MI :: Volume #4

#381: 1 heart one

Newest website: In Brass main hall. 最新网址:黄铜大殿内。 Demon marks just like the red magma line, wind to past, and on the wall the minute/share in the main hall ground spreads. 一道道魔纹宛如红色岩浆线,蜿蜒流转,在大殿地面和墙壁上分散布开。 In the main hall, many demon sect military officers are divided into two rows, takes a seat safely. 大殿内,诸多魔宗将领分成两排,安然入座。 Wang Yiyang sits well the seat of honor, the both sides are the resentful shadow demon and vice- sovereign Harajuku sink respectively. 王一洋端坐主位,两侧分别是怨影魔和副宗主原宿沉。 In the air is floating all kinds of different demon air/Qi. 空气中漂浮着各式各样的不同魔气。 The so-called demon air/Qi, is the demon merit that the respective military officer practices, sends out aura. 所谓魔气,便是各自将领所修行的魔功,所散发气息。 This type of aura is classified as the name of demon, is my heart that walks is the sky overhead path. 这种气息之所以冠以魔之名,便是走的我心即天心道路。 Plunders the essence of the world, changes to the strength, this is a Demonic Path. 掠天地之精华,化作自身力量,这便是魔道。 Because the demon merit type is different, Attribute is different, therefore the world essence type of plundering is also different. 而因为魔功类型不同,属性不同,所以掠夺的天地精华类型也不同。 The aura that at this time displays equally is then different. 此时表现出的气息便一样不同。 On various military officers demon air/Qi, very obvious manifested to cultivate/repair for the high and low strong and weak respectively. 各将领身上魔气,很明显的体现出了各自修为的高低强弱。 And two real demons( trial level) is strongest. The demon air/Qi occupied main hall most regions. 其中两个真魔(审判级)是最强。魔气占据了大殿最多的区域。 Surplus positional spaces, is a star level military officer carves up. 剩余的位置空间,则是一众恒星层将领瓜分。 Group star information one by one that the imaginary demon will have investigated at this time said. 幻魔此时已经将调查出的群星情报一一道出。 Hears the information, presents to the group star huge area, expressed excitedly quite. 听到情报,在座都对群星的庞大疆域,表示相当的兴奋。 Demon member sect is always the real personality exposes, most demons cultivate/repair, like the desire to not cover up, are fastidious as one desires along with the desire, the sincerity vera. 魔宗修士从来都是真性情展露,大部分魔修,喜好欲望都不加掩饰,讲究随心随欲,真心真性。 At this time hears the crowd of star so huge areas, one crowd of demons cultivate/repair the demon air/Qi to tumble immediately, a Yuan god surges. 此时听到群星如此庞大的疆域,一群魔修顿时魔气翻滚,元神涌动。 So huge area, is simply unbelievable, is ruled by the weak person clan unexpectedly mostly! This foreign country simply is I and others the most superior demon boundary. “如此庞大疆域,简直难以置信,竟然大部分由孱弱不堪的人族统治!这个外域简直是我等之最上等魔境。 If can rule to seize completely .... 若是能全部统治占领....” A lead horse surface person military officer greedy say/way. 一头马面人身将领贪婪道。 Area, although is big, but the powerhouse inevitably is also numerous, first did not say the powerhouse in crowd of Singapore, “疆域虽大,但强者也必然众多,先不说群星本身的强者, Said that nearby immortal said three, in which real immortal such, cannot occupy more areas unexpectedly, the inside story could be imagined. ” 就说附近仙道三宗,其中的真仙如此之多,居然都不能占据更多疆域,其中内情可想而知。” Having the military officer is sober. 有将领算是清醒。 „ The trial level in group star, the real immortal level in immortal say/way, is equal to me and other real demon levels. So calculates, the water in this crowd of star are very deep. “群星中的审判级,仙道中的真仙层,等同于我等真魔层次。如此算来,这群星里的水很深啊。 I and other strengths also think can be vertically and horizontally invincible, now looks like, worthily is under Taizi Dian, really takes a long-range approach. Wise! ” 我等实力原本还以为能纵横无敌,现在看来,不愧是太子殿下,果真高瞻远瞩。英明!” This is flatters. 这是拍马屁的。 Do not think that the star level has not flattered. Similarly also has. 别以为恒星层就没有拍马屁的。同样也有。 This flattering military officer fiendish features, on the back grows four wings, depended is flatters the rise. 这位拍马屁的将领青面獠牙,背生四翼,靠的就是拍马屁崛起。 The big shot who he had flattered initially, died by him in secret Yin. Swallowing cultivates is completely, changes into oneself to use, finally can the achievement so position. 他当初拍过马屁的大佬,一个个都被他暗中阴死。吞噬全部修为,化为己用,最终才能成就如此地位。 Now my sect only then three real demon assistance, contrast, perhaps the strength falls short.” A female demon of person first snake body low and deep say/way. “如今我宗就只有三位真魔协助,这么对比起来,恐怕力有不逮。”一位人首蛇身的女性魔将低沉道。 If can encourage more real demon seniors to participate again, the demon prestige is enormous and powerful, might as well be able to seize more areas and resources.” “若是能再鼓动更多真魔前辈参与,魔威浩荡,未尝不能抢占更多疆域和资源。” May not, I and others, if seizes suddenly forcefully, definitely will upset the balance, according to the existing situation, will extremely possibly trigger the immortal and group star unites efforts to counter-attack.” “不可,我等若是突然强行抢占,必然会打破平衡,按照现有局势来看,极可能会引发仙道和群星协力反扑。” This not good that is not good, our respective chapter of sects consider as finished simply, but also dull does here really!?” “这也不行那也不行,干脆我们各自回宗算了,还呆在这里作甚!?” Under Taizi Dian confident, sovereign sends Hong Mi senior to assist, has to decide the idea surely early. Was inferior that everyone listens to your highness to plan.” “太子殿下胸有成竹,还有宗主派遣洪密前辈协助,必定早有定计。不如大家听听殿下计划。” Good, your highness is calm, has to decide the idea inevitably early.” “不错,殿下气定神闲,必然是早有定计。” A numerous demon will discuss a while, in abundance on Wang Yiyang that focuses on sitting well does not speak. 一众魔将议论一会儿,纷纷将注意力集中到端坐不语的王一洋身上。 Wang Yiyang early is really in a planned way. 王一洋确实早有计划。 At this time by many vision gatherings, is not startled. 此时被诸多目光汇聚,也不惊慌。 Although these demons each strength by far in him. But he has the real immortal magic weapon armor, protects the body with the real demon level long night bead, in addition Hong Mi takes possession, but also really has no heart of fear. 尽管这些魔将各个实力都远胜于他。但他有真仙法宝铠甲,和真魔级永夜珠护体,再加上洪密附身,还真没什么畏惧之心。 Your highness, said that looked how you do arrange?” Nearby resentful shadow demon squawk inquired, similarly the attitude was very polite. “殿下,说说看您是怎么安排的?”一旁的怨影魔尖声询问道,同样态度很客气。 Harajuku sinks also to follow to look. 原宿沉同样跟着看过来。 Regarding this crown prince, he thinks is only the future potential stock. 对于这个太子,他原本以为只是个未来潜力股。 Now looks like, does not look at the strength, looks at the influence that can transfer only, is not the potential stock can appraise. 现在看来,不看实力,单看能调动的势力,就已经不是潜力股能评价的了。 Under the support of this grade of influence background, Wang Yiyang is one can with the top big shot who they treat as an equal. 在这等势力背景的支撑下,王一洋已经是一位能和他们平起平坐的顶尖大佬。 „.” “诸位。” Wang Yiyang smile, both hands holding down seat arm rest. 王一洋微笑,双手按住座椅扶手。 „ The idea of present, to open up the perspective in the group star. “如今之计,要想在群星打开局面。 First, we must avoid clashing with an immortal influence. This aspect I have the scheme, can stabilize the situation. ” 首先,我们要避免和仙道势力发生冲突。这方面我自有计谋,可以稳住局势。” Second, the group star has many trial levels, this is not false. But machine armor master of trial level, although with me and other real demons same level. “第二,群星有诸多审判级,这点是不假。可审判级的机甲师,虽然和我等真魔同级。 But they have a fatal weakness. 但他们有一个致命弱点。 They must dress large-scale machinery armor of trial level, has the qualifications to be the real demon level. 他们必须要穿戴审判级的大型机甲,才有资格达到真魔层次。 But in the ordinary day, without trial level machine armor, they are only some top star level machine armor masters. ” 而平日里,没有审判级机甲,他们就只是一些顶尖的恒星层机甲师。” Wang Yiyang waves. 王一洋挥手。 Center the main hall, the midair appears immediately angel general pure white beautiful humanoid armor. 大殿正中,顿时半空浮现一具天使一般的纯白美丽人形机甲。 The machine armor on the back grows six wings, the whole body flood light, the top of the head is also connecting one round just like the energy halo of streamer. 机甲背生六翼,浑身泛光,头顶还连接着一轮宛如飘带的能量光环。 This is Sagittarius is known as strongest trial machine armor, light angel Michael. “这是人马座号称最强的审判机甲,光天使米迦勒。 Its once score, can search in the network at will. 它曾经的战绩,在网络上都能随意查找。 Once a sword, had destroyed four galaxies full power, 35 stars. 曾全力一剑,毁灭过四个恒星系,三十五颗星球。 Turns the might, has been able to place on a par with the real demon. ” 轮威力,已经能和真魔相提并论。” The Wang Yiyang smile said. 王一洋微笑道。 But, the operator of light angel, Michael, is actually only a star level machine armor master. Main body strength, even any present, cannot be victorious.” “但,光天使的操作者,米迦勒,其实只是一个恒星层机甲师。本体实力,甚至连在座的任何一位,都打不过。” The demon on the scene hears word, is somewhat in a tumult immediately. 在场的魔将闻言,顿时有些骚动起来。 Everyone has read the crowd of star materials slightly, will otherwise not see call-up hurriedly catches up. 大家都稍微看过了群星这边的资料,否则也不会看到召集令就急匆匆的赶过来。 It is not looks here has the opportunity, wants to come to slice. 不就是看这边有机会,想过来分一杯羹。 Therefore many demons, will have heard the group star machine armor master did not have machine armor, itself will be very frail. 所以诸多魔将,都听说过群星机甲师没了机甲,本身会很脆弱。 From the beginning felt, possibly did not have machine armor, weak 1-2 boundaries at the most. 只是一开始只是觉得,可能没了机甲,就弱个1-2境界就顶天了。 But now one hear, this is not the weak 1-2 boundary issue. 可现在一听,这根本就不是弱1-2境界的问题。 But was weak several big boundaries! 而是弱了好几个大境界! „The meaning of your highness is, directly solves the operator main body? Let them control large-scale machinery armor without enough time?” The resentful shadow demon squawk asked. “殿下的意思是,直接解决操作者本体?让他们来不及操控大型机甲?”怨影魔尖声问。 Plan is so, simple, but effective.” Wang Yiyang nods. “计划就是如此,简单但有效。”王一洋点头。 I have the influence, has infiltrated various Sagittarius star clusters, collected many information. Also collected the specific details of various trial level machine armor.” “我另有势力,已经渗透到了人马座各处星群,收集了诸多情报。也采集到了各审判级机甲师的具体资料。” He, continued to say. 他顿了顿,继续道。 Naturally, we do not need then to begin from the beginning directly. Does not need to begin to cut the murderous intention armor master completely. “当然,我们没有必要一开始便直接动手。也没必要全部动手斩杀机甲师。 Everyone, our primary purposes, are to seize the domain area, gains the resources. Does not destroy completely crowd of stars. 各位,我们的根本目的,是占领地盘疆域,获取资源。并非灭掉群星。 This needs everyone to distinguish clearly. After all the group star is not I and others imagined is so simple. ” The Wang Yiyang reminder said. 这点需要大家分清。毕竟群星并非我等想象这么简单。”王一洋提醒道。 Therefore, you mean, punishes one as a warning to others? Then makes the pressure on force them to make concessions, cession territory?” Most started to respond the bat demon of summons to make noise. “所以,您的意思是,杀鸡儆猴?然后制造压力逼迫他们退让,割让领地?”最开始响应号召的蝙蝠魔出声了。 No.” Wang Yiyang shows the smile, confident. “不。”王一洋露出微笑,成竹在胸。 I and other strength, although is inferior to crowd of stars, but solely deals with a Sagittarius, does not have the issue. Does not have this necessity. “我等的实力,虽然不如群星,但单单应付一个人马座,还是没问题的。只是没这个必要而已。 The galaxy resists me and others, because they think that we are the intruder. 群星会对抗我等,只是因为他们认为我们是入侵者。 But if makes them believe, our itself is their part ..... 但若是让他们认为,我们本就是他们的一部分呢.....” That is the interior strives for the power, we only need to deal with few part of strengths, can control the aspect.” Harajuku sinks the nod to approve the person of same belief. “那便是内部争权,我们只需要应付很少的一部分力量,就能掌控局面。”原宿沉点头赞同道。 Very much so.” Wang Yiyang nods. “正是如此。”王一洋点头。 Your highness thinks that has the arrangement early, such being the case, I and others then all told depending on your highness.” Resentful shadow demon sharp say/way. The first statement. “殿下想必早有安排,既然如此,我等便全凭殿下吩咐。”怨影魔尖锐道。第一个表态。 Since Wang Yiyang has now sovereign endorses personally, no matter how, the superficial attitude is certainly bright. 既然如今王一洋有宗主亲自背书,不管如何,表面态度一定要鲜明。 Good, under Taizi Dian maps out strategic plans in an army tent, must be able to lead me and others to march to the victory.” “不错,太子殿下运筹帷幄,必能带领我等走向胜利。” I and others followed your highness, must be able to be invincible!” “我等跟随殿下,必能战无不胜!” A numerous demon will shout loudly with one voice. 一众魔将纷纷齐声高呼。 Wang Yiyang sits well the seat of honor, the smile is gentle, was not thought highly to affect. 王一洋端坐主位,笑容平和,丝毫不受恭维影响。 What he very clear depend upon is anything, can make the demon present believe. 他很清楚自己依靠的是什么,才能让在座魔将信服。 This illusory sense of achievement and power and influence, are not he pursue. 这种虚幻的成就感和权势,并非他追求。 Sooner or later one day, he can also by himself the strength, obtain so the momentum! 迟早有一天,他也能靠自己之力,获得如此声势! When does not know gets up, the calm life thought in Wang Yiyang heart, has transformed quietly, so long as obtains the sufficient strength and power and influence, can on the true calm life. 不知道何时起,王一洋心中的平静生活念头,已经悄然转化成了,只要获得足够的实力和权势,就能过上真正的平静生活。 The strength, the power and influence, equates his wish always. 实力,权势,将他一直以来的心愿画上了等号。 Now, according to the plan, I arranges a strategy embryonic form before here, but also needs strives.” “现在,按照计划,我之前在这里布置了一个阵法雏形,还需诸位出一份力。” The Wang Yiyang smile said. 王一洋微笑道。 This strategy is nine transports/fortunes extinguishes spirit. May gather the Yin demon air/Qi and Yang Moqi mixes the qualitative change, repeats a universe antique initial beginning of the universe.” “此阵法为九运灭灵阵。可汇聚阴魔气和阳魔气混合质变,重演宇宙太古最初的一点混元。” Nine transport/fortune extinguishes spirit... your highness to have the boldness, this consumption resources spirit stones, the general medium sect gate complete net worth cannot bear.” The resentful shadow demon smiles sharp. “九运灭灵阵...殿下果真有魄力,此阵消耗资源灵石之多,一般的中等宗门全部身家也负担不起。”怨影魔尖笑起来。 If becomes, can stir the muddy universe, the spiritual energy returns to the chaos , without the mark may seek, being incapable to borrow, I and other demons cultivated/repaired the strength to promote near time in disguised form.” Harajuku sinks the approval nod to say. “但一旦阵成,便可搅浑宇宙,灵气重返混沌,无迹可寻,无力可借,我等魔修实力将变相提升近倍。”原宿沉赞同点头道。 „, Then invited to lend a hand to help my helping hand.” “如此,便请诸位出手助我一臂之力。” The Wang Yiyang palm turns, in the palm appears immediately a deep purple lotus copper stage. 王一洋手掌一翻,掌心中顿时浮现一座深紫色荷花铜台。 The copper stage center, the stamen and pistil place, a little scarlet glimmer light and shade is uncertain. 铜台中心,花蕊处,有一点猩红微光明暗不定。 Goes.” Wang Yiyang throws gently. “去。”王一洋轻轻一抛。 Throws into the midair the lotus copper stage. 将荷花铜台抛到半空。 The lotus rotates slowly, floats the anchorage, on all flower petals shines the pale red fluorescence in abundance. 荷花缓缓转动,漂浮定住,所有花瓣上纷纷亮起淡红荧光。 So I then first revealed shortcomings.” Bat demon's first stands the belt/bring rhythm. “如此我便先献丑了。”蝙蝠魔第一个站出来带节奏。 Its both arms gather, a point, the palm departs a golden small bat again immediately, jumps into in which flower petal of lotus copper stage. 它双臂一合,再一分,掌心顿时飞出一只黄金小蝙蝠,扑入荷花铜台的其中一片花瓣。 On that jumped into flower petal, immediately had/left a golden bat pattern. 那片被扑入的花瓣上,顿时多出了一副金色蝙蝠花纹。 Later is other demons, will release oneself strongest technique law again, the seal is one of them. Forms the different patterns on the flower petal. 再之后是其余魔将,纷纷释放自己最强术法,封印在其中。在花瓣上形成不同花纹。 Quick, is one's turn the final two trial level real demons. 很快,轮到最后两位审判级真魔。 Harajuku sinks sets out slowly, as at first then with the big shot who the crown prince forms an alliance, he naturally must highlight and Wang Yiyang nearer relations. 原宿沉缓缓起身,作为最初便和太子结盟的大佬,他自然要凸显出自己和王一洋更近的关系。 Therefore at this time must unable to be parsimonious. 所以此时必不能吝啬。 He stretches out the right palm, the palm rotates a vermilion round bead turning round. 他伸出右掌,掌心滴溜溜转动一枚朱红色圆珠。 In circle bead black rotten dragon shadow of float diminished version. 圆珠内悬浮一头缩小版的黑色腐烂龙影。 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Dark blue profound breaks open the demon air/Qi barrier, non-stop flies the brown star. 沧玄一路破开魔气屏障,直飞土黄色星球。 After flying into the atmosphere, his eyes then saw purple grid that below ground covers entirely. 飞入大气层后他一眼便看到了下方地面布满的紫色网格。 Really has the trick!” “果然有猫腻!” His cold snort/hum one, the surroundings all are thick to various disgusting demon air/Qi. 他冷哼一声,周围全是浓厚到让人厌恶的各种魔气。 As an immortal spirit beast, dark blue profound naturally most loathes this grade of opposition aura. 作为仙道灵兽,沧玄自然最是厌恶这等对立气息。 All around he takes a fast look around. The pleasant place, is various fishy demon. 他扫视四周。入眼之处,全是乌烟瘴气的各种魔阵。 Does not manage, first made an arrest said again!” “不管了,先抓人再说!” Dark blue profound very clear here to the permanent domain, who has known him also what strategy subsequent hand under this Riboux. 沧玄很清楚这里已经是冲恒的地盘,谁知道他还在这里布下什么阵法后手。 Therefore he acts personally, to fight a battle to force a quick decision, first catches the person to walk. 所以他才亲自出手,就是为了速战速决,第一时间抓到人就走。 He closed eyes to induce, quick then the Buddhist musical instrument from the hand detected the position. 他闭目感应了下,很快便从手中法器察觉到方位。 Found! Suffices to be discrete, unexpectedly hides in such remote place. However cannot escape the spiritual eye of my dragon clan again remotely!” “找到了!够谨慎,居然躲在这么偏僻的地方。不过再偏僻也逃不过我龙族之灵眼!”
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