NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6045: Chapter 6053 powerful enemy enters Heavenly Tribulation

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Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” When Dragon Blood Warrior start crossing tribulation, Tribulation Clouds aura instantaneously changed, swift and fierce killing intent and destruction Willpower, is flooding the whole world. 龙血战士们开始渡劫,劫云气息瞬间变了,凌厉的杀意毁灭意志,充斥着整个世界。 Beforehand Tribulation Clouds, is exceptionally gentle, even people crossing tribulation, it seems to be still taking care of the people together as far as possible. 之前的劫云,异常温柔,即使众人一起渡劫,它似乎也在尽量照顾众人。 Afterward was provoked continuously, Heavenly Tribulation seemed to be furious, but actually seemed like the parents facing the mischievous child, only wants to select the lesson to them. 后来被连续挑衅,天劫似乎震怒,但是却好像父母面对调皮的孩子,只想给他们点教训而已。 However present Heavenly Tribulation, becomes wild and cold blood, that endless destruction Willpower, Emperor powerhouse, are afraid. 但是如今的天劫,变得狂暴而又冷血,那无尽的毁灭意志,就连帝君强者们,都感到恐惧。 Heavenly Tribulation started to change color!” Dragon Race powerhouse call out in alarm. 天劫开始变色了!”龙族强者们惊呼。 Changed color, five-colors divine light flashes in Tribulation Clouds back and forth, above Nine Heavens, the one after another river appears. 是变色了,五彩神光劫云之中来回闪动,九天之上,道道长河浮现。 Heavenly Tribulation is saving more strengths.” Some people call out in alarm. 天劫在积蓄更多的力量。”有人惊呼。 People can see, take Tribulation Clouds as Core, surroundings strength of Heavenly Dao in all directions, in gathers to Tribulation Clouds crazily. 人们可以看到,以劫云核心,周围四面八方的天道之力,在疯狂向劫云汇聚。 God, what is that?” Some people call out in alarm, are pointing at one group of things. “天啊,那是什么?”有人惊叫,指着一团东西。 „Isn't that Tribulation Clouds? Gave to attract others' Tribulation Clouds.” “那不是劫云吗?把别人的劫云都给吸来了。” People with amazement, these suction the Tribulation Clouds person, at this time perhaps meets a face to compel ignorant? 人们骇然,那些被吸走劫云的人,此时恐怕会一脸懵逼吧? This is the Dragon Blood Legion stage, you want to stay behind stay behind try, cannot support, leaves directly, has us here, Heavenly Tribulation will not pursue your.” Guo Ran called out to Mo Yang and the others. “这是龙血军团的舞台,你们想留下就留下试试,撑不住,就直接离开,有我们在这里,天劫是不会追你们的。”郭然墨扬等人叫道。 Mo Yang and the others palpitate with excitement immediately, they want to know that Dragon Blood Legion Heavenly Tribulation, to what degree, they will then remain wild directly. 墨扬等人顿时怦然心动,他们很想知道龙血军团天劫,会狂暴到什么程度,他们便直接留了下来。 But Nine Peaks Dragon Realm Supreme Talent, after a moment ago that war, is a narrow escape, Long Chen delayed the time to them a moment ago, the energy in within the body is saturated, the baptism has been completed. 九峰龙域天骄们,经过刚才那一战,已经是九死一生,刚才龙尘给他们拖延了时间,体内的能量已经饱和,洗礼已经完成。 Let alone they do not have the strength to fight now again, even has the strength fight, Heavenly Tribulation destruction Willpower, has made them fearful and apprehensive, does not dare to stay behind, ran directly. 别说他们现在没力气再战了,就算有力气战斗,天劫毁灭意志,早已经令他们心惊胆寒,根本不敢留下,直接跑了。 After all, they have not passed through life and death to discipline, are hard to resist heavenly prestige, only then Mo Yang, Chi Wufeng wait/etc. had experienced disciplining Emperor seedling powerhouse, remained. 毕竟,他们没有经过生死磨练,难以对抗天威,只有墨扬赤无锋等经历过磨练的帝苗强者们,才留了下来。 Five colors Divine Thunder, this is unsurpassed Supreme Treasure, Divine Thunder quenches the body, will make our flesh even more powerful. “五色神雷,这是无上至宝啊,神雷淬体,会让我们的血肉更加强大。 This Heavenly Tribulation as if not miss compared with the places of our crossing tribulation, our also here crossing tribulation? ” Saw that top of the head five colors lightning surges, a Burning Flame Taotie Clan man, cannot bear say. 天劫似乎并不比我们的渡劫之地差啊,要不,我们也在这里渡劫吧?”看到头顶五色雷霆激荡,一个炙焰饕餮一族的男子,忍不住道。 Five colors Divine Thunder, wild, regarding ordinary Tribulation Transcender, that is fatal, but regarding the fleshly body powerful race, that is the chance of only happening by happy circumstance. 五色神雷,狂暴至极,对于普通渡劫者来说,那是致命的,但是对于肉身强大的种族来说,那是可遇不可求的机缘。 Burning Flame Taotie Clan female, somewhat palpitates with excitement, but crossing tribulation, cannot obtain the ancestor blessings here, advantages are accompanied by disadvantages, she is unable to choose. 炙焰饕餮一族的女子,也有些怦然心动,但是在这里渡劫,得不到先祖赐福,有利有弊,她也无法做出取舍。 haha, five colors Divine Thunder, is really the good thing, how could my doesn't Kunpeng Clan divide the cup thick soup?” 哈哈哈,五色神雷,真是好东西,我鲲鹏一族岂能不分杯羹?” At this moment, the void tremor, more than ten figure are big, the form that blood qi soars to the heavens, broke in Heavenly Tribulation unexpectedly directly. 就在这时,虚空颤动,十几个身形高大,血气冲天的身影,竟然直接冲入了天劫之中。 Kunpeng Clan 鲲鹏一族 Dragon Realm powerhouse are startled, Kunpeng Clan and Dragon Race are also foes, they also came unexpectedly. 龙域强者们大吃一惊,鲲鹏一族龙族也是仇敌,它们竟然也来了。 Breaks in powerhouse in Heavenly Tribulation, is terrifying existence, aura is not under Burning Flame Taotie Clan. 冲入天劫之中的强者,都是恐怖至极的存在,气息丝毫不在炙焰饕餮一族之下。 Kunpeng Clan came, my Sea Whale Clan naturally cannot fall behind!” 鲲鹏一族都来了,我海鲸一族自然也不能落后!” The voice falls, fishy smell wind heads on, is more than ten powerhouse appears. 话音一落,一阵腥风扑面而来,又是十几个强者出现。 My Golden Scaled Mammoth Clan also joins in the fun!” “我金鳞猛犸一族也来凑个热闹!” How could my does Rock Demon Clan fall after the person?” “我岩魔一族又岂能落于人后?” My Nine-Eyed Divine Lizard Clan does not come, to want weakly the reputation?” “那我九眼神蜥一族不来,岂不是要弱了名头?” „......” “……” Those who make Dragon Realm powerhouse with amazement is, came several hundred races, over a thousand terrifying powerhouse, when they appear in Heavenly Tribulation, Dragon Realm powerhouse, suck in a breath of cold air. 龙域强者们骇然的是,一口气来了数百个种族,上千恐怖强者,当他们出现在天劫之中,龙域强者们,倒吸一口冷气 Several hundred races, are representing several hundred influences, their not possible light is young generation powerhouse arrives absolutely, the back definitely has the family experts to protect the law. 数百个种族,代表着数百个势力,他们绝对不可能光是年轻一代强者到来,背后肯定有家族高手护法。 If each influence, only sends out Emperor powerhouse, sufficiently destruction entire Dragon Realm. 如果每一个势力,只派出一个帝君强者,就足以覆灭整个龙域了。 Oh, the space flies, the ground runs, in the water swims, the ashore crawls...... good fellow, the variety are really many.” powerhouse that Guo Ran looks at non-stop presenting, stares the eye to say greatly. “哇,天上飞的,地上跑的,水里游的,岸上爬的……好家伙,品种还真多啊。”郭然看着不停出现的强者,瞪大着眼睛道。 For five colors Divine Thunder, these hide in Supreme Talent of hidden place, came out, obviously, five colors Divine Thunder was too big to their seductions. 为了五色神雷,那些隐藏在暗处的天骄们,都出来了,显然,五色神雷对他们的诱惑太大了。 Now entire Nine Heavens in crossing tribulation, strength of Heavenly Dao disperses, the Heavenly Tribulation intensity will not be generally high. 如今整个九天都在渡劫,天道之力分散,天劫的强度普遍不会太高。 Therefore, major influences on deal with this situation, has started to save Strength of Good Fortune, makes up the drawback that Heavenly Tribulation's power is insufficient. 所以,各大势力为了应对这个情况,早就开始积蓄气运之力,来弥补天劫之力不足的弊端。 However, regarding the strength of powerful races these fleshly body, five colors Divine Thunder can definitely make up for many insufficient, therefore their first walked. 不过,对于那些肉身之力强大的种族,五色神雷完全可以弥补诸多不足,所以他们第一个走了出来。 As they enter Heavenly Tribulation, drove the other race, originally these races want to wait for the opportunity to act, having a look at the opportunity to get rid of Long Chen, lets the provocation of Human Race to Myriad Races, pays the price. 随着他们进入天劫,带动了其他种族,本来这些种族只是想伺机而动,看看有没有机会干掉龙尘,让人族万族的挑衅,付出代价。 They are the news that Brahma Lineage gives . Moreover, Long Chen slaughters Myriad Races time, either has their direct descendant, either has their race branches, in brief, both sides have the hatred. 他们都是梵天一脉给的消息,而且,龙尘屠杀万族的时候,要么有他们的嫡系,要么有他们的种族分支,总之,双方是有仇恨的。 They come from across various clans, but does not know also many other people, therefore, has been observing in secret. 他们来自各族各地,但是并不知道还有多少其他人,故而,一直都在暗中观察。 However so many race 11 emergence, means, Dragon Realm and Dragon Race must die without doubt, might as well make disciple go to crossing tribulation directly, not only can benefit, and can fish the reputation. 但是这么多种族一一出现,也就意味着,龙域龙族必死无疑,还不如让弟子们直接去渡劫,既能捞好处,又能捞名声。 These people of lead, all are True Emperor powerhouse, but entire Nine Peaks Dragon Realm, having Di Fengqing one person is existence of this rank. 这些领头之人,全都是真正的帝君强者,而整个九峰龙域,只有帝风清一人是这个级别的存在。 Even if he has emperor level Myriad Dragon Nest, cannot block so many people, person of saliva, can Dragon Realm being drown to death. 就算他有帝级万龙巢,也挡不住这么多人,一人一口唾沫,都能将龙域给淹死。 Therefore, by this time, they have nothing to have scruples, even some people, simply since the hidden place comes, no longer hides. 所以,到了这个时候,他们已经没有任何顾忌了,甚至有些人,干脆从暗处现身,不再躲躲藏藏。 Everyone, I proposed, do not kill off Dragon Blood Legion directly, this will only cause five colors Divine Thunder to vanish ahead of time, everyone first crossing tribulation how?” The powerhouse proposition of Kunpeng Clan said. 诸位,我提议,不要直接杀光龙血军团,这样只会导致五色神雷提前消失,大家先渡劫如何?”鲲鹏一族强者提议道。 Right, they cannot run away, we need the maximum benefit.” Some people approve. “没错,他们跑不掉的,我们需要将利益最大化。”有人赞同。 But, wants to absorb five colors Divine Thunder, we also need to break through, does not know that can have the other effect.” “不过,想要吸收五色神雷,我们自己也需要突破,就是不知道会不会有其他影响。” Was inferior, first comes several breakthroughs to give a try, then makes the decision.” “不如,先来几个突破试试看,再做决定。” Good “好” Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” Various clan powerhouse, start to break through in abundance, wild aura direct impact horizon, their aura, although terrifying, but has not actually caused anything to affect to Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Tribulation does not respond them, five colors lightning still expands in the tumbling. 各族强者,开始纷纷突破,狂暴的气息直冲天际,他们气息虽然恐怖,但是却并没有给天劫造成什么影响,天劫根本不搭理他们,五色雷霆还在翻滚壮大。 Sees this, numerous people is happy, the breakthrough, entire more than 1000 terrifying powerhouse break through in abundance, Tribulation Clouds is shivering crazily, rapidly extraction surrounding strength. 看到这一幕,众人大喜,纷纷突破,整整一千多恐怖强者突破,劫云在疯狂地颤抖,急速抽取周围的力量。 The looks at five colors lightning crazy gathering, the congealing reality, various clan powerhouse, yelled more and more excitedly. 看着五色雷霆疯狂汇聚,越来越凝实,各族强者们,兴奋地大叫。 What look is your?” “你们这是什么眼神?” When Demon Race powerhouse, looks to Dragon Blood Legion, suddenly scolded. 一个魔族强者,看向龙血军团时,忽然骂道。 But at this time, they noticed, had been regarded as Dragon Blood Warrior of prey by them, to look at fool same look looks at they. 而这时,他们才注意到,已经被他们视为猎物的龙血战士们,正以看傻子一样的眼神看着他们。 Smiles, smiles heartily, a while do not cry on the line. 笑吧,尽情地笑吧,一会儿别哭就行。 Bang “轰” At this moment, a startled sound, the monster that is twining five colors lightning innumerably, drops from the clouds. 就在这时,一声惊响,无数缠绕着五色雷霆的怪物,从天而降。
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