NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6048: The hand of Chapter 6056 Heaven reappears

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Buzz “嗡” That big hand, the destruction universe Myriad Dao strength bursts out, on palm, endless destruction rune winding, all living things before it, share that only then waits for death. 那只大手一出,毁灭乾坤万道的力量迸发,手掌上,无尽的毁灭符文缠绕,众生在它面前,只有等死的份儿。 It, the hand of Heaven reappears, but this time, its strength, time is previous ten million times. 它,上苍之手再现,而这一次,它的力量,是上一次的千万倍。 bang bang bang......” 砰砰砰……” Under a palm presses, during is void is still besieging Monster Beast and lightning of powerhouse people crazily, was pressed to explode completely. 一掌下压,虚空之中还在疯狂围攻众人的妖兽雷霆强者,全部被压爆。 These are still resisting Heavenly Tribulation Alien Race powerhouse, blood spurt crazily, they resist furiously, actually the looks at whole body covered entirely the crack helplessly. 那些还在抵抗天劫异族强者们,一个个鲜血狂喷,他们奋力抵挡,却眼睁睁地看着自己周身布满了裂纹。 Not......” “不……” pū pū......” “噗噗噗……” Even if these powerhouse not by hand of positive/direct racket Heaven, but the complementary waves explode their direct pressure as before. 这些强者即使没有被上苍之手正面拍中,但是余波依旧将他们直接压爆。 The hand of Heaven, has the strength of destruction Nine Heavens, may extinguish kills all lives, as soon as he appears, no matter powerhouse of what rank, will feel that the soul trembles. 上苍之手,拥有毁灭九天之力,可灭杀一切生灵,他一出现,不管什么级别的强者,都会感到灵魂颤栗。 This strikes, contains the strength of beyond the heavens, that strength does not belong to this world. 这一击,蕴含着天外之力,那种力量不属于这个世界。 The giant palm, the direct racket to the Long Chen location position, Dragon Blood Warrior, the Dragon Blood's Power gathering, Myriad Dragons interweaves, gathers a giant fist, to hand of clash Heaven in the past. 巨大的手掌,直接拍向龙尘所在的位置,龙血战士们,龙血之力汇聚,万龙交织,汇聚成一只巨大的拳头,对着上苍之手猛撞过去。 When sees that fist, Long Chen thought shakes crazily, this strikes, no one controls, is the Dragon Blood Warrior strength gathers after together, divine ability that forms naturally. 当看到那个拳头,龙尘心头狂震,这一击,没有人掌控,是龙血战士们的力量汇聚在一起后,自然而然形成的神通 At that moment, Dragon Blood Warrior bloodline and Willpower, are blending mutually, ultimately formed this giant fist. 那一刻,龙血战士们的血脉意志,在相互交融,最终形成了这个巨大的拳头。 Bang “轰” The giant fist, hits with the hand of Heaven in the same place, an explosive, hand of annihilation Heaven, the hand of that powerful Heaven, cannot stand off the Dragon Blood Warrior joint effort to strike finally. 巨大的拳头,与上苍之手撞在一起,一声爆响,上苍之手湮灭,那强大的上苍之手,最终敌不过龙血战士们的合力一击。 The hand of Heaven explodes the broken flash, wild lightning wreaks havoc, curls up ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mighty waves, that mighty waves all are lightning rune, the scene is scary. 上苍之手爆碎的一瞬间,狂暴的雷霆肆虐,卷起万丈波涛,那波涛全是雷霆符文所化,景象骇人至极。 This Lightning Power......” “这雷霆之力……” When was submerged by the lightning mighty waves, the Burning Flame Taotie Clan female, in the eye is the crazy color, she discovered with amazement, the energy in this great hand, contains, is five colors Divine Thunder hundred times. 当被雷霆波涛淹没,炙焰饕餮一族的女子,眼中全是疯狂之色,她骇然发现,这巨手之中,所蕴含的能量,是五色神雷的百倍。 Absorbs such lightning, will let her flesh, achieves pinnacle, this simply is the huge chance. 吸收这样的雷霆,会让她的血肉,达到一个极致,这简直是天大的机缘。 Ka ka ka......” “咔咔咔……” That Burning Flame Taotie Clan female, is going against the pressure, absorbs Lightning Power crazily, however her companions actually could not withstand, the whole body skeleton was pressed ka ka makes noise. 炙焰饕餮一族的女子,顶着压力,疯狂吸收雷霆之力,但是她的同伴们却承受不住了,全身骨骼被压得咔咔作响。 Bang “砰” An explosive, first breaks in Heavenly Tribulation that Burning Flame Taotie Clan man, finally cannot withstand, fleshly body explodes loudly. 一声爆响,最先冲入天劫的那位炙焰饕餮一族男子,终于承受不住,肉身轰然爆开。 fleshly body terrifying Burning Flame Taotie could not withstand, at that moment, they all fell into the fear, did not have the beforehand excitement and rampancy again. 就连肉身恐怖至极的炙焰饕餮都承受不住了,那一刻,他们全都陷入了恐惧,再也没有了之前的兴奋与嚣张。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” When the hand of Heaven just the disintegration, the hand of another Heaven found out in Heavenly Tribulation, but the hand of third Heaven has fermented to form, is fourth, fifth...... 然而当上苍之手刚刚崩碎,又一只上苍之手在天劫中探出,而第三只上苍之手已经酝酿成形,紧接着是第四只,第五只……。 My mother......” “我的妈啊……” Has returned to Dragon Realm Dragon Race Supreme Talent, immediately scalp tingles, even beside Heavenly Tribulation, they can still feel, in the hand of Heaven that desperate aura. 已经逃回龙域龙族天骄们,顿时一阵头皮发麻,即使在天劫之外,他们也能感受到,上苍之手上那令人绝望的气息 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” Under the hand of Heaven keeps striking, the Dragon Blood's Power eruption of Dragon Blood Warrior, the Phenomenon fusion, or is the fist, either is the palm, either is divine weapon, non-stop spelling with the hand of Heaven hardly. 上苍之手不停地下击,龙血战士们的龙血之力爆发,异象融合,或为拳,或为掌,或为神兵,不停与上苍之手硬拼。 Gathered more than 7000 Dragon Blood Warrior strengths, even the hand of Heaven, cannot do to them, was struck to explode. 集合了七千多龙血战士的力量,即使是上苍之手,也奈何不得他们,纷纷被击爆。 Each hit, erupts destroying the heavens and extinguishing the earth ripple, finally top Supreme Talent of that over a thousand race, only had more than ten people, other were brutally ground completely. 每一次撞击,都爆发出毁天灭地涟漪,最终原本那上千种族的顶级天骄,只剩下了十几人,其余全部被无情碾碎。 These Emperor powerhouse outside Heavenly Tribulation, at this time eye socket wants to crack, that is in their clan the highest level elite, died in Heavenly Tribulation. 天劫之外的那些帝君强者们,此时睚眦欲裂,那可是他们族内最顶级的精英啊,就这么死在天劫之中了。 Angry at the same time, in their hearts was also full of the regret, was full of the hate, they hate Long Chen, hates Dragon Realm, hates Great Brahma. 愤怒的同时,他们心中也充满了懊悔,同时也充满了怨恨,他们恨龙尘,恨龙域,同时也恨大梵天 If not Brahma Lineage the information transmit to them, they will not catch up, will not have such aspect. 如果不是梵天一脉将消息传递给他们,他们也不会赶过来,也就不会有这样的局面了。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” Just like the mountain same palm, is only carrying the prestige of destruction, is striking with force to Dragon Blood Legion, no, should say that is striking with force to Long Chen, but was blocked by Dragon Blood Warrior. 一只只宛若大山一样的手掌,携带着毁灭之威,对着龙血军团猛拍,不,应该说是对着龙尘猛拍,只不过是被龙血战士们挡住了。 Day......” “天呐……” Suddenly has Dragon Realm powerhouse to call out in alarm, he is pointing at Tribulation Clouds above Nine Heavens, is panic-stricken a few words unable to mention. 忽然有龙域强者惊呼,他指着九天之上的劫云,惊恐得一句话都说不来。 People look up, discovered with amazement, Tribulation Clouds keeps shivering, then sees one after another just like the cotton common clouds, floods into. 人们抬头望去,骇然发现,劫云不停地颤动,然后就看到一团一团宛若棉花一般的云朵,涌入其中。 Each clouds, are piece of Tribulation Clouds, before had also had this situation, and does not have any well strange. 每一块云朵,都是一片劫云,之前也出现过这种情况,并没有什么好奇怪的。 Just, came before one after another, but now these Tribulation Clouds, actually fly fully, like ten thousand Fenggui Nest, non-stop flooding into Heavenly Tribulation. 只不过,之前是一朵一朵来,而现在那些劫云,却是铺天盖地般飞来,如同万蜂归巢,不停涌入天劫之中。 This, making one look at scalp tingles, that feeling, as if end the world arrives, this Heavenly Tribulation wants destruction the whole world. 这一幕,让人看得头皮发麻,那种感觉,就仿佛末世降临,这天劫是要毁灭整个世界啊。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” The land is swaying, the hills disintegration, the earth's crust in the crack, the endless energy, by visible form, flies to Heavenly Tribulation. 大地在摇晃,群山崩碎,地壳在龟裂,无尽的能量,以肉眼可见的形态,飞向天劫 „The strength of land, was extracted by Heavenly Tribulation, this situation, historically has not appeared!” Some people called out panic-stricken. “大地的力量,也被天劫抽取了,这种情况,历史上从没出现过啊!”有人惊恐地叫道。 The energy in underground mineral lode, was extracted by Heavenly Tribulation, this time Heavenly Tribulation probably was insane generally. 就连地下矿脉之中的能量,也被天劫抽取了,此时的天劫就好像疯了一般。 Average person crossing tribulation, Heavenly Tribulation likely gentle mother, Dragon Blood Warrior crossing tribulation, Heavenly Tribulation likely tyrannical stepmother, but Long Chen crossing tribulation, Heavenly Tribulation saw probably killed the father personal enemy, wished one could to perish together with Long Chen. 普通人渡劫,天劫像温柔的母亲,龙血战士渡劫,天劫像暴虐的后妈,而龙尘渡劫,天劫就好像看到了杀父仇人,恨不得与龙尘同归于尽。 Hand of crazy whereabouts looks at all over the sky Heaven, Long Chen both eyes ice-cold, before, aura of the world obviously changed, Heavenly Dao Laws regarding the Long Chen's pointedness, is not strong. 看着满天上苍之手疯狂下落,龙尘双目冰冷,之前,天地的气息明显改变了,天道法则对于龙尘的针对性,已经没那么强了。 However now, Heavenly Tribulation becomes even more to be cruel, even more is crazy, that explained a situation, that only controlled the big hand of the world, got hold of again. 但是现在,天劫变得更加残暴,更加疯狂,那就说明一个情况,那只掌控天地的大手,再次握紧了。 Although some Long Chen early expectations, but, this first wave of Heavenly Tribulation, is the hand of wild Heaven, made him somewhat fearful and apprehensive as before. 虽然龙尘早有预料,不过,这第一波天劫,就是狂暴的上苍之手,依旧令他有些心惊胆战。 This means that following Heavenly Tribulation, a wave will compare wave of terrifying, Heavenly Tribulation this time was drew out the heart of sure-kill to him, did not give him any opportunity. 这意味着,后面的天劫,一波将比一波恐怖,天劫这一次是对他起了绝杀之心,不给他任何机会。 What controls Heavenly Tribulation is Great Brahma? Does he really have that ability?” looks at at present terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, some Long Chen's confidence vacillations. “掌控天劫的是大梵天吗?他真的有那个能力吗?”看着眼前恐怖天劫,龙尘的信心有些动摇了。 Before, Long Chen has felt Great Brahma is being up to mischief, but, Sir Palace Lord said that Great Brahma has not regained consciousness, then he controlled the Heavenly Dao Laws probability, will be very low. 之前,龙尘一直觉得,是大梵天在搞鬼,可是,殿主大人说了,大梵天还没有苏醒,那么他掌控天道法则的概率,就会很低。 But if, is not Great Brahma, who can that be? Besides Great Brahma, but also do some people want to control Nine Heavens and Ten Earths? 可是,如果不是大梵天,那又会是谁?除了大梵天外,还有人想掌控九天十地 When Long Chen ponders, distant place watching the battle Alien Race powerhouse, feel fearful and apprehensive at this time. 龙尘沉思之际,远处观战异族强者们,此时也感到一阵心惊肉跳。 Destruction Power that that hand of Heaven contains, True Emperor powerhouse, is still not necessarily able to block even, but Dragon Blood Warrior, actually kept off completely. 那上苍之手所蕴含的毁灭之力,就算是真正的帝君强者,也未必能挡得住,而龙血战士们,却全部挡下了。 After hand of disintegration Heaven, changes to endless lightning rune to flow, but, no one notices, in the lightning rune sea, has the dragons of innumerable lightning, is absorbing these Lightning Power greedily. 上苍之手崩碎后,化作无尽的雷霆符文在流淌,只不过,没有人注意到,在雷霆符文的海洋中,有着无数雷霆之龙,正贪婪地吸收着这些雷霆之力 Succeeded, walks!” “成功了,走!” At this moment, in Heavenly Tribulation, a female whole body illumination, her aura is saturated, the strength of flesh reached the peak, is bathing endless lightning, flushes away rapidly outward. 就在这时,天劫之中,一个女子全身发光,她的气息已经饱和,血肉之力达到了巅峰,沐浴着无尽的雷霆,急速向外冲去。 Buzz “嗡” However has not waited for her to rush to the peripheral zone, in the sea of lightning presented a huge vortex, swallows it directly. 然而还没等她冲到边缘地带,雷霆之海中出现了一个巨大的漩涡,直接将其吞噬。 Buzz “嗡” When she appears again, had arrived at the Dragon Blood Legion control range, has not waited for that female to ravel what's the matter, a big hand patted ruthlessly. 当她再次出现时,已经到了龙血军团的掌控范围,还没等那女子弄明白怎么回事,一只大手狠狠地拍了下来。
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