MI :: Volume #4

#373: Probes one

Newest website: In extremely fiery the popularity with the network is different. 最新网址:和网络上极其火热的人气不同。 Vargas in centaur on-board, to the people, has not caused the big mighty waves. 瓦格斯在半人马星上,对群众而言,并没有引起多大的波澜。 Centaur on-board except massive non-native population beyond, many local residents. 半人马星上除开大量外来人口外,还有不少本土居民。 Although the average quality is extremely high, seven levels of transformation people find at everywhere, but also has the ordinary household. 虽然平均素质极高,七级改造人随处可见,但也是有普通家庭的。 Wang Yiyang brings Thunder God to stroll in the city, saw that many average people are passing the ordinary and ordinary day. 王一洋带着雷神在城里闲逛,也看到不少普通人过着平凡而普通的日子。 Similarly, two people also saw picture that many 78 levels of powerhouses and average people are together harmoniously. 同样的,两人也看到很多七八级强者和普通人和谐相处的画面。 This scene is extremely difficult to see in other places. 这种场景在其他地方是极难看到的。 But here, the centaur on-board average person, the surface is an average person, who knows that which friends and relatives he has, perhaps is the high-level powerhouse. 但在这里,半人马星上的普通人,表面是普通人,但谁知道他有哪个亲戚朋友,或许就是高级强者。 Can settle down here, few simple. 能在这里定居下来的,没几个简单的。 Walked out of the hotel, Wang Yiyang chartered the hiring speeding car, having the god of thunder to tour the entire Huacheng. 出了酒店,王一洋包了辆出租飞车,带着雷神一路游览整个花城。 Here is I in the world, relatively developed place. What kind of? Has what feeling?” Wang Yiyang selects the eyebrow to look to the god of thunder. “这里就是我所在世界中,相对较发达的地方。怎么样?有何感觉?”王一洋挑眉看向雷神。 Shocks very much.” God of thunder nod. „ Such civilization degree, on the street the finding at everywhere lion and sheep peer, the natural law of food chain was renewed by the artificial values distortion. “很震撼。”雷神点头。“这样的文明程度,街上随处可见雄狮和绵羊同行,食物链的自然法则被人为的价值观扭曲重订。 Decided that victory and defeat survival, no longer is pure. ” 决定胜负生存的,不再是纯粹的自身。” His line of sight in street on a middle-aged man who is hugging the child one sweeps. 他视线在街边一个抱着孩子的中年男人身上一扫而过。 If no one pointed out, no one thinks, this person can be the powerhouse of god level. Although his sensation is restraining with every effort, but does not have to cover up like Sun.” “如果没人指出,没有谁会想到,这个人会是神祗层次的强者。他的感知虽然在尽力收敛,但还是如太阳般无可遮掩。” Wang Yiyang knows god level that he said that least comet levels that finger/refer. 王一洋知道他所说的神祗层次,就是指的最少彗星层。 Because of some smallest and weakest gods, is the comet level strength. 因为最弱小的一些神祗,就是彗星层实力。 „Very normal.” He said with a smile, that was because, here, the small and weak god strength, was not different from the average person.” “很正常。”他笑道,“那是因为,在这里,弱小神祗的实力,就和普通人没什么两样。” The god of thunder shakes slightly, the look changes countenance, suddenly unexpectedly what words could not say. 雷神微微一震,神色动容,一时间竟然什么话也说不出。 He has thought the world of this good friend, 他有想过这个好友的世界, The level will be high, has not actually thought high to this degree. 层次会高,却没想到会高到这个程度。 Wang Yiyang has not actually paid attention to him is anything feels, but is in the eye pupil flashes through a news data. 王一洋却没注意他是什么感受,而是眼瞳中闪过一片讯息数据。 Quick he smiles. 很快他微笑起来。 In the surface the line of sight seems to be looking at the scenery of out of the window, but in fact, his attention has actually fallen on other place. 表面上视线似乎在看窗外的风景,但实际上,他的注意力却已经落在了另外的地方。 Because, real inscription rubs from day demon sect Benbu, will draw near finally. 因为,来自天魔宗本部的真铭摩将,终于快到了。 No, should arrive. 不,应该是已经到了。 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ The centaur star defense network, is the huge defensive system of proliferating the entire galaxy. 半人马星防御网,是一片遍布整个恒星系的庞大防御体系。 And contains the three war stars of trial level lethality, the star level weapons of 50 space city specifications. 其中包含审判级杀伤力的三颗战星,五十座空间城规格的恒星层武器。 But the lethality and specification, only represent the might that these weapons are biggest to play. 但杀伤力和规格,只代表这些武器最大能发挥出的威力。 Really must to corresponding the powerhouse of rank plays the role, must have the same rank former to control is good. 真要对对应级别的强者发挥作用,必须要有同级别前者操控才行。 When the feeling opens, even aims is also very difficult to achieve. 不然时感开启,连瞄准也很难做到。 Huge defensive system, just like rivers. 巨大的防御体系,宛如河流。 And the translucent silver sand of flowing, flies to flow in the galaxy centered on centaur star slowly. 其中流动的半透明银沙,缓缓在以半人马星为核心的恒星系中飞行流淌。 The external spaceship fleet, such as the school of fish, delimits to make a debut unceasingly a blue line, anchors in Singapore and Hong Kong stopover station beyond the defensive system. 外来的飞船舰队,如鱼群般,不断划出道道蓝线,停靠进防御体系外的星港中转站中。 Similarly also has the spaceship fleet of troop, diverges is departing in four sides each direction up and down. 同样也有大群的飞船舰队,发散着朝四面上下各个方向离去。 Every day here will receive various ten million of star cluster guests. 每天这里都会接待数以千万计的各星群来客。 Similarly every day will have tens of millions outside tourists to leave here. 同样每天也会有数千万的外地游客离开这里。 Here after all is the political center of entire Sagittarius, the right center. 这里毕竟是整个人马座的政治中心,权利中心。 Three main stars including centaur star, the surroundings densely and numerously all are guard the fleet naval port and defensive defense circle. 包括半人马星在内的三颗主星,周围密密麻麻全是驻守舰队军港和防守防御圈。 At this time, mixes in going to a group of spaceships of centaur star. 此时,混合在前往半人马星的大群飞船中。 A black spaceship of triangle, is launching the four wings, sprays the dark blue ion beam, toward a relay Singapore and Hong Kong accelerates to fly. 一艘三角形的黑色飞船,正展开四翼,喷射出深蓝离子束,朝其中一座中转星港加速飞去。 In spaceship. 飞船内。 Among tourists who rows of come the sightseeing trip. 一排排前来观光旅游的游客之间。 A gray short hair, the stature strong young fellow, is backing on the seat, the lower back is stiff, looks at giant Singapore and Hong Kong that outside is approaching unceasingly. 一名灰色短发,身材健硕的男青年,正背靠座椅,腰背挺直,望着外面不断靠近的巨大星港。 Huge Singapore and Hong Kong just like a giant starfish, six corners is passing in and out the magnanimous spaceship unceasingly. 庞大的星港宛如一只巨型海星,六个边角都不断进出着海量飞船。 „Is this centaur star? Really good .... Male to praise sighed. “这就是半人马星么?真好....”男子赞叹道。 Yes, here everywhere is the fragrant aura. I somewhat was impatient, Sir.” “是啊,这里到处都是芬芳的气息。我都有些迫不及待了,大人。” Sits in a male behind black long straight women's supple sound said. In the attractive eyes surges faintly is being cruel and tyrannical. 坐在男子身后的一个黑长直女子柔声道。漂亮的双眼里隐隐涌动着残忍和暴虐。 Do not be anxious. Here is the influence branch of foreign country, the powerhouse of accumulation may be not infrequent after all. “不要急。这里毕竟是外域的一处势力分部,聚集的强者可不在少数。 Fellow who I am stronger, perhaps also has. ” The men urged. 比我强的家伙,说不定也是有的。”男子叮嘱道。 I understand, feed I will pay attention is not discovered.” The females smile to say. “我明白的,进食时我会注意不被人发现。”女子微笑道。 So long as actually eats food our hostile goals, should some people not care.” The youth supplemented the sentence. “其实只要进食我们的敌对目标,应该就不会有人在乎。”青年补充了句。 Immediately arranges spreads the tiny laughter sound. As if the attitude feeling to youth these words was quite happy. 顿时前后排都传出细小的嬉笑声。似乎对青年这句话的态度感觉相当高兴。 In this spaceship, these seemed like very ordinary tourist travel member, shows a similar facial expression in this moment faintly. 这个飞船内,这些原本看起来很平凡的游客旅行团员,在这一刻都隐隐露出一丝相似的神情。 The spaceship is quickly same as other spaceships, starts to line up to wait to enter Singapore and Hong Kong. 飞船很快和其他飞船一样,开始排队等候进入星港。 The captain was in an age 80 many full beard old men, at this time is hugging own beautiful assistant, sat in the master control position, waited for the routine vectoring procedure. 船长是个年纪上了八十多的大胡子老头,此时正搂着自己的美艳助手,坐在主控位上,等待例行的引导程序。 Sagittarius capital galaxy, welcome your arrival. The signal docking starts ..... to provide in Singapore and Hong Kong guidance serial number.’ ‘人马座首都星系,欢迎您的到来。信号对接开始.....发放星港引导序号中。’ The broadcast in spaceship spreads the notification of Singapore and Hong Kong. 飞船内的广播传出星港的通报。 Comes each time is such.” Captain senseless yawning of. “每次来都是这么一句。”船长无趣的打了个呵欠。 He is hugging before the female assistant is sets sail, with him trades, so long as leads her to arrive at the centaur star, takes office zero hour labor that he enjoys. 他搂着的女助手是开船前,和他交易,只要带她到半人马星,就任他享用的零时工。 At this time sees the own long-awaited constellation main star, the female assistant whole person spirit came. 此时看到自己梦寐以求的星座主星,女助手整个人精神都来了。 The senior captain was also commonly seen. 老船长也司空见惯了。 Like the female assistant, the strength is mean, thinks that the main star can run into the person who more opportunities rise, he sees were too many. 像女助手这样,实力低微,以为到了主星就能遇到更多机会崛起的人,他见的实在太多了。 Every month can meet several times such person, the truth said, this time female student quality truly excellent, he is disinclined to pay attention. 每个月都能遇到几次这样的人,实话说,要不是这次的女生质量确实上乘,他都懒得理会。 Homing sequence starts .... Please close the engine, stops the high efficiency signal generating device.’ ‘引导序列开始....请关闭引擎,停止大功率信号发生器。’ Please show the spaceship to pass through the permission.’ ‘请出示飞船通行许可。’ Will soon start to conduct the security check, please maintains sit on the seat, do not move at will.’ ‘即将开始进行安全检查,请保持坐在座椅上,不要随意移动。’ In the broadcast spreads the reminder item of Singapore and Hong Kong unceasingly. 广播内不断传出星港的提醒事项。 The senior captain has become accustomed. 老船长早就习以为常了。 What he opens is the round-trip transports the old ship of tourist, necessary procedure/program that these come each time. 他开的是往返运送游客的老船,这些都是每次过来的必要程序。 As for security check. 至于安全检查。 On this time his ship, except that outside by female assistant the illegal resident of nominal belt/bring, other are also the touring parties that several same places travel. 这次他船上,除开以女助手的名义带的一个黑户外,其余也就是几支一起来旅游的旅行团。 The material is the ordinary tourist, no issue. 资料都是普通游客,也没什么问题。 Quick, spaceship to security check light gate place. 很快,飞船到了安全检查光门处。 Singapore and Hong Kong is close, the security check is an enormous circle light gate, the diameter is several tens of thousands kilometers. 星港近在咫尺,安全检查就是一座极大的圆型光门,直径达数万公里。 At most, can disposable inspect several hundred various spaceships simultaneously. 最多的时候,可以一次性同时检查数百艘各类飞船。 The spaceship drives into the light gate slowly, an cuns (2.5 cm) start was scanned unceasingly. 飞船缓缓驶入光门,一寸寸的开始被不断扫描。 Suddenly after scanning the spaceship , when half, the entire spaceship trembles suddenly. 忽然扫描到飞船后半截时,整个飞船忽然一颤。 Honk!!’ ‘嘟!!’ The grating alarm sound resounds suddenly. 刺耳的警报声骤然响起。 The senior captain because of working hard excessively plans to sit in repose with eyes closed well, suddenly was frightened to jump almost from the seat by the sharp alarm sound. 老船长正因为操劳过度而打算好好闭目养神,忽然被尖锐的警报声吓得差点从座位上跳起来。 What's the matter!?” He is astonished, was the misinformation!?” “怎么回事!?”他一脸愕然,“是不是误报了!?” Nearby female assistant also follows a face to compel ignorant. 一旁的女助手也跟着一脸懵逼。 She cannot pay the passage ticket, therefore changes a way to hurry along? Even if were inspected, is still insufficient such big sound? 她不就是付不起船票,所以换个方式赶路么?就算被检查出来了,也不至于这么大动静吧? Has not waited for her to respond. 没等她反应过来。 Behind the spaceship spreads a loud sound loudly. 飞船后方轰然传出一声巨响。 In outer space. 太空中。 When this spaceship through the security check of light gate, the region of latter half carrying/sustaining passenger, loudly explosion. 这艘飞船在通过光门的安全检查时,后半截承载乘客的区域,轰然爆炸。 The huge explosion lights one group of scarlet fireballs, the shock-wave all around other spaceships will push to push forcefully the same place, mutual collision. 巨大的爆炸点燃成一团赤红火球,冲击波将四周的其他飞船强行推得挤到一起,相互碰撞。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz!! 嗖嗖嗖嗖!! Garrisons in Singapore and Hong Kong catches up rapidly, in the fireball of explosion, suddenly flies to project the dense and numerous gray flowing light, explodes toward four sides shoots. 就在星港驻军急速赶过来时,爆炸的火球中,骤然飞射出密密麻麻一道道灰色流光,朝四面爆射。 !! 嗷!! The flowing light crashes to the extension platform near Singapore and Hong Kong in together, immediately condenses, appears a first several hundred meters giant gray monster. 一道流光坠落到星港附近的外延平台上,顿时凝聚,浮现出一头数百米巨大的灰色怪物。 This monster contour seems like the tyrannosaurus, the body has the dense and numerous a lot of black bat wing, some greatly some are small, some abnormal some are complete, some even are only one. 这怪物外形像是霸王龙,身上有着密密麻麻大量黑色蝠翼,有的大有的小,有的畸形有的完整,有的甚至只有一只。 It face upwards to angrily roar, the whole body is sending out the black smoke of unclear meaning. 它仰天怒吼,浑身散发着不详意味的黑烟。 In nearby several hundred meters, all by the comet level that below he gazes, shouts rapidly, the whole body exudes the abscess, the eyes flood red, loses the reason. 附近数百米内,所有被他注视到的彗星层以下,都迅速嘶吼起来,浑身泛起脓疮,双眼泛红,丧失理智。 In an instant the surroundings big piece close to the garrison that preparing to encircle, falls into the civil strife rapidly. 刹那间周围大片靠近准备围剿的驻军,迅速陷入内乱中。 But here after all is the place of entire constellation most core. 但这里毕竟是整个星座最核心的地方。 Some quick then dense and numerous big laminar flow light fly to shoot, throws toward these monsters. 很快便有密密麻麻大片流光飞射而起,朝着这些怪物扑去。 Each flowing light is above a comet level machine armor master. 每一道流光便是一位彗星层以上的机甲师。 They drive machine armor, first responded, plunged the monster. 他们驾驶机甲,第一时间反应过来,扑向怪物。 both sides slaughter to one. 双方厮杀到一块。 No one notices. 只是没有人注意到。 In that spaceship of initial explosion, after all monsters disperse, but, there is together an extremely covert transparent fine lace, flies rapidly toward the centaur star. 最初爆炸的那艘飞船内,在所有怪物飞散而出之后,又有一道极其隐蔽的透明细线,朝着半人马星急速飞去。 The fine lace several jump, vanishes in the outer space, is unable to ponder over. When appears again, then only has several tens of thousands kilometers position from the centaur star. 细线几下跳跃,消失在太空中,无法琢磨。再度出现时,便已经是距离半人马星只有数万公里的位置。 In fine lace, if some people can enlarge several thousand times of examinations carefully. 细线中,若是有人能仔细放大数千倍查看。 Then can on sending the gray fine lace of silk size, sees distortion fierce faces. 便能在发丝般大小的灰色细线上,看到一张张扭曲狰狞的面孔。 Million distortion faces, composed a fine lace of such average person hair length together. 数以百万的扭曲面孔,共同组成了这么一根普通人头发长短的细线。 The gray fine lace jumps rapidly, vanishes again. 灰色细线急速跳跃,再度消失。 Appears for the second time , it has floated to sit before the Wang Yiyang body that in the tea hall calmly judges tea. 第二次出现时,它已经漂浮到了坐在茶厅里静静品茶的王一洋身前。 The Wang Yiyang smile puts out a hand, spreads out the palm, whatever the gray fine lace falls gently in own palm. 王一洋微笑伸手,摊开掌心,任由灰色细线飘落在自己手心。 He gazes at fine lace several seconds, in the eye the innumerable luminous spots dodge pass, immediately puts gently. 他注视细线数秒,眼中无数光点一闪即逝,随即轻轻一放。 The gray fine lace curl, is fluttering with the wind, departs the tea hall, flies toward the distant place sky. 灰色细线卷曲着,随风飘动,飞出茶厅,朝着远处天空飞去。 It crosses the big piece building, shuttles back and forth across massive flights in the in the air flight vehicle speeding car. 它越过大片楼宇,穿过大量飞行穿梭在空中的飞行器飞车。 Finally falls gently, in snort/hum the song is opening on the tattoo youth shoulder of flight vehicle. 最终轻轻落在一个哼着歌开飞行器的纹身青年肩上。 The youth are lowering the head to adjust the reception broadcasting station in speeding car, suddenly the pair of eyes red light flashes, sets out. 青年正低头调着飞车里的收音电台,忽然双眼红光一闪,直起身来。 A speeding car extreme turn tone that he drives, flies rapidly from the sky in another direction. 他驾驶的飞车一个急转弯调头,急速朝着另一个方向从天空飞去。
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