NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#6226: Bold idea

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Chapter 6226 bold idea 第6226章大胆的想法 Does not have the day, why does not fight with them, this is the chance of a lifetime. “无天,为什么不跟他们斗啊,这可是千载难逢的机会。 Did you have God Emperor Magical Item obviously in the hand, could it be that could not have tidied up them? ” Is brought dashing about wildly by Kun Wutian, like stray cur, Kun Wufa could not bear call out simply. 你明明有神帝法器在手,难道还收拾不了他们?”被鲲无天带着狂奔,简直如丧家之犬,鲲无法忍不住叫道。 In his eyes, Long Chen already half waste, that Meng Qi seems like no strength, strongest is also Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird. 在他的眼中,龙尘已经半废,那个梦琪看起来根本没什么实力,最强的也就是追云吞天雀而已。 But in the Kun Wutian hand holds Kunpeng Clan God Emperor Magical Item, under a move, Kun Wutian leads him to flee, he is unable to understand. 鲲无天手中握有鲲鹏一族神帝法器,一招之下,鲲无天就带着他逃离,他无法理解。 Even if cannot take Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird, can still take Long Chen, Universe Cauldron is in his hands. 就算拿不下追云吞天雀,也能拿下龙尘吧,乾坤鼎可是在他手中啊。 „ When that Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird bloodline erupts, I felt the suppression and weakening. Even if I used God Emperor Magical Item, can beat him, as before is an unknown. “那追云吞天雀血脉爆发之际,我感受到了压制与削弱。就算我动用了神帝法器,能不能击败他,依旧是个未知数。 But you have been injured, if I with a that Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird full power war, you definitely will be killed by Long Chen's that woman. ” Kun Wutian shakes the head to say. 而你已经受伤,我如果跟那追云吞天雀全力一战,你必然会被龙尘的那个女人杀死。”鲲无天摇摇头道。 Suppresses and weakens? How possibly? Even if that Chasing Cloud Swallowing Heaven Bird obtained the inheritance, without some time consolidated, is unable to fuse Vermilion Bird bloodline truly is right?” A Kun Wufa face shocks said. “压制与削弱?怎么可能?就算那追云吞天雀获得了传承,没有一段时间的巩固,根本无法真正融合朱雀血脉才对啊?”鲲无法一脸震惊地道 That Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird, has bird ancestor bloodline, this bloodline is equivalent to Primal Chaos Dragon Emperor bloodline, regarding the suppression of dragon class bloodline powerhouse. 那头混沌朱雀,有雀祖血脉,这血脉相当于混沌龙帝血脉,对于龙类血脉强者的压制。 I do not know, but my truly sensation arrived . Moreover the very obvious suppression and weakening, cannot to seize the treasure, loses your life.” Kun Wutian shakes the head to say. “我不知道,但是我确实感知到了,而且非常明显的压制和削弱,总不能为了夺宝,把你的命搭上。”鲲无天摇头道。 Really irritated me, blamed Long Biluo that idiot, then can posing, Long Chen unable to take finally.” Kun Wufa air/Qi clenches jaws, this thinks that has Long Biluo, all ninety percent sure. “真是气死我了,都怪龙碧落那个白痴,那么能装逼,结果连个龙尘都拿不下。”鲲无法气得咬牙切齿,本以为有龙碧落在,一切都十拿九稳。 Thinks before Long Biluo, had said boast, has installed big X, Kun Wufa air/Qi, you do not have Great Expert that to bear, blowing anything is flamboyant. 一想到龙碧落之前说过的大话,装过的大X,鲲无法就来气,你没那么大能耐,吹什么牛逼啊。 This cannot blame Long Biluo, Long Biluo visits us on behalf of Nine Li Clan came to visit, when compares notes, although we fought an evenness, but I felt, she should keeps the hand, her true strength, should compared with on my frontline. “这也不能怪龙碧落,龙碧落代表九黎一族来拜访咱们,切磋之时,虽然我们战成了一个平手,但是我觉得,她应该是留手了,她的真正实力,应该比我强上一线。 Elder Brother, the Long Chen's idea, temporarily do not hit, in this Heaven Territory battlefield, the chance are innumerable, do not die to stare at one. 哥,龙尘的主意,暂时就不要打了,这天域战场内,机缘无数,不要死盯着一个。 Our Kunpeng Clan Old Ancestor, there are to fall from the sky God Emperor level powerhouse here, finding the way to find to be our inheritance. 我们鲲鹏一族老祖,也有陨落在这里的神帝强者,想办法找到属于我们自己的传承。 Moreover, the Long Chen almost whole world all enemy, must deal with his person, wants to seize the Universe Cauldron person, as numerous as the hairs of an ox, sufficed him to have a headache. ” Kun Wutian said. 另外,龙尘几乎举世皆敌,要对付他的人,想要夺乾坤鼎的人,多如牛毛,够他头疼的了。”鲲无天道。 Good, that lets off this crowd of fellow temporarily, when we attain own inheritance, kills them again, the inheritance of Primal Chaos Vermilion Bird, must be my.” Kun Wufa clenches jaws said. “好,那就暂时放过这群家伙,等我们拿到属于自己的传承,再来弄死他们,混沌朱雀的传承,必须是我的。”鲲无法咬牙切齿地道 Then, two people no longer exchange, vanish to go. 说完,二人不再交流,消失而去。 ...... …… In a remote mountain, in the forest of length and breadth, Long Chen sought secluded place. 一处深山之内,广袤的林中,龙尘寻了一处僻静之地。 Long Chen, the powerful enemy has drawn back, gives me to select the time, I first this Eight Desolations Demon Subduing Spear swallowing. 龙尘,强敌已退,给我点时间,我先把这八荒伏魔枪给吞了。 hehe, really good, my source strength consumption is not big, enough I swallow it. 嘿嘿,真好,我的本源之力消耗不大,足够我吞噬它。 However this need point(s) the time, this period of time you relax, when I go out, the elder brother leads you to fly. ” 不过这需要点时间,这段时间你悠着点,等我出关,哥带你飞。” Dragon Bone Evil Moon hehe smiles, said that also does not wait for Long Chen to reply, ran up to Long Chen's Soul Space directly seclusion. 龙骨邪月嘿嘿一笑,说完,也不等龙尘回答,直接跑到龙尘的灵魂空间闭关了。 Long Chen, you hurry therapy!” Seeing the Long Chen complexion is somewhat pale, Meng Qi puts out a hand to touch the Long Chen's cheeks, in the beautiful eye loves dearly completely. 龙尘,你赶紧疗伤吧!”见龙尘脸色有些苍白,梦琪伸手抚摸着龙尘的脸颊,美目之中满是心疼。 But I do not give up!” Long Chen somewhat intertwines said. “可是我舍不得啊!”龙尘有些纠结地道 What doesn't give up?” Meng Qi stares. “舍不得什么?”梦琪一愣。 I do not give up you, in the time of therapy, I cannot looks at you.” Long Chen looks at that dreamlike beautiful appearance, faint smile said. “我舍不得你啊,疗伤的时间里,我就不能看着你了。”龙尘看着那如梦似幻的美丽容颜,似笑非笑地道 Meng Qi the elegant face is red immediately, white Long Chen said: Knows glib, a bit faster therapy, I help you protect the law with Little Yun.” 梦琪顿时俏脸通红,白了龙尘一眼道:“就知道油嘴滑舌,快点疗伤,我跟小云帮你护法。” Meng Qi, you are really beautiful!” 梦琪,你真美!” looks at Meng Qi charming leads thin angry, the beautiful eye class/flow to hope that beautiful expression, even the wise artist, cannot draw, Long Chen cannot help said. 看着梦琪娇羞中带着薄怒,美目流盼,那种美丽的表情,即使是再高明的画师,也画不出来,龙尘情不自禁地道 Repugnant, the words were again many, punch you, a bit faster therapy.” Meng Qi aerobic and funny, ordering Long Chen quickly therapy. “讨厌,再话多,揍你了,快点疗伤。”梦琪又好气又好笑,命令龙尘赶快疗伤。 Long Chen haha smiles, this restrains the mind slowly, closes the eye, in dantian Star Sea starts slowly circulate. 龙尘哈哈一笑,这才缓缓收敛心神,闭上眼睛,丹田星海开始缓缓流转 After with a Long Biluo war, Long Chen discovered that own weak area, is fleshly body insufficient is still powerful, the strength of all stars in the heavens, inexhaustible, inexhaustible, if Long Chen's fleshly body is powerful enough, gets for several hundred years, Long Chen can also consume. 经过与龙碧落一战,龙尘发现自己的短板,依旧是肉身不够强大,诸天星辰之力,取之不尽,用之不竭,如果龙尘的肉身足够强大,一架打上几百年,龙尘也耗得起。 However, on the other hand, if fleshly body is powerful enough, but also needs to consume? Opens seven directly, perhaps how many fists can hit to cry Long Biluo? 不过,话又说回来了,如果肉身足够强大,还需要耗么?直接开启七门,几拳恐怕就能把龙碧落打哭吧? Moreover, the Long Chen also weak areas, that is Star Sea in dantian, the capacity is too small. 另外,龙尘还有一个短板,那就是丹田内的星海,容量还是太小。 With opening the gate of stars, are getting more and more, to Long Chen within the body the strength of Star Sea, the consumption is also getting bigger and bigger. 随着开启的星辰之门,越来越多,对龙尘体内的星海之力,消耗也越来越大。 Because inspires Nine Heavens Power of Stars, needs to consume Power of Stars in Star Sea to guide. 因为引动九天星辰之力,需要消耗星海内的星辰之力来引导。 Before, the consumption in within the body Star Sea is very small, almost slightly cannot check, but after six Battle Body opened, Power of Stars that because inspired was getting more and more wild, Power of Stars in within the body, the consumption also started to increase. 之前,体内星海的消耗是非常小的,几乎微不可查,但是六门战身开启后,因为引动的星辰之力越来越狂暴,体内的星辰之力,消耗也开始变大。 From a former war, inspiring and consumption in within the body of stars all stars in the heavens was 10 : 1. 从之前一战来看,诸天星辰的引动和体内星辰的消耗是十比一。 In other words, wants to inspire Nine Heavens Power of Stars, needs to consume oneself one point of Power of Stars to control. 也就是说,想要引动十分的九天星辰之力,就需要消耗自身一分的星辰之力来掌控。 If the strength were small, that Power of Stars is unable to be restrained, will turn into the wild horse that runs away, not only the strength will be scattered in disorder, does not do well can also injure to oneself. 如果力量小了,那星辰之力就无法被约束,就会变成脱缰的野马,不光力量会散乱,弄不好还会伤到自己。 These two weak areas, must find the way to solve, otherwise Long Biluo made him so distressed, who knows, in this Heaven Territory battlefield, many Long Biluo. 这两个短板,必须想办法解决,否则一个龙碧落就让他如此狼狈了,谁知道,这天域战场内,还有多少个龙碧落 Long Chen guides the Primal Chaos Space strength, helping oneself restore fleshly body, experienced great war, Long Chen's fleshly body had reached the limit. 龙尘先引动混沌空间的力量,帮自己修复肉身,经历了一场大战,龙尘的肉身早已经到了极限。 However after the restore, Long Chen's fleshly body meets the instinct to be strengthened, therefore, the fight is the best way of improvement, the fight that especially that type borders on death, will stimulate the fleshly body strengthen crazily. 不过修复后,龙尘的肉身会本能地被强化,所以,战斗才是提升的最佳方法,尤其那种濒临死亡的战斗,会疯狂刺激肉身变强。 Restoring fleshly body is quick, Long Chen used three double-hour to restore to complete merely, then Long Chen opened Divine Ring directly, summon has Star Sea, quoted the strength of all stars in the heavens, nourishes Star Sea in dantian. 修复肉身很快,龙尘仅仅用了三个时辰就已经修复完成,然后龙尘直接开启神环,召唤星海,引用诸天星辰之力,来滋养丹田内的星海 When outside world the light of stars, shines on Long Chen's, gentle Power of Stars, just like the quiet lake, Long Chen bathing is one of them, takes itself as the medium, inducts the body inner core field Power of Stars. 外界的星辰之光,映照在龙尘的身上,柔和的星辰之力,宛若静谧的湖泊,龙尘沐浴在其中,以自身为媒介,将星辰之力导入体内丹田。 The situation in the star gate not opening, Power of Stars is gentle and tame, when Power of Stars flows in Long Chen's dantian slowly, the stars in dantian, gradually by gloomy, starts becomes lives the splendor shiningly, from worn out, becomes full of vitality. 在星门不开启的情况下,星辰之力柔和而又驯顺,当星辰之力缓缓流入龙尘的丹田,丹田内的星辰,逐渐由暗淡,开始变得灿灿生辉,从有气无力,变得生机勃勃。 Perhaps, I can rely on the gate of stars strength, expands dantian Star Sea, does not know whether my fleshly body cannot withstand.” “也许,我可以借助星辰之门的力量,扩充丹田星海,就是不知道,我的肉身能否承受得住。” In the Long Chen heart had a bold idea suddenly, he clenches teeth, both hands slowly forming seal. 龙尘忽然心中生出了一个大胆的想法,紧接着他一咬牙,双手缓缓结印 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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