MI :: Volume #4

#375: Begins one

Newest website: „ Many years ago, I think to be able like them, such peaceful life. Without the contradiction, has not slaughtered. 最新网址:“很多年以前,我就想着能够像他们一样,这么安静的生活。没有矛盾,没有厮杀。 Even the red painted-face quarrels will not have. ” 甚至连红脸吵架也不会有。” In a small park in Huacheng. 花城的一处小公园内。 Wang Yiyang settling down stands near the city inland river, is looking in not far away park the child who swings. 王一洋驻足站在城市内河边,望着不远处公园里正在荡秋千的小孩子。 His parents stand on one side, often spoke, often merriment several. 他的父母就站在一边,不时说话,不时笑闹几句。 Very ordinary idea.” The god of thunder haha smiled, this matter, to people, is very simple, but does not have the means regarding your me.” “很普通的想法。”雷神哈哈笑了下,“不过这种事,对于一般人来说,是很简单,但对于你我却没办法。” Yes, tree desiring calm but wind restless.” Wang Yiyang lowered the head to light a cigarette. “是啊,树欲静而风不止。”王一洋低头点了根烟。 He very long has not smoked. 他已经很久没有抽过烟了。 But since controls some day of demon sect influences, after mounting the position of crown prince . 但自从掌控天魔宗部分势力,登上太子之位后。 Practices, control coordinated under strength, but must transfer the military officers of day of demon sect major powerful regiments. 修行,管控协调麾下力量,还要调动天魔宗各大强力军团的将领。 The numerous pressure forcing on him, making him somewhat not gasp for breath faintly. 重重的压力压在他身上,让他隐隐有些喘不过气。 Why is tree static? Isn't it was motionless?” Thunder God asked. “树为什么要静?它不是本就不动么?”雷神问。 „The meaning of these words is, the tree wants peacefully, but wind actually unceasing moves it, making it not probably be peaceful.” Wang Yiyang earnest explanation. “这句话的意思是,树想要安静,但风却不断的吹动它,让其不得安宁。”王一洋认真解释。 Acting as lookout to switch off is not good? Do not catch a chill, I close to you, control weather I to have the self-confidence.” God of thunder warm-hearted say/way. Or the tree puts a barrier in front of.” “把风关掉不就好了?你不要吹风,我给你关,控制天气方面我还是有自信。”雷神热心道。“或者把树前面放个屏障也可以。” „It is not I, these words are actually the mortal invent.” Wang Yiyang not said. “不是我,这句话其实是凡人发明的。”王一洋无言道。 Right? But I thought that is not right, why the tree wants peacefully, generally the big tree race most likes catching a chill, because they usually motionless, only then catches a chill time can slightly under the activity the body. “是吗?但我觉得还是不对,树为什么想要安静,一般大树种族都最喜欢吹风,因为他们平时都不动,只有吹风的时候才能稍微活动下身体。 Before I did not have a tenth god before, frequently and big trees exchange, you know before me, is a Druid, that time was really worry-free, every day life simply relaxed pure. 我以前还没成神前,就经常和大树们交流,你知道我以前是个德鲁伊,那时候真是无忧无虑,每天过的生活简直轻松单纯。 To eat anything to eat anything, I am total eclipse principle Druid, the meat also eat, usually also eats, every so often occasionally wants slowly the taste, will arrange the game. 想吃什么就吃什么,我是全食主义德鲁伊,肉也吃,素也吃,很多时候偶尔想缓缓口味,也会去打点野味。 My good friend Saund, 我的好朋友娜桑德, Is a very big food person sets up, he ..... 是一颗很大的食人树,他.....” Wang Yiyang selective disregarded was recalling the past god of thunder. 王一洋选择性的无视了正在回忆过去的雷神。 Where god of thunder friend is good , was too only easy to fall into recalls the past. 雷神这个朋友什么地方都不错,唯独一点,就是太容易陷入回忆过去。 Then a recollection, can spend lots of time each time. 然后每次一回忆,就能消耗大量时间。 He proceeds to take a walk following the alley in park slowly. Snow follows after behind, the god of thunder was still verbose in the one side, said about his own past matter. 他顺着公园的小路慢慢往前走动。雪拉跟在身后,雷神还在一旁絮絮叨叨,说了很多关于他自己的过去的事。 The gods only then the innumerable time, their non- old codgers, the life span to them is only a joke. 神祗有着无数的时间,他们不老不死,寿命对于他们来说只是个笑话。 Therefore the god delays generally very much, the rhythm is very slow. 所以神祗们一般都很拖延,节奏很慢。 Is usually succinct, that is because did not have the words to say to you, if experienced the matter to pour out. 平时简洁,那是因为对你没话说,但一旦遇到有事倾诉。 Like the present this. 就像现在这样。 Wang Yiyang has met multiple. 王一洋已经遇到多次了。 It is said god of thunder this is also good, many other order sides gods, words many even can chat for a half year. 据说雷神这还算是好的,不少其他秩序侧的神祗,话多的甚至可以一聊聊半年。 Except for nod. 除了点头。 Wang Yiyang abandons the train of thought temporarily, blows off the brain, does not pay attention to various miscellaneous matters being planned. 王一洋暂时将思绪抛开,放空大脑,不去理会正在计划的各种杂事。 Along the park alley, he walks slowly in the avenue of unceasing fallen leaf, shields the talking incessantly recollection of god of thunder automatically, worked as the white noise. 沿着公园小路,他慢慢走在不断落叶的林荫道上,自动屏蔽掉雷神的唠叨回忆,就当白噪音了。 Happen to the front front surface walks crowd of one line of light yellow uniforms/subdue. 正好前面迎面走来一行淡黄制服的人群。 Frontline the crowd, facial features are gentle, the makings warm red hair youngster, is bringing the crowd to proceed slowly. 人群最前方,一名面容柔和,气质温暖的红发少年,正慢慢带着人群往前走。 Youngster is not old, looks is only 17-18 years old, but every word and deed, every action and every movement, a natural belief feeling. 少年年纪并不大,看起来就只有17-18岁,但一言一行,一举一动,都给人一种天然的信服感。 They seem using the dialect exchanges of certain places. 他们似乎在用某些地方的方言交流。 The red hair youngster has scratched the head, seems somewhat embarrassed, but is even embarrassed, still has strong sunlight feeling. 红发少年一直挠头,似乎有些不好意思,但就算不好意思,也带着很强的阳光感。 The two sides people soon meet, the Wang Yiyang eyes narrowed the eyes, saw in which face in opposite crowd. 两边人快要相遇,王一洋双眼一眯,看到了对面人群里的其中一个面孔。 He smiles is nodding the head to the opposite party hints. 他微笑着对对方颔首示意。 Two groups of people see the opposite party mutually, the red hair youngster gang cannot voluntarily by Wang Yiyang god of thunder here air/Qi field suppression. 两拨人相互都看到对方,红发少年一伙人不自觉得被王一洋雷神这边的气场压制。 The group of people cannot help but disperse, give away a path. 一伙人不由自主的分散开,让出一条道路。 Wang Yiyang all black practicing moral culture/slim fit western-style clothes, the long hair shawl, the forehead has wipes an immortal mark, just like the flame bright red. On the back of the hand nape of the neck that reveals can also see the indistinct dark Red Devils mark. 王一洋一身纯黑修身西服,长发披肩,眉心有着一抹仙道印记,鲜红犹如火焰。露出来的手背脖颈上还能看到隐约的暗红魔纹。 He is in addition different from the overall makings of common machine armor. 再加上他不同于一般机甲师的整体气质。 After all is 18 levels of splendor moon/month powerhouses, 18 levels even in the main star, are still rarely seen. 毕竟是十八级的辉月强者,十八级就算在主星,也是并不多见。 This in each region star territory powerhouse who can hold the post of the member, here, only then various department senior cadres, will be the splendor moon/month. 这种在各地星域能担任一把手的强者,在这里,也只有各部门高级干部,才会达到辉月。 Let alone Wang Yiyang is many systems with cultivating, the body sensation and life standpoint are extremely vigorously complex. 更别说王一洋是诸多体系同修,身上感知和生命立场极其复杂浑厚。 Finally, in addition fine sharp attractive face. 最后,再加上精致锐利的漂亮面孔。 Even if smiling, but can still give people an intense aloof sense of distance. 就算是在笑,但也能给人一种强烈的高冷距离感。 According to the appraisal of mother clear corpuscle is, like glittering and translucent carving, beautiful tender and beautiful atomic bomb. 按照母亲清微子的评价就是,就像一枚晶莹剔透,美丽娇艳的原子弹。 The life standpoint excessively strong result, is the air/Qi field is extremely strong. 生命立场过强的结果,就是气场极强。 The Wang Yiyang three people across the crowd, left for more than ten seconds. 王一洋三人穿过人群,足足离开了十多秒。 Red hair youngster one group of ease up the atmosphere slowly. 红发少年一行人才慢慢缓和气氛。 „Did Biggs, see just that person? The makings very powerful!” “比格斯,看到刚刚那人没?气质好强!” Short and stout schoolmate Anguelu is low voice and red hair youngster said. 矮胖的同学安格鲁小声和红发少年道。 Looks absolutely is not an average person!” A ponytail girl said. “绝对一看就不是普通人!”一个马尾女孩啧啧道。 This time lord the star is really opens mind, has not thought along with the great person who in by -pass can also meet such boasting.” Biggs grabs to say with a smile. “这次来主星真的是开了眼界啊,没想到随便路上也能遇到这样牛皮的大人物。”比格斯抓着头笑道。 Yes, never expected that Harbo father is willing to deliver us to come unexpectedly to watch the finals free together. “是啊是啊,没想到哈勃老爹居然愿意免费送我们一起过来看决赛。 Simply do not approve! The father long live! ” 简直不要太赞!老爹万岁!” Thank the father to give us the economical support.” “感谢老爹给予我们经济赞助。” Thank the father!” “感谢老爹!” One group of people like worshipping Virgin mother same hold their palms together, closes eyes the pray with the strange formality. 一群人如同朝拜圣母玛利亚一样双手合十,用奇怪的礼节闭目祈祷。 I said that is insufficient... the father not dead...” Biggs had nothing to say in reply. “我说不至于吧...老爹还没死啊...”比格斯无言以对。 Wei Huan you said right?” He looks to the one side brown short hair male student looking pensive. “魏欢你说对吧?”他看向一旁若有所思的棕色短发男生。 Custom was good.” The male students smile, naturally said. “习惯就好了。”男生笑了笑,自然道。 Walks, in the evening also has the last finals, later can come out first several, whom having a look at to clash!” Biggs puts out a hand to Wei Huan. “走吧,晚上还有最后一场决赛,之后就能决出前几名,看看谁能冲得更远!”比格斯伸出手对向魏欢。 . 啪。 Two people palm clashes, smiled. 两人手掌相击,都笑了。 Biggs's smile is more sincere brightly, but Wei Huan is also smiling, but actually hid many complex things. 只是比格斯的笑容更真诚灿烂,而魏欢虽然也在笑,但却隐藏了很多复杂的东西。 His look drifts away, is somewhat absent-minded. 他眼神游离,有些心不在焉。 Because, he recognizes that person that just passed through. 因为,他认出了刚刚走过的那人。 That takes the lead, the makings are incisive, facial features attractive man. 那个带头的,气质尖锐,面容漂亮的男子。 Is his father had proposed a person. 是他父亲曾经提过的一人。 Wang Yiyang Mr. king. 王一洋王先生。 This in succumbing to the big shot of star, why will appear personally here. 这位远在沉湎之星的大佬,为什么会亲自出现在这里。 Regarding Wang Yiyang this person, Wei Huan impression is quite complex. 对于王一洋这人,魏欢的印象相当复杂。 In father Wei worry gives in his information. 在父亲魏愁给他的信息里。 Wang Yiyang rises in the negligible, from an edge star operations group aspect, grows strong step by step, financial big alligator that ultimately moves toward the interstellar. 王一洋崛起于微末,是从一个边缘星球一步步经营集团局面,发展壮大,最终走向星际的金融大鳄。 Meister group of the control, although the reputation did not reveal recently, but is extremely strong in the bow of diving influence hunting. 其掌控的米斯特集团,虽然最近名声不显,但在狩猎之弓潜势力极强。 Ok, first does not manage, temporarily according to my own step walks.’ Wei Huanxin sets, no longer thinks. ‘算了,先不管了,暂时按照我自己的步骤走。’魏欢心头定下,不再多想。 He wants to pass to seek the help, after all father's death, is unexplained, is too only slow by his own strength investigation is too difficult. 他想过去寻求帮助,毕竟父亲的死,原因不明,单靠他自己的力量调查太慢太难。 If there is an influence help of Wang Yiyang, perhaps the progress will be quicker. 如果有王一洋的势力帮助,或许进度会快很多。 But thinks, he decided does not implicate the opposite party. 但想了想,他还是决定不连累对方。 Wei Huan can affirm, opposite party Wang Yiyang was smiled to express best wishes to him a moment ago absolutely. 只是魏欢能肯定,刚才对方王一洋绝对是对他微笑致意了。 The group breaking up steps , the preparation go to nearby snack cold drinks shop. 一行人散了会步,准备去附近的小吃冷饮店。 Wei Huanzhao a excuse left. 魏欢找了个借口离开。 Along the old route, he runs, pursues in the direction that beforehand Wang Yiyang leaves. 沿着原路,他一路小跑,朝着之前王一洋离开的方向追去。 Without pursuing how long, he then noticed that sits Wang Yiyang that rests on the park bench. 没追多久,他便看到坐在公园长椅上休息的王一洋 Side this big shot also follows a female secretary of black silk shirt short skirt, seemingly suitable commerce. 这位大佬身边还跟着一名黑丝衬衣短裙的女秘书,看起来相当商务。 This makes Wei Huan guess that he possibly comes to here to discuss the business. 这让魏欢猜测他可能是来这里洽谈业务的。 Seemed like the attire strange old uncle to disappear with their together that before actually. 倒是之前和他们一起的那个看起来衣着怪异的老大叔不见了。 , Wei Huan saw Wang Yiyang from afar, Wang Yiyang also obviously saw him, and waves to greet toward him. 远远的,魏欢看到了王一洋,王一洋也明显看到了他,并朝他挥挥手打了个招呼。 Wei Huan has not hesitated, approaches to proceed. 魏欢没有迟疑,走近往前。 Sits.” “坐。” Wang Yiyang smile referred to under bench. 王一洋微笑的指了下身边的长椅。 Wei Huan little darling walks to sit down. 魏欢乖乖的走过去坐下。 The short distance observation opposite party, his feeling seems like facing talent twenty ordinary brothers. 近距离观察对方,他的感觉就像是在面对一个才二十几的普通大哥哥。 On this big shot could not see trace that completely any years pass. 在这位大佬身上完全看不到任何岁月流逝的痕迹。 If looks at the surface purely, some people do not know, he is Wei Huan father that generation of person. 如果单纯看表面,根本不会有人知道,他已经是魏欢父亲那一辈的人了。 Sees you for the first time, I know that you are Wei worry son.” Wang Yiyang temperate say/way. “第一次看到你,我就知道你是魏愁的儿子。”王一洋温和道。 He has not gone to look at little fellow, but is the line of sight goes to the distant place, under the setting sun light spot that in the leaf and drags stops. 他没有去看身边的小家伙,而是视线投向远方,在树叶和摇曳的夕阳光斑下停顿。 Many years ago, when I see your father for the first time, he is also like you, the look is firm, that makings are exactly the same. You look like him very much.” “很多年以前,我第一次见到你父亲时,他也是和你一样,眼神坚定,那种气质如出一辙。你很像他。” Wei Huan silent under. 魏欢沉默了下。 My name was Wei Huan 。 My father hopes that I can be happier. But I never have happily.” “我叫魏欢。我爸希望我能开心一些。但我从来没开心过。” Person since the birth, then must suffer hardships. “人自出生以来,便是要受苦。 Wei worry right, seeks stably, joyful, happy, the itself is our ultimate goals. ” Wang Yiyang light say/way. 魏愁没错,寻找安定,快乐,幸福,本就是我们的最终目的。”王一洋淡淡道。 ..... Is my father, what person? My mother? Have you seen?” Wei Huan asked in a soft voice. “.....我爸,到底是个什么样的人?我母亲呢?您见过么?”魏欢轻声问。 This is also he pursues impatiently, found the Wang Yiyang goal. 这也是他迫不及待追上来,找到王一洋的目的。 You are the child who your father's gene cell breeds, mother I do not know, one that buys from egg saves the itself outstandingly.” Wang Yiyang answered. “你是你父亲的基因细胞繁育出来的孩子,母亲我也不知道,是从卵子库里买的一个优秀存本。”王一洋解释道。 „......” Wei Huanxin has crashed to the hope of mother immediately, had nothing to say in reply simply. “......”魏欢心头一直对母亲的期盼顿时崩塌,简直无言以对。 This answer collapsed simply instantaneously extinguished his happy imagination to mother, was only left over a lying trough. 这个答案简直瞬间崩灭了他对母亲的美好想象,只剩下一句卧槽。 Now seems like, you are very outstanding.” Wang Yiyang said with a smile. “现在看起来,你还是很优秀嘛。”王一洋笑道。 You let alone smiled, my father has said that you before were not such person. Such character.” Wei Huan is speechless. “您别说笑了,我父亲说过,你以前可不是这样的人。这样的性格。”魏欢无语。 Then in your father eyes, what I am?” Wang Yiyang strange say/way. “那在你父亲眼里,我是什么样?”王一洋奇道。 Wei Huan chokes up immediately. 魏欢顿时哽住。 Waited for several seconds, he opens the mouth slowly. 等了几秒,他缓缓开口。 Stable, reliable, good, helpful good merchant.” “稳固,可靠,善良,乐于助人的好商人。” „...... He really knew about me .... Saying with a smile that” Wang Yiyang is not concerned about face. “......他对我真了解....”王一洋不要脸的笑道。 I devote to developing the hometown economy, at that time I am not disappointed about the decayed star government, doing many things is enthusiastic. “我致力于发展家乡经济,那时候我还没对腐朽的星球政府失望,做很多事都充满激情。 Afterward, ran into your father, person who he also has the fervor very much, when was young has made mistakes, but person always not perfect. 后来,遇到你父亲,他同样也是个很有激情的人,虽然年轻时犯错过,但人总没有尽善尽美。 Therefore I appreciate him very much. Also has helped him, had been helped by him. 所以我很欣赏他。也帮过他,也被他帮过。 He is a very good person. ” 他是个很不错的人。” Wang Yiyang recalls passing, dozens years ago when he rises at first, at that time ran into Wei worry. 王一洋回忆过往,几十年前他最初才崛起时,那时候遇到魏愁。 That time life, was very happy. 那时的生活,真的很美好。 Two people sit here, say an unceasing question and answer. 两人就这么坐在这里,一言一句的不断问答。 Wang Yiyang said about the matter that Wei worries. 王一洋讲了很多关于魏愁的事。 Actually he also verified afterward, initially Wei worry death, to a great extent was because some people wanted to catch him for the breach, started to king Xiaosu. 其实他后来也查明了,当初魏愁的死,很大程度是因为有人想要抓他为突破口,对王小苏下手。 Therefore in fact, Wei worry was implicated dead by oneself. 所以实际上,魏愁是被自己这边连累而死。 Let alone he for finally was not used, but simply from exploding. 更别说他最终为了不被利用而干脆自爆。 From this point, Wang Yiyang has a deficit Wei Huan. 从这一点上,王一洋是亏欠魏欢的。 Therefore is seeing Wei Huan instance, he then recognized its identity. 所以在看到魏欢的瞬间,他便认出了其身份。 „Do you also participate in the competition?” He asked. “你也来参加竞赛?”他问道。 Un, cause of death that I, want to investigate the father. But light/only depends on me, the strength is too weak.” Wei Huan replied honestly. “嗯,我,想调查出父亲的死因。但光靠我一人,力量太弱。”魏欢诚实回答。 The Wang Yiyang side is excessive, looks at Wei Huan who lowers the head. 王一洋侧过头,看着低着头的魏欢。 This is only young child, slightly must bear such serious responsibility. 这个才十几岁的孩子,这么小就要背负这么沉重的责任。 No one looks, without the parents, except for the hatred, except for the revenge, his anything does not have. 没人照顾,没有父母,除了仇恨,除了复仇,他什么也没有。 In his eye flashes through a gentleness. Put out a hand to rub Wei Huan hair gently. 他眼中闪过一丝柔和。伸手轻轻揉了揉魏欢的头发。 Cause of death that I know your father.” “我知道你父亲的死因。”
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