MI :: Volume #4

#371: Undercurrent one

Newest website: When hearing to start to send out the signal the flash, is the competition formally starts. Asked fellow players to pay attention.” 最新网址:“在听到开始器发出信号的一瞬间,就是比赛正式开始时。请各位选手注意。” The host is the high ponytail long skirt girl. The right hand lifts up high, is pinching a strange hand signal, as if certain people with scene is making the direction linkage. 主持人是位高马尾长裙女孩。右手高举,捏着一个奇怪的手势,似乎在和现场的某些人做指挥联动。 „The first round, theory limit test.” “第一轮,理论极限测试。” The hand that the host raises changed a posture. 主持人高举的手换了个姿势。 Wang Yue lies down in the virtual reality cabin, close your eyes, to the nerve junction device, is connected including the above the head. 王越躺在虚拟现实舱内,闭上眼,任由神经连接装置,连上自己头部。 On the large screen starts the reappearing big piece dense and numerous test questions immediately. 大屏幕上顿时开始浮现大片密密麻麻的试题。 The innumerable test questions just like the waterfall, brush slowly downward. 无数的试题宛如瀑布,缓缓往下刷动。 The testers must in the test question sea of this movement, be as far as possible quick and accurate, completes enough many test questions. 测试者要在这种移动的试题海中,尽可能快和准确的,完成足够多的试题。 Hears to compete the first request, the audience on the scene expresses the exclamation immediately. 听到竞赛第一项的要求,在场观众顿时纷纷发出惊叹。 Because not only the test question are too densely and numerously many, because span is enormous, contains each different division/discipline. 不只是因为试题密密麻麻太多,还是因为其中的跨度极大,包含各个不同学科。 Although is not the difficulty extremely high type, but a test question stays the time in screen, only has two seconds. 虽然都不是难度极高的类型,但一个试题停留在屏幕里的时间,只有两秒。 In other words, must two seconds answer a topic, can follow to brush the topic speed. 也就是说,必须两秒解答一题,才能跟上刷题速度。 This inspection project a little meaning.” Wang Yiyang sits on the seat, cannot help but remembers the status system data to brush. “这考核项目有点意思。”王一洋坐在座位上,不由得想起自己身份系统的数据刷动。 Both have the wonder of equally good results from different methods. 两者有异曲同工之妙。 Stated differently, writing language classification that his status system data column, brushes, needs he himself to translate. 不同的是,他的身份系统数据栏,刷动的文字语种,也需要他自己翻译。 Moreover the speed is faster than this. 而且速度远比这个快很多。 His line of sight across the big piece auditorium, looks to ticket players a Wang Yue and Huilin between. 他视线穿过大片观众席,看向一票选手之间的王越和慧琳两人。 Both child looks are very tranquil, seem like this test also in their Ability range, therefore is quite confident. 两个孩子神色都很平静,看起来这点测试还在他们能力范围之内,所以颇有信心。 Competition in the virtual reality aridly is relatively more tasteless, waited for more than ten minutes, many audience do not bear, starts to discuss low voice. 虚拟现实内的竞赛相对枯燥乏味许多,等了十多分钟,就有不少观众不耐,开始小声讨论。 Wang Yiyang looked under the situation, it is estimated that at least also a half hours can complete the first test. 王一洋看了下情况,估计至少还有半小时才能完成第一项测试。 Then also brings the snow to pull up the body. 便也带着雪拉起身。 Walks, goes out for a walk.” “走吧,出去走走。” The snow draws perplexed, can only follow. She is not clear, why entered the arena to sit down, looks few minutes to leave. 雪拉不明所以,只能跟上。她不明白,为什么才进场坐下,看了没几分钟就又要离开。 However Wang Yiyang is a master, therefore he decides. 不过王一洋是主人,所以他说了算。 Two people walk along the presence channel outward. 两人沿着出场通道往外走去。 Wang Yiyang comes to here, but to confirm two children is whether safe. 王一洋来这里,只是为了确认两个孩子是否安全。 Does the body have is attempted to pervert. As for other, naturally has other strengths to be responsible. 身上有没有被做手脚。至于其他,自然有其他力量负责。 He sets out at this time suddenly, is because before him a preparation, came the news finally. 他此时突然起身,也是因为他之前的一个准备,终于来消息了。 Regardless of does anything, Wang Yiyang will not forget, status system is own basis. 无论做任何事,王一洋都不会忘记,身份系统才是自己的根本。 Therefore his core attention, has had to be divided part, in the status system duty. 所以他的核心注意力,一直有分一部分,在身份系统的任务上。 This duty, unearths time the kui good bloodlines in within the body. 这一次的任务,是挖掘体内的夔牛血脉。 But the kui cow was known as that wields the thunderous god beast, therefore there is means to be twice the result with half the effort. 而夔牛号称执掌雷鸣的神兽,所以有个办法可以事半功倍。 Wang Yiyang has attempted, unearths the bloodlines by oneself, is truly feasible, but the efficiency is too low, if there is good at corresponding the powerhouse help of system, then the effect will be good more. 王一洋尝试过,靠自己挖掘血脉,确实可行,但效率太低,如果有擅长对应体系的强者帮忙,那么效果会好很多很多。 But such powerhouse, the day demon sect has several, but was inferior that a person is more appropriate. 而这样的强者,天魔宗有几个,但都不如一个人更合适。 That is god of thunder in the real world. 那就是真实世界里的雷神。 In order various God, Thunder God is also extremely strong one, and year to year and thunder has to do, to the familiarity of thunder and lightning, the far ultra average person thinks. 秩序诸神中,雷神也是实力极强的一个,并且常年和雷霆打交道,对雷电的熟悉程度,远超一般人所想。 But in a moment ago, Wang Yiyang in the real world's fourth staying behind magic arts mark, was touched. 而就在刚才,王一洋在真实世界第四层留下的一丝道法印记,被触动了。 He then gave the god of thunder message news before, at this time the magic arts mark was sent out, represents that side the god of thunder to decide to help his. 他之前便给雷神留言讯息了,这时道法印记被出动,就代表雷神那边决定帮他一把。 Therefore he set out hurriedly, bringing the snow to draw in nearby hotel opens two rooms to stay. 所以他才急匆匆起身,带着雪拉在附近的酒店开了两个房间住下。 As for other, real inscription rubs of day demon sect that side, in catching up in journey. 至于其他,天魔宗那边的真铭摩将,已经在赶来的路途中。 Wang Yiyang these years close up, did not ask the human affairs completely, he arranged the strength in secret, nearby succumbing to star, arranged transmission that passed bygone days demon sect Benbu. 王一洋这些年闭关,也不是完全不问世事,他暗中安排自己力量,在沉湎之星附近,布置了一个通往天魔宗本部的传送阵。 That is one stable transmission, the fluctuation is minimum, will not be detected by the powerhouse. 那是一个稳定传送阵,波动极小,不会被强者发觉。 Real inscription rubs is going to come, the best security approach, comes through that stable transmission. 真铭摩将要想过来,最好的安全方式,就是通过那个稳固传送阵过来。 Has not managed other business again. 没再管其他事务。 Wang Yiyang entered the room, then the opening magic weapon armor, is protecting the whole body. 王一洋进了房间,便开启法宝铠甲,护着全身。 Then the sensation condenses, the rapid localization enters the fourth real world. 然后感知凝聚,迅速定位进入第四层真实世界。 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Fourth, myth level. 第四层,神话层。 God of thunder castle. 雷神城堡。 The body of Wang Yiyang condenses rapidly in the castle hall. 王一洋的身体急速在城堡大厅中凝聚出来。 His opposite, sat the god of thunder present, at this time also hurries to set out. 他的对面,原本坐在座的雷神,此时也赶紧起身。 Friend of mine, it seems like you needed me to help. You could rest assured that so long as useful my side, is opening the mouth freely.” “我的朋友,看来你需要我帮忙了。你放心,只要有用的着我的第方,尽管开口。” The god of thunder is quite straightforward, this time he does not have to put on the whole body reflection to be sparking again. 雷神相当豪爽,这次他没再穿得浑身反光闪亮。 The simple magnificent clothing, the blue bottom gold-edged coat, the white trousers, on the neck also wore a golden collar .... 只是简单的华丽服饰,蓝底金边上衣,白色长裤,脖子上还戴了一个黄金项圈.... Can see you happily again, god of thunder.” Wang Yiyang walks to go forward, hugged with it gently under. “很高兴能再见到你,雷神。”王一洋走上前,轻轻和其拥抱了下。 Two people since many years ago after the acquaintance, often all right will sit to the same place chats the exchange, enjoys the good wine good food. 两人自从多年前相识后,时常没事的时候就会坐到一起闲聊交流,享受美酒美食。 So many years, the relations were also quite intimate. 这么多年,关系也相当亲近了。 This time I look for you, really has the matter to be troublesome.” Wang Yiyang is saying with a smile. “这次我找你,是真有事麻烦。”王一洋笑着道。 Said!” The god of thunder does not decline. “说!”雷神毫不推辞。 Wang Yiyang smiles. „ Under this time I want to ask you to help me unearth, my body hidden and thunder and lightning intimate bloodlines. 王一洋笑了笑。“这次我想请你帮我挖掘下,我身体内部隐藏的和雷电亲近的血脉。 This aspect you are an expert, therefore I first think is you. ” 这方面你可是专家,所以我第一时间想到的就是你。” Thunder and lightning bloodlines?” The god of thunder carefully looked at Wang Yiyang, somewhat is truly different, compared with before.” “雷电血脉?”雷神仔细看了看王一洋,“确实有些不同,比起以前。” Immediately he smiled. 随即他笑了起来。 Minor matter, I also think that is you wants to ask me to attend this time god war. Has not thought that is only this minor matter.” “小事,我还以为是你想请我参加这次的神战。没想到只是这点小事。” God war?” Wang Yiyang strange say/way, what god war?” “神战?”王一洋奇道,“什么神战?” Order various Shenmen decides to come out the highest god king. I am indifferent, therefore is the neutrality, recently came many gods to come to try to win over me to launch. Was rejected by me.” “秩序诸神们决定重新决出最高的神王。我是无所谓的,所以是中立,最近来了不少神祗过来试图拉拢我下水。都被我拒绝了。” Thunder God explained several. 雷神解释几句。 Originally fifth of order various God housing , made war truly for some reasons again. 原来秩序诸神真正居住的第五层,因为某些原因,再度开战了。 However makes war does not hit the same place randomly. 不过开战并非乱打一起哦。 various Shenmen decided, conducts the battle showdown of small scale. 诸神们决定,进行小规模的争斗对决。 I also planned to have a look, since you came, first helps you.” “我原本也打算去看看,不过既然你来了,先帮你。” The god of thunder also roughly saw at this time, on hidden good friend Wang Yiyang a bloodlines strength of faint trace thunder and lightning Attribute. 雷神此时也大致看出了,隐藏的好友王一洋身上的一丝丝雷电属性的血脉力量。 Very pure bloodlines, but, how to have felt that on you hidden before?” God of thunder single-handed according to the Wang Yiyang right shoulder. “很纯的血脉,不过,以前怎么没感觉到你身上隐藏的这个?”雷神单手按在王一洋右肩。 The supernatural power flows in unceasingly, inspects the general situation in Wang Yiyang within the body. 神力不断流入,检视王一洋体内的大概情况。 Hears the inquiry, the Wang Yiyang smile said. „Before perhaps is , haven't you focused in this?” 听到询问,王一洋微笑道。“或许是以前你没把注意力放在这上面?” Perhaps.” The god of thunder had not asked again much, everyone a little own small secret. Even their gods are still same. “或许吧。”雷神没再多问,每个人都有点自己的小秘密。就算是他们神祗也一样。 He actuates the supernatural power rapidly, attempts to stimulate that thunder bloodlines of Wang Yiyang within the body unceasingly. 他迅速驱动自己神力,不断尝试激发王一洋体内的那股雷霆血脉。 This strength is extremely powerful, although the total quantity are not many, but the quality of material is extremely pure. 这股力量相当强悍,虽然总量不多,但质地极纯。 The god of thunder is cautious, the control supernatural power, walks randomly in Wang Yiyang within the body, branching out enough slight supernatural power as far as possible, infiltrates Wang Yiyang whole body cell. 雷神小心翼翼,控制神力,在王一洋体内游走,尽量的分出足够细微的神力,去渗透王一洋全身细胞。 Because the bloodlines hide in all cells. 因为血脉就是隐藏在所有细胞内。 Really, this action is quite effective. 果然,这种举动相当有效。 The supernatural power that he branches out, was absorbed unexpectedly by the bloodlines of Wang Yiyang within the body. 他分出的这一丝神力,居然被王一洋体内的血脉吸收掉了。 Sorry.” Wang Yiyang closes eyes to sit on the seat, makes noise slightly. “抱歉。”王一洋闭目坐在座椅上,微微出声。 All right, this supernatural power I have not cared.” God of thunder straightforward saying with a smile. “没事,这点神力我还不在乎。”雷神豪爽的笑道。 His to become God did not know many years, saved supernatural power already such as mountain Ruhai, countless. 他成神不知道多少年了,积攒的神力早已如山如海,不计其数。 Let alone a little supernatural power loses, turns ten times again also no. 别说这么一点神力损失,就是再翻十倍也没什么。 His continuation stands in Wang Yiyang behind, places on the hand his shoulder, injects the supernatural power. 他继续站在王一洋身后,将手放在其肩上,注入神力。 The god of thunder is next to the powerful god of Lord God, although Wang Yiyang has not slaughtered with it. 雷神本身是仅次于主神的强大神祗,王一洋虽然没和其厮杀过。 But he and war-god Ares has fought. 但他和战神阿瑞斯交手过。 These order gods, the main body strength is extremely strong, at least is also in the splendor moon/month level on the level. 这些秩序神祗,本体实力极强,至少也是辉月层中上层次。 Lord God Wang Yiyang also at the banquet of god of thunder, distant experience over several times, should have the star level strength. 主神王一洋也在雷神的宴会上,远远见识过几次,应该有恒星层的实力。 Compared with the taking off armor master, the order god is more like an immortal cultivator. 比起机甲师而言,秩序神祗更像是仙道修行者。 Without the weak area, regardless of the physical body or the sensation consciousness, is extremely strong. 没有短板,无论肉体还是感知意识,都极强。 Non- camera armor master, without machine armor, without miniature machine armor, only remained an eight levels of mortal body. 不像机甲师,一旦没了机甲,没了微型机甲,就只剩一个八级的肉身。 The weakness is extremely obvious. 弱点极明显。 Although after being higher than eight levels, machine armor masters one set of miniature machine armor, maintains the vigilance every at any time. 虽然高于八级后,机甲师们都人手一套微型机甲,随时保持警惕。 But machine armor has the damage time, at this time, the module master can apply. 但机甲是有损坏的时候,这个时候,模块师就能派上用场了。 This is also crowd of stars the reason that the module master attaches great importance to extremely. 这也是群星对模块师极其重视的缘故。 Because of their communities, what decision is the strength of machine armor. 因为他们这个群体,决定的是机甲师的战力。 Has gotten back one's composure, Wang Yiyang continues to coordinate the god of thunder, little tempts the strong within the body kui good bloodlines. 回过神,王一洋继续配合雷神,一点点的引诱壮大体内夔牛血脉。 Has the god of thunder not to count the price, the consumption supernatural power nourishes the bloodlines. 有着雷神不计代价,耗费神力滋养血脉。 The kui good bloodlines of Wang Yiyang within the body just like the air flush simply, secretes the derivation to expand rapidly. 王一洋体内的夔牛血脉简直犹如吹气般,飞速分泌衍生壮大。 After one hour . 一小时后。 God of thunder exhausted stopping hand. 雷神略带疲惫的停下手。 This time was similar, first rests, after your body and consciousness adapted to the bloodlines to change thoroughly, then conducted following. “这次差不多了,先休息一阵,等你的身体和意识彻底适应了血脉变化后,再进行后续。 As the matter stands, was unearthed completely to this bloodlines at that moment, you happen to can control the strength of bloodlines perfectly, does not need to cost the time to polish again slowly. ” 这样一来,到这个血脉完全被挖掘完那一刻,你正好可以完美掌控血脉之力,不用耗费时间再慢慢打磨。” Many thanks!” Wang Yiyang stands up, serious say/way. “多谢!”王一洋站起身,郑重道。 He has realized keeps sober, therefore knows that the god of thunder consumed many supernatural powers in his bloodlines. 他一直意识保持清醒,也因此知道雷神耗费了多少神力在他的血脉里。 The kui good bloodlines truly absorb the supernatural power to be very small from the beginning rarely. 夔牛血脉一开始确实吸收神力很小很少。 The quantity that but as the following cup unearths are getting more and more, god of thunder supernatural power of absorption, starts the promotion of geometrical multiple. 但随着后续杯挖掘出来的数量越来越多,吸收的雷神神力,也开始成几何倍数的提升。 Also the god of thunder looks a weary color no wonder. 也难怪雷神面露一丝疲倦之色。 All right, between you and me was needless to say these. Also this consumed me also to consume.” Thunder God beckons with the hand to say. “没事,你我之间不用说这些。再说这点耗损我还耗得起。”雷神摆手道。 He has not lied. 他没说谎。 The order god general condition, is the supernatural power that the dependence saves magnanimously releases the god technique. 秩序神祗们普遍的状态,就是依靠海量积攒的神力释放神术。 This is their battle efficiency part is their advantages is also. 这本身就是他们战斗力的一部分也是他们的优势所在。 Therefore these supernatural powers he truly can consume. Because of the follower, him will have the supernatural power of continuous regeneration. 所以这些神力他确实耗损得起。因为信徒在,他就会有源源不断再生的神力在。 This loss, quick restored. 这点损耗,很快就恢复了。 However Wang Yiyang keen detection. The overall sensation of god of thunder, dropped 1% appearances slightly. 不过王一洋敏锐的察觉到。雷神的整体感知,略微下降了百分之一的样子。 His heart is somewhat ashamed. The never expected that influence so will be big. 他心头有些惭愧。没想到影响会这么大。 The mentality changes mind thinks, he had a redemptive thought. 思路转念一想,他有了个补偿性的念头。 „Is god of thunder, interested, goes to me to be at the level that to have a look?” “雷神,有没有兴趣,去我所在的层面看看?” Un?” The god of thunder stares, immediately both eyes shine. Can be good?” “嗯?”雷神一愣,随即双目发亮。“能行么?” In a short time should not have the issue, you can follow side me, is wrapped by my sensation. Will not be pulled back.” “短时间内应该没问题,你可以跟在我身边,由我感知包裹住。就不会被拉回来。”
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