MI :: Volume #4

#376: Begins two

Newest website: Wei Huan raised the head fiercely, the ray of eyes somewhat dazzling is staring at him. 最新网址:魏欢猛地抬起头,双眼的光芒有些刺目的盯着他。 Wang Yiyang has not concealed, told own some investigations to him. 王一洋没有隐瞒,把自己的一些调查尽数告诉给他。 In any event, the fact is placed there, all make Wei Huan judge. 无论如何,事实摆在那里,一切让魏欢自己判断。 Two people have said that is very long, until Wei Huan silent departure. 两人一直说了很多,很久,直到魏欢沉默的离开。 Is quick until the day, the finals soon started. 直到天快黑,决赛快要开始了。 Wang Yiyang stands up from the bench. 王一洋才从长椅上站起身。 His behind snow draws hears the tail from the beginning, had the different views to the rise of Wang Yiyang. 他身后的雪拉从头听到尾,也对王一洋的崛起有了不同的看法。 The initial complex situation, was more difficult than her in the past. 当初的复杂局势,远比她当年艰难许多。 Danger and opponent who Wang Yiyang needs to face, is more powerful than her are more. 王一洋需要面对的危险和对手,也比她强大更多。 Can reach at present this situation from the average person step by step, discussed sincerely, she was inferior to the opposite party. 能够从普通人一步步的走到眼下这个地步,诚心而论,她不如对方。 The candidate who Wang Yiyang needs to care about quietly joins the list, after transmitting to real inscription rubs . 王一洋悄然将需要顾及的人选加入名单,发送给真铭摩将后。 He stands up from the bench. 他从长椅上站起身。 Walks, returns to the hotel.” “走吧,回酒店。” Doesn't watch the final finals? Beforehand that...” Snow is surprised the different way. “不去看最后的决赛么?还有之前那位...”雪拉诧异道。 Does not go, you say the god of thunder? He went back. Here stayed for a long time made him feel that the pressure was too big.” “不去了,你是说雷神?他回去了。在这里呆久了让他感觉压力太大。” Wang Yiyang smiles. 王一洋笑了笑。 Went back?” The snow draws perplexed. “回去了?”雪拉不明所以。 Walks.” Wang Yiyang turns around to leave. “走吧。”王一洋转身离开。 The snow draws can only follow. 雪拉只能跟上。 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Great bowl finals location, 巨碗似的决赛场地, Under the direction of military headquarters, the shift, is floating toward the midair in one is floating the spatial base to fly slowly. 正在军部的指挥下,缓缓转移,朝着半空中漂浮着的一座浮空基地飞去。 Finally plays in the finals, to achieve the security effect of complete separation, in floating the spatial base will be held. 最终决赛,为了达到完全隔离的安全效果,会在浮空基地中举行。 Teams of the players from major star territories, ride the special flight vehicle to fly toward the base. 一队队来自各大星域的选手,乘坐专门的飞行器朝基地飞去。 Waroux who was just survivor of disaster were many, at this time also contacted with own person on. 刚刚劫后余生的瓦鲁多,此时也和自己的人联系上了。 At this time he calmly sits in the flight vehicle, toward floating the spatial base flies rapidly. 此时他静静坐在飞行器内,朝着浮空基地迅速飞去。 Opposite of him, sat impressively is a black-clothed person who brings the golden mask. 在他对面,坐着的赫然又是一名带着黄金面具的黑衣人。 Compared with beforehand Nagai, this time person obvious attitude, or is much more patient. 比起之前的永井,这次的人明显态度要不耐烦得多。 These raiders definitely know that I have not died, they will also come again.” Waroux sincere say/way. “那些袭击者肯定知道我没死,他们还会再来。”瓦鲁多正色道。 When is issue they come? I do not imagine the fool the same as be kept waiting here.” The black-clothed person mask person is low and deep the throat to say. “问题是他们什么时候来?我可不想像傻子一样在这里傻等。”黑衣人面具人低沉着嗓子道。 You could rest assured that according to the speculation, dares in main on-board to begin, absolutely is such several people.” Waroux affirms to say. “您放心,按照推测,敢在主星上动手的,绝对就是那么几人。”瓦鲁多肯定道。 They, since attacks you publicly, inevitably for this at crucial moment finals quota. “他们既然公开袭击你,必然是为了这个关键时候的决赛名额。 But has this Ability to begin in the main star reassignment strength, besides Feng Yuanxiong, is very difficult the second candidate. ” 而有这个能力在主星调动力量动手的,除了冯远雄外,很难有第二个人选。” Black clothes mask person sinking sound said. 黑衣面具人沉声道。 No .... Like this seemed like looks like frames by planting stolen goods on. Therefore, all and you have the finalist of competitive relations, may be the raider.” He changes mind suddenly thinks. “不....这样看上去太像栽赃了。所以,所有和你有竞争关系的决赛选手,都有可能是袭击者。”他忽然转念一想。 Your meaning is .... Waroux is surprised the different way. “您的意思是....”瓦鲁多诧异道。 Person, dubious.” The mask person sneers, Hill Becks, his back is the constellation military headquarters supports.” “还有个人,也值得怀疑。”面具人冷笑起来,“西尔贝克斯,他的背后是星座军部支持。” Hill Becks .... Does that overall rank third?” “西尔贝克斯....那个积分排位第三名么?” Waroux remembers that blonde youngster, the semblance is very simple the indifferent person. 瓦鲁多记得那个金发少年,外表很朴素冷漠的人。 You are in any case more careful well.” The mask person restrains the laughter. If is really he, then, at his back military headquarters strength, will not easily let up this last chance absolutely.” “反正你小心些就好。”面具人收敛笑声。“如果真是他,那么,以他背后的军部力量,绝对不会这么轻易放过这个最后的机会。” Waroux was silent. 瓦鲁多沉默了。 He opens mouth to be just about to speak. 他张嘴正要说话。 Bang!! 轰隆!! In an instant one side flight vehicle explodes loudly. 刹那间一侧的一艘飞行器轰然爆炸。 The orange yellow flame, spreads along with the translucent shock-wave slowly launches. 橙黄色的火焰,伴随着半透明的冲击波缓缓扩散展开。 Waroux were many two people to be shocked. 瓦鲁多两人都惊呆了。 Here now, is the time interval of entire Sagittarius entire constellation live broadcast. 这里现在,可是整个人马座全星座直播的时段。 What person dares to begin at this time? Not awfully? 什么人敢在这个时候动手?不要命了么? Is the flight vehicle of Feng Yuanxiong!” Waroux many called out in alarm suddenly, throws previous dynasty outside looked to the window. “是冯远雄的飞行器!”瓦鲁多忽然惊叫,扑到窗前朝外看。 That is... the teacher!???” “那是...老师!???” His line of sight locale, clear seeing Teacher Nagai, chief helmsman miniature machine armor, floats empties toward the white gold-edged flight vehicle wanton bombing of Feng Yuanxiong. 他视线所在处,清晰的看到永井导师,正驾驶一身微型机甲,浮空朝着冯远雄的白色金边飞行器狂轰滥炸。 No one thinks, some people dared to begin at this time unexpectedly. 没有人会想到,有人居然胆敢在这个时候动手。 Waroux many and new mask people also dumbfounded. 就连瓦鲁多和新来的面具人也都呆住了。 How... how possibly is Nagai!?” The golden mask person voice is trembling. “怎么...怎么可能是永井!?”黄金面具人声音都在发颤。 He knows that such attack, to the entire Sagittarius, will have the tremendous impact. 他知道这样的袭击,会对整个人马座,造成多大的影响。 Nagai is their people, this matter is unable to conceal other influences. 永井是他们的人,这点事无法隐瞒过其他势力的。 But now, in the live broadcast lens, ranks first Feng Yuanxiong to attack to the participation in blatantly .... 而现在,公然在直播镜头里,对参赛中排位第一的冯远雄袭击.... „, Simply was simply insane!!?” “简直,简直是疯了!!?” Mask sounds of people recording tape shivering slightly. 面具人声音带着一丝微微的颤抖。 He has been able to think of the later violent storm. 他已经能够想到了之后的狂风暴雨。 Hahahaha!!!” “哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!” In midair. 半空中。 Nagai dark purple miniature machine armor, laughs wildly is grasping the aerial cannon, one bombs toward the flight vehicle of Feng Yuanxiong. 永井一身黑紫色微型机甲,狂笑着手持机炮,朝着冯远雄的飞行器一顿轰炸。 Controls him!!” “控制住他!!” Not far away several blue lines shoot up to the sky. 不远处数道蓝线冲天而起。 Machine armor of several splendor moon/month levels, shoulder the crescent moon energy empty shadow, speeds away from various places. 紧接着数位辉月层次的机甲,背负弯月能量虚影,从各处疾驰而来。 Under opening of feeling, five blue lines just like the dagger, one from Nagai put on. 在时感的开启下,五条蓝线宛如尖刀,从永井身上一穿而过。 ! 哧哧哧哧哧! For successive five times puncture. 连续五次穿刺。 The expression that Nagai laughs wildly lives immediately, dresses machine the body of armor to start to decompose slowly, splits. 永井狂笑的表情顿时顿住,穿戴着机甲的身体缓缓开始分解,裂开。 Continues forever the meeting .... Will not let off your!” He face upwards to laugh wildly. “永续会....不会放过你们的!”他仰天狂笑。 Bang!! 轰!! In an instant, his whole body machine armor explodes, changes into one group of faint yellow fireballs. 刹那间,他全身机甲爆炸,化为一团淡黄色火球。 But when everyone thought such conclusion. 但正当所有人都以为就这么结束时。 The fireball shrinks toward in fiercely, then loudly second explosions. 火球猛地往内一缩,然后轰然二次爆炸。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The fireball sweeps across the surrounding several hundred meters scopes, wraps in which the flight vehicle of all around big piece player instantaneously. 火球席卷周围数百米范围,瞬间将四周大片选手的飞行器包裹其中。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Floats the air based above, the pure white flowing light departs together suddenly, is hard to imagine the speed that by one type. 浮空基地上方,一道纯白流光骤然飞出,以一种难以想象的速度。 Breaks in the explosion flame dead center. 冲入爆炸火焰正中心。 The flame that the time, just exploded contracts rapidly, in an instant then Nagai that recovers to be split up. 顿时间,刚刚爆炸的火焰急速收缩,转眼便又重新恢复成四分五裂的永井身体。 The smile on his face stiffens, the strong vitality lets him as before to see clearly the white light finally the main body is anything. 他脸上的笑容僵住,强大的生命力让他依旧能最后看清白光的本体是什么。 That is a grey head who wears the white general officer level military uniform. 那是一位身穿白色将级军装的白发老人。 Old person's figure when the feeling condition, all around stagnation seems to be motionless, the finger proceeds, to prick center the fireball gently. 老人的身形在时感状态下,四周仿佛停滞不动,手指往前一点,轻轻刺入火球正中。 The tremendous sensation strength due to the promotion of some miniature machine armor type of strange power furnace, can interfere with the reality unexpectedly. 巨大的感知力量在微型机甲某种奇异动力炉的推动下,竟然能干涉现实。 The invisible strength, recycles the flame rapidly. 无形的力量,急速将火焰重新回收。 All as if time flows backwards. 一切仿佛时光倒流。 All flame contract automatically, condense return to Nagai within the body, returns to its miniature machine armor. 所有火焰自动收缩,凝聚回永井体内,回到其身上的微型机甲内。 You are...!?” “你是...!?” In just like the static feeling stationary state, Nagai last few words cannot say with enough time. 在宛如静止的时感停滞状态下,永井最后一句话没能来得及说出。 But astonishment and surprise on his face, have no way to conceal. 但他脸上的惊愕和诧异,没法掩饰。 The old person receives to reach behind the back, the body is similar to the solar sensation to sweep across all around, determined, only then Feng Yuanxiong received a minor wound, other players are all right. 老人收回手,身上如同太阳般的感知席卷四周,确定只有冯远雄收了点轻伤,其余的选手都没事。 He the slight nod, the body jumps to vanish suddenly. 他才微微点头,身体骤然跳跃消失。 Continues forever to meet ..... “永续会.....” Leads anger cold snort/hum low and deep, reverberates in the surrounding space. 一声低沉带着怒意的冷哼,在周围空间中回荡。 Quick, sometimes feels the stationary state to vanish. 很快,时感停滞状态消失。 Nagai whole person breaks up slowly, changes into the innumerable white luminous spots, vanishes in a puff of smoke thoroughly. 永井整个人缓缓崩解,化为无数白色光点,彻底灰飞烟灭。 Only is left over a chaotic scene. 只剩下一片混乱的现场。 From the farthest several flight vehicles. 距离最远的几艘飞行器内。 Wei Huan and Wang Yue brother and sister three people, from the respective flight vehicle, look into all that here has respectively from afar. 魏欢和王越兄妹三人,分别从各自的飞行器中,远远眺望这里发生的一切。 Unexpectedly do some people dare the live broadcast terror attack, simply to be here insane?!” Wang Yue inconceivable say/way. “居然有人敢在这里直播现场恐怖袭击,简直疯了?!”王越不可思议道。 What he and younger sister sits is a flight vehicle, at this time two people felt that quite shocks. 他和妹妹坐的是一艘飞行器,此时两人都感觉相当震撼。 Here, but the main star of Sagittarius, is the capital star! Moreover here finals. The security work far ultra average person imagines absolutely. “这里可是人马座的主星,是首都星!而且这里还是决赛现场。安保工作绝对远超一般人想象。 Can the influence of what rank, begin to attack unexpectedly in this case? ” Wang Yue thinks to feel inconceivable. 什么级别的势力,居然能在这种情况下动手袭击?”王越想想都感觉不可思议。 Compares him, Wei Huan in another side flight vehicle is calmer. 相比他,另一边飞行器内的魏欢就镇定许多。 He from Wang Yiyang there, knew the truth that oneself father died, the mood has no way until now tranquilly. 他从王一洋那里,得知了自己父亲死亡的真相,直到现在心情也没法平静。 At this time by Nagai from exploding has a scare. 此时又被永井的自爆吓了一跳。 Cannot help but, he then recalled immediately the back murderer/culprit who kills the father , to continue forever the meeting. 不由自主的,他马上便回想起杀死父亲的背后真凶,永续会。 This style, will look like with continuing forever that Uncle Wang says very much.’ ‘这种风格,和王叔叔说的永续会很像。’ Terrifying from exploding, noticeably, propagandizes itself recklessly. ‘恐怖自爆,引人注目,不顾一切的宣传自身。 Finally that intentional shouting. 还有最后那一声故意的大喊。 Obviously continues forever the style of meeting very much. ’ 很明显就是永续会的风格。’ Sat the military aimer uncle in flight vehicle lit a cigarette, low and deep say/way. 坐在飞行器内的军方引导员大叔点了根烟,低沉道。 Continues forever to meet...” “永续会...” Wei Huan does not feel suddenly right, even he can see continues forever the meeting, this flagrant ignition, was extremely a little obvious. 魏欢忽然感觉不对,连他都能看出是永续会,这个明目张胆的引火,有点太过明显了。 Hehe, who knows? Continues forever in any case is not first being a scapegoat.” Some aimer uncle vicissitudes language gas channels. “呵呵,谁知道呢?反正永续会也不是第一次背锅。”引导员大叔有些沧桑语气道。 „......” Wei Huan had not said. “......”魏欢没有多说。 But the uncle as if turns on a record player. 但大叔似乎打开了话匣子。 Thinks that who the attacked person is, is Feng Yuanxiong, ranks the first fellow. He died was injured, affected the condition, then who most profited?” “想想被袭击的人是谁,是冯远雄,排位第一的家伙。他死了受伤了,影响到状态,那么谁最受益?” Wei Huanxin shakes the head slightly, he does not feel like. 魏欢心头微微摇头,他还是觉得不像。 If such simple scheme, does not need to sacrifice such a powerful machine armor master merely. 如果仅仅只是这么浅显的计谋,没必要牺牲这么一位强悍机甲师。 The simple speculation is unlikely the intention of murderer. 简单的推测不大可能是凶手的意图。 Very possibly, but also the hidden has a deeper truth. 很可能,还隐藏有更深的真相。 ‚If not the second Waroux are many, then there is this Ability who can be? Whose beneficiary?’ ‘如果不是第二位的瓦鲁多,那么有这个能力的又会是谁?谁还是受益者?’ Many people thought of this. 很多人都想到了这一层。 But the final goal, aimed at third Hill Becks rapidly. 而最终的目标,迅速指向了第三位的西尔贝克斯。 How Wei Huan does not know, in the mind inexplicable sudden recalled Wang Yiyang that just separated. 只是魏欢不知道怎么的,脑海里莫名的突然回想起刚刚分离的王一洋 That sharp attractive facial features, are very obviously temperate, but at this time, he actually cannot bear think of him. 那张锐利漂亮的面容,明明很温和,但这个时候,他却总是忍不住想到他。 We most are far from the shotpoint fortunately, even vibrates not to pass on. The luck is really good.” “还好我们离爆炸点最远,连震动也没有传过来。运气真好。” At this time a few words of nearby aimer, making Wei Huanxin first shake. 这时一旁的引导员的一句话,让魏欢心头一震。 He also knows the Wang Yiyang two later generations, Wang Yue and Huilin also came to here to attend the finals to be inexplicable, Wei Huan asked one toward the aimer uncle suddenly. 他也知道了王一洋的两个后辈,王越和慧琳也来了这里参加决赛莫名的,魏欢突然朝引导员大叔问了一句。 Uncle, I have two friends, Wang Yue player, with Huilin player, on the flight vehicle here, can help my they have an accident?” “大叔,我有两个朋友,王越选手,和慧琳选手,也在这里的飞行器上,能不能帮我查查他们有没有出事?” He earnest sincere request. 他认真诚恳的请求。 Your friend? My.” The aimers opened the hand link light screen to look rapidly. “你朋友么?我查查。”引导员迅速打开手环光幕看了看。 „, No, their luck is also very good, in most distant place of another side explosion, same has not been injured with us.” “啊,没有啊,他们运气也很好,在另外一边的爆炸的最远处,和我们一样没受伤。” „Like us?” Wei Huanxin first cold. “和我们一样么?”魏欢心头一寒。 He recalled that just by the flight vehicles and peripheral staff who the flame explosion swallowed. 他回想起刚刚被火焰爆炸吞噬的飞行器和周边工作人员。 Has that player refused stubbornly to know, but the surrounding staff were killed dozens people at least. 那一下选手死没死不知道,但周围的工作人员起码被炸死了数十人。 Is this, really merely only the coincidence? 这,真的仅仅只是巧合?
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