NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6046: Chapter 6054 Heavenly Punishment

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Roar “吼” In these giant beasts, there is Great Dragon, to have Black Turtle, to have Fierce Tiger, to have Divine Bird, as well as innumerable people have never seen various kinds ferocious beast. 那些巨兽中,有巨龙、有玄龟、有猛虎、有神禽,以及无数人们从未见过的各种猛兽 They bring Primal Chaos Aura, as if passes through to come from Primal Chaos Era, killing intent soars to the heavens. 它们带着混沌之气,仿佛从混沌时代穿越而来,杀意冲天。 God Sovereign level Thunder Beast 神皇雷兽 People call out in alarm, at that moment, a moment ago also self-confident Myriad Races Supreme Talent, at this time the complexion actually changed. 人们惊呼,那一刻,刚才还自信满满的万族天骄们,此时脸色却变了。 These Thunder Beast were too strong, air/Qi of winding their whole body Emperor seedling, strength of circulate God Sovereign, aura endures compared with Emperor powerhouse. 这些雷兽太强了,它们周身帝苗之气缠绕,神皇之力流转,气息堪比帝君强者 If only ordinary Emperor powerhouse, they have not paid attention, but these Thunder Beast are inexhaustible, blots out the sky to come, even if powerhouse of their rank, if were sphered by too many Thunder Beast, must cherish hatred at the scene. 如果只是普通的帝君强者,他们还不放在眼里,但是这些雷兽无穷无尽,铺天盖地而来,就算是他们这个级别的强者,如果被太多雷兽围住,也得当场饮恨。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Thunder Beast comes, killing intent soars to the heavens, in their eyes, is supplementing the blood-color lightning, ominous severe incomparable, the footsteps place visited, keeps exploding void. 雷兽呼啸而来,杀意冲天,它们眼睛里,附带着血色闪电,凶厉无比,脚步所过之处,虚空不停地爆开。 Kills “杀” Some people angry roar, first killed, that is Monster Race powerhouse, his back exudes illusory shadow, direct summon had/left Phenomenon. 有人怒吼,第一个杀了出去,那是一个妖族强者,他背后泛起虚影,直接召唤出了异象 “噗” Finally he just a fist shook Thunder Beast flies, by Fierce Tiger, gnawed off the arm directly, without same race powerhouse aids, he will be annihilated to kill. 结果他刚刚一拳将一头雷兽震飞,就被一头猛虎,直接咬掉了臂膀,如果没有同族强者接应,他将被一击灭杀。 What?” “什么?” Some people yelled panic-stricken. 有人惊恐地大叫。 What divine ability is this?” “这是什么神通?” The flash that great tiger bites, that person of instinct avoids, finally avoided obviously, was actually nipped the half body. 那巨虎咬人的一瞬间,那人本能地去躲避,结果明明避开了,却还是被咬到了半边身子。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” trillion Thunder Beast comes, even Dragon Blood Legion more than 7000 people, just like getting angry this solitary one boat in sea raging waves. 亿万雷兽呼啸而来,就算是龙血军团这七千多人,都宛若怒海狂涛中的孤舟。 But powerhouse of other clan, by endless Thunder Beast surrounding, were surrounded by perils immediately. 其他族的强者们,被无尽的雷兽包围,顿时险象环生。 However, is good is powerful because of these people enough, when they receive the heart of having a low opinion of the enemy, after starting to meet head-on truly, immediately stabilized the aspect. 不过,好在这些人足够强悍,当他们收起轻敌之心,开始真正迎战后,顿时稳住了局面。 Thunder Beast were too many, these powerhouse, kill quite strenuously, but that side Dragon Blood Legion, actually appears accomplishes a task with ease, after all, they resist the experience of Heavenly Tribulation, was too rich. 只是雷兽太多了,这些强者们,杀起来相当吃力,而龙血军团那边,却显得游刃有余,毕竟,他们抵抗天劫的经验,太丰富了。 Although these Thunder Beast are powerful, but Dragon Blood Warrior, the formation exhibits, that is a giant meat grinder, the lightning giant beast, so long as comes, will be strangled to death completely. 这些雷兽虽然强大,但是龙血战士们,阵型一摆开,那就是一个巨型的绞肉机,雷霆巨兽只要进来,就会被全部绞杀。 Before, Dragon Blood Warrior independent combat, however the tacit understanding, has carved the innermost soul, when the enemy were many enough, coordinated, was still flawless. 之前,龙血战士们一直在单打独斗,但是彼此间的默契,早已刻到了灵魂深处,当敌人足够多的时候,配合起来,依旧天衣无缝。 Buzz humming sound......” “嗡嗡嗡……” As the giant beast was strangled to death, endless lightning rune floods into people within the body, Dragon Blood Warrior, obviously feels the body powerful in rapidly. 随着巨兽被绞杀,无尽的雷霆符文涌入众人体内,龙血战士们,明显感觉到身体在急速强大。 But Dragon Soul of their within the body, sends out exciting roaring, absorbs Heavenly Tribulation's power them, is keeping becoming stronger. 而他们体内的龙魂,发出兴奋的咆哮,吸收天劫之力的它们,也在不停地变强。 „The divinity strength and Heavenly Dao Laws of this five colors Divine Thunder implication, are stronger than the imagination, hoping Heavenly Tribulation can continue for a long time!” “这五色神雷蕴含的神性力量与天道法则,比想象中还要强,希望天劫能持续久一点啊!” Burning Flame Taotie Clan female, absorbs Lightning Power, while prayed secretly. 炙焰饕餮一族的女子,一边吸收雷霆之力,一边暗自祈祷。 fleshly body is powerful, Lightning Power that needs are more, be only the sufficient world energy, can make her complete perfection enter step Human Sovereign. 肉身越是强大,所需要的雷霆之力就越多,只有足够的天地能量,才能让她完美进阶人皇 Bang “轰” Suddenly a heavens frightening loud sound, Tribulation Clouds above Nine Heavens trembles fiercely, Tribulation Clouds contracted fiercely. 忽然一声惊天巨响,九天之上的劫云猛地一颤,劫云猛地收缩了一圈。 „The Heavenly Tribulation range reduced, was this is about to end?” 天劫范围缩小了,这是快结束了吗?” People in great surprise, if this finished, that may be finished, although Thunder Beast are many, but so many minutes/shares, everyone is unable to achieve perfection. 人们大惊,如果这就结束了,那可就完蛋了,雷兽虽然多,但是这么多人分,每个人都无法达到圆满 Facts showed, their worries are unnecessary, after Tribulation Clouds contracted one, Heavenly Tribulation ominous severe aura, promoted several times instantaneously. 事实证明,他们的担心是多余的,当劫云收缩了一圈后,天劫凶厉的气息,瞬间提升了数倍。 Roar “吼” Angrily roars resounds again, in Tribulation Clouds, another piece of Thunder Beast comes, was also worried powerhouse that a moment ago Thunder Beast insufficient uses, a piece cheers immediately. 怒吼再次响起,劫云之中,又一片雷兽呼啸而来,刚才还担心雷兽不够用的强者们,顿时一片欢呼。 However, when Thunder Beast rushes to front of them, cheers turned into calling out in alarm: 不过,当雷兽冲到他们面前的时候,欢呼变成了惊呼: God Sovereign middle stage 神皇中期 Beforehand Thunder Beast, is existence of God Sovereign initial stage, present Thunder Beast has arrived at God Sovereign middle stage, the strength rose suddenly several times compared with beforehand these Thunder Beast. 之前的雷兽,是神皇初期的存在,如今的雷兽已经到了神皇中期,实力比之前那些雷兽暴涨了数倍。 These Thunder Beast will display various kinds divine ability, the might is astonishing, they just flushed, undermined the balance of original battlefield instantaneously. 这些雷兽会施展各种神通,威力惊人,它们刚刚冲下来,瞬间打破了原来战场的平衡。 “噗” A whole body by powerhouse that the armor covers, by Monster Beast, was actually nipped blood fog directly, the defense that he is proud, in front of that Monster Beast divine ability, basic insufficient looks. 一个浑身被铠甲覆盖的强者,却被一头妖兽,直接咬成了血雾,他引以为傲的防御,在那妖兽神通面前,根本不够看。 Careful “小心” “噗” Monster Race powerhouse, was hit by lightning thunder sphere, that thunder sphere only then the fist is big, directly his chest puncture. 一个妖族强者,被一个闪电雷球击中,那雷球只有拳头大,直接将他的胸膛击穿。 That Monster Beast powerhouse companion has not rescued with enough time, by a lightning great tiger, a claw racket was exploded. 妖兽强者的同伴还没来得及救援,就被一头雷霆巨虎,一爪子拍爆。 Reduces the circle, to defend the generation to attack......” “缩小圈子,以守代攻……” Back to back, first stands firm......” “背靠背,先稳住……” Everyone can consider to gather, resists together......” “大家可以考虑集合,一起抵抗……” When second wave of Thunder Beast, the scene was chaotic immediately, at this time, can see the disparity. 当第二波雷兽袭来,场面顿时混乱了,这个时候,就可以看出差距了。 Very steady like Burning Flame Taotie, Kunpeng Clan, gold/metal scale mammoths, Rock Demon Clan, nine look lizards and other clans, when they enough take seriously these Thunder Beast, no one is injured radically. 炙焰饕餮鲲鹏一族、金鳞猛犸、岩魔一族、九眼神蜥等族十分稳健,当他们足够重视这些雷兽的时候,根本没有人受伤。 However the strength of some fleshly body are not strong . Moreover the fight experiences the insufficient rich person, suffers a loss. 但是一些肉身之力不强,而且战斗经验不够丰富的人,就吃了大亏。 After all, these Thunder Beast do not have the pain, moreover does not know the avoidance, does not fear death, the conventional method copes with them to be useless. 毕竟,这些雷兽是没有痛感的,而且不知道躲避,更不惧死亡,常规的手段对付它们根本没用。 Keeps some people being injured with death, some influences cannot support, closes up to powerhouse, seeks others to shelter. 不停地有人受伤和死亡,有些势力撑不住,就向强者那边靠拢,寻求他人庇护。 “噗” A Demon Race influence, closes up to Rock Demon Clan, finally in Rock Demon Clan has powerhouse, a sword cuts, together sword qi, directly that Demon Race powerhouse strike to kill. 一个魔族势力,向岩魔一族靠拢,结果岩魔一族内有强者,一剑斩出,一道剑气,直接将那个魔族强者击杀 Goes away “滚开” Rock Demon Clan powerhouse coldly shouted, even with is Demon Race, they cannot have anybody close to them, will not help to them. 岩魔一族强者冷喝,就算同为魔族,他们也不许有任何人靠近他们,更不会对他们施以援手。 As the matter stands, these weak races, start to assemble relatively, after all the population are more, the pressure is smaller, this has bigger survival space. 这样一来,那些相对较弱的种族们,就开始集结,毕竟人数越多,压力就越小,这样才有更大的生存空间 powerhouse that outside is responsible for Protector, see oneself clansman, dies in Heavenly Tribulation, can't help heart drop blood. 外面负责护法的强者们,看到自己的族人,一个个死在天劫之中,不禁心头滴血。 Can come here person, is in their clan the elite in elite, otherwise, clearly knows Long Chen so will not be powerful, but must kill Long Chen. 要知道,能来到这里的人,都是他们族内精英中的精英,否则,也不会明明知道龙尘如此强大,还要来杀龙尘了。 But, they worry do not have the means that these influences, no one knows anyone, they come here goal, only then one, that is to make Supreme Talent in clan cut the Long Chen's head. 可是,他们干着急也没办法,这些势力们,谁都不认识谁,他们来这里的目的,只有一个,那就是让族内的天骄斩下龙尘的头颅。 Before, Long Chen massacred city crazily, the point was too abundant, although because of the Long Chen's reason, Human Race had many peerless Supreme Talent to appear afterward, but no one can cover his point. 之前,龙尘疯狂屠城,锋芒太盛,虽然后来因为龙尘的原因,人族有很多绝世天骄出现,但是无人可以盖过他的锋芒。 Long Chen has the Human Race young generation first person of trend faintly, if who can get rid of Long Chen at this time, can Long Chen all halo, seize completely, achieves a war to become famous truly. 龙尘已经隐隐有人族年轻一代第一人的趋势,如果谁能在这个时候干掉龙尘,就可以将龙尘身上所有光环,全部夺过来,真正做到一战成名。 Just, they have not thought that the matter joint performance gets to this situation, this Heavenly Tribulation where is Heavenly Tribulation, clearly is Heavenly Punishment, this does not help Tribulation Transcender, but must kill Tribulation Transcender. 只不过,他们没想到事情会演变到这个地步,这天劫哪里是天劫,分明是天罚,这不是成全渡劫者,而是要杀死渡劫者 Bang “轰” At this moment, Heavenly Tribulation above Nine Heavens reduced again fiercely, later has the terrifying pressure on raid. 就在这时,九天之上的天劫再次猛地缩小了一圈,随后有更恐怖的威压袭来。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Second wave of Thunder Beast is still wreaking havoc crazily, tertiary wave terrifying Thunder Beast, has fallen in torrents under. 第二波雷兽还在疯狂肆虐,第三波更恐怖雷兽,也已经倾泻而下。 God Sovereign late stage 神皇后期 At that moment, Alien Race powerhouse yelled panic-stricken. 那一刻,异族强者们惊恐地大叫。
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