NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6047: Chapter 6055 eats a vegetable/dish

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This was the last wave, supported, must support!” “这是最后一波了,撑住,一定要撑住!” Some Alien Race powerhouse yelled panic-stricken, finally the tertiary wave lightning giant beast, is carrying the wild energy, killed their front. 异族强者惊恐地大叫,结果第三波雷霆巨兽,携带着狂暴的能量,杀到了他们的面前。 pū pū......” “噗噗噗……” powerhouse that these sticking together warm up, were ground instantaneously, their so-called sticking together, in front of endless Thunder Beast, collapse at the first blow radically. 这些抱团取暖的强者们,被瞬间碾碎,他们所谓的抱团,在无尽的雷兽面前,根本不堪一击。 When this wave of lightning giant beast kills, even the Taotie, Kunpeng and other clan of powerhouse, felt the tremendous pressure, they have to narrow scope the attack range. 当这一波雷霆巨兽杀来,即使是饕餮鲲鹏等族的强者,都感受到了巨大的压力,他们不得不缩小攻击范围。 Because the Thunder Beast build is huge, after reduction range, Thunder Beast that simultaneously faces will be less, the pressure will also be smaller. 因为雷兽的体型巨大,缩小范围后,同时面对的雷兽就会少一些,压力也会小一些。 However, as the matter stands, strike to kill Thunder Beast was short, they absorb the Lightning Power speed also to slow down. 不过,这样一来,击杀雷兽少了,他们吸收雷霆之力的速度也会变慢。 Because after Thunder Beast by strike to kill, the body explodes broken, body lightning rune, if cannot be absorbed at the scene, they will dissipate slowly, thus was absorbed by Heavenly Tribulation. 因为雷兽击杀后,身体爆碎,身体所化的雷霆符文,如果不能被当场吸收,它们会慢慢消散,从而被天劫吸收。 However at this time the life is important, even the absorption slow point still no, looks at inexhaustible Thunder Beast, they no longer were worried about the Lightning Power insufficient minute/share finally. 但是此时性命要紧,即使吸收慢一点也没什么,看着无穷无尽的雷兽,他们终于不再担心雷霆之力不够分了。 But at this time, Dragon Blood Legion, felt a pressure finally, before they were several people coordinate together, now has to more than ten people coordinate together. 而这时,龙血军团这边,也终于感受到了一丝压力,之前他们不过是几个人一起配合,现在不得不十几个人一起配合了。 Dragon Blood Warrior are different from Alien Race powerhouse, they will not defend, will only attack, at the maximum speed, to Thunder Beast strike to kill. 龙血战士们跟异族强者不同,他们不会防守,只会进攻,以最快的速度,将冲过来的雷兽击杀 Lightning Power that because they need is magnanimous, cannot waste tiny bit . Moreover, they know, even crossing tribulation succeeded, terrifying great war is waiting for them, therefore, does not dare to be negligent. 因为他们所需要的雷霆之力是海量的,不可以浪费一丝一毫,而且,他们知道,就算渡劫成功了,还有一场恐怖大战等着他们呢,故而,一点也不敢大意。 „It is not good, supports continuously......” “不行了,支持不住了……” Mo Yang yelled, although depends on the attendance of Dragon Blood Legion, but they only met head-on part of lightning giant beasts, but the lightning giant beast is too fierce, they must unable to support. 墨扬大叫,虽然依托龙血军团的照顾,但是他们只迎战了一部分雷霆巨兽,但是雷霆巨兽太凶猛,他们要撑不住了。 Insisted again......” Long Chen called out. “再坚持坚持……”龙尘叫道。 Mo Yang hear of Long Chen do not make them leave, can only clench teeth to insist, but Alien Race powerhouse of other support, hear the Long Chen's words with hardship, immediately ignited the hope. 墨扬龙尘不让他们离开,只能咬着牙坚持着,而其他苦苦支撑的异族强者们,听到龙尘的话,顿时燃起了希望。 Hang there, hears that fellow words? Is about to end, insists!” That Alien Race powerhouse also encourages the companions. “坚持住,听到那个家伙的话没?就快结束了,坚持坚持!”那异族强者也鼓励同伴们。 At this time, the Long Chen following words passed on: Appetizer has finished attending, eats a vegetable/dish to walk again.” 这时,龙尘后面的话传了过来:“开胃小菜已经上完了,吃点正菜再走。” What?” “什么?” This as if basin cold water pouring in their heads, almost made their mentality collapse. 这仿佛一盆冷水浇在他们的头上,差点让他们心态崩了。 He is deceives people, do not listen his, his is attacking our morale, hang there!” That Alien Race powerhouse yelled. “他是骗人的,不要听他的,他这是在打击我们的士气,坚持住!”那异族强者大叫。 Bang “轰” At this moment, Tribulation Clouds blasts out, terrifying emperor prestige surges, then forms appear, when sees these forms, Alien Race powerhouse, almost frightened the urine. 就在这时,劫云炸开,恐怖帝威激荡,然后一个个身影浮现,当看到那些身影,异族强者们,差点吓尿了。 Emperor...... Emperor powerhouse, did this also make one live......” some people to give out desperate angry roaring. “帝君……帝君强者,这还让不让人活了……”有人发出绝望的怒吼。 In that innumerable form, impressively several thousand Emperor powerhouse, their whole body Emperor Aura combustion, in pairs an eye blood red, as if the life demanding ghost from Hell is ordinary. 那无数的身影中,赫然有数千个帝君强者,他们周身帝气燃烧,一双双眼睛血红,仿佛来自地狱里的索命冤魂一般。 By our strike to kill these powerhouse, got down by Heavenly Tribulation copied.” Xia Chen stares, he in this group of people, saw many familiar faces. “是被我们击杀的那些强者,被天劫临摹下来了。”夏晨一愣,他在这群人中,看到了许多熟悉的面孔。 When these people, Dragon Blood Warrior massacre city, by their strike to kill these Alien Race powerhouse. 这些人,正是龙血战士们屠城时,被他们击杀的那些异族强者 God Sovereign powerhouse million, Emperor powerhouse also several thousands, they stand above void at this time, seemed given the soul, their looks at Dragon Blood Warrior, in the look are killing intent, the whole person seems all crazy. 神皇强者数以百万,帝君强者也有数千,此时他们站在虚空之上,仿佛被赋予了灵魂,他们看着龙血战士们,眼神里全是杀意,整个人似乎已经疯狂。 Kills “杀” Suddenly, they erupt heaven shaking roar, grasps lightning divine weapon, directly flushed. 忽然,他们爆发出震天怒吼,手持雷霆神兵,直接冲了下来。 Their aura......” “他们的气息……” Gu Yang and the others one startled, aura of these people, compared with killed their times initially, powerful dozens times. 谷阳等人一惊,这些人的气息,比当初杀他们的时候,强大了数十倍。 Each God Sovereign powerhouse, not only cultivation base was promoted the God Sovereign peak, the body was also given the air/Qi of Emperor seedling. 每一个神皇强者,不光修为被提升到了神皇巅峰,身上还被赋予了帝苗之气。 But these Emperor powerhouse, the whole body Lightning Power winding, the pressure is astonishing, has not been original they. 而那些帝君强者,周身雷霆之力缠绕,威压惊人,早已经不是原来的他们了。 This was strengthened by lightning, Heavenly Tribulation this was must taking advantage of the complaint of this group of people, kills us. “这是被雷霆强化过了,天劫这是要借着这群人的怨念,来杀我们呢。 hehe, Heavenly Tribulation also underestimated us, we can kill their one time, can kill their second time. ” Guo Ran sneers. 嘿嘿,天劫也太小看我们了吧,我们能杀他们一次,就可以杀他们第二次。”郭然冷笑。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” This crowd of powerhouse kill, they make a move, is swiftest and fiercest killing move, what most terrifying is, they also meet self-exploding unexpectedly, attempts to perish together with Dragon Blood Warrior, ominous severe. 这群强者杀来,他们一出手,就是最凌厉的杀招,最为恐怖的是,他们竟然还会自爆,妄图与龙血战士们同归于尽,凶厉至极。 Ties “结阵” Facing so fierce wild powerhouse, Dragon Blood Legion is ready in full battle array immediately, does not dare to be negligent. 面对如此凶猛狂暴的强者,龙血军团顿时严阵以待,再也不敢大意。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” These powerhouse break in great formation, was strangled to death, Mo Yang and the others coordinated the people to go all out to slaughter, but, the enemy is too fierce, only insisted several time of breath, they could not insist. 那些强者冲入大阵之中,纷纷被绞杀,墨扬等人配合众人拼命厮杀,不过,敌人实在太凶猛,只坚持了数个呼吸的时间,他们就坚持不住了。 Dragon Blood Warrior opened a road from behind to them, making them withdraw from Heavenly Tribulation directly, returned to Dragon Realm. 龙血战士们从后面给他们开辟了一条路,让他们直接退出了天劫,返回了龙域 Just like Long Chen expects, so long as Dragon Blood Legion, Heavenly Tribulation will not manage others. 正如龙尘所料,只要龙血军团在,天劫就不会管别人。 pū pū......” “噗噗噗……” But at this time, Alien Race powerhouse, were killed the crying father to shout mother, non-stop some people by strike to kill. 而此时,异族强者们,被杀得哭爹喊娘,不停有人被击杀 That crowd was cut powerhouse that kills by Dragon Blood Legion, after lightning strengthens, many intelligence, some of them have not been only the endless complaints, as long as the flesh and blood, will encounter their crazy attacks. 那群被龙血军团斩杀的强者,被雷霆强化后,并没有多少神智,他们有的只是无尽的怨念,但凡血肉之躯,都会遭到他们的疯狂攻击。 Heavenly Tribulation can withdraw, we also draw back!” 天劫是可以退出的,我们也退!” When saw that Mo Yang and the others returned Dragon Realm, they then think, this Heavenly Tribulation as if allows others to leave. 当看到墨扬等人退回龙域,他们这才想到,这天劫似乎允许别人离开。 Kills “杀” After seeing the hope, they are with joint forces crazy flush away outward, at this time they could not attend to what Divine Thunder Body Refining, maintained life importantly. 当看到了希望后,他们合力疯狂向外冲去,此时他们也顾不得什么神雷炼体了,保命要紧。 When they run out of the Heavenly Tribulation range quickly, suddenly the wall of lightning, blocked their way together. 然而当他们就快冲出天劫范围的时候,忽然一道雷霆之墙,挡住了他们的去路。 What?” “什么?” People startled and anger, they attack thunder wall crazily, however the wall of that lightning non-stop being destroyed, keeps being repaired, is unable to be broken through. 众人又惊又怒,他们疯狂攻击雷墙,然而那雷霆之墙不停被破坏,又不停地被修复,始终无法被攻破。 When some people want to bypass the wall of lightning, they discovered with amazement, the wall of that lightning, the growth, always prevents unexpectedly rapidly in their front. 当有人想要绕过雷霆之墙的时候,他们骇然发现,那雷霆之墙,竟然急速生长,始终阻挡在他们的面前。 pū pū......” “噗噗噗……” When they start to run rapidly, when wants to bypass the thunder wall, they made a fatal mistake, that has not stuck together to run, completes the order form, finally completely by Thunder Beast and these powerhouse strike to kill. 当他们开始急速奔跑,想要绕过雷墙时,他们犯了一个致命的错误,那就是没有抱团跑,一个个都落了单,结果全部被雷兽和那些强者击杀 powerhouse outside Lightning Tribulation, eye socket wants to crack, but they can only looks at this crowd of disciple die helplessly, actually does not dare to come to the rescue. 雷劫之外的强者们,睚眦欲裂,但是他们只能眼睁睁地看着这群弟子死去,却不敢出手援助。 Damn Long Chen, damn Dragon Realm, we will certainly make you pay the grievous cost.” Some people give out unwilling angry roaring. “该死的龙尘,该死的龙域,我们一定会让你们付出惨痛代价的。”有人发出不甘的怒吼。 “噗” However that person of angry roaring, just roared, swift and fierce sword qi, the lasing from Heavenly Tribulation, his head crushing, annihilates to kill together. 然而那怒吼之人,刚刚吼完,一道凌厉的剑气,从天劫之中激射而出,将他的头颅击碎,一击灭杀。 True Emperor powerhouse, was cut to kill by a sword, this sword, making countless people scared. 真正的帝君强者,被一剑斩杀,这一剑,令无数人为之胆寒。 Buzz “嗡” However when people are shocked in a that terrifying sword, suddenly in Heavenly Tribulation, the Long Chen's body trembles fiercely, his aura just like the flood of bursting a dike, falls in torrents. 然而就在人们震惊于那恐怖的一剑时,忽然天劫内,龙尘的身体猛地一颤,他的气息宛若决堤的洪水,倾泻而出。 Arrived the limit, couldn't endure?” “到极限了,挺不住了?” The Long Chen look slightly changes, in Heavenly Tribulation, although he does not absorb lightning rune as far as possible, but that strength seizes every opportunity, exploded to the brace the Long Chen's shackles as before, he also started to attack the boundary of Human Sovereign. 龙尘神色微微一变,在天劫之中,尽管他尽量不去吸收雷霆符文,但是那力量无孔不入,依旧将龙尘的桎梏给撑爆了,他也开始冲击人皇之境了。 Dragon Blood Legion ties the strongest defense!” Long Chen yelled suddenly. 龙血军团最强防御!”龙尘忽然大叫。 Buzz “嗡” Suddenly, a covering the heavens big hand, finds out from void, to the Long Chen location position, is patting fiercely. 忽然间,一只遮天大手,从虚空之中探出,对着龙尘所在的位置,猛地拍下。
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