MI :: Volume #4

#379: Terrified one

Newest website: After several days . 最新网址:数日后。 Succumbed to that the star approaches somewhere, on a strange desolated star. 沉湎之星临近某处,一颗陌生荒芜星球上。 The brown star surface, like the fishing net purple grid, the grid sparkle purple fluorescence, in the mesh has the slight rune/symbol Wenmo mark sparkle everywhere faintly. 土黄色的星球表面,到处是如渔网般的紫色网格,网格闪耀紫色荧光,网眼中隐隐有细微符文魔纹闪耀。 Entire star after the atmosphere, looks from afar, seems like wrapped general by a huge purple network. 整个星球穿过大气后,远远望去,就像是被一张巨大紫色网络包裹住一般。 Hiss. 嘶。 A glimmer flashes through, in the star atmosphere, suddenly are many together the black robe white mask person. 一道微光闪过,星球大气中,骤然多出一道黑袍白色面具人。 About the mask person takes a fast look around. Puts out a hand, palm downward. 面具人左右扫视一遍。伸出手,掌心向下。 Dusk hasn't the monster, come at once to see me?” “黄昏妖,还不速来见我?” Bang! 嘭! His palm blasts out a piece of white light immediately, as if the signal is the same, demonstrated that looks to the ground. 他掌心顿时炸开一片白光,仿佛信号一样,展示给地面看。 The white light flashes passes. 白光一闪即逝。 Quick, in the star surface, all purple grids twist slightly. 很快,星球地表上,所有的紫色网格都微微扭曲起来。 In the mesh the transpiration has faint trace heterogeneous pollution slowly the special smog. 网眼中缓缓蒸腾起一丝丝驳杂浑浊的特殊烟雾。 Under Taizi Dian, but also please excuse me, the subordinate just when the refine the pill of immortality crucial phase, cannot get out of the way for a while, the strategy arrangement has been completed, you can go to start personally .... “太子殿下,还请见谅,属下正值炼丹关键时期,一时走不开,阵法布置已经完成,您可以亲自前往启动....” The sound transmits from the smog together slowly. 一道声音缓缓从烟雾中传递而出。 The mask person puts out a hand to grasp, immediately the innumerable smog by the invisible great strength, were gathered in his palm, concentrates one group. 面具人伸手一抓,顿时无数烟雾被无形巨力,汇聚到他手心中,凝成一团。 He scatters again, in the smog the hand throws outward. 他再一撒,将手中烟雾往外一抛。 Immediately the smog blasts out, changes into together the illusory translucent purple round arched entrance. 顿时烟雾炸开,化为一道虚幻的半透明紫色圆拱门。 The mask person proceeds to fly into. 面具人往前飞入其中。 The surrounding scene transforms instantaneously, from just star atmosphere, one transformed to a spacious silent giant black cliff on. 周围场景瞬间变换,从刚刚的星球大气层,一下转换到一座空旷寂静的巨大黑色山崖上。 The mask person removes the mask slowly, reveals fine attractive young facial features. 面具人缓缓去掉面具,露出一张精致漂亮的年轻面容。 Impressively is Wang Yiyang that comes back from centaur main star. 赫然便是才从半人马主星回来的王一洋 He stands near the cliff, looks into the distance downward, sees only under is too deep to see the bottom, the black air/Qi is billowing, just like bottomless trench. 他站在山崖边,往下眺望,只见下方深不见底,黑气滚滚,宛如无底深渊。 But the surroundings are also one piece jet black gloomy. Has the ice-cold aura to try to drill into his skin unceasingly. 而周围也是一片漆黑阴暗。有冰冷气息不断试图钻入他皮肤。 Wang Yiyang thinks little, proceeds steps, the crash cliff, flies toward under. 王一洋不以为意,往前一个踏步,坠落山崖,朝下方飞去。 He across the numerous heavy/thick black smokes, arrives in most under ground quickly. 他穿过重重厚重黑烟,很快抵达最下方地面。 The black smoke diverges. 黑烟散去。 Bottom of the cliff, reveals a several hundred meters giant deep purple square shape transmission gate impressively. 山崖底部,赫然露出一个数百米巨大的深紫色方形传送门。 On the transmission gate frame, is twining the innumerable white bones arms, all arms seem like the vine, climbs up mutually, along doorframe unceasingly upward. 传送门边框上,缠绕着无数白骨手臂,所有的手臂像是藤蔓般,相互攀爬,沿着门框不断往上。 The doorframe, is sparkling to ripple such as the water shape energy light of blue corrugated sheet. 门框内部,正闪耀荡漾着如蓝色波纹板的水状能量光。 Stands before transmitting the gate, on doorframe innumerable white bones arms, smelled the aura of flesh, wants to put out a hand to grasp to him. 站在传送门前,门框上无数的白骨手臂,都闻到了血肉的气息,想要伸出手抓向他。 Wang Yiyang cold snort/hum, body demon mark slightly reappearing red light. 王一洋冷哼一声,身上魔纹微微浮现红光。 Immediately all white bones arms frighten the retraction rapidly, sticks to does not dare to move on the doorframe. 顿时所有白骨手臂吓得急速回缩,紧贴在门框上不敢动弹。 Double-hour has arrived. Can start.” The Wang Yiyang light say/way, the sound just like the thunderclap, rapidly spreads over the surrounding space. “时辰已到。可以开始了。”王一洋淡淡道,声音宛如炸雷,迅速传遍周围空间。 The time, the entire transmission gate starts to vibrate to shiver. 顿时间,整个传送门开始震动颤抖起来。 In the middle wave ripple, starts to stick out, distortion, sparkle, shake. 正中间的水波波纹中,开始隆起,扭曲,闪耀,震荡。 Quick, gigantic is covered with the arm of black wool, extended slowly. 很快,一只硕大的长满黑毛的手臂,缓缓伸了出来。 Is the both legs, the torso, the head, as well as pair of wings. 紧接着是双腿,躯干,头颅,以及双翼。 This is a head harness the huge bat demon of purple royal crown. 这是一头带着紫色王冠的巨大蝙蝠魔。 Its body best pupil is more than 200 meters, the whole body is covered with the dense and numerous black wools, the chest place has a translucent prisoner's cage, can see blood-color heart that in beats unceasingly. 它身高足有两百多米,浑身长满密密麻麻黑毛,胸膛处有着个半透明的囚笼,可以看到里面不断跳动的血色心脏。 In the heart has the human form to be partly visible indistinctly. 心脏中隐约有人形若隐若现。 Sees Wang Yiyang before gate, the bat demon slowly low giant head, looks the respectful color. 看到门前的王一洋,蝙蝠魔缓缓低下巨大头颅,面露恭敬之色。 crouches/submits Yangzi, has seen your highness.” “伏羊子,见过殿下。” The sound of bat demon rubs just like the glass window and metal mutually, is much more incisive. 蝙蝠魔的声音宛如玻璃窗和金属相互摩擦,尖锐得刺耳。 Never expected that my call-up you are the first response.” Wang Yiyang looks the color of appreciation. “没想到我的召集令你是第一个响应的。”王一洋面露赞赏之色。 The bat demon hurries to fly away same place. Waits for in the nearby darkness. 蝙蝠魔赶紧飞离原地。在附近黑暗中等待。 Also crossed for more than ten seconds, in the transmission gate departs a headage ten meters high giant falcon. 又过了十几秒,传送门内又飞出一头数十米高的巨大白鹰。 The falcon surface and normal eagle have not distinguished, back, grows one group just like corrupting only flesh red face. 白鹰表面和正常老鹰没区别,唯独背部,长着一团宛如腐烂掉的血肉般的红色人脸。 Not clear elder, has been well since last meeting.” The Wang Yiyang smile greeted. “未清长老,别来无恙。”王一洋微笑打招呼道。 The giant falcon nods slightly. 巨大白鹰微微颔首。 Under Taizi Dian, you actually wait to greet personally, the old man is extremely terrified.” “太子殿下,您竟然亲自等候迎接,老夫不胜惶恐。” You were polite. Can come on the call-up, itself is to my support.” Wang Yiyang sincere say/way. “您客气了。能应召集令而来,本身便是对我的支持。”王一洋正色道。 The giant falcon had not said that but after the nod expressed best wishes, then flew away rapidly, moves out of the way the position. 巨大白鹰没有多说,只是点头致意后,便迅速飞离,挪开位置。 The military officers who a leader came from the day of demon sect, go out in abundance. 紧接着,一头头来自天魔宗的将领们,纷纷走出。 And some military officers are fierce, some appearance Gucci, but also some do not have the shape from the start, is only one group of water current, a giant stone, ships. 其中有的将领狰狞诡异,有的容貌古奇,还有的压根没有形状,只是一团水流,一块巨石,一艘船只等。 The day demon sect rules ten thousand areas, for the military officers of representative, naturally what race has. 天魔宗统治万界疆域,其中为代表的将领们,自然什么种族都有。 Quick, altogether 12 military officers gather. 很快,一共十二位将领聚集完毕。 The military power calculated temporarily enough. Transmission gate opening instant also quickly to limit. 军事力量暂时算足够了。传送门的开启时间也快到极限了。 Wang Yiyang is just about to close the transmission, turns around to leave. 王一洋正要关闭传送,转身离开。 Suddenly the entire transmission gate trembles slightly. 忽然整个传送门微微一颤。 The light moderate transmission wave, started to shiver fiercely the distortion. 原本平淡缓和的传送水波,开始剧烈颤抖扭曲。 The effort strove to excel before on are too more than are too more. 其力度比之前要强上太多太多。 The air current surges, the surroundings demon air/Qi density starts to be raised rapidly. 气流涌动,周围魔气浓度开始急速提升。 One type such as resentful such as sues, the vague weeping sound, starts to fill dispersing in all around. 一种如怨如诉,若有若无的哭声,开始在四周弥漫散开。 The military officers who the surroundings just arrived at ahead of time, are critical situation, full play demon merit, to resist the powerful force field that this type of nature carries. 周围刚刚提前到的将领们,纷纷如临大敌,全力运转身上魔功,以抵御这种自然携带的强大力场。 On Wang Yiyang naturally the purple gold colored light of reappearing real demon long night bead is also dizzy. 王一洋身上也自然浮现真魔器永夜珠的紫金色光晕。 The long night bead only then faces the demon to cultivate/repair has big using, usually he does not demonstrate from the start it. 永夜珠只有面对魔修才有大用,平时他压根不将其显示出来。 Because is not big to other type enemy uses. 因为对其他类型敌人用处不大。 At this time, cultivates facing the demon, in the protection effort, actually be stronger than the magic weapon armor. 此时,面对魔修,在防护力度上,却要比法宝铠甲更强。 This fluctuation ..... even can cause the automatic early warning of long night bead... ....!?” The Wang Yiyang heart was imposing, knows big fellow. “这种波动.....甚至能引起永夜珠的自动预警...难道说....!?”王一洋心头凛然,知道来了大家伙。 This sound .... Another sound however resounds. “这个动静....”另一个声音都然响起。 The Wang Yiyang body side glitters suddenly, presents together the purplish black armor human form. 王一洋身侧陡然闪烁,出现一道紫黑铠甲人形。 Day demon sect vice- sovereign Harajuku that has then stabilized impressively sinks. 赫然便是已经安定下来的天魔宗副宗主原宿沉。 He horizontally views the front transmission gate, the red glow in both eyes glitters unceasingly. 他平视前方传送门,双目中的红芒不断闪烁。 Originally is you, the resentful shadow demon, so many years has not seen, are the same old stories, a fresh idea does not have, isn't greasy?” “原来是你,怨影魔,这么多年没见,还是老一套,一点新意也没,不腻么?” Wang Yiyang one knows as one pleases, coming the person to sink absolutely this real demon trial level with Harajuku, a big shot of rank. 王一洋一听便知道,来人绝对是和原宿沉这个真魔审判级,一个级别的大佬。 The day demon sect, the big shot is numerous, because does not obey the management, mostly goes straight there and comes straight back, wants to come to come, wants to walk walks. Therefore rarely meets. 天魔宗内部,大佬众多,但因为不服从管理,大多都直来直去,想来就来,想走就走。所以很少见面。 After all demon sect, what art is free as one desires, the Heavenly Dao is I said. 毕竟魔宗,讲究的是自由随心,天道即我道。 Wang Yiyang has not thought, a oneself ordinary call-up, annoyed unexpectedly the big shot of this rank. 王一洋也没想到,自己一个普通的召集令,居然把这级别的大佬也惹出来了。 He wear a look of respectful, calmly waits in the one side. 他面带恭敬,静静在一旁等候。 I responded under Taizi Dian to summon, came to open up territory pioneer/monarch earth for the sect gate, how, did Harajuku sink you to have the opinion?” “我响应太子殿下号召,前来为宗门开疆辟土,怎么,原宿沉你有意见?” In transmission gate, the black giant porcelain altar/jar of growing the innumerable heads, curls the black smoke to depart slowly. 传送门中,一个长着无数人头的黑色巨型瓷坛,缓缓卷着黑烟飞出。 The porcelain altar/jar surface probably long grape, grew various heads. 瓷坛表面像是长葡萄般,长了大片大片的各种人头。 And there are both men and women, has always has few, even majority is not the human head. 其中有男有女,有老有少,甚至还有大部分不是人类头颅。 Wang Yiyang then recognized came the person status. 王一洋一眼便认出了来人身份。 The resentful shadow demon, day demon sect Benbu ranks one of the first ten combat generals. The real demon cultivates is, joins the day of demon sect is about hundred years of top powerhouse. 怨影魔,天魔宗本部排名前十战将之一。真魔修为,是才加入天魔宗不过百年的顶尖强者。 Now in the positive running action, to compete for the vice- sovereign position activity relates. 现在正在积极的奔走行动,为争夺副宗主之位活动关系。 Do not be in the way, resentful shadow demon!” Here two real demon big shot are still confronting, behind the transmission gate spreads constrains the sound together hot tempered. “别挡路,怨影魔!”这边两个真魔大佬还在对峙,传送门后面又传出一道暴躁压抑声音。 ! 呼! The bunch purplish black flame, sweeps across from the transmission gate suddenly, lights the entire doorframe. 一团团紫黑火焰,骤然从传送门中席卷而出,将整个门框点燃。 Harajuku sinks with the resentful shadow demon is one startled, flies away respectively. 原宿沉和怨影魔都是一惊,各自飞离。 Wang Yiyang will also draw back hundred meters in the future. Firmly stares is presenting the unusual transmission gate. 王一洋也往后退了百米。牢牢的盯着出现异常的传送门。 Quick. 很快。 In the gate, an enormous fierce dragon's head, arched slowly. 门内,一个极大的狰狞龙头,缓缓拱了出来。 Only the dragon's head, is the entire transmission gate several hundred meters is so big. 光龙头,就有整个传送门数百米这么大。 The big dragon head, the head lives four corners, six golden eyes are divided into two rows, distributes by the bridge of the nose. 巨龙头颅,头生四根犄角,六只金色眼睛分成两排,分布在鼻梁两侧。 Just like the lizard great mouth, is growing dense and numerous pinch of black beards. 宛如蜥蜴般的巨嘴边,长着密密麻麻一撮黑色胡须。 These beards were formed the vulnerable point, hangs. Sways slightly. 这些胡须都被编成小辫子,一根根的垂下来。微微摇晃。 But the most appealing look, is center the big dragon forehead has been shining slowly a character. 而最吸引人眼神的,是巨龙眉心正中一直缓缓亮着的一个字。 That is a gigantic Cuba character. 那是一个硕大的‘古’字。 Too small... was too small this gate!!” The big dragon swayed from side to side hot tempered several, pushes the transmission gate to make noise. “太小了...太小了啊这个门!!”巨龙暴躁的扭动了几下,挤得传送门吱嘎作响。 You are .... Hong Mi...!!?” “你是....洪密...!!?” Harajuku sinks not to recognize from the beginning, at this time suddenly remembered anything immediately the both eyes red light writings, seemed stimulated what not good memory. Is excited immediately. 原宿沉一开始没认出来,此时忽然想起了什么顿时双目红光大作,似乎被刺激到了什么不好的记忆。情绪顿时激动起来。 Who is calling me?” Body that the big dragon reduces at this time, difficult slowly pushes from the transmission gate. “谁在叫我?”巨龙此时缩小的身体,艰难的慢慢从传送门那边挤出来。 Its giant body flesh, all has not been the skin, the fascia, with bone. 它巨大的身体没有一点血肉,全是皮,筋膜,和骨头。 But all bones are sending out the thick purplish black flame always. 但所有骨头无时无刻不在散发着浓浓的紫黑火焰。 This big dragon just came out, then fires periphery the space rapidly to twist, forcing the military officers who before came out to retrocede in abundance, does not dare to approach. 这头巨龙刚一出来,便灼烧得周围空间急速扭曲,逼迫之前出来的将领们纷纷后退,不敢靠近。 „? Is you... Harajuku sinks? The lovable little fellow, I thinks, at that time, you... selected in a big way.” “哦?是你啊...原宿沉?可爱的小家伙,我想想,那时候,你才...唔...这么点大。” Big dragon Hong Mi compared a size with the claw, slightly is very very small, only has a nail to select. 巨龙洪密用爪子比了个大小,很小很小,只有一根指甲那么点。 What do you make? Comes to shame specially my? Hong Mi, you do not work as the overlord in your film world, what here runs up to makes?” “你来做什么?是专门来羞辱我的?洪密,你不在你的影界当太上皇,跑到这边来做什么?” In Harajuku sinking spoken language shows thick dreading. 原宿沉言语里透出浓浓的忌惮。 For other, merely is not only because, he had been hit by this fellow. 不为别的,仅仅只是因为,他被这家伙打过。 Incessantly is he, nearby resentful shadow demon also rushes to a farther place quietly, avoids confronting with this old demon dragon directly. 不止是他,一旁的怨影魔也悄悄跑到更远地方,避免和这头老魔龙正面对峙。 I come to here, by the sovereign Sir was arranged, to come to assist the crown prince to control the aspect. What's wrong? Do you have the opinion to me?” Demon dragon Hong Mi impatient say/way. “我来这里,是受宗主大人安排,前来协助太子掌控局面。怎么?你对我有意见?”魔龙洪密不耐烦道。 Can come one?” Its giant head approaches, stares mood not steady Harajuku to sink. “要不要来一架?”它巨大的头颅逼近过来,瞪着情绪不稳的原宿沉。 You...!!?” Harajuku sinks to point at the opposite party, he thinks very much a palm of the hand wields at the scene. “你...!!?”原宿沉指着对方,他很想一巴掌当场挥过去。 But he does not dare. 但他不敢。 The reason is very simple, because he cannot be victorious this goods. 原因很简单,因为他打不过这货。 Hope Dragon King Hong Mi black, is the day of demon sect is next to the remote antiquity and sovereign strongest strength. 黑愿龙王洪密,是天魔宗仅次于太上和宗主的最强战力。 It was once the terrifying of swallowing a domain extinguishes the world demon dragon, its main body is huge, the present is only its reduction body. 它是曾经一口吞噬一个界域的恐怖灭世魔龙,其本体庞大无比,现在只是它的一个缩小体。 The main body volume big, perhaps sovereign knows. 其本体体积到底有多大,恐怕只有宗主才知道。 In brief, is this big fellow, is sovereign helps the crown prince Wang Yiyang stable aspect toward pleased Hong-school. 简而言之,就是这大家伙,就是宗主朝悦鸿派来帮太子王一洋稳定局面的。 Also it can be imagined, toward pleased great wild goose after after the group star infiltration understanding. 也可想而知,朝悦鸿在经过对群星这边的渗透了解后。 Also even more attaches great importance to here. 对这里也越发重视。 Obviously, his plan to the Wang Yiyang this crown prince quite favors. 很显然,他对王一洋这个太子的计划相当看好。 Therefore sends out Hong Mi, indicates own attitude. 所以派出洪密,就是表明自己的态度。 The demon sect style always takes the powerhouse as to revere. 魔宗风格一向以强者为尊。 Apex 顶点
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