MI :: Volume #4

#374: Probes two

Newest website: The motorcades of Waroux many riding, the low-altitude flying in the ground, drive slowly toward finals. 最新网址:瓦鲁多乘坐的车队,缓缓在地面上低空飞行,朝着决赛现场驶去。 As a star prince, Waroux many never has any time to be lax. 作为一星王子,瓦鲁多从未有过任何时刻松懈。 Although he is the first position successor, but has dozens imperial prince sovereign females to wait to replace him. 他虽然是第一顺位继承人,但身后有着数十个皇子皇女等着取代他。 What kind of? Does afternoon competition schedule have confidence?” “怎么样?下午的赛程有把握么?” In the car(riage) except him outside, his nominal teacher, that has led the mysterious person of golden mask. 车内除开他外,还有他名义上的导师,那个一直带着黄金面具的神秘人。 He called the opposite party for Teacher Nagai. 他称呼对方为永井老师。 But is the opposite party the real name calls this, he maintains the suspicion. 但对方到底是不是真名叫这个,他保持怀疑。 Waroux many induced the condition in lower part slightly. Nod. 瓦鲁多稍稍感应了下体内的状态。点点头。 Fortunately. The condition is normal, the player in finals, my opponent always only has one, that is Feng Yuanxiong.” “还好。状态正常,决赛里的选手,我的对手从来都只有一个,那就是冯远雄。” Feng Yuanxiong comes prominent, oneself gene also is extremely powerful outstanding, you exceed his possibility is not big. We to your expectation are second.” Nagai gentle say/way. “冯远雄出身显赫,自身基因也极其优秀强大,你胜过他的可能性不大。我们对你的期望是第二名。”永井平和道。 Has my family support, in addition your support, is insufficient?” Waroux tranquil say/way. “有我的家族支持,加上您的支持,也不够么?”瓦鲁多平静道。 Background influence, we are not bad, but you are inferior to Feng Yuanxiong.” Nagai spoke frankly, unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “背景势力,我们并不差,但你个人不如冯远雄。”永井直言道,毫不客气。 Without comparing, who knows the victory and defeat?” Waroux many does not like second. “没有比过,谁知道胜负?”瓦鲁多不喜欢第二。 Because the world can remember, is always first. 因为世人能够记住的,从来都是第一名。 Ok, do not think, you first dealt with evening's competition to say again.” Nagai urged. “好了,别想了,你先应付好晚上的比赛再说。”永井叮嘱道。 Understood.” “明白。” Waroux many dangling views, in inductor slightly golden halo of tremor. 瓦鲁多垂下眼帘,感应体内微微颤动的金色光晕。 That is regardless of the family is also good, the teacher is also good, his secret that does not know. 那是无论家族也好,老师也好,都不知道的他的秘密。 Is he is also doomed to step onto to the energy of high position. 同时也是他注定要走上至高之位的底气。 ‚Were you worried?’ A gentle female voice resounds in his heart. ‘你在担心?’一个柔和的女声在他心底响起。 No, I never fear any challenge. ‘不,我从不惧怕任何挑战。 I feel senseless. ’ Waroux are many in the heart replied. 我只是感到无趣。’瓦鲁多在心底回答。 Feels senselessly about evening's finals? Really proud.’ The female voice chuckle gets up. ‘对晚上的决赛感觉无趣么?真是骄傲。’女声轻笑起来。 Said, you had put in an appearance in player, altogether five unexpectedly are carrying/sustaining of concept machine armor. Really cannot think.’ She said after a sigh. ‘说起来,你之前照面过的选手中,一共有五个居然都是概念机甲的承载者。真是想不到。’她感叹道。 Doesn't matter, except Feng Yuanxiong outside, other has not been worth the role that attaches great importance.’ Waroux tranquil say/way. ‘没关系,除开冯远雄外,其余没有值得重视的角色。’瓦鲁多平静道。 Even oneself strength is good, but the background does not have the means to arrive insufficient finally.’ He leans the face to look to out of the window. ‘就算自身实力不错的,但背景不足也没办法走到最后。’他侧过脸看向窗外。 Therefore I feel senseless. When anything you can know the result ahead of time, the so-called process then does not have .... ‘所以我感到无趣。当任何事你都能提前知晓结果时,所谓的过程便毫无....’ Be careful!!’ The female voice breaks him suddenly, shakes in his ear resounds. ‘小心!!’女声陡然打断他,在其耳边震荡响起。 A huge strength leads Waroux to dash the glass rapidly much, departs outside to roll to the sand on, tumbles dozens in the ground, until about dozens meters. 一股庞大的力量急速带着瓦鲁多撞破车窗,飞出外面滚到沙地上,在地面翻滚数十圈,直到数十米开外。 Bang!! 轰!! While Waroux multi-hop window, on the motorcade dead ahead road, condenses one to reach as high as more than ten meters rock giants suddenly baseless. 就在瓦鲁多跳窗的同时,车队正前方的公路上,骤然凭空凝聚出一头高达十多米的岩石巨人。 After Waroux multi-hop window is less than a half second, a gigantic rock fist smashes his private car vehicles ruthlessly. 在瓦鲁多跳窗后不到半秒,一只硕大的岩石拳头狠狠砸中他的座驾车辆。 Bang, the speeding car explodes, decomposes the big piece fragment components and one is pounded the flat scrap iron. 轰隆一下,飞车爆炸开,分解成大片碎片零件和一块被砸扁的废铁。 Incessantly so, in the motorcade nearby ground, a leader rock giant condenses in abundance, silent is whooshing, to/clashes toward the motorcade. 不止如此,车队附近地面上,一头头岩石巨人纷纷凝聚而起,无声的嘶吼着,朝着车队冲来。 Escorts!!” “护驾!!” Guard team leader the whole body is the blood, just that simply did not have clothing miniature machine armor with enough time, was scratched injured. 护卫队长浑身是血,刚刚那一下根本没来得及着装微型机甲,就被擦到受伤了。 This also caused his battle efficiency to fall slightly. 这也导致他的战斗力稍微下跌了些。 In the motorcade, the machine armor master runs out in abundance, fights with the rock giant directly, stands one group. 车队内,一个个机甲师纷纷冲出,和岩石巨人正面交手,站成一团。 Missile laser blade small-scale rail gun anything, various types of weapons launch to depart. 飞弹激光刀小型轨道炮什么的,各种武器纷纷发射飞出。 When opened the feeling sensation bunch just like the fallen lantern, disperses, blocked further nearness of rock giant stubbornly. 开启了时感的感知一团团宛如零落的灯笼,分散开,死死挡住了岩石巨人的进一步靠近。 The comet level imperial family guard who these are selective, most powerhouse who screens from several hundred hundred million people. 这些精挑细选的彗星层皇家护卫,是从数百亿人中筛选出的最强者。 Wears under miniature machine armor, they from the beginning also in the attack of use range level. 身着微型机甲下,他们一开始还在使用范围层次的攻击。 But quick, they discovered that these bombing do not have the significance regarding the rock giant. 但很快,他们发现这些轰炸对于岩石巨人毫无意义。 On them each has the thick transparent protection force field. And can also float freely spatially, the place of vision glance, the sensation faint team member will also produce faints, slow, confusion and other conditions. 它们身上每一头都带有厚厚的透明防护力场。并且还能自如浮空,目光扫视之处,感知低弱的队员还会产生晕厥,迟缓,混乱等状态。 Damn!” Nagai also flew from the car(riage) promptly, sees this, immediately is breathless. “该死!”永井从车内也及时飞了出来,看到这一幕,顿时气急败坏。 Waroux many cannot have the matter absolutely, he is in the plan the most important part, makes no mistake. 瓦鲁多绝对不能有事,他是计划中最重要的一环,不容有失。 His right arm inspires, on the right hand are many immediately a dark gold/metal sickle. 他右臂一振,右手上顿时多出一把暗金弯刀。 The figure proceeds to clash, sometimes feels full, Waroux who must charge into not far away are many. 身形往前一冲,时感全开,就要冲向不远处的瓦鲁多。 Before his body just, to/clashes vanishes, when bang, was then pulled from the feeling condition by a strange strength immediately forcefully. 只是他的身体刚刚前冲消失,但马上嘭的一下,便被一股诡异力量硬生生从时感状态下扯了出来。 Before him, towering had/left a green longhaired black windproof coat man. 在他面前,突兀的多出了一个绿色长发披肩的黑风衣男子。 Male both hands wear the black leather glove, under the windproof coat also put on the heavy/thick plain black personal armor. 男子双手戴着黑色皮手套,风衣下还穿着厚重古朴的黑色贴身铠甲。 You seem like, very delicious appearance.” “你看上去,很好吃的样子。” The windproof coat man smiles, reveals a sawtooth canine. 风衣男子微笑,露出一口锯齿般的尖牙。 Wha ....!! “什....”哧!! In an instant the field of vision in Nagai eyes turns blood red, is the darkness. 刹那间永井眼里的视野变成血红,然后是黑暗。 His body decomposes suddenly, all internal organs scatter automatically in the place. 他的身体骤然分解,其中所有内脏自动散落在地。 The skeleton jumps out automatically, the skin strips slowly, is only left over the bright red flesh just like the liquid, flies into sends in the male spigot green. 骨骼自动跳出,皮肤缓缓剥离,只剩下鲜红的血肉宛如液体般,飞入绿发男子口中。 The remaining internal organs, the skeleton, the skin rapidly and combines automatically, restores the original Nagai's appearance. 剩下的内脏,骨骼,皮肤迅速又自动组合,恢复成原本的永井的模样。 Goes, takes to me the flesh of goal.” Sends the man to smile to say green, extracted a white silk handkerchief to wipe the mouth. “去吧,把目标的血肉带给我。”绿发男子微笑道,抽出一张白色丝巾擦了擦嘴。 I will bring the victory for the real inscription Sir.” “我将为真铭大人带来胜利。” Nagai has turned around, looked that to position that Waroux many are. ‘永井’转过身,看向瓦鲁多所在的位置。 There is empty, without person's shadow. 那里已经空空荡荡,没有人影。 At this time the people in entire motorcade had been processed cleanly. 此时整个车队里的人都已经被处理干净。 The rock giant destroys the hardest defenses, the lethality is ordinary, but the body has even been close to the splendor moon/month, is not the machine armor masters of these comet levels can resist. 岩石巨人无坚不摧,杀伤力一般,但身体甚至已经接近辉月,根本不是这些彗星层的机甲师能对抗的。 Sends the man not to care green. 绿发男子并不在意。 He is only a probe that the real inscription Sir sends out. In the surface he is takes revenge. 他只是真铭大人派出的一个试探。表面上他是来复仇。 But in fact .... 但实际上.... The men looked at the garrison police service army of not far away long in coming. Wields conveniently. 男子看了看不远处姗姗来迟的驻军警务部队。随手一挥。 All rock giants break up immediately automatically. 所有岩石巨人顿时自动崩解。 He turns around to leave, the figure desalinates rapidly vanishes. 他转身离开,身形急速淡化消失。 Waroux crazy runs away under the direction in within the body voice. 瓦鲁多疯狂的在体内声音的指引下逃窜。 His whole body was being wrapped by a strange energy, this energy lets him around the immunity all inspection methods. 他全身都被一层奇异的能量包裹着,这层能量让他能免疫周围所有的检查手段。 This is also he can from that terrifying male person hand, is injured basic reason that flees. 这也是他能从那个恐怖的男人手中,受伤逃离的根本原因。 When he saw when Teacher Nagai was blocked, he understands, these people cannot block. 当他看到永井老师被拦住时,他就明白,那些人挡不住。 The fear, has never had the novel experience, forces frequently after behind fatal threat. 久违的恐惧,从未有过的新奇体验,还有时时刻刻逼迫在身后的致命威胁。 Extremely are layer on layer few rare mood to confuse in Waroux many heart unceasingly surges. 重重极少罕见的情绪在瓦鲁多的心底不断混淆涌动。 His pupil contraction, the whole body blood flows rapidly, as if the whole person must burn. 他瞳孔收缩,浑身血液急速流动,仿佛整个人都要燃起来。 He is afraid very much, is afraid the whole body to shiver, being afraid the consciousness is even more excited, like the psychopath who must fall momentarily insanely. 他很害怕,害怕到浑身颤抖,害怕到意识越发兴奋,就像随时要疯掉一样的精神病患者。 But this excitement, actually looks like the narcotics general, is attracting him firmly, making him be crazy. 但这种兴奋,却又像毒品一般,牢牢的吸引着他,让他为之着迷。 He invisible the body is wrapping miniature machine armor, speeds along in the desert rapidly. 他隐形了的身体包裹着微型机甲,急速在沙漠中飞驰。 Be careful!’ ‘小心!’ Suddenly the female voice in within the body reminded rapidly. 忽然体内的女声急速提醒。 The front ground desert explodes loudly. 前方的地面沙漠轰然爆炸。 The innumerable gravels disperse. A giant pit appears in front of him. 无数沙砾飞散。一道巨大凹坑出现在他前面。 Almost, the explosion will sweep across much Waroux. 就差一点,爆炸就会把瓦鲁多席卷进去。 Splendor moon/month .... At least is 20 levels! Escapes quickly!’ Waroux hears the female voice scream in within the body. ‘辉月....最少是二十级!快逃!’瓦鲁多听到体内的女声尖叫。 His line of sight sweeps in the pit, inside gravel has congealed completely a smooth ground. 他视线在凹坑里一扫,里面的沙砾已经全部凝结成了一块平整地面。 That is the ultra-high temperature melts the sand thoroughly, then congeals to solidify a body. 那是超高温度将沙子彻底融化,然后凝结凝固成一体。 This method, is then completed in the flash merely, the strength of very obvious opposite party must exceed his imagination. 这种的手段,仅仅在一瞬间便完成,很明显对方的实力还要超出他的想象。 Be careful! The opposite party strength is too strong, but my hidden Ability, so long as you are motionless, in a short time should unable to discover you. ‘小心!对方实力太强,但我的隐藏能力,只要你不动,短时间内应该无法发现你。 Now I can prepare the short distance to jump for you, goes to recent finals directly. There present stage is safest! ’ 现在我可以为你准备短距离跳跃,直接去最近的决赛现场。那里现阶段是最安全的!’ The female voice rapid say/way in within the body. 体内的女声迅速道。 I understand.’ Waroux nods. The look is even more sharp. ‘我明白。’瓦鲁多点头。眼神越发锐利。 Really is the good look.’ ‘真是不错的眼神。’ In tea hall, Wang Yiyang appreciation looks to transmit the image that. 茶厅内,王一洋欣赏的看着传来的影像。 He a little does not want to process him. 他都有点不想处理他了。 Why does here person bring to soak in water the leaf drinks? Doesn't this soak in water with the hair of tree? What takes the hair to soak in water with us has to distinguish? A little disgusting.” Nearby Thunder God asked speechless. “这里的人为什么把树叶拿来泡水喝?这不就是拿树的头发泡水么?和我们自己拿头发泡水有什么区别?有点恶心啊。”一旁的雷神无语问。 Wang Yiyang has gotten back one's composure, saw a god of thunder face shuts out is carrying front tea. 王一洋回过神,看到雷神一脸嫌弃的端着面前的茶水。 This is our in which custom. Does not like you to change into the milk. Either?” “这是我们这里的其中一种习惯。不喜欢你可以换成牛奶。要么?” Good.” The god of thunder does not have initial fresh at this time temporarily, only felt that the heart is tired. “好吧。”雷神此时已经暂时没了最初的新鲜,只感觉心累。 Because arrived here, he did not have to be the god honored and exceptional feeling of immediately. 因为来到了这里,他顿时没了身为神祗的尊贵和自命不凡感了。 Two people drank. the milk together again, then pays up, sets out, to making tea hall cup 两人一起再喝了杯牛奶,然后结账,起身,离开茶厅。 Snow follows on the heels, not has the feeling, but this instead is she wants. 雪拉跟在后面,毫无存在感,不过这反而是她想要的。 The gaze as well as with her chatting of each Wang Yiyang, one time are to her suffered. 每一次王一洋的注视以及和她的闲聊,都是对她内心的一次折磨。 Although is somewhat numb. But can avoid avoids, is naturally best. 虽然已经有些麻木了。但能避开就避开,自然最好。 Three people return to package of speeding cars, sits , to continue to stroll next. 三人回到包的飞车上,坐好,继续去逛下一处。 No one notices, in the Wang Yiyang eye flashes through the big piece luminous spot again. 只是没人注意到,王一洋眼中再度闪过大片光点。 Real inscription rubs will have arrived in the centaur star in secret, it hand/subordinate is green the iris monster great general, has taken the action. 真铭摩将已经暗中抵达半人马星,其手下绿芝妖大将,已经展开行动。 And attacked Waroux who went to finals to be many blatantly. 并且公然袭击了正在前往决赛现场的瓦鲁多。 However finally Waroux uses the special method to escape chases down. 不过最后瓦鲁多利用特殊手段逃脱追杀。 The green iris monster reported immediately, hidden the figure, waited for the new instruction. 绿芝妖立马上报,隐藏身形,等待新指令。 It is not he does not want to continue to chase down, but was the constellation military has set out stronger machine armor master Kaishi to inspect. 不是他不想继续追杀,而是星座军方已经出动更强的机甲师开始巡视了。 Meanwhile, Waroux many as if there is expert to assist in secret. 同时,瓦鲁多似乎暗中有高手相助。 Under Taizi Dian, my here had a very interesting matter. Do you want to listen?’ Real inscription rubs will pass on message. ‘太子殿下,我这边发生了一个很有意思的事。您要不要听听?’真铭摩将传讯道。 Mentioned listens.’ ‘说来听听。’ Wang Yiyang and snow sits in the back row, seemingly sits in repose with eyes closed, through the special pass on message way, will be exchanging with real inscription rubs actually. 王一洋和雪拉坐在后排,看似闭目养神,实则在通过特殊传讯方式,和真铭摩将交流。 That Waroux's many players , before is, attacks that person of your family member, the back support influence is very big. ‘那个瓦鲁多的参赛选手,也就是之前袭击您家人的那人,背后的支持势力很大。 Just the green iris monster told me, he planned completely to solve Waroux to be many, although could not find, but the wide scope massacre also possibly completed the task. 刚刚绿芝妖告诉我,他原本打算彻底解决瓦鲁多,虽然找不到,但大范围乱杀也可能完成任务。 However finally the moment, he induces, has other is not weak in his role is approaching rapidly, therefore ..... 但是最后关头,他感应到,有另外的不弱于他的角色在飞速靠近,所以.....’ ‚Very normal, here is the center of entire constellation, he cannot bump into the expert to be strange.’ Wang Yiyang returns to the news. ‘很正常,这里是整个星座的中心,他碰不到高手才奇怪。’王一洋回讯。 ‚When as scheduled walks, chases down the raider, the protracted time, the created destruction is as far as possible bigger.’ ‘按照原定计划走,追杀袭击者时,尽量拖延时间,造成的破坏更大些。’ Understood. I will raise a disturbance well.’ Real inscription rubs will grin fiendishly. ‘明白。我会好好大闹一场。’真铭摩将狞笑。 All these, to search the defense capacity of clear Sagittarius main star. 这一切,都只是为了探清人马座主星的防卫力量。 If the day demon sect wants to enter crowd of stars thoroughly, not war wants to divide the star territory territory completely, that is not realistic. 天魔宗要想彻底进驻群星,完全不战争就想分割星域领土,那不现实。 Therefore consumes an energy, the probe clear main star influence, later does in view of the arrangement well. 所以耗费一点能量,试探清楚主星势力,之后才好做针对安排。 Place that ‚ you need to probe. ‘你需要试探的地方。 First, main star fleet star level quantity. 一,主星舰队恒星层数量。 Second, the intensity of constellation defense network, various types of parameters. 二,星座防御网的强度,各种参数。 Deploying troops for defense regularities of distribution of three garrisons. ’ Wang Yiyang urging. 三驻军的布防分布规律。’王一洋叮嘱。 Understood!’ Real inscription rubs will nod. ‘明白!’真铭摩将点头。 The communication separates. 通讯断开。 Wang Yiyang aspirates, raised the head, then strolls, should watch evening's finals. 王一洋吐了口气,抬起头,接下来再逛逛,就该去观看晚上的决赛。 Such tranquil stable life, is all right to drink tea, eats the dessert, window-shopping, when is idle under learn/study knowledge, even plays the game. 这样平静安定的生活,没事喝喝茶,吃吃点心,逛逛街,还有空余时学习下知识,甚至玩玩游戏。 This is the life that he always wants. 这才是他一直以来想要的生活。 Ordinary, ordinary, simple. 平凡,普通,简单。 Wang Yiyang has decided. 王一洋已经决定了。 Handles this day demon sect incident, he rests to dive to cultivate with single-hearted devotion, no longer inquired about other. 处理好这次天魔宗事件,他就专心休息潜修,不再过问其他。 Later so long as completes the status duty promotion to cultivate for well, had no other matters. 以后只要完成身份任务提升修为就好,也没什么其他事了。
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