瞬间,一股恐怖的热浪袭来。 “呼” Huo Ling'er is Long Chen opens Flame shield, isolates that flame, but, even is away from the flame, Long Chen can feel that terrifying the high temperature and curse strength of as before, is corroding Huo Ling'er shield crazily. 火灵儿龙尘开起火焰护盾,将那火焰隔离开来,不过,即使隔着火焰,龙尘依旧能感受到那恐怖的高温与诅咒之力,在疯狂侵蚀火灵儿护盾 Good fearful obsession, good ominous severe aura!” Huo Ling'er can't help is flabbergasted. “好可怕的执念,好凶厉的气息!”火灵儿不禁咂舌。 Without divine weapon body protection, this flame, in a flash, fires the ashes sufficiently. “如果没有神兵护体,这火焰,足以一瞬间,将人烧成灰烬。 Even if I have stars Hegemon Body, perhaps cannot long time resist, this flame is truly astonishing. ” In the Long Chen heart is startled secretly. 就算我有星辰霸体,恐怕也不能长时间抵挡,这火焰确实惊人。”龙尘心中暗惊。 It is not Heavenly Fire, is not Earth Flame, this is Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird Life Source Fire, can shake Heavenly Fire unexpectedly, was too astonishing. 并非天火,也并非地火,这是混沌朱雀本命之火,竟然可以撼动天火,太惊人了。 Across that barrier, the world, in the fiery-red sea, the islands stands in great numbers unexpectedly, above each islands, the flame soars to the heavens, if investigates with Primordial Spirit, may fire Divine Consciousness of person. 穿过那屏障,竟然还有世界,火红色的海洋之中,岛屿林立,每一座岛屿之上,火光冲天,如果用元神探查,可灼烧人的神识 Bang “轰” Also is an explosive, in the void tremor, Long Chen sees two forms above islands, battles crazily, should compete for anything. 又是一声爆响,虚空颤动中,龙尘看到两个身影在一座岛屿之上,正疯狂激战,应该是在争夺什么东西。 Two people whole body, Imperial Flame is dreadful, Divine Technique surges, kills extremely intensely, Long Chen close to looks, good fellow, unexpectedly is two powerhouse that has 300 Imperial Flame is slaughtering. 两人周身,帝焰滔天,神术激荡,杀得极为激烈,龙尘靠近一看,好家伙,竟然是两个拥有三百道帝焰强者在厮杀。 In two people battle, Long Chen then sees the summit of that islands, a blood red bead of fist size appears. 就在两人激战之际,龙尘这才看到那座岛屿之巅,一颗拳头大小的血红色珠子浮现。 Nirvana Pearl 涅槃珠 Long Chen sees that blood red bead, the can't help heart jumps crazily, this is Supreme Treasure, Long Chen has only seen in the old book, in the reality has never heard. 龙尘看到那颗血红色珠子,不禁心头狂跳,这是一件至宝,龙尘只在古籍上见过,现实中从未听说过。 Nirvana Pearl, the hearsay in Primal Chaos Era, has Divine Bird of noble bloodline, has the strength of Nirvana. 涅槃珠,传闻在混沌时代,是拥有高贵血统的神禽,拥有涅槃之力。 But the revival, is very difficult, the successful probability is low. 而涅槃重生,是非常艰难的,成功的概率非常低。 But the Nirvana is divided into two types, one type is the passive Nirvana, one type is the driving Nirvana. 而涅槃分为两种,一种是被动涅槃,一种是主动涅槃。 The passive Nirvana, refers to by the severe wound dying, has to start the strength of Nirvana, wins that a slim chance of survival. 被动涅槃,是指被重伤垂死,不得不启动涅槃之力,博得那一线生机。 But the driving Nirvana, refers, when practice to the limit, is unable to break through, wants to pursue higher realm, has to take risk the Nirvana. 而主动涅槃,就是指当修行到了极限,无法突破,想要追求更高的境界,不得不冒险涅槃。 No matter initiative, is the passive Nirvana, is the matters of a narrow escape. 不管是主动的,还是被动涅槃,都是九死一生之事。 Finally the revival are most, is Phoenix Clan and phoenix clan, the inherent Phoenix Nirvana and bath hot rebirth said. 最终涅槃重生最多的,就是凤族和凰族,固有凤凰涅槃、浴火重生之说。 But Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird, the hearsay is the ancestors of ten thousand bird, naturally also has the Nirvana ability. 混沌朱雀,传闻是万禽之祖,自然也有涅槃能力。 But Nirvana Pearl, refers to Nirvana Attainer before death the strength, the seal gets up, savings strength. 涅槃珠,是指涅槃者将生前力量,封印起来,积蓄力量。 After waiting for the revival, depends upon the Nirvana Pearl strength , to promote realm rapidly. 等涅槃重生之后,依靠涅槃珠的力量,快速提升境界 In this Nirvana Pearl, not only has Nirvana Attainer before death the purest strength, Treasure Technique divine ability, portrays in. 涅槃珠中,不光拥有涅槃者生前最为精纯的力量,更是将一身宝术神通,刻画其中。 This is just like, before a person at the point of death, the life savings, stores the bank, the rebirth later comes taking the money. 这就好比,一个人临死前,将毕生积蓄,存入钱庄,重生之后过来取钱。 But Nirvana Pearl, is equivalent to the Nirvana Attainer saving money pot, but such Nirvana Pearl, incessantly, but was divided into dozens, even several hundred. 涅槃珠,就相当于涅槃者的存钱罐,而这样的涅槃珠,不止一枚,而是分成了数十枚,甚至数百枚。 Because Nirvana Attainer after rebirth, is unable to stutter the fatty, is powerful Nirvana Attainer, Nirvana Pearl are more. 因为重生后的涅槃者,无法一口吃成胖子,越是强大的涅槃者,涅槃珠就越多。 Such good opportunity!” “这么好的机会!” Saw with own eyes that two people battle crazily, Long Chen close to that islands, above the islands also has barrier quietly, but there is a Huo Ling'er help, this is not the issue. 眼见两人疯狂激战,龙尘悄悄地靠近那岛屿,岛屿之上同样有结界,不过有火灵儿帮忙,这都不是问题。 Moves Nirvana Pearl dead!” “动涅槃珠者死!” However Long Chen has not begun with enough time, that two battling powerhouse, is roaring across barrier, killed. 然而龙尘还没来得及动手,那两个正在激战的强者,怒吼着穿过结界,杀了过来。 „, Thing that my Long Chen wants......” “切,我龙尘想要的东西……” Long Chen sneers, puts out a hand to grasp that Nirvana Pearl, however in must touch that Nirvana Pearl flash, the Long Chen complexion slightly changes. 龙尘冷笑一声,伸手去抓那涅槃珠,然而就在要触碰到那涅槃珠的一瞬间,龙尘脸色微微一变。 „...... You want, gave you to be good.” The Long Chen attitude transforms instantaneously, backed up, avoided an attack. “……你们想要,就给你们好了。”龙尘态度瞬间转变,一个倒退,避开了一道攻击。 Takes the lead to kill, is one shoulders silver Wing, in both eyes has strange pattern twinkle Big Monster. 率先杀到的,乃是一个背负银色羽翼,双目之中有诡异花纹闪烁的大妖 As soon as he struck to compel Long Chen, this noticed the Long Chen's facial features, after seeing Long Chen, his complexion changed, obviously recognized the Long Chen's identity. 他一击逼开了龙尘,这才注意到龙尘的面容,当看到龙尘后,他脸色一变,显然认出了龙尘的身份。 However, at this time he has thought without enough time, one grasps to that Nirvana Pearl. 不过,此时他已经来不及多想,一把抓向那涅槃珠 „......” “啊……” When he stresses the Nirvana Pearl flash, on Nirvana Pearl appears one after another black aura, is ordinary like the strange python, entangles to his big hand, his big hand comes at the visible speed rottenly. 当他抓中涅槃珠的一瞬间,涅槃珠上浮现出道道黑气,如同怪蟒一般,缠向他的大手,他的大手以肉眼可见的速度腐烂开来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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