MI :: Volume #4

#378: Plans and plans two

Newest website: Discerning people can see, situation some are not right, your teacher should frame by planting stolen goods on to shift blame. Why can the constellation military headquarters aim at you?’ Waroux polysome in spreads the gentle female voice. 最新网址:‘明眼人都能看出,情况有些不对劲,你老师应该只是被栽赃嫁祸。为什么星座军部还是要针对你们?’瓦鲁多体内传出柔和女声。 ‚Very simple, because they need a scapegoat, they need a goal of most appropriate shouldering charge. But continues forever the meeting, most appropriate.’ ‘很简单,因为他们需要一个替罪羊,他们需要一个最合适的背负罪名的目标。而永续会,最合适。’ Waroux many this time also collected the approximate information. 瓦鲁多此时也收集到了大致的情报。 Guesses correctly behind Teacher Nagai, has to continue forever the support of meeting. 猜到永井老师背后,是有永续会的支持。 Therefore they know obviously your teacher framed by planting stolen goods on, but also pushes the boat along, sets the charge? Is because appropriate?’ The gentle female voice is somewhat helpless. ‘所以他们明明知道你老师是被栽赃,但也顺水推舟,定下罪名?仅仅是因为合适?’柔和女声有些无奈。 This is the reality. Helpless. But the person of being incapable can only accept.’ ‘这就是现实。很无奈吧。但无力之人就只能接受。’ Waroux walks into the spaceship tranquilly, the retinues enter rapidly, the cabin door starts to be closed. 瓦鲁多平静走入飞船,身后仆从们迅速进入,舱门开始关闭。 ‚ The person of design is wise, they saw the crowd of star Sagittarius military to uphold own dignity and authority, must by the fastest investigation. ‘设计之人非常高明,他们看到了群星人马座军方为了维护自身的尊严和权威,必须以最快速破案。 But he seeks the truth when the Sagittarius military difficultly, but can not, gave the answer on own initiative. 而他在人马座军方艰难寻求真相而不得时,主动给出了答案。 But this answer that appropriate ....., therefore, this is the politics. ’ 而这个答案又是那么的合适.....所以,这就是政治。’ The spaceship starts slowly, starts the engine, after slight tremor, starts to lift off, is separated from Singapore and Hong Kong. 飞船缓缓启动,发动引擎,细微颤动后,开始升空,脱离星港。 Therefore, what the goal of person of design is? From the beginning I think them to compete the quota, but now the position slightly has not changed. “所以,设计之人的目的又是什么?一开始我以为他们是为了竞赛名额,但现在名次丝毫没变。 Then their primary purposes, to enrage the military merely? Provocative constellation military headquarters? ” 那么他们的根本目的,仅仅只是为了激怒军方?挑衅星座军部?” Waroux muttered to think. 瓦鲁多喃喃自语思索着。 You guessed right. Their goals, should enrage the military.” “你猜对了。他们的目的,应该就是激怒军方。” In spaceship, another wear a look of golden mask selects the female high, goes out from the corner slowly calmly. 飞船内,又一个面带黄金面具的高挑女子,缓缓从角落里从容走出。 I called tastefully beautiful, replaces Nagai, was your new adviser.” “我叫雅丽,来接替永井,担任你的新指导老师。” Hello, can accept your guidance happily.” Waroux many are not accidental/surprised, bends the waist to salute toward the opposite party slightly. “您好,很高兴能接受您的教导。”瓦鲁多并不意外,微微朝对方弯腰行礼。 He is somewhat strange, this spaceship is he arranges own personal maid long to arrange. 只是他有些奇怪,这艘飞船是他安排自己的贴身女仆长安排的。 May near to the present, he not see the maid long form. 可临到现在,他也没看到女仆长的身影。 Did not need to look.” When tastefully beautiful tranquil say/way, fortunately I with enough time, otherwise you currently this ship will not have the living person.” “不用找了。”雅丽平静道,“还好我来得及时,否则你现在这艘船已经不会有活人了。” She ejects a flash grenade conveniently. 她随手抛出一个闪光弹。 The bright flash grenade erupts the dazzling brilliance, illuminates the spaceship gloomy rear hall instantaneously. 明亮的闪光弹爆发出刺目光焰,瞬间照亮飞船阴暗的后方大厅。 In the hall lay down everywhere all kinds of crew corpses. 大厅里到处躺倒了各式各样的船员尸体。 Entire spaceship enough over a hundred people of crew, here corpse has at least 70-80. 整个飞船足足上百人的船员,这里的尸体就有至少70-80具。 The corpse was piled to become the hill, builds one group. 尸体被堆成小山,垒成一团。 Waroux's many facial colors suddenly become extremely pale. 瓦鲁多的面色陡然变得极其苍白。 I have inquired, the spaceships of other players have no issue, only then you. Was attacked.” Tastefully beautiful tranquil say/way. “我询问过了,其他选手的飞船没有任何问题,就只有你。被袭击了。”雅丽平静道。 Attacks your is a strange pure energy life, a little probably immortal that side soul demon soldiers. “袭击你的是一种奇异的纯能量生命,有点像是仙道那边的阴魂阴兵。 Therefore, you should think in detail, you offended anyone. ” 所以,你该详细想想,自己是不是得罪了什么人。” Waroux's many facial colors become extremely ugly. 瓦鲁多的面色变得极其难看。 Seeps out the cold sweat palely. 苍白而渗出冷汗。 Not because of these corpses, because, in tastefully beautiful behind, when does not know, has was standing the person unexpectedly. 不是因为这些尸体,而是因为,在雅丽身后,不知道什么时候,居然还多出了一个站着的人。 Live person of standing tastefully beautiful have not detected! 一个雅丽自己都没发觉的站立的活人! You .... The uphold hand that” he trembles slightly, aims tastefully beautiful rear area. “你....”他微微发颤的抬起手,指向雅丽后方。 ! 噗! In an instant, the tastefully beautiful look changes, turns around to lift the hand, condenses the pure white energy shield, wants the standard to keep off. 刹那间,雅丽神色一变,转身抬手,凝聚出纯白色能量盾,就要格挡。 But already without enough time. 但已经来不及了。 Brings the sickle of fierce demon mark together jet black, pierces from her chest. 一道漆黑带着狰狞魔纹的弯刀,从她胸膛正中刺穿进去。 You ....!?!” “你们....!?!” The tastefully beautiful eyes are rapid, lax, the whole body blood pulled out by some strength hauling rapidly leaves. Was inhaled the sickle. 雅丽双眼迅速灰白,涣散,全身血液急速被某种力量牵引抽离。被吸入弯刀。 Escapes!!’ The ear transmits the scream in within the body gentle female voice. ‘逃!!’耳边传来体内柔和女声的尖叫。 Waroux many completely does not have any hesitates. 瓦鲁多完全没有任何迟疑。 He turns around, swoops, the body erupts unprecedented strange Su in the midair, unexpectedly a space jumps, the twinkle vanishes on the spot. 他转身,飞扑,身体在半空中爆发出前所未有的奇速,居然一下空间跳跃,闪烁消失在原地。 Is this move, really escapes quickly.” “又是这一招,逃得真快。” The mysterious person pulls out the sickle from the tastefully beautiful chest. 神秘人从雅丽胸膛抽出弯刀。 Just also the look lax beauty, returned to at this time normal. In the eyes flashes through a blood Red Devils mark. 刚刚还眼神涣散的雅丽,此时又重新恢复正常。双眼中闪过一丝血红魔纹。 „Did master, want me to eliminate a potential informant with the past?” Flatters to say tastefully beautiful. “主人,要不要我跟过去灭口?”雅丽讨好道。 This time she, before obviously no longer is, that beauty, but was inside changed into another person. 此时的她,明显已经不再是以前那个雅丽,而是内里换成了另外一个人。 Does not use, the technology that the little fellow uses is very strange, my short time cannot analyze unexpectedly. Temporarily does not go to manage him.” Mysterious person calm say/way. “不用,那小家伙用的技术很奇怪,我短时间居然分析不出来。暂时不去管他。”神秘人淡定道。 Other spaceships?” He asked. “其余飞船?”他问。 Almost controlled the first ten players.” “差不多控制了前十选手。” Was enough, the Sir will return to rubs. Anticipated to return day that day.” “足够了,向摩将大人回报。期待回归日的那天。” The mysterious person smiles, darkness removes rapidly, reveals and Waroux exactly the same facial features. 神秘人笑了笑,身上的黑暗迅速褪去,显露出和瓦鲁多一模一样的面容。 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Constellation finals in the past . 星座决赛过去后。 Wang Yiyang following after the assistance of god of thunder, quick also the excavation and development of kui good bloodlines, successfully completes. 王一洋后续又经过雷神的辅助,很快也将夔牛血脉的挖掘和开发,成功做完。 This is relatively simple status duty. The deadline also gave for a year. 这本就是个相对简单的身份任务。期限也只是给了一年。 Later only needs to wait for one year later, the time limit to received the reward on the line. 之后就只需要等待一年后,时限到了领取奖励就行。 But the investigation and infiltration of this centaur star, with the aid of the opportunity of competition, are completed very successfully. 而这次半人马星的探查和渗透,借助竞赛的机会,完成得很成功。 The plan under the arrange/cloth, day demon sect Benbu has started under the application of Wang Yiyang, is allowed, assembles various large numbers of demon army. 计划都已经布下,天魔宗本部开始在王一洋的申请下,获准,调集大批大批的各种魔军。 The regiments of major demon territories set out in abundance, massive transmission start to construct to begin construction. 各大魔域的军团纷纷开拔,大量传送阵开始建造动工。 Demon army military officers, start to adopt beforehand transmission, arrives to succumbing to the bleak star near star ambushes. 一位位魔军将领,开始通过之前的传送阵,降临到沉湎之星附近的荒凉星球上潜伏。 Will succumb to star peripheral, changes into a giant terrifying military compound. 将沉湎之星周边,化为一个巨大的恐怖军营。 But tries hard to consolidate position of the crown prince when Wang Yiyang, but makes the result. 而在王一洋努力为稳固自己太子之位,而做出成绩时。 Sound that moral immortal sect three, seems to have also detected the demon army. 道德仙宗三宗这边,似乎也有所察觉魔军的动静。 Because presents the region of demon army to the area of jurisdiction of permanent child. 但因为出现魔军的区域是冲恒子的辖区。 Before this, was attacked to encircle kills, now also no one dares to touch the mildew head. 这位之前才被袭击围杀,现在也没人敢去触霉头。 After all others detect a point track shape indistinctly, does not have the evidence. 毕竟其他人只是隐约察觉到一点迹象,也没证据。 But some people dreaded that to the permanent child, some people in view to the permanent child, and has been paying attention to him. 但有人忌惮冲恒子,就有人针对冲恒子,并一直在关注他。 And most represents, melts white. 其中最为代表的,就是融皓子。 Moral immortal sect domain. 道德仙宗界域。 In a rolling black mountain range. 一处连绵起伏的黑色山脉中。 In wooded mountains, mountain stream side. 山林之间,溪水之边。 Melts white to grasp the folding fan, a one-eyed blocks from the black eye-shade, wears the red cheongsam, the long hair is floating, the makings are cloudy and cold. 融皓子手持折扇,一只独眼用黑色眼罩遮住,身着红色长衫,长发飘飘,气质阴冷从容。 Opposite of him, is standing a dragon's head person, wears the old member of golden brocade robe. 在他对面,站着一龙头人身,身穿金色锦袍的苍老修士。 He to permanent arrogant, always dares to be others the matter of not daring. “他冲恒飞扬跋扈,向来敢做他人所不敢之事。 This estimate does anything to attempt in own area of jurisdiction range. I smelled the aura of foreign country from inside. ” 这趟估计又在自己辖区范围里搞什么尝试。我从里面闻到了外域的气息。” The dragon's head person member looks to melting white, the sinking sound said. 龙头人身修士看向融皓子,沉声道。 Melts white, your previous time loses one clone, the vitality damages severely, this enmity, do you want to report?!” “融皓子,你上次损失一具分身,元气大伤,这份仇,你想不想报?!” Dark blue profound senior, who I also thinks is, does not notify excels at rushing to my ten thousand Yeshan. Originally is you.” “沧玄前辈,我还以为是谁,不通报就擅闯我万叶山。原来是您老。” Melting white as before is a calm smile expression. 融皓子依旧是一副从容微笑表情。 Replied me, melted white.” Dark blue profound sinking sound said. „ So many years, are countless to the opponent who the permanent child fights, no one is his opponent. “回答我,融皓子。”沧玄沉声道。“这么多年,冲恒子交手的对手不计其数,没有人是他的对手。 Only then you, you almost compel the dead end him only. From this point of view, I appreciate you. Therefore comes to seek you to cooperate. ” 只有你,唯独你差点把他逼到绝路。从这点来看,我欣赏你。所以前来寻你合作。” Senior, I wants certainly to revenge, but does to the strength not to. I cultivate/repair the merit law innate background to be inferior to him, even with the boundary, I am not his opponent.” Melts white to shake the head to say. “前辈,我当然想报仇,但奈何实力不许。我所修功法先天底蕴不如他,就算同境界,我远不是他对手。”融皓子摇头道。 Naturally does not want your one person to begin. I look for you , because only then you, most understand his person. “自然不是要你一个人动手。我找你,是因为只有你,是最了解他的人。 I know that you will not give up, therefore, I help your helping hand! ” Dark blue profound light say/way. 我知道你绝不会善罢甘休,所以,我来助你一臂之力!”沧玄淡淡道。 Senior did not fear that sovereign vice- sovereign scolded?” Melts white to say with a smile. “前辈不怕宗主副宗主责难?”融皓子笑道。 You thought that our dragon clan will fear? The excellent situation was delayed by them hence, sect gate the interest went well, but my dragon clan strives many, what now obtained?” Dark blue profound cold sound said. “你觉得我们龙族会怕?大好局势被他们拖延至此,宗门的利益是得手了,可我龙族出力甚多,现在得到了什么?”沧玄冷声道。 Also yes. This is truly unfair to the senior. The dragon clan strives many, has been returned are extremely few. This is unfair!” Melts the white sincere say/way. “也是。这确实对前辈不公平。龙族出力甚多,得到回报却极少。此乃不公!”融皓子正色道。 „The senior, the younger generation previous action is defeated, was limited by sovereign, does not allow to leave these ten thousand Yeshan. Therefore I also want to help but unable.” His thread of conversation revolution, looks reluctantly. “不过前辈,晚辈上次行动失败,受宗主所限,不允许离开这万叶山。所以我也爱莫能助。”他话锋一转,面露无奈。 So spiritless, how can in Chongheng fight?” Dark blue profound immediately discontented say/way. This place has me to suppose to ban the technique, you also feared that was worried was heard inadequately?” “如此懦弱,如何能于冲恒争锋?”沧玄顿时不满道。“此地有我设下禁术,你还怕担心被人听到不成?” Naturally is not, but melts white to experience personally the heavy losses, is unsuitable to leave, but, I can supply ideas actually 12 for you. Then to the permanent child heaviest family member, you actually .... “自然不是,只是融皓身受重创,不便动身,不过,我倒是可以为您出谋划策一二。那冲恒子最重家人,您倒是可以....” He passes message carefully, dark blue profound ear of news no longer outside * accurate transmission in through technique law. 他细细传音,讯息通过术法不再外*准的传递到沧玄耳中。 Why he very clear dark blue is unreliable must look to suddenly permanently troublesome. 他很清楚沧玄为什么要突然找冲恒麻烦。 Because to is permanently powerful now, has the momentum of faintly competing for the vice- sovereign position. 因为如今冲恒实力强大,隐隐有争夺副宗主之位的势头。 But this position, should be the established powerhouse, reserves from dragon clan dark blue profound. 而原本这个位置,应该是老牌强者,来自龙族的沧玄自己预留。 He finds the person to spread the news a while ago, analyzed the vice- sovereign competitors, various intelligence analyses. 他前阵子找人放出消息,将副宗主的竞争者都分析了一遍,各种情报分析下来。 Finally is most likely to take a seat, unexpectedly to permanent child. 结果最有可能即位的,居然是冲恒子。 Therefore regarded as the 's in the bag this position dark blue profound, finally could not bear. 所以原本就将这个位置看作囊中之物的沧玄,终于忍不住了。 This is the open intrigue. 这是阳谋。 This fellow itself is the violent temper, immediately looks to the permanent confrontation. 这家伙本就是火爆脾气,马上就去找冲恒对质。 The result to closes up permanently, he was denied entrance. 结果冲恒闭关,他吃了个闭门羹。 In addition melts some white subsequent operations. 再加上融皓子后续的一些操作。 Dark blue profound feeling even more to permanent is an archenemy, after having again dragon clan enters the war, vested interest assignment uneven situation. 沧玄越发的觉得冲恒是大敌,再有龙族参战后,既得利益分配不均的情况。 Therefore melts white in situation that in oneself do not act, succeeded gives to looked for an archenemy permanently. 于是融皓子在自己不出手的情况下,成功又给冲恒找了个大敌。 Two people send greetings little. 两人传音少许。 Finally, melts the white child jogging folding fan smile saying: „ That even positively charged electron and are excellent to permanent relations, and carries to the immortal magic weapon of permanent personally refinement. 最后,融皓子轻摇折扇微笑道:“那均阳子和冲恒关系极好,且身负冲恒亲自炼制的仙器法宝。 Obviously its takes seriously the degree. Therefore, if you can first take the even positively charged electron, then the clear corpuscle, basically can force to make some choices permanently. ” 可见其重视程度。所以,若是你能先拿下均阳子,然后清微子,基本就可以逼迫冲恒做一些选择。” Naturally.” He, continued to say with a smile: „ If he, but the protection to own family member is strong enough, that is also indifferent. “当然。”他顿了顿,继续笑道:“若是他而对自己亲人的保护够强,那也无所谓。 Everyone has himself to take seriously the person, the even positively charged electron is the body of reincarnation, the blood relation is also alive exactly, this aspect loophole are more, grasps excellently. 每个人都有自己重视之人,均阳子恰好是转世之身,血亲还在世,这方面漏洞更多,极好抓。 The seniors can take this as the breach, refining up corpse puppet the clear corpuscle and even positively charged electron, a Yuan god controls forever in the hand, did not fear that he to permanent is not cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. ” 前辈可以以此为突破口,把清微子和均阳子炼成尸傀,元神永远控制在手里,不怕他冲恒不投鼠忌器。” This useful?” Dark blue knits the brows unreliably. Useful, about is two young member, even if useless, you found an excuse saying that at most they offended you, afterward still received to select to punish, what important matter but can also have? “这有用?”沧玄皱眉。有没有用,左右不过是两个小修士,就算没用,顶多您找个借口说他们得罪您了,事后也就受点责罚,还能有什么大事? May succeed by some chance, that harvest was different. Did you say? ” Melts white to say with a smile. 可万一成功了,那收获就不同了。您说是吧?”融皓子笑道。 „...... Interesting.” Dark blue reveals the color of thinking unreliably. “......有意思。”沧玄露出思索之色。 Melts white can be said as most understood that to/clashes the permanent person. Therefore his opinion, likely really effective. 融皓子可以说是最了解冲恒的人。所以他的意见,很可能是真的有效。 Drew back 10,000 steps saying that even if were useless, enraged flushed permanently, he dark blue profound did not fear the opposite party. 退一万步说,就算没用,激怒了冲恒,他沧玄也不惧对方。 Most hits. 最多打一场。 Clash/To permanent, although the strength is tyrannical, but really hits, the victory and defeat cannot know especially. 冲恒虽然实力强横,但真打起来,胜负尤未可知。 Good, my goes to catch personally!” “那好,我这就去亲自把人抓来!” Dark blue profound got down the decision instantaneously, turns around golden light to flash, changes into the a dragon shadow to soar to the heavens to go. 沧玄瞬间下了决定,转身金光一闪,化为一条龙影冲天而去。
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