MI :: Volume #4

#377: Plans and plans one

Newest website: Next day. 最新网址:次日。 Wang Yiyang calmly sits well in the room, the front incense burner light smoke goes straight up, lingers dispersing. 王一洋静静端坐在房间内,面前香炉青烟直升,萦绕散开。 In his pair of eyes pupil, glitters unceasingly is broadcasting the beforehand finals scene. 他双眼瞳孔中,不断闪烁着播放之前的决赛现场情景。 Nagai from the appearance, to the attack, again to from exploding, was suppressed by a grey head finally. 永井从出现,到袭击,再到自爆,最后被一名白发老人压制。 The complete process image playbacks in him at present. 全部的过程影像都在他眼前回放。 Calmly looks at picture playbacking, Wang Yiyang has not spoken, but puts out a hand to live in the smoke opercule on incense burner, pulls up. 静静看完画面回放,王一洋没说话,只是伸手将香炉上的烟口盖住,一撩。 Immediately the white smoke was being pulled, is curving with his fingertip, the distortion, condenses a fuzzy face in the midair. 顿时白烟被拉扯着,跟着他的指尖弯曲,变形,在半空中凝聚出一张模糊人脸。 „ The opposite party sensation is extremely powerful, I do not dare to approach too, but estimates initially, at that time floated the air based ground, has the real demon( trial level) level . “对方感知太过强大,我不敢靠近太多,不过初步估算,当时浮空基地上,有真魔(审判级)层次,一位。 Distant place general headquarters, there is a same level aura to fluctuate. Fleet station, there is a aura to fluctuate. ” 远处总司令部,也有同级气息浮动。还有舰队驻地,也有气息浮动。” The haze face transmits the sensation low and deep. 烟气人脸低沉传递出感知。 The sensation of lifeform, nothing but is a transfer mode of news. 生物的感知,无非是一种讯息的传递方式。 The light color of visual receive certain wave band frequency. The sense of hearing receive sound wave vibrates. 视觉接收一定波段频率的光色。听觉接收声波震动。 The sense of taste sense of smell sense of touch also is the news of different way receives system. 味觉嗅觉触觉同样也是不同方式的讯息接收系统 Therefore the so-called sensation, essentially is the transmission of news. 所以所谓的感知,本质上就是讯息的传递。 Theoretically, so long as can achieve the sense collection to be common, can be undifferentiated the different news, does not need the transmission of language. 理论上,只要能做到感官汇集共通,就能将不同讯息无差别,无需语言的传递。 At this time the haze face does is this. 此时烟气人脸做的便是这个。 Without the language sound, through the slight vibration fluctuation, extremely complex news puncture will come merely. 没有语言声音,仅仅只是通过细微的震动波动,就将极其复杂的讯息穿刺过来。 Altogether three trial levels?” Wang Yiyang understands clearly. You go , to continue to ambush, do not worry.” “一共三位审判级么?”王一洋了然。“你去吧,继续潜伏,不要着急。” Yes.” The face diverges slowly. “是。”人脸缓缓散去。 The incense burner regains the original condition. Inside haze rapidly becomes pale, slowly vanishes. 香炉重新恢复原本的状态。只是里面的烟气迅速变淡,慢慢消失。 Obviously just exchange one exhausted all fragrances. 明显刚刚的交流一下耗尽了所有香。 Wang Yiyang sits in the home position, has not moved, but lifts the hand to turn on the hand link. 王一洋坐在原位,没有动,只是抬起手打开手环。 Quickly information that above transmits daughter king Xiaosu. 上边很快传来女儿王小苏的信息。 Is inquiring Wang Yue and Huilin's situation. 是在询问王越和慧琳的情况。 Wang Yiyang returned to several simply, then asked under succumbs to that side star situation. 王一洋简单回了几句,然后问了下沉湎之星那边的情况。 Then separates the communication. 然后断开通讯。 Yesterday's finals accident, without the influence competition schedule conducted, Wang Yue also participated smoothly, but the constellation finals were airtight. 昨天的决赛变故,没有影响赛程进行,王越两人也顺利参赛,但星座决赛是密闭的。 Therefore Wang Yiyang was not clear inside situation, can only wait for several days later looks at the result to come out. 所以王一洋也不清楚里面的情况,只能等几天后看成绩出来。 Sat in meditation to control one's breathing. 静坐调息了一阵。 Wang Yiyang inspected the progress of lower part of the body within the body kui good bloodlines again. 王一洋再度检视了下身体内夔牛血脉的进度。 After the help of god of thunder, his kui good bloodlines have 1/3 to turn into the dominant gene to reveal Ability at this time. 经过雷神的帮助,他的夔牛血脉此时已经有三分之一变成显性基因显露出能力了。 Only is sits here, Wang Yiyang can feel that periphery has the innumerable thunder and lightning elements, wants to close up toward him kindly. 光是坐在这里,王一洋都能感觉到周围有无数的雷电元素,亲切地朝他想要靠拢。 This is the thunder and lightning affinity achieves the top performance. 这是雷电亲和力达到顶尖的表现。 Waits twice, to complete the task again, has no need for a year.” “再等两次,就能完成任务,也用不着一年。” Wang Yiyang stands up, this/should belt/bring two children went back, will advocate star to have real inscription rubs, will not have the issue. 王一洋站起身,该带两个孩子回去了,主星这边有真铭摩将在,不会有问题。 Even if later has further plans, he is not suitable to stay here. 就算以后有更进一步计划,他也不适合留在这里。 Therefore, he must leave the stage ahead of time. 所以,他要提前退场。 Snow sits on the room entrance couch, is dozing off. Hears the sound, she hurries to stand up. 雪拉坐在房间门口的长沙发上,正在打瞌睡。听到动静,她赶紧站起身。 Can walk?” “要走了么?” Un, after going back, leads me to look for the teacher, just before leaving before, first meets the person.” “嗯,回去后,就带我去找老师,临走前,先去接人。” Wang Yiyang spoke thoughtlessly the reply. 王一洋随口回答。 Two people are the same like other ordinary passengers, go out of the hotel front door, called the hiring flight vehicle, sits then to fly in Wang Yue direction. 两人如同其他普通旅客一样,走出酒店大门,叫了辆出租飞行器,坐上去便朝王越方向飞去。 After a half hour . 半小时后。 Wang Yue Huilin and Wei Huan, three people of under the conditions, in somewhat ignorant compelling, was joined the flight vehicle by Wang Yiyang, non-stop flies Singapore and Hong Kong, the preparation takes off to leave the main star. 王越慧琳和魏欢,三人在有些懵逼的状态下,被王一洋接上飞行器,直飞星港,准备起飞离开主星。 Three people originally how also in the plan must stroll for these days surrounding neighbor, never expected that a grandfather communication, said that must lead them to go back together. 三人原本还在计划这几天要怎么逛逛周围附近的,没想到外公一个通讯,说要带他们一起回去。 The result plans to malinger. 结果计划泡汤。 As the entire prince, entire succumbs to behind star pillar/backbone. 作为整个王家,整个沉湎之星背后的支柱。 Existence of grandfather Wang Yiyang, continuously has the mystery in Wang Yue and Huilin heart. 外公王一洋的存在,一直在王越和慧琳心头有着神秘感。 He rarely makes an appearance, from infancy to maturity, they are also only when is very small has seen grandfather's appearance. 他很少露面,从小到大,他们也只是在很小的时候见过外公的样子。 Like the present, by returns to the star face-to-face together, is the first time. 像现在这样,面对面挨着一起回星球,还是第一次。 In the flight vehicle, both people are very curious. 飞行器里,两个人都很好奇。 Grandfather's picture has seen many times, attractive anything is not surprised. 外公的照片是见过不少次,漂亮什么的早就不惊讶了。 They care, is what person Wang Yiyang is. 他们在意的,是王一洋是个什么样的人。 Like the strong person who rises from an edge star, its life each experience, can write a story, a book. 像这样从一个边缘星崛起的强人,其一生每一点经历,都可以写成一个故事,一本书。 Therefore two children on the flight vehicle, grab Wang Yiyang to closely examine the passing experience unceasingly. 所以两个孩子在飞行器上,就不断地抓着王一洋追问过往的经历。 Wang Yiyang also takes great pains replied them clearly. 王一洋也不厌其烦的清楚回答他们。 On the contrary is Wei Huan, a person sits on the seat of corner, quiet, no meaning of making noise. 反倒是魏欢,一个人坐在角落的座椅上,沉默寡言,没什么出声的意思。 His eventually relative Wang Yue they are the bystanders. 他终究相对王越他们是外人。 Although was being drawn on the flight vehicle by Wang Yiyang bewilderedly, but he actually, how is also finding the way to leave. 虽然莫名奇妙被王一洋拉着上了飞行器,但他其实自己,也正在想办法如何离开。 Come time, he is takes the star ship of good friend to arrive. 来的时候,他是乘坐好友的星舰抵达。 Now should go back, can't also probably rub the star ship to return again? 现在该回去了,总不能还得再蹭星舰回? Reliable, expense anything of communication transportation, is too expensive. 可靠自己,来往交通的费用什么的,又太贵。 While at this time, Wang Yiyang walked, therefore he pushed the boat along, on flight vehicle. 正当这时候,王一洋找上门,于是他顺水推舟,上了飞行器。 Quick, the flight vehicle arrives in the Singapore and Hong Kong entrance. 很快,飞行器抵达星港入口处。 Wang Yiyang takes the lead, leading one group to walk to take the electronic airplane ticket. 王一洋率先下来,带着一行人步行去拿电子机票。 Long tunnel that seals across Singapore and Hong Kong, the group mix in stream of people continuously, is common. 穿过星港密封的冗长隧道,一行人混在连续不断的人流里,根本毫不起眼。 When front deals with two children, Wang Yiyang then arranged the going back ticket ahead of time. 在前面应付两个孩子的时候,王一洋便提前定好了回去的票。 Just passed the security check. 才刚刚通过安检。 The crowd in rear tunnel, spreads the intermittent screams suddenly. Seemed like discovered what situation. 后方隧道里的人群,忽然传出阵阵惊呼声。似乎是发现了什么情况。 Wang Yiyang has come back to look in the public eyes direction. 王一洋回过头朝众人视线方向望去。 Quick, by the tunnel outer walls of some transparent dirts, he sees the centaur main star length and breadth in the ground. 很快,透过透明有些污渍的隧道外墙,他看到半人马主星广袤的地面上。 Two person's shadows like lightning are slaughtering supervelocity. 两道闪电般的人影正在超高速厮杀。 The bystanders look, can only see faintly has the color luminous twinkle to dance in the air. 外人看去,只能隐隐看到有颜色光亮闪烁飞舞。 But in Wang Yiyang this grade of powerhouse eyes, very clear seeing. 王一洋这等强者眼中,就很清楚的看到。 Two wear official machine armor, is not miniature machine armor, but is the person of official machine armor. 两个身穿正式机甲,不是微型机甲,而是正式机甲的人。 Is conducting when under the feeling condition fights supervelocity. 正在时感状态下进行超高速交手。 Two people movements are too quick, a person holds the single tool, a person of whole body is covered with the sharp thorn, the fists and feet welcomes. 两人的动作太快,一人持单刀,一人浑身长满尖刺,拳脚相迎。 What is that? Two new flight vehicles?” “那是什么?两道新型飞行器?” Huilin looks at two rays curiously. 慧琳好奇看着两道光线。 Or is two types of the experiment unmanned aerial vehicles of new launches.” Wang Yue guessed. “或者是两种新发射的实验无人机。”王越猜测。 After all that two arrived at the ray too to be a little big. 毕竟那两到光线有点太大了。 Only then Wei Huan, is standing motionless like a statue, seems not interested in this. 只有魏欢,站着一动不动,似乎对这个不感兴趣。 Wei Huan concentrates on the line of sight directly on Wang Yiyang. 魏欢直接将视线投注在王一洋身上。 He believes that since Wang Yiyang leads them to stop, that then has certainly the reason. 他相信,既然王一洋带他们停下来,那便一定是有原因。 After scene that the beforehand scene attacks, Wei Huan looks that now anything suspected Wang Yiyang has the issue. 经过之前现场袭击的场面后,魏欢现在看什么都怀疑王一洋有问题。 However Wang Yiyang is only the smile. 不过王一洋只是微笑。 That is anything must observe by you. The scene of this level, later is also rarely seen, therefore, carefully looks.” “那是什么要靠你们自己来观察。这种层次的场景,以后也并不多见,所以,仔细看吧。” Nearby snow has the sensation, although only remains seven levels, but the purity is nine levels. 一旁的雪拉拥有感知,虽然只剩七级,但纯度还是九级。 Therefore is can see clearly this time picture. 所以算是能看清此时的画面。 Her time attention, not here. 只是她此时的注意力,不在这里。 But in another side. 而是在另一边。 The snow drew to draw the Wang Yiyang lower hem corner gently, was the reminder. 雪拉轻轻拉了拉王一洋的衣角,算是提醒。 Wang Yiyang has gotten back one's composure, looks up. 王一洋回过神,抬头一看。 In the stream of people of dead ahead front surface, a stature selects high slenderly, puts on the long hair female of gray windproof coat, facial expression ice-cold, goes out of Singapore and Hong Kong quickly. 正前方迎面的人流中,一个身材高挑修长,穿着灰色风衣的长发女子,正神情冰冷,快步走出星港。 If other females, Wang Yiyang will not have anything to respond. 如果是其他女子,王一洋不会有什么反应。 But at present this person. 但眼前这人。 Not only the snow draws the understanding, he also knew. 不光雪拉认识,他也认识。 Is the opposite party has not recognized him on the contrary, but the half step and Wang Yiyang one group of brushed past. 反倒是对方没认出他,只是快步和王一洋一行人擦肩而过。 Never expected that she also came to here.” Wang Yiyang said in a soft voice. Several years later, the initial youngest fleet general, now how does not know the situation.” “没想到她也来这里了。”王一洋轻声道。“时隔多年,当初的最年轻舰队将军,现在也不知道情况如何。” Initially Yuliya, because cannot prevent an immortal influence on invade promptly, was pushed big pile of responsibility charges, then uses so-called dealing with leniently, but remove all her military appointments and rights.” “当初尤利娅因为没能及时阻止仙道势力侵入,被推了一大堆责任罪名,然后又用所谓的从轻发落,只是撤掉了她的一切军职和权利。” The snow pushes down the sound to explain. 雪拉低声解释。 The female they knew, once gave Wang Yiyang has give a ranked the bow of highest military officer hunting, Yuliya Caffey Teece. 那女子他们都认识,就是曾经给王一洋授衔过的狩猎之弓最高军事长官,尤利娅・卡菲迪斯。 On Wang Yiyang very clear seeing Yuliya face deep tired look, slight wrinkle that appears. 王一洋很清晰的看到尤利娅脸上深深的倦色,还有浮现出的细微皱纹。 It seems like her these years to pass very much not well. Among the features the look has had thick constraining with the enmity. 看起来她这些年过得很不好。眉目间眼神一直有着浓浓的压抑和仇怨。 Obviously was in still has taken revenge for the initial matter diligently. 显然是还在一直为当初的事努力复仇。 But the military headquarters highest senior official who now, he needs to look up to initially, such long time passed. 而现在,当初他需要仰望的军部最高长官,这么久时间过去了。 The opposite party are still marking, but he has actually pursued gradually, with her same level. 对方还在原地踏步,而他却已经渐渐追上来,和她同级。 Thinks of here. 想到这里。 The Wang Yiyang heart surges a slight feeling. 王一洋心头涌动出一丝细微感受。 Walks.” He no longer looks at Yuliya, how regardless of her, to have had nothing to do with him now. “走吧。”他不再去看尤利娅,无论她如今如何,一切都已经和他无关了。 Yuliya is only he had looked up to the mountain, but later, he will have more mountains, is waiting for climbing up. 尤利娅只是他曾经仰望过的高山,而以后,他还会有更多的高山,等着攀爬。 But he, will far exceed the speeds of others to grow by one type, throws everyone rapidly by far. 而他,也会以一种远超其他人的速度成长,迅速将所有人抛得远远的。 Quick, under the leadership of Wang Yiyang, the group enters the security check, held the bill to enter Singapore and Hong Kong embarking hall. 很快,在王一洋的带领下,一行人走进安全检查,持着票据进了星港出发大厅。 Roughly after a half hour, flies to succumbs to the micro air vehicle of star, slowly launching. The end starts a fast engine, blooms the dazzling blue light. 约莫半小时后,一艘飞往沉湎之星的小型飞行器,缓缓起飞。尾部发动曲速引擎,绽放出刺目蓝光。 Whiz one pulls out the tall and slender blue line, goes toward the distant place rapid flight. 嗖的一下拉出细长蓝线,朝远处疾飞而去。 As for the centaur star, the seed has laid down, when the finals embark, but must come here one time. 至于半人马星,种子已经埋下,决赛出发时,还要来这里一次。 By that time, all finalists will start from here, the cross constellation goes to crowd of stars always to match the star territory. 到那时,所有决赛选手会从这里出发,跨星座前往群星总赛星域。 Leaves that moment of Sagittarius, was day of the seed germination taking root Wang Yiyang planted. 离开人马座的那一刻,就是王一洋种下的种子发芽生根之日。 But now ..... lets continue forever first to take on beforehand attack charge one. 而现在.....就让永续会先担着之前的袭击罪名一阵。 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... Waroux many mounts to return to the flight vehicle of star territory slowly. 瓦鲁多缓缓登上返回自己星域的飞行器。 The accident of finals, making him first then feel the inexplicable sense of crisis. 决赛的变故,让他第一时间便感觉到了莫名的危机感。 Therefore competes, then takes the spaceship immediately, returns to mother Xing. 所以一比赛完,便马上乘坐飞船,返回母星。 His once mysterious teacher Nagai, became the chief offender of suicide attack unexpectedly. 他曾经的神秘老师永井,居然成了自杀式袭击的主凶。 This matter is passing plot aura in any event. But what Nagai is good is the whereabouts is always mystical, does not ride his spaceship to come. 这件事无论如何都透着一股阴谋气息。而永井还好的是一向行踪神秘,不是乘着他的飞船过来的。 Otherwise has not known that what must become noisily. 否则还不知道要闹成什么样。 But in just, that mystery gold mask person who following came, on road that also in coming to converge with him, stared by the Sagittarius military headquarters. 而就在刚刚,后续来的那个神秘黄金面具人,也在前来和他汇合的路上,被人马座军部盯上。 The mask person has not arrived, then clashes with the powerhouse. 面具人还没抵达,便和强者发生冲突。 Under both sides slaughter to compete, after golden mask person, presents the new powerhouse to come. 双方厮杀争夺下,黄金面具人身后又出现新的强者现身。 The powerhouses operate official large-scale machinery armor, slaughters with the military headquarters new powerhouses rapidly. 强者操作正式大型机甲,和军部新的强者急速厮杀。 Among this series of accidents, making Waroux decide no longer to wait, immediately walks. 这中间一系列的变故,让瓦鲁多决定不再等待,马上就走。 The situation has lost control thoroughly. 形势已经彻底失控了。 Apex 顶点
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