MI :: Volume #4

#380: Terrified two

Newest website: „ Crown prince, has anything to speak frankly, I come give you platform! Sovereign said that these days, your words are his words. 最新网址:“太子,有什么事直说,我来就是给你站台!宗主说了,这段时间,你的话就是他的话。 Therefore now starts you are my eldest child! ” 所以现在开始你就是我老大!” Hong Mi logic is always the simple and crude. 洪密逻辑从来都是简单粗暴。 The words saying, does not wait for Wang Yiyang to reply, its entire body shrinks suddenly, changes into the innumerable purplish black flame, just like the mighty current sea, wells up to go toward Wang Yiyang crazily. 话说完,不等王一洋回答,它整个身体骤然一缩,化为无数紫黑火焰,宛如洪流海洋般,朝着王一洋狂涌而去。 Bang!! 轰!! The innumerable purplish black flame come in swarms, almost dyes a purple hot person Wang Yiyang. 无数紫黑火焰蜂拥而至,几乎将王一洋染成一个紫色火人。 After several breaths, all flame totals flood into Wang Yiyang within the body. 数息后,所有火焰全数涌入王一洋体内。 Just hoped Dragon King Hong Mi black, has vanished does not see. 刚刚的黑愿龙王洪密,已经消失不见。 Displaces, is the back of Wang Yiyang, had/left dark purple dragon shape tattoos. 取而代之的,是王一洋的背部,多出了一片黑紫色龙形纹身。 Hong Mi is quite traditional antique demon dragon. 洪密是头相当传统的太古魔龙。 In their time, is the tattoo that uses as the lodging body. 在他们那个时代,一直是用的纹身作为寄宿体。 Therefore he changes into the tattoo to lodge on Wang Yiyang. 所以他就化为纹身寄宿在王一洋身上。 Wish Dragon King to vanish black. 黑愿龙王消失。 Scene immediately till one static. 现场顿时为止一静。 The lines of sight of all military officers, gather on Wang Yiyang. 所有将领的视线,纷纷都聚集到王一洋身上。 A Wang Yiyang face compels ignorant, has not thought completely that teacher foster father Sir who closes up tries to force through the checkpoint, unexpectedly finally comes such a suddenly. 王一洋一脸懵逼,完全没想到那位闭关冲关的老师养父大人,居然最后突然来这么一手。 In the surface, this old Dragon King is gives him the station Tai Town gathering place, but by that sovereign wrist/skill, he will not in fact believe so will be pure. 表面上,这头老龙王是来给他站台镇场子,但实际上以那位宗主的手腕,他不信会这么单纯。 I was occupied by you. Has the matter to call me, is all right do not come to be tired of me. Then, sees again.’ ‘我就住你身上了。有事叫我,没事别来烦我。就这样,再见。’ Wish Dragon King Hong Mi to lose a few words in the Wang Yiyang sensation black, then did not have the shadow. 黑愿龙王洪密在王一洋的感知里丢了一句话,然后就没影了。 The sensation separates, where Wang Yiyang even hides him on oneself does not know. 感知断开,王一洋甚至连他藏在自己身上哪里都不知道。 The level disparity was too big. He takes the opposite party not to have idea completely. 层次差距太大了。他完全拿对方没辙。 He compels ignorant, 他懵逼, Nearby Harajuku sinks with the resentful shadow demon also compels ignorant. 一旁的原宿沉和怨影魔也懵逼。 They are planned seizes the chance to fish an advantage. Regarding Wang Yiyang this crown prince, Harajuku sinks fortunately, but the resentful shadow demons and other military officers, there is much harbor not the good thoughts. 原本他们是打算过来趁机捞点好处。对于王一洋这个太子,原宿沉还好,但怨影魔和其他将领,有不少都怀有不好的心思。 Various types plan, various types plan, the plot is also good, the open intrigue is also good, has in abundance. 各种算计,各种谋划,阴谋也好,阳谋也好,纷纷都有。 Now was good, that demon dragon one, anything is useless. 现在好了,那头魔龙一来,什么都白搭。 Hope Dragon King Hong Mi black is a mind extremely young old fogy. 黑愿龙王洪密是一头心眼极其小的老家伙。 His gets older extremely, no one knows how long he lived. 他的年纪极长,谁也不知道他活了多久。 But everyone knows, that is his temperament, is quite hot tempered. 但所有人都知道一点,那就是他的脾气,相当暴躁。 A word at earliest convenience possibly do not nip your one. 一言不合就可能要咬你一口。 If beautiful young girl anything, bites your one possibly to enjoy. 如果是美少女什么的,咬你一口可能还是享受。 But is willing Dragon King to nip your one black. 但黑愿龙王咬你一口。 Was finished, not only you did not have, your family did not have, half mainland did not have. Even half star did not have. 完蛋,不光你没了,你家也没了,半个大陆也没了。甚至半个星球也没了。 Therefore for fear that everyone evades it less, is not willing with be willing Dragon King to do black. 所以所有人都唯恐避之不及,不愿意和黑愿龙王打交道。 Until afterward, to without black of friend hoped Dragon King, day demon that met to without opponent sovereign toward pleased great wild goose. 直到后来,强到没朋友的黑愿龙王,遇到了同样强到没对手的天魔宗主朝悦鸿。 Both old fogies are the great happiness, immediately fought. 两个老家伙都是大喜,当下就大战了一场。 The final outcome is, wish Dragon King to become black toward the mount of pleased great wild goose, and was sincerely convinced to it, kept promises. 最终结果就是,黑愿龙王成了朝悦鸿的坐骑,并且对其心服口服,说一不二。 His such a, Wang Yiyang was also scared. 只是他这么一来,王一洋也傻眼了。 He is not an average person. 他不是一般人。 If the average person, obtains such big card in hand suddenly, is definitely wild with joy. 要是一般人,忽然得到这么大一个底牌,肯定是欣喜若狂。 But he is different. 但他不同。 His secret were too many. 他身上秘密太多了。 Many that status system brings mysterious, simply does not have the means interpretation origin. 身份系统带来的诸多神秘,根本没办法解释来历。 If by some chance were discovered the clue by Hong Mi, then told sovereign toward the pleased great wild goose. 万一被洪密发现端倪,然后告诉给宗主朝悦鸿。 That result .... 那结果.... Although Wang Yiyang estimated biggest possibly toward pleased great wild goose gratified regards as important him. 虽然王一洋估计最大可能是朝悦鸿欣慰的更加看重他。 After all this is to train one to kill own succeeding to the throne sufficiently. 毕竟这位就是想要培养出一个足以杀死自己的继位者。 But this leaking matter, does not permit. 但这种泄密之事,决不允许。 Crown prince, now the person was uneven, should start the copper palace conference?” “太子,现在人齐了,也该开始铜殿会议了吧?” Hong Mi silencing got down, refused to compromise a small little while, Harajuku sank to restore some mood, the reminder dumbfounded Wang Yiyang. 洪密静寂下来,僵持了一小会儿,原宿沉恢复了些情绪,提醒呆住了的王一洋 Good, since everyone were in attendance. Then, can start.” “好,既然大家都到齐了。那么,可以开始了。” Wang Yiyang deeply inspires, claps gently. 王一洋深吸一口气,轻轻拍手。 . 啪啪。 After two clear sounds . 两声清脆响声后。 The time, the surroundings land starts to vibrate slowly, sticks out toward the above slowly, splits. 顿时间,周围大地开始缓缓震动起来,朝着上方慢慢隆起,裂开。 A Brass main hall of several hundred meters diameter, emerges from the soil slowly. 一座数百米直径的黄铜大殿,缓缓从泥土中浮出。 Wang Yiyang takes the lead to fly into from the main hall main entrance. 王一洋率先从大殿正门飞入。 Is low and deep heavy/thick ancient dings resounds. 紧接着,是一声声低沉厚重的古钟声响起。 The innumerable black demon air/Qi spreads from the main hall situation, rapid all around will mold an excellent practicing environment that suits the demon to cultivate/repair. 无数黑色魔气从大殿地步扩散开来,迅速将四周塑造成一个适合魔修的绝佳修行环境。 All military officers reduce the build in abundance, changes into the human form, follows to fly into the main hall. 所有将领纷纷缩小体型,化为人形,也跟着飞入大殿。 Harajuku sinks with the resentful shadow demon sensation touches gently, follows to fly toward the main hall main entrance. 原宿沉和怨影魔感知轻轻触碰一下,也跟着朝大殿正门飞去。 Hong Mi arrival, shocked two people thoughts enormously. 洪密的到来,极大的震撼了两人的心思。 Crown prince who before did not attach great importance to very much, at this time in their eyes, the position and influence also soared, increased first. 之前并不很重视的太子,此时在他们眼中,地位和影响力也直线上升,攀升到了第一位。 With is the real demon, Hong Mi stands in absolutely top that a handful. 同为真魔,洪密绝对是站在最顶尖的那一小撮。 Is completely different from them. 和他们完全不同。 In the real demon, has the detailed boundary division, takes the body demon as weakly, heart demon strong first-level. 真魔之中,同样有详细的境界划分,其中以身魔为最弱,心魔强一级。 Later is a day of demon, finally is a Yuan demon. 之后是天魔,最后是元魔。 Analogizes by this upward, in the real demon four levels, a Yuan demon is strongest. 以此往上类推,真魔四级中,元魔最强。 But Hong Mi, is this level. 而洪密,就是这个层次。 Compared with their heart demon boundary vice- sovereign, Hong Mi basically is one dozen two stress-free. 比起他们两个心魔境界的副宗主,洪密基本是一打二无压力。 Even toward big said, one dozen of 31 dozens four also possibly have. 甚至往大了说,一打三一打四也不是没可能。 Current sovereign closes up toward the pleased great wild goose, for breakthrough Yuan demon boundary. 现任宗主朝悦鸿就是闭关,为突破元魔境界。 Naturally the boundary is the boundary, toward pleased Hong strong is not the boundary, but is the strength. 当然境界是境界,朝悦鸿强的也不是境界,而是实力。 Initially he can by Hong Mi who the day demon boundary suppressed the Yuan demon level, its fearful degree, it can be imagined. 当初他能以天魔境界压制元魔层次的洪密,其可怕程度,可想而知。 But even, Hong Mi cannot be so victorious toward the pleased great wild goose, does not represent not to be victorious they. 但就算如此,洪密打不过朝悦鸿,不代表打不过他们。 Therefore group little darlings does not dare hurriedly, to fly into the main hall, according to the both sides seats sits respectively. 所以一行人乖乖的不敢造次,飞入大殿,照着两侧座位各自坐好。 Wang Yiyang sits the seat of honor, the resentful shadow demon and Harajuku sink two branches one on the left and other on the right. 王一洋坐主位,怨影魔和原宿沉两个分处一左一右。 Under the group demon encirclement, the Wang Yiyang complexion is invariable, the day demon sect military officer who takes a fast look around a not human form on the scene. 群魔环绕之下,王一洋面色不变,扫视一眼在场没一个人形的天魔宗将领。 „, From now on, in view of the expansion plan of crowd star Sagittarius, formally starts. “那么,从现在起,针对群星人马座的扩张计划,正式开始。 Imaginary demon, you under Sagittarius present military force distribution. ” 幻魔,你来说下人马座现在的军力分布情况。” Yes.” The face that one group of white smokes compose, appears in the main hall midair immediately. “是。”一团白烟组成的人脸,顿时在大殿半空浮现而出。 The imaginary demon is not the real demon, is only a pure name. Race name. 幻魔不是真魔,只是一个单纯的名字。种族名字。 This before them had had a true real demon, named imaginary demon. 这代表他们以前曾经出过一头真正的真魔,名为幻魔。 Therefore can use the demon character, makes own ethnic group name. 所以才能用魔字,做自己的族群名。 Depends on your highness to tell below, these days ambushes various Sagittarius regions to nose. “在下依殿下吩咐,这段时间潜伏人马座各区域查探。 The military force intensity of this foreign country as follows ..... 这片外域的军力强度如下.....” The sound of imaginary demon surges in the copper palace slowly unceasingly. 幻魔的声音缓缓在铜殿内不断激荡。 12 star level military officers, three real demon military officers, on the scene calmly listen respectfully. 十二位恒星层将领,三位真魔将领,在场静静聆听。 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... The bow of hunting. 狩猎之弓。 The moral immortal sect transmission strategy place, the white light flashes suddenly, in the strategy had/left a facial features ordinary simple old man. 道德仙宗传送阵法处,白光骤然一闪,阵法中多出了一个面容平凡的朴实老者。 The old man lower back is stiff, the figure is tall and straight, transmits, then does not look askance, the agitation within the body really Yuan, soars. 老者腰背挺直,身形挺拔,一传送过来,便目不斜视,鼓动体内真元,腾空而起。 Like the member who other transmit. 和其他传送过来的修士一样。 Old man is stepping on a white flying sword of shutter size. 老者脚下踩着一把门板大小的白色飞剑。 „ Is here a foreign country? Really is the plentiful place! Damn old fogy. Initially when asked us to begin uttered fine words. “这里就是外域?果然是丰腴之地!该死的老家伙。当初请我们动手时说得好听。 Now won, had the benefit domain, actually did not apportion me and other dragon clan! ” 现在赢了,有利益地盘了,却一点也不分给我等龙族!” The old men ambush to arrive at the dragon clan of crowd of stars to be dark blue quietly. 老者正是悄悄潜伏来到群星的龙族沧玄。 This Dragon King does not cease, camouflages the appearance aura, successfully mixed in went to the transmission strategy of crowd of star from the moral immortal sect. 这位龙王一路毫不停息,伪装自己外貌气息,成功混入了从道德仙宗前往群星的传送阵法。 Fits out one to come ordinary the member of sightseeing, he soars, starts to saunter in the bow of hunting. 装成一个普通过来观光的修士,他腾空而起,开始在狩猎之弓转悠。 In the surface he watches the scenery in the traveling, but in fact, he is close to the moral immortal sect region surrounding unceasingly. 表面上他是在旅游观看风景,但实际上,他在不断地接近道德仙宗区域外围。 Quick, he found an opportunity, knocks down merchant who comes here to stock with goods, borrows its status card, leaves the bow of hunting, toward succumbing to the star direction flies. 很快,他找了个机会,打晕一个前来这边进货的商人,借用其身份卡片,离开狩猎之弓,朝着沉湎之星方向飞去。 In his hand has the Buddhist musical instrument that from melting white there attains, has one that on Wang Yiyang takes down to send the silk, can directly the location. 他手里有从融皓子那里拿到的法器,其中有着王一洋身上取下的一丝发丝,可以直接定位位置。 After this was melted a point that white left behind initially move. At this time happen to applies. 这是当初融皓子留下的一点后招。此时正好派上用场。 When the time comes past, so long as launches the Buddhist musical instrument, can find the Wang Yiyang position immediately. 到时候过去到了,只要一展开法器,立马就能找到王一洋的位置。 Dark blue profound filled with fury, to the bow of hunting, then full speed flew. 沧玄满腔怒火,离了狩猎之弓,便全速飞行。 Arrives in a big way the spaceship engine. 将飞船引擎开到最大。 The difference from gate treats, as well as this thinks palm the vice- sovereign position, the variable rises now steep. 来自宗门的区别对待,以及本以为到手心了的副宗主之位,现在变数陡升。 After the war sect gate being concerned with dragon clan. 还有战后宗门对龙族的不闻不问。 The numerous mood mix, making the dark blue profound heart anger even more prosperous. 重重情绪混合起来,让沧玄心头怒火越发昌盛。 Just wait, anybody who dares to despise my dragon clan, must pay the price!” “等着吧,敢于轻视我龙族的任何人,都要付出代价!” The spaceship under the acceleration of tune fast engine, fast toward succumbing to the star approaches. 飞船在曲速引擎的加速下,飞快朝着沉湎之星靠近。 Quick, the Coordinate position arrives, the spaceship successfully enters Hong furnace to say the palace jurisdiction star territory. 很快,坐标位置抵达,飞船成功进入洪炉道宫管辖的星域。 Dark blue profound also no longer concealed, abandoned the spaceship, restored this appearance, then a Yuan god launched, sensation surrounding star condition. 沧玄也不再掩饰,弃了飞船,恢复本貌,然后元神展开,感知周围星球状态。 Makes me have a look, little fellow in which ..... “让我看看,那小家伙在哪.....” Dark blue departs the spaceship cabin door unreliably, float in the outer space between stars. 沧玄飞出飞船舱门,悬浮在星球之间的太空中。 He takes out a red lacquer Xiaohulu from the sleeve cuff, swings gently. 他从袖口里取出一个红漆小葫芦,轻轻一摇。 Truly like fluent hash, from transmits. 真正如同水流般的哗啦声,从其中传递而出。 Dark blue captures the bottle gourd plug unreliably, hangs upside down it. 沧玄拔掉葫芦塞子,将其倒悬。 Immediately in the bottle gourd, flows out one group of white translucent water vapor. 顿时葫芦里,流出一团白色半透明水汽。 The water vapor condenses a white flood dragon type monster. 水汽凝聚成一条白色蛟龙样怪物。 In monster head direction outer space some direction. 怪物头部指向太空中某个方向。 Found!” Dark blue looks unreliably in the monster head direction direction. “找到了!”沧玄朝着怪物头部指向方向看去。 Actually discovered that there is not the star of succumbing to he investigates. 却发现那里不是他调查到的沉湎之星。 But another nearby star. 而是另一个附近的星球。 That star brown color, seemingly is all over the body common. 那星球通体土黄色,看起来毫不起眼。 Has not thought that this to/clashes the permanent younger brother, unexpectedly is so sly, continuously in own star, instead hides on a completely desolated neighboring star.” “没想到这冲恒之弟,居然如此狡猾,不住在自己星球,反而藏到一个完全荒芜的邻近星球上。” Dark blue profound cold snort/hum. 沧玄冷哼一声。 I first looked fortunately melted white, otherwise this has not really been possible to find.” “还好我先去找了融皓子,否则这趟还真不一定能找到。” Before he comes, without feeling troublesome. 他来之前,没感觉有多麻烦。 But arrived here, discovered, group star, Hong furnace said the protection of palace area of jurisdiction imagines him is stricter. 但来到了这里,才发现,群星这边,洪炉道宫辖区的防护比他想象的还要严密。 Especially succumbs to star, these stars arrange very strong blockade strategy everywhere. 特别是沉湎之星这边,这几个星球到处都布置有很强的封锁阵法。 His Yuan god sends out, unexpectedly can only the sensation to the things of some similar demon air/Qi. 他元神散发出去,居然只能感知到一些类似魔气的东西。 Dark blue profound has not thought that will act as a cover to the permanent child with demon air/Qi kind of thing unexpectedly. 沧玄没想到冲恒子居然会用魔气这类东西做诶掩护。 Moreover is such thick demon air/Qi. 而且还是这么浓的魔气。 Pattern are very actually many, but in the face of the absolute strength, is unproductive!” “花样倒是挺多,但在绝对实力面前,一切都是徒劳!” Dark blue profound determination of fix, immediately no longer hesitant. 沧玄确定位置,当下不再犹豫。 Such near distance, his main body hurries along full power, quick can arrive. 这么近的距离,他本体全力赶路,很快就能抵达。 Therefore he shuts down the Buddhist musical instrument, a low roar, the whole body changes into together golden dragon shadow, goes toward the instruction direction rapid flight. 于是他关闭法器,一声低吼,浑身化为一道金色龙影,朝着指示方向疾飞而去。 Since decided to have no consideration for face, that made everyone has a look, his dragon clan, he dark blue profound determination. 既然决定撕破脸了,那就让大家都看看,他龙族,他沧玄的决心。 Apex 顶点
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