MI :: Volume #4

#372: Undercurrent two

Newest website: Before Wang Yiyang, leads old god to go out. 最新网址:王一洋之前也是这么带旧神伊芙出去的。 He had discovered, since comes out after the perfect tower, his body sensation, and even the consciousness, three Yuan had some strange change. 他早就发现,自从从完美之塔出来后,他的身体感知,乃至意识,三元都发生了某种奇异的变化。 He seems to be walking on the brand-new evolution path. 他似乎正走在全新的进化道路上。 Also is the perfect tower that matter also not perfect new evolution direction. 也就是完美之塔那层还未完善的新的进化方向。 After all, perfect that he thinks, is not perfect that the perfect tower thinks. 毕竟,他所认为的完美,并非完美之塔所认为的完美。 Therefore his within the body presented the motive power. 所以他体内出现了原力。 Therefore his core consciousness, turned into that huge worm ugly shape. 所以他的核心意识,变成了那种巨大蠕虫般的丑陋形态。 This seems perfect that the perfect tower recognizes. 这似乎就是完美之塔认定的完美。 Thinks of here, Wang Yiyang spoke frankly asked the question about perfect tower toward Thunder God. 想到这里,王一洋直言不讳的朝雷神问了关于完美之塔的问题。 Perfect tower? You found this to have the construction in legend unexpectedly. Legend that breeds all tall tower!” The god of thunder opens the eye. “完美之塔?你居然找到了这座存在于传说中的建筑。传说那可是孕育一切的高塔!”雷神睁大眼睛。 What's wrong? Difficult to be inadequate you not to see?” Wang Yiyang is surprised the different way. “怎么?难不成你们都没看到过?”王一洋诧异道。 Fourth, fifth, is order various God occupies, sixth was the institute of once old god seal. 第四层,第五层,都是秩序诸神所占据,第六层是曾经的旧神封印之所。 Seventh. Then was he found the place of perfect tower. 第七层。便是他找到完美之塔的地方。 Then big tall tower, the flaw garden, is placed there, hadn't they found unexpectedly? 那么大的高塔,还有缺陷花园,都摆在那里,他们居然没找到过? Seventh... you can enter to that deep place unexpectedly .... Thunder God sighed. “第七层...你居然能进到那么深的地方....”雷神感叹。 He shakes the head saying: „ I penetrated seventh. There darkness, I treated for several minutes, then the whole body supernatural power dries up, is incapable of being able to support, can only return. 他摇头道:“我曾经深入去过第七层。那里一片漆黑,我只是待了几分钟,便浑身神力枯竭,无力支撑下去,只能回返。 There black fog black smoke, has the enormous lethality to any living creature. How do you support? ” 那里的黑雾黑烟,对任何活物都有极大的杀伤力。你是怎么支持下去的?” Wang Yiyang this has not hidden. 王一洋这点也没隐藏。 I have the guard divine tool that in the family/home the elder donates.” In order to the god of thunder understood, he changes into divine tool word the magic weapon. “我有家中长辈赠予的护身神器。”为了方便雷神理解,他把法宝换成神器这个词。 Guard divine tool? Even Lord God is unable to stay for a long time there, your guard divine tool might .... God of thunder exclaims in surprise to vibrate. “护身神器?就算是主神也无法在那里久留,你这个护身神器威力....”雷神惊叹震动。 „Very high, should also want high compared with Lord God first-level.” Wang Yiyang confident nod. “是很高,比主神应该还要高一级。”王一洋坦然点头。 The god of thunder the heart is terrified immediately, he has had no evil intention with the Wang Yiyang contact fortunately. 雷神顿时心头悚然,还好他一直和王一洋交往没什么歹心。 Otherwise .... He remembers war-god Ares who before and Wang Yiyang had the conflict suddenly. 否则....他忽然想起之前和王一洋起冲突的战神阿瑞斯。 The fellow temple was evacuated one. 那家伙自己神殿都被搬空了一座。 A while ago the air/Qi resulted in the whole body to tremble. 前段时间气得浑身发抖。 If by him is known behind Wang Yiyang is also standing a big shot who exceeds the Lord God level. 要是被他知道王一洋背后还站着一个超越主神层次的大佬。 That picture ..... 那画面..... The god of thunder heart a little anticipated to see this scene suddenly. 雷神心头忽然有点期待看到这个场景了。 Whether to make me experience the guard divine tool?” The god of thunder somewhat asked curiously. “可否让我见识一下护身神器?”雷神有些好奇问。 ....... The Wang Yiyang complexion changes, in the special reason, out of the wicked interest of guardian elder, this divine tool does not take to see the person very much conveniently.” “.......”王一洋面色微变,“处于特殊原因,出于家长长辈的恶趣味,这个神器不是很方便拿出来见人。” He replied reluctantly. 他无奈回答。 Even his semblance is long charmingly again clearly, again attractive, puts on that magic weapon armor to look directly, is a little ashamed is too big. 就算他外表长得再清纯,再妩媚漂亮,直接穿上那身法宝铠甲给人看,还是有点羞耻度太大。 Cannot bear. 受不了。 Good .... God of thunder, although is somewhat disappointed, but looks at the complexion of good friend, obviously has the inside story, does not demand. “好吧....”雷神虽然有些失望,但看好友的脸色,明显有内幕,也就不强求。 Walks, leading you to have a look, to try.” Wang Yiyang shift topic. “走吧,带你出去看看,试一试。”王一洋转移话题。 Also good. I since have become the god, has not gone to the third above real world.” “也好。我自成神以来,还从来没去过第三层以上的真实世界。” Nod that Wang Yiyang understands. 王一洋理解的点头。 Regarding each existence, that he is, is the basis of its life, is its existence world hometown. 对于每一层的存在来说,他所在的那一层,就是其生活的根本,是其存在的世界家乡。 But other real worlds, any to them is a foreign land. 而其他的真实世界,任何一层对他们而言都是异域。 That feeling, explores other real worlds to be the same with him. 那种感觉,就和他探索其他真实世界一样。 He stands up, looks to the god of thunder. 他站起身,看向雷神。 Restraining aura as far as possible, supernatural power wait/etc. all traces.” “尽可能的收敛气息,神力等等所有痕迹。” Good.” The god of thunder shows a faint smile, the whole body blue color electric light flashes, his whole person changes into a woof Yetai dark blue electric current instantaneously. “好。”雷神微微一笑,浑身蓝色电光一闪,他整个人瞬间化为一汪液态的深蓝色电流。 The electric current reduces rapidly, condenses a fine dark blue bracelet, appears in the Wang Yiyang wrist/skill. 电流飞速缩小,凝聚成一个精致深蓝手镯,出现在王一洋手腕上。 This is the smallest shape that I can restrain.” The sound of god of thunder passes to the Wang Yiyang ear from the bracelet. “这是我能收敛的最小形态。”雷神的声音从手镯传到王一洋耳中。 Very good, such convenience were many.” Wang Yiyang satisfaction nods, launches the sensation, lives in bracelet complete coverage. “很好,这样方便多了。”王一洋满意点头,展开感知,将手镯完全覆盖住。 Walks.” “走。” His Yuan god moves, the whole person changes into a white escaping light immediately, departs from the castle window, speeds away to go toward the above sky. 他元神一动,整个人顿时化为一道白色遁光,从城堡窗口飞出,朝着上方天空疾驰而去。 Has not departed far, Wang Yiyang condenses the sensation, locates fiercely to/clashes. 没飞出多远,王一洋凝聚感知,猛地定位一冲。 In an instant, he white escaping light flashes past in the sky, rapid invisible, vanishes. 刹那间,他所化的白色遁光在天空中一闪而过,迅速隐形,消失。 Entered other sensation level. 进入了另外的感知层面。 The universe has infinity. 宇宙有无穷大。 Like a giant incomparable fruit cake. 就像一个巨大无比的水果蛋糕。 Sensation different lifeform, seen feeling universe, merely is only very small part. 感知不同的生物们,看到的感觉到的宇宙,仅仅只是其中的很小一部分。 Some can only see the fruit on cake, some can only see the white cream. 有的只能看到蛋糕上的水果,有的只能看到白色的奶油。 Some can only see the light yellow cheese. 有的则只能看到淡黄的芝士。 Each lifeform, so long as is not perfect, and universe equally is powerful the comprehensive lifeform. 每种生物,只要不是完美到,和宇宙一样强大全面的生物。 Then he can see universe that can the sensation arrive, is incomplete. 那么他能看到的,能感知到的宇宙,都是不完整的。 Wang Yiyang then understands this theory very much early. 王一洋很早便明白这个理论。 He somewhat is suddenly clear, the perfect tower creates a layer upon layer lifeform, pursues to result in the goal. 他忽然有些明白,完美之塔创造一层层生物,所追求得目标了。 Perhaps is evolves one type, perfect enough observation sensation to entire universe each level, perfect lifeform. 或许是进化出一种,完美的足够观察感知到整个宇宙每一层次,的完美生物。 Therefore his consciousness core, turned greatly is covered with the worms of innumerable compound eye. 所以他的意识核心,变成了巨大的长满无数复眼的蠕虫。 These innumerable compound eyes, each, is representing an observation sensation of different level. 那些无数的复眼,每一只,都代表着一种不同层次的观察感知。 He wraps the god of thunder, the body is changing into the white escaping light, is shuttling back and forth a real world layer upon layer. 他包裹着雷神,身体化为白色遁光,穿梭着一层层的真实世界。 Like leads the way in a light shadow channel of riot of color. 就像在一条彩色缤纷的光影通道中前行。 All around all, are the sceneries of different real world. 四周的一切,都是不同真实世界的风景。 The channel of quick, riot of color arrived at the end eventually. 很快,彩色缤纷的通道终究到了尽头。 The Wang Yiyang escaping light stops. 王一洋遁光一停。 When appears again, already in hotel room that returned to him to set. 再度出现时,已经回到了他定下的酒店房间内。 The warm faint yellow room, arranging the style is the family warm wind. 温暖的淡黄色房间,布置风格是家庭温馨风。 The Wang Yiyang body condenses, falls stands firm on the white rug. 王一洋身体凝聚而出,落在白色地毯上站定。 He waves gently, the blue bracelet in wrist/skill, departs immediately automatically, falls on the ground, changes into one compared with he slightly high dignified man. 他轻轻一挥手,手腕上的蓝色手镯,顿时自动飞出,落在地上,化为一个比他略高的威严男子。 Male lives the black corner/horn, the whole body electric arc glitters unceasingly. The huge splendor moon/month level sensation starts cautiously disperses the expansion toward all around. 男子头生黑角,浑身电弧不断闪烁。庞大的辉月层感知开始小心翼翼的朝四周发散扩大。 „Is this world that you are at?” God of thunder curious is sizing up all around. “这就是你所在的世界么?”雷神好奇的打量着四周。 Really is marvelous.” “真是奇妙。” He from here space, felt completely. 他从这里的空间中,感觉到了完整。 One type is more perfect than fifth, complete, stable feeling. 一种比第五层更加完善,完整,稳固的感觉。 Walks, I lead you to have a look.” “走吧,我带你出去看看。” The solution progress of Wang Yiyang status duty is good, his is also happy. 王一洋身份任务的解决进度不错,连带着他的心情也不错。 Had the god of thunder to have the room. 带着雷神出了房间。 Outside is the hotel winding corridor, the servers of some white formal clothes are pacing up and down, often the guest for each room serves. 外面是酒店回廊,一些白色礼服的服务生在来回走动,不时为各个房间的客人服务。 When the god of thunder sees some modernized the technical facilities, felt that like the country bumpkin who has not seen the world, various types stop to observe curiously. 雷神看到一些现代化的科技设施时,感觉就像没见过世面的乡巴佬,各种好奇驻足观察。 Wang Yiyang thinks little. Accompanies the person time, where examined under real inscription rubs while convenient that side. 王一洋不以为意。陪人的时候,顺便查看了下真铭摩将那边到了什么地方。 His present morals immortal sect, the day demon sect, the group star, three have the respective secret pass on message way. 他如今道德仙宗,天魔宗,群星,三处都有各自的隐秘传讯方式。 The key is these three types also has no way to mix a body. 关键是这三种还没法混合一体。 When inspects the news, slightly will be more tedious. 所以在检视消息的时候,就会稍微繁琐一些。 What not as he expected is, real inscription rubs the speed will be quite astonishing. 出乎他预料的是,真铭摩将的速度相当惊人。 He from succumbing to star, under the cover of Meister, camouflages the status, is flying rapidly toward centaur star. 他早就从沉湎之星出发,在米斯特的掩护下,伪装身份,正急速朝着半人马星这边飞来。 About after a half hour, can arrive. 大约半小时后,就能抵达。 When closure communication law, Wang Yiyang has sat to the window of hotel restaurant near. 等到关闭通讯法阵,王一洋已经坐到酒店餐厅的落地窗边了。 Is looking at the outside golden desert attractive scenery, his mood is joyful. 望着外面金色沙漠的漂亮景色,他心情愉悦轻松。 Sagittarius is also good, other anything is also good, making me have a look, you can for this Vargas, endure patiently what degree.” “人马座也好,其他什么也好,让我看看,你们能为这个瓦格斯,忍耐到什么程度吧。” Smiles slightly, he in the milk toward oneself cup added a sugar lump, gently stirring. 微微笑了笑,他往自己杯子里的牛奶加了块方糖,轻轻搅拌。 Opposite god of thunder still comprised of what ingredient in face dedicated research here food. 对面的雷神还在一脸专注的研究这里的食物由什么成分组成。 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... In pure white palace. 纯白的宫殿内。 Waroux many makes the servant wear the coat to oneself slowly, the cloak, the ear ornament, the volume decoration. 瓦鲁多慢慢让仆人给自己穿上外衣,披风,耳饰,额饰。 Then reorganizes the hair, wears the leather boots. 然后整理头发,穿上皮靴。 Out of the door has the maidservant who this time accompanies, prepared to wash the tool. The preparation washes for him combs, to immediately start the second area plays in the finals to prepare. 门外有这次随行来的侍女,准备好了洗漱工具。准备为他洗漱梳理,为马上开始的第二区决赛做准备。 It seems like you prepare well.” “看来你准备得不错。” A sharp sound conveys from corner. 一个尖利的声音从墙角处传来。 What speech is a whole body wraps the golden mask person in white cape. 说话的是一个浑身包裹在白色斗篷里的黄金面具人。 He as if stands there from the beginning, but before that moment of making noise, no one notices him to exist. 他似乎一开始就站在那里,但直到出声的那一刻前,都没人注意到他存在。 Waroux many eye pupils shrink slightly. 瓦鲁多眼瞳微微一缩。 Teacher, did you come?” “老师,您来了?” Taught regarding this he five years of teacher, he has had the respectable and vigilant mixed contradictory psychology. 对于这个教导了他五年的老师,他一直抱有尊敬和警惕交杂的矛盾心理。 This mysterious teacher never unties the mask, disclosed own true colors. 这个神秘老师从不解开面具,透露自己真面目。 But strength, Waroux many only knows that the opposite party is very strong. Own guard long before the opposite party, cannot pass through one round, is defeated. 而实力方面,瓦鲁多只知道对方很强。自己的护卫长在对方面前,没能走过一个回合,就败下阵来。 But after guard long clothing machine armor, can be 17 levels of levels, that is close to the splendor moon/month infinitely the powerful strength. 而护卫长穿戴机甲后,可以达到十七级的层次,那是无限接近辉月的强大实力。 Another point, what making Waroux many this star prince to be extremely vigilant, the back of this teacher, obviously has a quite huge influence on support very much. 另外还有一点,让瓦鲁多这个星球王子极其警惕的是,这个导师的背后,很明显有着一个相当庞大的势力在支持。 Teacher, all players of finals, I have observed one. And pointed according to your instruction, gave corresponding processing. “老师,决赛的所有选手,我都观察过一遍了。并且针对性的按照您的吩咐,给出了对应处理。 And three actions were defeated. ” 其中有三次行动失败了。” „Very normal.” The mask person tranquil say/way, can reach this level situation, no one is lucky, the back definitely has certain influence on escort.” “很正常。”面具人平静道,“能够走到这个层次地步的,没有人是侥幸,背后绝对都有一定势力保驾护航。” Then I send people to aim at the action, to offend the influences of some people?” Waroux knits the brows. “那么我派人针对行动,岂不是会得罪这部分人的势力?”瓦鲁多皱眉。 All right, is the aggregates of some small amounts of space occupied, collapses at the first blow. “没事,都是些小体量的集合体,不堪一击。 Goal that you send people to probe, but for gets to the bottom for the master. 你派人试探的目的,只是为为师这边摸清底细。 Real beginning, I will arrange. ” 真正的动手,我会安排。” Mask person sharp smiles. 面具人尖利的笑起来。 You .... Begins personally?” Waroux many are startled slightly. “您....亲自动手?”瓦鲁多微微一怔。 No, I will report, will have powerhouse, processes here. “不,我会申报上去,会有更强者,下来处理这里。 This finals, the quota of Sagittarius, certainly is our. ” Mask person calm say/way. 这次决赛,人马座的名额,一定是我们的。”面具人淡定道。 Yes.” Waroux many hearts one tight, knows that this level, the teacher following strength, must make a move finally truly. “是。”瓦鲁多心头一紧,知道到了这个层次,导师后面的力量,终于要真正出手了。 It seems like, this Vargas competition, does not seem like the pure intelligence competition competition is so simple, has deeply a more vital significance absolutely. 看起来,这个瓦格斯大赛,似乎不是单纯的智力比拼竞赛这么简单,绝对还有着更深更重要的意义。 It seems like notices Waroux's many anxieties. The mask person voice is temperate, comforting said. 似乎是注意到瓦鲁多的不安。面具人声音温和下来,安抚道。 These you do not need to manage, so long as you win the competition full power are. Remembers that possibly tells me to the player who you pose the threat, we will process.” “这些你不用管,你只要全力拿下比赛就是。记得把可能对你造成威胁的选手告诉我,我们会处理。” Is a teacher.” Waroux lowering the head respectful say/way. “是老师。”瓦鲁多低下头恭敬道。 He recalled suddenly before , that two brother and sister who see. 他忽然回想起之前看到的那两个兄妹。 The later action cannot process them unexpectedly, but killed several bodyguards. 之后的行动居然没能处理掉他们,只是撞死了几个保镖。 On that two brother and sister, obviously has with his similar special characteristics. Perhaps later can be a powerful enemy. 那两兄妹身上,明显有着和他类似的特质。或许以后会是强敌。 Is good because of him is the second area, the two are the first area, after each area quota comes out, finally conducts the showdown. 好在他是第二区,那两人是第一区,每个区一个名额决出后,最后再进行对决。 Therefore temporarily does not need to be worried. 所以暂时不用担心。
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